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Microsoft word - ongoing research studies 11-2012 .doc

Bridging  the  gap  to  improve  the  quality  and  effectiveness  of  behavioral  healthcare  

Current Studies (2012–2013)
Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Services – Tennessee
Principal Investigator: Doris Vaughan, M.Ed., Centerstone Tennessee - Evaluator: Charles Brown, PhD
Funded by SAMHSA, this project is focused on youth between the ages of 12-17 years old in 13 counties in Tennessee (primarily
African-American and Hispanic/Latino) who are at risk for substance abuse and HIV/AIDS. Using two evidence-based curricula,
Keepin' it REAL
and Be Proud! Be Responsible!, this program aims to reduce the risk of youth developing substance abuse disorders
and contracting HIV and other STDs. In addition, this program will offer rapid HIV testing/counseling to all participants and their
sexual partners. During the course of this program, youth substance use and HIV risk behaviors will be assessed.
Mule Town Family Network: A System of Care for Maury County, TN
Principal Investigator: Susan Steckel, MSSW, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Evaluators: Sarah Suiter, PhD & Kathryn Bowen, PhD
This SAMHSA-funded project is a partnership between the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities,
Centerstone and Tennessee Voices for Children. Its goals are to develop a system of care in Maury County and provide child-centered,
family-focused, culturally competent, high fidelity wraparound to 440 children and youth with serious emotional disturbance. The
evaluation team collaborates with the national evaluation and conducts a local evaluation to assess system development and measure
progress in areas such as child mental health, delinquency, functioning in school and community and family functioning.
K-Town Youth Empowerment: A System of Care for Knox County, TN
Principal Investigator: Susan Steckel, MSSW, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Evaluators: Kathryn Bowen, PhD & Heather Wallace Ph D
This SAMHSA-funded project is a partnership between the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities,
Centerstone and Tennessee Voices for Children. Its goals are to develop a system of care in Knox County and provide child-centered,
family-focused, culturally competent, high fidelity wraparound to 400 children and youth with serious emotional disturbance. The
evaluation team collaborates with the national evaluation and conducts a local evaluation to assess system development and measure
progress in areas such as child mental health, delinquency, functioning in school and community and family functioning.
Incidence of Adverse Health Outcomes in Youth Who Are New Antipsychotic Users
Principal Investigator: Wayne Ray, PhD
This study reviews Centerstone data to measure the incidence of side effects for adolescents who had been prescribed antipsychotics.
Family Cognitive-Behavioral Prevention of Depression
Principal Investigator: Bruce E. Compas, PhD
This study compares the effectiveness of two interventions to prevent the possible negative effects on children of having a parent with
depression. Studies have shown that children of depressed parents are at a higher risk for developing depression than those whose
parents have not experienced depression. Safe and effective treatments that can help prevent children of depressed parents from
becoming depressed are needed. This study compares Family Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Depression Education to
determine which is more effective in preventing depression in the children of depressed parents. Families involved in this 12-week
study receive weekly sessions of either CBT or depression education for 12 weeks. This study is currently recruiting participants. For
more information, go to:

BRIDGES Evaluation
Principal Investigator: Judith A. Cook, PhD
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of the BRIDGES (Building Recovery of Individual Dreams and Goals
through Education and Support) program. BRIDGES is a peer-led education course that works to improve mentally ill individuals'
lives through focusing on recovery skills and integration with the community. Developed by the Tennessee Mental Health Consumers'
Association, Bridges has been replicated in 12 states and provinces in the U.S. and Canada. Through using phone interviews with a
random sample of Bridges participants in Tennessee, this study will find out if BRIDGES affects how people feel, and if it helps them
have more choices when coping with mental health problems. It will also measure if BRIDGES helps people have fewer crises and
more support.

High Dose Risperidone Consta for Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia with Unsatisfactory Response to Standard Dose
Principal Investigator: Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD
This study is looking at two different options for people diagnosed with treatment resistant schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
Participants will be randomized to either the regular dosage of Risperdal Consta (37.5 mg – 50 mg given every two weeks) or a high
dose version (75 mg given every two weeks). This study will see which one is better at improving symptoms of schizophrenia or
schizoaffective disorder for people who are treatment resistant or not fully responsive to regular treatment guidelines. This study is
currently recruiting participants. For more information, go to:
Schizophrenia and Response to Medications: A Look at the Role of Genetics
Principal Investigator: Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD
This study is part of a nationwide project looking at the relationship between genetics and mental health. This particular study hopes to
improve outcomes for patients with schizophrenia through the identification of genetic risk factors. The researchers are looking at
variations in the DNA and RNA of people with schizophrenia to see if there is any link between genetic variations and the person's
response to various medications. People with schizophrenia respond well to different medications – and also have different side
effects. This study will provide some direction on whether genetics determines a person's likelihood to gain weight or to quit having
psychotic episodes on a particular medication.

