DOI: 10.5628/aehd.v4i2.155
Original Research Manuscript
The effect of moderate exercise with and without glucosamine
supplementation on rat's knee osteoarthritis
Mohammadi MF1, Mohammadi ZF2, Mirkarimpour H3
1Department of Sport Traumatology and Corrective Exercises, School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Exercise Physiology, School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
3Department of Sport Traumatology and Corrective Exercises, School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Objectives: As the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis is considered to be one out of
the ten major causes of disability in the world. The objective of the present study was to
investigate the effect of treadmill exercise alone, and in combination with glucosamine
supplementation on male rats' knee osteoarthritis induced by intra-articular injection of
monosodium iodoacetate.
Methods: Twenty-five male Wistar rats (weight of 173±1 g, 8 weeks
old) were randomly divided into 5 experimental groups (n=5): intact control, monosodium
iodoacetate (MIA) only, exercise, glucosamine, and exercise plus glucosamine. The
osteoarthritis model was induced by intra-articular injection of MIA. Subjects then followed a
moderate intensity exercise program and glucosamine supplementation (250 ml/kg/day) for 28
days. Rats were killed after 28 days and histological assessment performed on their knee joints.
One-way ANOVA (P<0.05) and post-hoc Tukey test were used for the statistical analysis.
Results: Histological assessment including 1) Depth Ratio of Lesions (F=71.7, P=.001), 2) Total
Degeneration Width (F=18.1, P=.001), and 3) Significant Degeneration Width (F=12.3, P=.001)
demonstrated a beneficial influence of the moderate exercise combined with glucosamine
supplementation group, but this influence was not superior to the moderate exercise alone
Conclusions: This study shows that a moderate exercise program and glucosamine
supplementation, either alone or in combination, exert a beneficial influence on rats' knee
osteoarthritis. But it appears that moderate exercise alone is more effective.
Arch Exerc Health Dis 4 (3): 313-319, 2014
Key Words: Moderate Exercise; Glucosamine; Osteoarthritis; Rat
margins and center of the joint (4). Progressive
degeneration of articular cartilage is accompanied by
malformation of subchondral bone, which may lead to
musculoskeletal disorder and it is considered as a
osteophyte formation around the joint and ultimately
major cause of pain and disability in the United States
alteration of the joint's range of motion (2).
and Australia (1). It is reported that 45 to 75 percent of
Although its nature and symptoms are well-defined
people above 55 years have OA symptoms (2). The
and its related risk factors have been studied precisely,
number of patients diagnosed with OA was estimated
there is no known cure for OA (1,5). Treatment
to be 6 million from 1995 to 2005 and it is predicted
modalities that are used for OA include
that this number will be doubled by 2020 (3).
pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and surgery.
Osteoarthritis is mainly characterized by articular
Today, using nutraceuticals such as glucosamine is
cartilage degeneration and callous formation in
very common and thus various studies have been
Corresponding author:
2012 CIAFEL. This is an Open Access article distributed under
Mohammad Fallah Mohammadi: Department of Sport Traumatology
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
and Corrective Exercises, School of Physical Education and Sport
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.en). You
Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran • Tel: 098 911 211
are free: to share, to copy, distribute and transmit the work,
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provided the original author and source are credited. http://ciafel.fade.up.pt/ojs/index.php/AEHD/index
Exercise and Glucosamine on Rat's Knee Osteoarthritis
conducted on it (6,7,8). However, there is still no
dark cycle (light-on period, 6:00 AM-6:00 PM) in a
general consensus about the effectiveness of
controlled temperature of 22 ± 2 °C and 50 ± 5%
glucosamine. For instance, one of the studies (2010)
humidity on sawdust bedding. They were fed a
examined the effects of glucosamine sulphate on rat's
standard diet in pellet forms and had access to tap
knee OA. Researchers suggested that oral
water ad libitum. The animals were randomly divided
administration of glucosamine sulphate (250 ml/kg)
into five groups (n = 5): 1) Intact control, 2) MIA only
for 10 weeks could significantly reduce cartilage
(OA), 3) training, 4) glucosamine, and 5) training plus
degeneration compared to the control group (9). But a
meta-analysis by Wandel (2010) that investigated the
The animals in the training group were habituated on a
effects of glucosamine, chondroitin, and their
motor-driven treadmill at a speed of 10m min-1 for 10
combination on patients with hip and knee OA showed
min/day for 1 week to reduce their stress regarding the
different results. After examining 10 studies
new environment (13). OA was induced by intra-
performed on 3,803 patients, researchers concluded
articular injection of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA);
that separate or combined usage of these two
its injection into joints inhibits glyceraldehydes-3-
supplements could not improve joint pain and has no
phosphate dehydrogenase activity in chondrocytes,
effect on joint space narrowing in comparison with
leading to disruption of glycolysis and eventual cell
placebo (6). But the results of several meta-analyses
death. For this purpose, the animals were anesthetized
indicated that the effects of glucosamine range from
with ketamine (90 mg/kg, i.p.) and xylazine (20
short-term effect on pain to structural efficacy (8).