Substance Abuse Treatment and HIV/AIDs Services – Indiana
Principal Investigator: Linda Grove-Paul, Centerstone Indiana - Evaluator: Tara Kirkpatrick, MA
This SAMHSA-funded grant serves adults with substance use and/or co-occurring disorders (i.e. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia), this
project hopes to reduce substance abuse, reduce mental health symptoms and assist in recovery. Targeting 11 counties in south central
Indiana, this project will use Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (IDDT), a model that includes rapid HIV testing and counseling,
substance abuse counseling, medication education, medication monitoring, counseling with family and friends and peer-driven social
activities (i.e. Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous). The level of drug and alcohol use, risky sexual behavior, criminal
involvement, and mental health symptoms will be measured in order to assess the effectiveness of the project.
Building Strong Families in Rural Tennessee Program
Principal Investigator: Edwina Chappell, PhD & Freida Outlaw, DNSc, RN, FAAN, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and
Developmental Disabilities - Evaluators: Kathryn Bowen, PhD This project is a partnership between the TDMHDD and Centerstone.
Funded by the Administration for Children and Families, this study is evaluating the efficacy of a program providing intensive in-
home services to families residing in eight rural counties in south central Tennessee. Families served either have children at-risk of
state custody because of parent's methamphetamine or other substance use or have children who are being reunified with the family
after state custody. Building Strong Families uses the Homebuilders Model, an evidence-based approach that is designed to help keep
the child safely with their families by removing risk factors and increasing family skills. The Homebuilders Model uses goal-oriented
service planning, life skills training, parenting education, problem solving, motivational interviewing and other tools in order to
strengthen families, prevent relapse and promote recovery. This program is being evaluated to assess whether increasing family
communication and problem solving skills, reducing substance use and decreasing mental health symptoms results in better safety,
permanency and well-being outcomes among children.
Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment and HIV/AIDS Services
Principal Investigator: Matthew Hardy, PsyD, Centerstone Tennessee - Evaluator: Charles Brown, PhD
This SAMHSA-funded project serves adults who have a mental illness and a substance use disorder and are at-risk for HIV/AIDS.
Taking place in nine counties in Tennessee, it uses the Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (IDDT) Model. This is a complex model
of prevention and treatment services that includes rapid HIV testing and counseling, intensive outpatient therapy, medication
education, medication monitoring, counseling with family and friends and peer-driven social activities (i.e. Narcotics Anonymous,
Alcoholics Anonymous). This project will be evaluated to look at its effectiveness in reducing drug and alcohol use, reducing risky
sexual behavior, increasing employment, reducing criminal justice involvement and increasing levels of mental and physical health.
Acculturation of Centerstone Clinicians to Using Client Directed Outcome Informed (CDOI) Instruments: Exploring Client
Reported CDOI Outcomes in Relation to Clinician Perceptions of CDOI
Principal Investigator: Randall Reiserer, PhD; Jennifer Lockman, MS
The purpose of this study is designed to complement the current study, "Practice-Based Evidence Outcomes Pilot Study," by
analyzing clinician perception data in conjunction with the client perception data already collected by the CDOI instrument.
The results of this study have implications for CDOI Training (specifically how to identify and modify beliefs related to the use of
CDOI) and CDOI implementation (what individual and environmental factors could be modified to provide an optimal environment
for use of CDOI?).

Forensic Diversion Program
Principal Investigator: Linda Grove-Paul, MPA, MSW – Evaluator: Tara Kirkpatrick, MA
This study is being conducted by Centerstone under a grant funded by the State of Indiana Division of Addiction and Mental Health to
determine the effectiveness of providing treatment alternatives to chemically dependent offenders with co-occurring mental illnesses
and criminal histories. This project will be evaluated to look at its effectiveness in decreasing recidivism rate, preventing relapse,
improving mental health status, and increasing pro-social activities such as employment, education, and family relations.
Approximately 240 participants will be involved in this research.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network - Follow-up
Principal Investigator: Madelyn S. Gould, PhD, MPH
The purpose of this project is to provide the evaluation needed by the Mental Health Association (MHA) of NYC to assess the
efficacy of the LIFELINE network both before and after they implement changes for improvement in 6 Regional, 6 State and 6 Local
crisis centers that are members of the 1-800-273-TALK network. Using the three different levels of routing patterns by the 1-800-
273-TALK network (i.e, regional, state and local) will allow us to evaluate whether callers' distance from the crisis center might affect
the efficacy of the intervention efforts. Using a pre/post design in the same centers, but with different clients, will allow us to evaluate
whether the changes implemented by the MHA of NYC (e.g. enhanced training procedures) improve the efficacy of the intervention
with callers.
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Research Participant Recruitment
Principal Investigator: Lynette Henderson, PhD
This project serves to provide equitable access for families to the research services available through research studies done by
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) researchers, and to assist those researchers in finding participants who are willing to volunteer for
their studies.
Recovery from Substance Dependence and the Brain
Principal Investigator: Peter R. Finn, PhD
The purpose of this study is to assess whether successful recovery is linked with measures of brain activity while engaging in a
decision task, as well as other factors such as general decision-making, cognitive capacity, mood and personality.

Research and Evaluation of Antipsychotic Treatment in Community Behavioral Health Organizations
Principal Investigator: David W. Ayer, PhD
This study is sponsored by Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC. This study aims to provide local, real-world data to
evaluate and understand current antipsychotic treatment and practice patterns and healthcare utilization in community behavioral
health care organizations by evaluating the usual care of patients undergoing treatment for schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder at
community behavioral health organizations (CBHO). Centerstone is one of 50 CBHOs that will be involved in this multi-site study.
Principal Investigator: Kerry Loy, LCSW
This study is primarily concerned with the impact of life coaching delivered through the C4T program on student outcomes. One of
the goals of C4T is to offer coaching services to every interested student attending one of the targeted schools. Through life coaching,
students are empowered to take control of their lives, better manage stress, take care of themselves, and seek adequate supports
without the stigma typically characteristic of mental health services. There are four components to the C4T program: 1. psycho-
educational groups and assemblies; 2. life coaching; 3. website, email, and Facebook ; and 4. a mental wellness survey.
Centerstone's Career Resource Center (CCRC)
Principal Investigator: Mary Moran, MS – Evaluator: Ajanta Roy, PhD
The Centerstone Research Institute (CRI) has secured a three-year, $5 million grant as part of the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, allowing Centerstone to create the Career Resource Center. Center.Centerstone's Career Resource Center will
offer education opportunities, job training, employment placement assistance and support services for 600 eligible individuals residing
in Maury, Bedford, Coffee, Marshall, or Lawrence Counties. Centerstone in partnership with Local Workforce Investment Area
boards, education institutions, and health care employers will help those unemployed, dislocated and low-wage incumbent workers to
transition to, or advance in careers in the health care industry, specifically the high growth sectors of nursing, allied health, or long-
term care careers. Young Adults, including recent graduates, high school dropouts with a GED, and individuals transitioning from
foster care, will also be eligible. The economic downturn has left these people with limited options and in need of training and
supportive services to ensure future employment. CRI is conducting an evaluation designed to observe the level to which and in what
ways the support and service provided by Centerstone Career Resource Center can be linked with changes in depression and well-
being scores.

Development and Implementation of Data-Driven Clinical Decision Support Mood Disorder Intake Module for Community
Behavioral Healthcare Providers at Centerstone
Principal Investigator: Tom Doub, Ph.D.
This study is designed to evaluate factors associated with implementation of Health Information Technology (IT) in an ambulatory
setting. Dr. Doub and research personnel plan to develop and deliver clinical decision support technology for mood disorder treatment
through an intake module and progress note enhancement within a clinical decision support system (IM-CDSS) layered over the
electronic health record (EHR) at six outpatient clinics in the Centerstone system. The goal is to produce individualized treatment
recommendations derived from the live population, based on each client's characteristics. Instead of relying on aggregate population
based algorithms to make treatment decisions, this "adaptive" clinical decision support will be providing a form of "personalized"