mg/kg, i.p.); MIA (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) was
On the other hand, exercise is a proven non-
injected with a U-100 insulin needle containing 1 mg
pharmacologic treatment for knee OA (8). Some
of iodoacetate diluted in 50 µL saline solution into
studies have determined intense exercises to have an
animals' right knee, while 50 µL saline solution was
adverse role (10,11,), although most of them agree that
injected (19) into their left knee.
exercise with moderate intensity is ideal (13,14).
The training program started 24 hours after OA
According to recent guidelines of Osteoarthritis
induction. After the adaptation period, a program of
Research Society International (OARSI) in 2010,
moderate physical training was performed once a day
optimal treatments of knee and hip OA should include
for 4 weeks with a speed of 18 m min-1 for 30
min/day (14). To assess its therapeutic effects,
modalities (15). However, reviewing past studies,
glucosamine (Serva, USA) supplementation was
there are few investigations on the combination of the
administered orally by gavage in doses of 250
two modalities. It should be noted that these studies
mg/kg/day for 28 days (9). On day 28, animals were
evaluated the effects of interventions using
killed by cervical dislocation under anesthesia. Whole
questionnaires or assessing some physical fitness
knee joints were dissected, fixed in 10% formaldehyde
measures. Hence the effects of treatment protocols on
solution in 50 cc vials, and sent to a pathology
the joint's cartilage remain nearly unknown, because
laboratory. The samples decalcified with 5% formic
the researchers were unable to assess biochemical
acid, dehydrated through a descending series of
properties of the tissue in vivo (16). For this reason,
ethanol with the use of an automated tissue-processing
there is a need to perform histopathological
apparatus. After embedding in paraffin, serial sections
assessments on animal models of OA that resemble the
with a thickness of 7 µm were prepared for
condition in human models. According to our studies,
histological examination. Frontal and sagittal
intra-articular injection of monosodium iodoacetate
sectionings were prepared from tibiofemoral joints.
(MIA) in animal models (such as rats), results in
The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin to
pathological changes closely resembling those seen in
observe cellularity.
human OA (17,18).
The severity of OA lesions was graded on a scale
So the aim of the present study was to examine the
adopted from OARSI histopathology instructions.
effects of moderate-intensity exercise in combination
Three histological measures used in this study
with glucosamine supplementation on rats' knee OA.
according to OARSI recommendation included 1)
depth ratio of lesions (DR), 2) total cartilage
degeneration width (TDW), and 3) significant
cartilage degeneration width (SDW) (12). DR is a
Twenty-five male Wistar rats (173 ± 1 g, 8 weeks old)
measurement of the depth of cartilage degeneration
were obtained from Pasteur Institute (Amol, Northern
(e.g., including areas of chondrocyte and proteoglycan
Iran). The maintenance and care of the experimental
loss, which may have good retention of collagenous
rats were in accordance with the guidelines of the
matrix and no fibrillation) that is taken at the midpoint
Helsinki convention. Subjects were kept in standard
in each of the three zones across the tibial surface.
condition in individual plastic cages in a 12:12 light-
TDW is the total width of the area of articular cartilage
Arch Exerc Health Dis 4 (3): 313-319, 2014
Exercise and Glucosamine on Rat's Knee Osteoarthritis
affected by any type of degenerative change (matrix
Total Degeneration Width (TDW)
fibrillation/loss, proteoglycan loss with or without
chondrocyte death). And SDW is a measurement of
Regarding results related to TDW, there were
the width of the tibial cartilage in which 50% or
significant differences between training plus
greater of the thickness (from surface to tidemark) is
glucosamine group and training group (
seriously compromised. Histomorphological scores in
whereas there was no significant difference between
training plus glucosamine and MIA group (
measurements for statistical analysis (11).