Building Exceptional Wellness (BE Well) Integrated Care Project
Principal Investigator: Bethany Murray, MS – Evaluator: Kathryn Bowen, Ph.D.
This evaluation is being conducted by Centerstone Research Institute under a grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA). The aim of BE Well is to provide and enhance access to comprehensive, integrated, evidence-
based, and community-based medical treatment for Centerstone consumers who suffer from a serious mental illness (e.g.,
schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder) and one of five co-occurring primary physical health conditions (hypertension, diabetes,
obesity, dyslipidemia, and/or smoking) .
Suicide Prevention Training Review
Principal Investigator: Dustin Keller, LPC-MHSP
This study will examine an existing data collected from Tennessee Lives Count Project, revolving around a video based training. The
investigator will analyze the data around three domains: suicide prevention knowledge, self-efficacy to intervene with a suicidal
person, and the participants perceived belief suicide is preventable, as well as, compare the video training results with previously
published live training results around the same three domains.
My Health, My Choice, My Life: A peer-led health and wellness program for Tennesseans with mental illness, substance use
disorders, and co-occurring disorders
Principal Investigator: Marie Williams, LCSWThis study is being conducted by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and
Developmental Disabilities and Centerstone Research Institute under a grant funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Administration (SAMHSA). The overarching purpose of this proposal is to extend the lives of Tennesseans who have SMI, substance
abuse or co-occurring disorder by implementing a peer-led holistic wellness program that will afford them the self-directed tools they
need to live longer and healthier lives. Anticipated outcomes include improvements in exercise, improvements in cognitive symptom
management, improvements in communication with health care providers, improved self-reported general health, decreased health
distress, decreased fatigue, decreased disability, decreased social/role activities limitations, fewer hospitalization and days, fewer
outpatient visits, health care homes established, decreased smoking and improved nutrition.
A six-month study of the Genecept Assay vs. Treatment as Usual to evaluate Efficacy of Using Assay Guided Treatment in
Outpatient Adults with Treatment Resistant Depression
Principal Investigator: Karen Rhea, M.D.
Genomind is interested in learning if the Genecept Assay, which tests genes that are associated with Depression by examining a DNA
sample, will help doctors better treat depression. Amerigroup, a health insurance company, is also interested in whether or not this
information will help treat depression and together is working with Centerstone to better understand the association between genetics
and depression. Preliminary data suggests that the Genomind assay may be efficacious in such treatment-matching. Before such an
assay can be widely applied clinically, it is necessary to demonstrate that this tool usefully impacts treatment outcomes. Therefore, this
study will examine the potential impact of the assay in terms of depression severity at 3 months, with further follow-up out to 6
months. Secondary measures will allow an estimate of its potential to change clinician behavior and improve patient quality of life.
Further measures will also allow for refinement of the assay to maximize patient and clinician satisfaction, and estimate the potential
savings associated with deployment of this assay in real-world clinical settings.
Be Aware: Substance Abuse & HIV Prevention Services for At-Risk Young AdultsPrincipal Investigator: Kathryn Bowen, PhD
This evaluation is being conducted by Centerstone Research Institute under a grant funded by the Center for Substance Abuse
Prevention (CSAP) in the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The purpose of Be Aware Program is
to prevent and reduce the onset of substance abuse and transmission of HIV/AIDS, particularly among minority young adults, 18-24
years of age. This five year project will serve 265 young adults. The program serves young adults residing in Montgomery and five
surrounding Tennessee counties. The evaluation will examine the impact of Prime for Life and RESPECT prevention interventions on
participant outcomes.

Be In Charge, Making a Difference Curriculum
(BIC, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative in TN)
Principal Investigator: Kathryn Bowen, PhD
This evaluation is being conducted by Centerstone Research Institute under a grant funded by the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH).
The Be in Charge (Making a Difference curriculum) is for students 12 to 19 years old and is designed to increase their understanding
of the benefits of abstinence and increase their motivation to remain abstinent while helping them gain/improve skills necessary to
reduce their risk of teen pregnancy and STDs. The evaluation will examine the students' values, attitudes and beliefs related to
engaging in sexual activity, perceived benefits related to delaying sexual activity as well as their knowledge about various sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs).
Computerized adaptive self-report diagnostic assessment for mental health: the SCID-SR
Principal Investigator: Benjamin Brodey, MD, MPH
The purpose of this project is to create a self-report instrument, the SCID-SR, which can be administered to people receiving mental
health treatment. Dr. Brodey and his staff will work directly with Michael First, MD, primary author of the SCID, to author simple,
self-report items that mirror the questions in the SCID, and therefore correspond with criteria outlined in the DSM-IV-TR.
Specifically, self-report items will be authored for 15 diagnostic categories: Mania/Hypomania (screener only), Psychosis (screener
only), Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, Alcohol Dependence/Abuse, Drug Dependence/Abuse, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia,
Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bulimia/Binge-eating,
Somatization, and Hypochondriasis. Approximately 60 Centerstone patients will be recruited to participate in iterative rounds of
cognitive interviews.

High Dose Lurasidone for Patients with Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia
Principal Investigator: Herbert Meltzer, MD
The purpose of this study is to look at two doses of a medication called lurasidone (Latuda). The study will use a usual dose of
lurasidone (80 mg per day) or a higher dose (120 – 240 mg per day) to see which one is better at improving symptoms of
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in patients who have not responded to drug therapy in the past. Lurasidone is approved by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat schizophrenia. The use of higher than usual doses makes its use in this study
Extended Duration Pharmacotherapy for Prevention of Relapse to Smoking
Principle Investigator: Eden Evins, M.D.
A double-blind, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder to examine the
effects of varenicline on biomarkers at 2 weeks (short-term treatment) and 8 weeks (long-term treatment), using a slow titration and
moderate dosing strategy for retaining α4 β2-specific effects while minimizing adverse effects.

Mobile Technology Needs Assessment-Patients
Principle Investigator: Kay Connelly, Ph.D.
The purpose of the Mobile Technology Needs Assessment is to determine what kinds of information primary care and behavioral
health care providers would be interested in obtaining via remote monitoring about their patients with depression, and what kinds of
cell phone services are accessible to patients. In addition, providers will be asked about their use of electronic tools in their
professional work and personal lives.
Developing items for a psychosis screening instrument
Principle Investigator: Benjamin Brodey, M.D., MPH
This is a request to extract from the Centerstone data warehouse, retrospective, de-identified data for the purposes of item
development for an instrument to screen for psychosis. This data will include diagnoses for patients who have completed a TOMS as
well as service admission and discharge dates so that we can define the specific episode of care.
Treatment, Empowerment, Assistance, & Meaningful Recovery Project, (TEAM Recovery)
Principle Investigator: Kathryn Bowen, Ph.D.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of treatment services for adults in the criminal justice system participating
in Drug Court with substance abuse problems and/or co-occurring problems. This study is being conducted by the Centerstone
Research Institute under a grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Tennessee
Principle Investigator: Tom Doub, Ph.D.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of substance use screening services for adults in Tennessee. This study is
being conducted by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health, Meharry Medical College, ETSU, Tennessee National Amory Guard
and Centerstone Research Institute under a grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

A Web Portal-Enhanced Recovery Oriented System of Care (e-ROSC)
Principle Investigator: Linda Grove-Paul, MSW
The purpose of e-ROSC is to provide electronic support during substance abuse treatment and recovery. E-ROSC will also provide a
way for people to talk with a treatment provider more regularly, remind them of important appointments and events, connect them
with community resources as well as help them monitor their own progress along the way. An important part of the e-ROSC Project
is the research study. Centerstone Research Institute (CRI) is doing the study to learn how the e-ROSC system works and to see if it
helps people during their recovery journey.
Clinical Pathways for Depression
Principle Investigator: Cara C. Lewis
The CEOs of Centerstone Tennessee (CSTN) and Centerstone (CSIN) formed a Clinical Excellence initiative within the enterprise
strategic plan. This plan resulted in the creation of Centerstone Clinical Pathways in several areas of clinical focus, including
depression. One of the first steps is to conduct a needs assessment survey with existing treatment staff at Centerstone to determine
what treatment modalities they are currently using and for which ones they desire training. To that end the attached Depression Group
Needs Assessment Survey was developed and will be collected using Survey Monkey.
Comparing Website Mockups
Principle Investigator: Frank Stevens, Ph.D.
The purpose is to compare the usability of two website designs with the aim of determining changes to be made to a current website.
Interactive mockups will be made of both the current V-REC website and a proposed new design for the same site. Using these
mockups, 20 participants will complete basic tasks such as exploring the site or finding a particular resource in their community using
a list of resources on the site. While they complete these actions, they will be asked to "think aloud" to inform us of what they are
trying to do and these remarks will be recorded. We will use software to capture the keystrokes and mouse movements on the
computer. We will collect success in completing actions and time to complete actions. Participants will also be asked to complete
short questionnaires rating the application they tested, the Perceived Usefulness scale and the System Usability Scale.
Early Connections Network: Evaluating an Early Childhood System of Care
Principle Investigator: Susan Steckel, MSW
Early Connections Network (ECN) is a system of care funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) and will be conducted by Centerstone of Tennessee, Advantage Behavioral Health, Tennessee Voices for Children, and
the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. Centerstone Research institute is conducting a research
study about ECN to learn more about the children and families who receive services through ECN. We are interested to know more
about your history, your child's strengths and areas for improvement, your experiences as a caregiver, and your experiences with
services. Approximately 220 caregivers are expected to participate in this study.
IRT-based Self-report Screener for Prodromal and Early Psychosis
Principle Investigator: Benjamin Brodey, M.D., MPH.
The study is designed to develop new surveys for youth and young adults. The study will evaluate feelings and experiences that are
relevant to youth and young adults like those being seen at Centerstone.
New CAT Research Tool: IRT/CAT Software for Secure Web & IVR Survey Administration
Principle Investigator: Benjamin Brodey, M.D., MPH
The purpose of this study is to develop computer and telephone survey software using Computer Adaptive Technology (CAT). In a
CAT survey, the answers that you select will be used to determine the next question in the survey. The goal of this software is to
increase the speed of standard mental health surveys, while still obtaining accurate results.