The difference between training plus glucosamine and
The data was analyzed using the SPSS statistical
glucosamine groups was not significant (
software version 16. The One-way ANOVA (
Also significant differences were observed between
and post-hoc Tukey test were used for the statistical
the glucosamine and MIA groups (
P=0.008), but the
difference between the glucosamine group and the
training group was not significant (
Moreover, significant differences were seen between
training and MIA groups (
P=0.001). These findings
The findings of histological analysis on each
are presented in Figure 2.
experimental group include 1) Depth Ratio of Lesions
P=0.001), 2) Total Degeneration Width
P=0.001), and 3) Significant Degeneration
Width (
P=0.001). Moreover, theses results are
separately presented for each group.
Depth Ratio of Lesions (DR)
For this measure, there was significant difference
between training plus glucosamine group and training
and MIA groups (
P=0.001). But the difference
between training plus glucosamine and glucosamine
groups was not significant (
P<0.05). Also, there was a
significant difference between glucosamine, MIA, and
training groups (
P=0.001). Finally, the difference
between training and MIA groups was significant
P=0.001). These findings are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 2. The mean ± SD of histological scores related to
Total Degeneration Width measured in micrometers. Higher
scores show greater severity of lesions. * Significant
difference with Training and MIA groups. ** Significant
difference with MIA group.
Significant Degeneration Width (SDW)
Also for this measure, there were no significant
differences between training plus glucosamine group
and training group (
P=0.054), but there was a
glucosamine and MIA group (
P=0.048). The
difference between training plus glucosamine and
glucosamine groups was not significant (
Significant differences were observed between
! glucosamine and MIA groups (
P=0.048), but there
Figure 1. The mean ± SD of histological scores related to
were no significant differences between glucosamine
Depth Ratio of Lesions measured in micrometers. Higher
and training groups (
P=0.077). Also, differences
scores show greater severity of lesions. * Significant
between training and MIA groups were significant
difference with Training and MIA groups. ** Significant
P=0.001). These findings are presented in Figure 3.
difference with MIA group.
Arch Exerc Health Dis 4 (3): 313-319, 2014
Exercise and Glucosamine on Rat's Knee Osteoarthritis
The present study aimed at investigating the
therapeutic effects of moderate exercise alone and
combined with glucosamine supplementation on rat's
knee OA. In order to induce osteoarthritic symptoms
in rats' knee joints, the authors used intra-articular
injection of MIA. This model is validated by other
studies (17,18), but many limitations exist in utilizing
MIA models to correlate human OA due to inherited
variation, such as the biomechanical differences
between two-legged and four-legged species (13). The
results showed that treadmill exercise with moderate
intensity alone had remarkable effects and could
surprisingly almost treat histological symptoms of
rat's knee OA including Depth Ratio of Lesions, Total
Degeneration Width, and Significant Degeneration
Figure 3. The mean ± SD of histological scores related to
Width. However, combination of moderate exercise
Significant Degeneration Width measured in micrometers.
with glucosamine supplementation did not result in
Higher scores show greater severity of lesions. * Significant
additive effects. Furthermore, supplementation of
difference with Training and MIA groups. ** Significant
glucosamine alone had significant effects but it was
difference with MIA group.
not superior to that of moderate exercise.
Several studies investigating the efficacy of dietary supplementation on joint diseases such as OA have led
Furthermore, photomicrographs of histomorphological
to contradictory results. In fact, international medical
changes of joint cartilage stained by Hematoxylin-
And Figure 5 provides methods of assessing
Eosin for subjects in experimental groups are provided
histopathological measures used in this study.
Figure 4. Photomicrographs of histomorphological changes of knee joint sections of subjects in each experimental group.
Cellularity and surface integrity were evaluated by Hematoxylin-Eosin staining (the original magnification is ×10).
only; OA lesions can be seen with tibial cartilage surface clefts and decrease in cellularity. Note the pink-red sites of lesions.
B: Intact control; there are no observable changes in cartilage surface.
C: Training; chondrocytes can be observed in many
isogenic groups, which are the indicators of cell division stimulation.
D: Glucosamine; the degenerated area is seen with
chondrocytes' degradation and eosinophilic matrix.