Investigation of the Integrity of Cerebellar-mediated Timing Functions in Schizophrenia
Principle Investigator: William P. Hetrick, Ph.D.
The purpose of this study is to better understand how eye movements are related to information processing in healthy people and
people diagnosed with schizophrenia. We will specifically be examining the learning, unlearning, and timing of automatic eye-blinks.
Because much is known about brain areas that control these automatic eye-blinks, we will learn more about the relationship between
these brain areas and other aspects about how the brain handles information.
Mothers, Children and Emotions
Principle Investigator: Bruce E. Compas, Ph.D.
This study aims to recruit mothers and their children (between the ages of 9 and 15) to complete standardized questionnaires,
interviews, and three videotaped observation tasks. Children will also complete neurocognitive testing. The mothers recruited will
include three groups of women who have (a) no history of depression, (b) a history of depression, and (c) current depression (i.e., at
the time of recruitment into the study). We will examine ways of coping with stress, emotion regulation, and cognitive style in the
mothers and children, children's neurocognitive functioning, as well as mothers' parenting behaviors, coaching of their children's
emotion and coping, and attributions of causes for events in children's lives. We hypothesize that mothers with current depression
will exhibit the greatest number of deficits in the studied behaviors, mothers with past but not current depression will exhibit moderate
deficits, but less than currently depressed mothers, and mothers with no depression history will exhibit the fewest deficits in these
behaviors. We also hypothesize that the children of mothers with current or past depression will exhibit less adaptive coping skills
and poorer neurocognitive functioning. The findings from this study will enable us to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of this
protocol for use in a larger multi-site study as well as provide additional evidence related to depression, parenting, and children's
neurocognitive abilities that will inform future prevention efforts for families who have a mother with depression.
IRT-based Self-report Screener for Prodromal and Early Psychosis
Principle Investigator: Benjamin Brodey, M.D., MPH
The study is designed to develop new surveys for youth and young adults. The study will evaluate feelings and experiences that are
relevant to youth and adults like those who are seen at Centerstone and LaFrontera.
Predicting client appointment adherence at a large mental healthcare provider
Principle Investigator: Nathan Nerht
Low appointment adherence, or clients not showing up for scheduled appointments, has been a major challenge for Centerstone and
for community mental healthcare providers in general. Previous research has shown varying impact of a number of variables on
appointment adherence including client demographic and diagnosis characteristics as well as appointment date, time, and location
characteristics. We evaluated predictive models for appointment adherence based on a variety of variables.
Reinforcing Therapist Performance
Principle Investigator: Bryan Garner, Ph.D.
Under a grant from the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, Chestnut Health Systems and Brandeis University are
conducting this research study to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of using pay-for-performance (P4P) as an
innovative method to improve treatment service delivery and subsequent treatment outcomes for adolescents and their caregivers.
Although P4P approaches are used regularly in many other fields and are becoming increasingly common in healthcare there have
been few studies that have examined its impact experimentally. Thus, as part of the current study approximately half of the AAFT
agencies will be randomly selected to receive this new P4P approach and the other half will be assigned to the standard AAFT
condition (i.e., no change).
How I Feel
Principle Investigator: Carlos Tilghman-Osborne, M.S.
The purpose of this pilot is to administer and get feedback on a new measure that assesses inappropriate guilt. The measure is
intended for use with children aged 7 to 14. No results from this pilot will be used for publication or presentation of any kind. No
names will be put on the surveys and the responses will be locked safely in a cabinet and then shredded after no more than 1 month. I
will use Cognitive Interviewing techniques as outlined by Willis (2004) designed to refine and validate new surveys for use in
research. The pilot serves to give direct feedback on the readability and clarity of the questionnaire to children in the specified age

K-Town Youth Empowerment Network: Beginning Evaluations and Decisions
Principle Investigator: Heather Wallace, Ph.D.
The purpose of this IRB application is to gain approval to conduct focus groups with families, youth (ages 14-21), and community
stakeholders to inform the beginning steps towards later evaluation efforts of K-Town Youth Empowerment Network: A System of
Care for Knox County, TN (K-Town). Dr. Heather Wallace (CRI program evaluator) will conduct the focus groups. Each focus group
will last for approximately 45-60 minutes, with approximately 8-10 participants each. No identifying information will be collected
from participants. Questions posed during the focus groups will not be sensitive in nature, and focus solely on the evaluation process.
Stakeholders who indicate an interest in participating, but are unable to attend the focus group, will respond to the same questions
posed during the focus groups via email.
Evidence Based Practice
Principle Investigator: Randy Quevillon, Ph.D.
I am conducting research for my dissertation examining the individual and organizational factors that influence the implementation of
evidence-based practices in mental health services. Evidence-based treatment is gaining more attention in the mental health services
system and we believe the perspectives of those involved in the delivery of mental health services are particularly important as we
attempt to better understand these issues. We anticipate that the findings of our research will inform evidence-based practice
implementation strategies and facilitate evidence-based service provision for organizations and providers.
Past Studies
Goal Congruence as a Predictor of Policy Adoption Among Providers of Child Psychiatric Services in Tennessee
Comprehensive Patient-Reported Outcomes Tracking Solution for State SPMI Clients
Health Services Coordination Project
Estimating and Reducing from Lipid Measures and Ischemic Electrocardiographic Changes the Cardiovascular
Risk of Patients Treated with Anticonvulsant Mood Stabilizers and Antipsychotic Drugs and Evaluating Cognition
Tennessee Lives Count

A Phase2a, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the
Safety and Efficacy of MEM 3454 as Adjunctive Treatment in Combination with a Pre-existing Antipsychotic in
Patients with Cognitive Impairment Associated with Schizophrenia

A Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo- and Active Comparator-Controlled, Clinical Trial to Study the Safety and the
Efficacy of Two Doses of Lurasidone HCL in Acutely Psychotic Patients with Schizophrenia

MR Studies of Alcohol-Induced Brain Injury and Recovery
Methamphetamine Evidence-based Treatment and Healing (METH) Program
Improving Service Provision and Retention in the Mule Town Family Network
Assessment Measures and Behavior Performance
A Group Cognitive Behavioral Program for Preventing Depression in At-Risk Adolescents
Children of Mothers with Depression: A Look at the Effects of Treatment and Remission
Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and the Transition from School to Work
Infants' Learning in Response to Speech from Depressed and Non-Depressed Mothers
Communication Interventions with Parents, Teachers, and Physicians of Children with ADHD
Vanderbilt Fast Track Project
A 25-year Evaluation of the Efficacy of RIP (Regional Intervention Program)
Tennessee - Adolescent Coordination of Treatment
Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (Star*D/Adult)
Service Needs and Perceptions of Service Adequacy of Older Persons with Severe Mental Illness
The Effects of Stigma: Looking at Discrimination Among People with Mental Illnesses
Assisting Older Adults with Mental Illness: A Study of the Effectiveness of an Inter-disciplinary Mental Health Team
Patterns of Personality and Symptoms in a Community-Based Counseling Setting
Evaluating Mental Health Digitally: A New Branched Outcomes Instrument
A Study Comparing Ageism and General Knowledge about the Elderly in Mental Health Professionals
Caregivers of Older Clients with Severe Mental Illness: A Look at Perception of Burdens and Rewards
Patient Characteristics and Outcomes in a Partial Hospitalization Program at a Community Mental Health Center
Homeless Adult Program-Research Program (CHAP-RP)
Homeless Outreach Partnership and Empowerment (HOPE)
Possible Adverse Effect of Psychotropics on Metabolic Status
The Effects of Risperdal or Zyprexa on Patients with Schizophrenia: A Long-Term Study of Clinical Outcomes
Changes in Heart Rhythms (QTC intervals) Associated With Antipsychotic Drug Treatment
Differentiating Risperidone and Paliperidone with Measures of Metabolites in Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Thalamus Using
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Patients With Schizophrenia

A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled, 16-Week Study of Aripiprazole Used as Dual Therapy in the
Treatment of Patients with Chronic Stable Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder Demonstrating an Inadequate Response
to Quetiapine or Risperidone Monotherapy (Bristol-Myers Squibb Protocol CN138397)

An International, Multicentered, Large Simple Trial (LST) to compare the Cardiovascular Safety of Ziprasidone and
Olanzapine (Pfizer A1281062)

A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind study on the Effects of Aripiprazole on Overweight Patients Treated with
Olanzapine for Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder (Bristol-Myers Squibb protocol CN138122)

Looking at the Efficacy and Safety of Extended Release Paliperidone (INVEGA) for Schizophrenia: A 6-week randomized
control trial and a 52 week open-label extension.

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Dose-Response, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy
and Safety of Three Fixed Doses of Extended-Release Paliperidone (3, 6, and 12 mg/day) in the Treatment of Subjects With
Acute Manic and Mixed Episodes Associated With Bipolar I Disorder

A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Double-Blind, Phase III Study to compare the Efficacy and
Safety of Quetiapine Fumarate (SEROQUEL®) versus Placebo as Adjunct Therapy with Mood Stabilizers (Lithium or
Divalproex) for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence in Patients with Bipolar I Disorder

Evaluation of Adherence to Monitoring Options for Patients' Receiving Atypical Antipsychotics
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, flexible-Dose, Long-Term Extension Trial of Protocol 041023
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Fixed-Dose, 6-week Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of Asenapine Compared with
Placebo Using Haloperidol Positive Control in Subjects with an Acute Exacerbation of Schizophrenia (Organon/Pfizer Clinical
Trial Protocol 041023)

A Study of the Effect of Lamotrigine (Lamictal) on Patients with Schizophrenia
Evaluation of QTc Interval by Continuous Holter ECG Recording in Antipsychotic Drug-Treated Patients with Schizophrenia

NIMH Human Genetics Initiative
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Risperidone Referenced Dose-Finding Study of DU127090 in Treatment of

A 12-week Multicentered, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Evaluation of Donepezil Hydrochloride
Serotonin 1A Agonists and Cognition in Schizophrenia
Olanzapine Versus Clozapine in Treatment of Refractory Schizophrenia
The Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE)
Improving Outcome in Schizophrenia Through Identification of Genetic Risk Factors
A Comparison of Clozapine (Clozaril) and Quetiapine (Seroquel) and How They Work in the Brain
Does The Addition Of Divalproex Sodium ER (VPA) Acid To An Atypical Antipsychotic Drug (APD) Improve Cognition And
Psychopathology In Outpatients With Schizophrenia (SCH) Or Schizoaffective Disorder (SAD)?