E: Training+Glucosamine; cartilage thickness is decreased, surface cells
are compressed and cartilage matrix is eosinophilic.
Arch Exerc Health Dis 4 (3): 313-319, 2014
Exercise and Glucosamine on Rat's Knee Osteoarthritis
Figure 5. Method of histopathological assessment.
F: Photomicrograph (the original magnification is ×3.2) showing method
of assessing Depth Ratio of Lesions; DD=Degeneration Depth, CD=Cartilage Depth, and DD/CD=Degeneration Depth
Ratio; score 1 stands for the most severe lesion.
G: Photomicrograph (the original magnification is ×3.2) showing method of
assessing Total Degeneration Width and Significant Degeneration Width; TDW= Total Degeneration Width and SDW=
Significant Degeneration Width.
societies have not yet reached any agreement
overexpression. Another study by Cifuentes and
regarding usage of these supplements. Naito and
colleagues (2010) was conducted to observe efficacy
colleagues (2010) examined the effects of glucosamine
of a moderate exercise program on rats' knee OA (13).
supplementation on an experimental model of rat's
Their results indicated that physical training
knee OA (20). They administered 1000 mg
contributes to the preservation of joint cartilage in rats
glucosamine/kg/day orally (dissolved in tap water).
with OA and increases the defense mechanism against
oxidative stress. Researchers suggested that this effect
chondroprotective potential against OA and can inhibit
is presumably because of an increase in activities of
degradation of type II collagen and enhance its
antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase
synthesis in articular cartilage. On the other hand, a
(SOD) and Myeloperoxidase (MPO).
meta-analysis conducted by Wandel and colleagues
Cartilage, in fact, is an avascular tissue, and
(2010) examined the effects of glucosamine,
chondrocyte metabolism depends on diffusion and
chondroitin, and their combination in patients with hip
convection of synovial fluid for nutrition. Cyclic
and knee OA (6). The authors found that separate or
loading induced by physiological and overuse
combined usage of these two supplements could not
activities produces deformations, pressure gradients,
improve joint pain and has no effect on joint space
and fluid flows within the tissue. Mechanical stress
narrowing in comparison with placebo.
has a direct effect on chondrocyte metabolism and can,
Moreover, numerous studies have been conducted on
under certain conditions, induce anti-apoptotic factors
the effectiveness of exercise in management of OA in
(14). Additionally, exercise promotes important
both human and animal models, and most of them
changes in anti-oxidant enzyme activities, reducing
agree that moderate intensity exercise has positive
oxidative damage and increasing tissue resistance
effects (13,14,21,22). However, findings of other
against free radicals (24). Some studies have shown
studies suggest that intense exercise has an adverse
increases in SOD, Glutathione peroxidase, and
role (10,11,12,23). In a dose-response study by Galois
catalase activities after aerobic exercise training in
and colleagues (2004), the effects of an exercise
young rats (25,26).
program with 3 intensities (low, moderate, and
In the present study – according to guidelines of
intense) were investigated on progression of ACL
OARSI presented in 2010 (15) - and also because in
transected rat's knee OA (14). Researchers indicated
most of the clinical settings the combination of
that low and moderate exercise had positive effects on
pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments is
severity of chondral lesions, but an intense effort
used for improving OA symptoms in patients, the
converses this chondroprotective effect. They
authors believed that the combination of moderate
suggested that positive effects of low and moderate
exercise and glucosamine supplementation may have
exercise were possibly due to a reduced level of
synergistic effects. But our findings indicate that
moderate exercise alone exerts beneficial influence on
potentials of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70)
histological measures of rat's knee OA.
Arch Exerc Health Dis 4 (3): 313-319, 2014
Exercise and Glucosamine on Rat's Knee Osteoarthritis
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Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC) Known to Be Positive But Not in Care: A Pilot Study From Thailand Pratuma Rithpho, Deanna E. Grimes, Richard M. Grimes and Wilawan Senaratana 2009; 8; 202 originally published online May 4, 2009; J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic Ill) DOI: 10.1177/1545109709336221
Femtosecond-assisted intrastromal corneal cross-linking forearly and moderate keratoconus M. Balidis,1,2 V.E. Konidaris,2 G. Ioannidis,1,3 A.J. Kanellopoulos4,5 months. Our study demonstrates the safety and efficacy ofthe proposed method. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of Femtosecond-assisted Key words: keratoconus, femtosecond, cross-linking.