Orally Disintegrating Versus Regular Olanzapine (Zyprexa) Tablets: Effects on Weight and Gastro-Intestinal Hormones
Quantifying Abnormalities in Cortical Activation Associated with Auditory Hallucinations using Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network (Silent Monitoring)
Attention and Verbal Memory: A Look at the Effects of Acute Nicotine Abstinence
IMPACT Project for Older Adults with Depression
Metformin in the Treatment of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain in Schizophrenia
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Schizophrenia
High Field Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Working Memory in Schizophrenia
Applying Motivational Interviewing to Increase Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Service Utilization with Dually Diagnosed
Case-management Clients

Project SELF (Students Experiencing Life Free) in Maury County

Tennessee Child Maltreatment Best Practices Learning Collaborative
Computerized Decision Support System for Depression (CDSS-D)–Project IMPACTS
Effect of Addition of Armodafinil on the Tolerability and Efficacy for Cognition of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs on Patients
with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder

Practice-Based Evidence Outcomes Pilot Study

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel, 12-Week, Phase 2 Study of Two Different Doses of an Alpha-7
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist (EVP 6124) or Placebo in Schizophrenia Subjects on Chronic Stable Atypical Anti-
Psychotic Therapy

Pilot "How I Feel"
Autism Medication Study for Behavioral Problems
Project SELF (Students Experiencing Life Free) in Davidson County
Tennessee Lives Count: Juvenile Justice (Oct 2008-Sept 2011)
Tennessee Lives Count: Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Juvenile Justice Project (Tennessee Lives Count
Juvenile Justice Project: Jason Foundation Institute (JFI) Curriculum for Youth)
Monitoring Change in the Network of Organizations Addressing Youth Violence
Neuroimaging Study of Ordered Transitivity in Schizophrenia
A three-phase study designed to test the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the combination of Ziprasidone with the selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) Escitalopram for patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that do not sufficiently
respond to treatment with Escitalopram - Currently Enrolling
A Model for Using Information Technology to Provide Measurement Based Care for Chronic Illness
Development and Validation of Software for Internet and PC SCID Administration
Project For Recovery, Encouragement, and Empowerment (Project FREE)
Incidence of New-Onset Diabetes in Antipsychotic Users
Psychometric Properties of a Brief Suicide Measure for Older Adults
Community and Reentry Enhancement, CARE Project
Self-determination and Social Participation: A Pilot Study Bryan McCormick
A 38-week, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Active-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability
of an Intramuscular Depot Formulation of Aripiprazole as Maintenance Treatment in Patients with Schizophrenia (ASPIRE)
– Recruitment Only
Youth Mental Health Outcomes Tracking System: Self, Parent, & Clinician-Reported
A Double-blind, Placebo and Active-Controlled Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Cariprazine in the Acute
Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
A Study of Evaluation Methods for School-Based Intervention and Prevention Programs for Emotionally and Behaviorally
Disturbed Youth with Substance Abuse Disorders
Cheatham County School-Based Counseling Program
Stewart County School District School Counseling Program
Montgomery County School-Based Counseling Program


Effectiveness of different interdental brushes on cleaning the interproximal surfaces of teeth and implants: a randomized controlled, doubleblind crossover study

Nardnadda Chongcharoen Effectiveness of different interdental brushes on cleaning the interproximal surfaces of teeth and implants: arandomized controlled, double-blindcross-over study Authors' affiliations: Key words: Circum® brush, efficacy, implant dentistry, interdental brushes, interproximal Nardnadda Chongcharoen, Martina Lulic, Niklaus cleaning, oral hygiene, periodontology, plaque removal

Microsoft word - orthospec - faqs.doc

Orthospec™ ESWT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Pre and Post Treatment Briefly describe the procedure (i.e., shockwave delivery, length of procedure, anesthesia, physician, technician, consumables, etc) The Orthospec™ utilizes electrohydraulic, spark gap technology. The treatment procedure is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure intended to treat chronic heel pain caused by Plantar Fasciitis. The treatment regimen calls for one 25 minute treatment session, providing a total of 3800 shocks. It is recommended that this procedure be performed by a qualified, Medispec trained, medical professional under the supervision of a physician. During the procedure, there is no anesthesia or sedation provided to the patient. Imaging is not required.