Supply of river gauging equipment for fiji meteorological service
Government of Fiji
Request for Tender
Supply of Water Level and Rainfall Station
Equipment for the
Fiji Meteorological Service
Dated: December 19, 2013
Change History
Date Changed
Description of the change
December 19th 2013
Original draft – FMS
QA STO(Hydrology)
PS, Ministry of Transport
FPO Advertisement
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Document Approval
This document has been reviewed and authorized by the following personnel.
FMS Project Director
FMS Manager
Aminiasi Tuidraki
Viliame Vereivalu
A/ Director of Meteorology Senior Scientific Officer
Hydrology Division
FMS Technical Reviewer
Senior Technical Officer
Hydrology Division
Document Versioning
Thursday, December 19, 2013
D o c um e nt
V e r s io n :
D o c um e nt P a th :
C: Documents and Settings Administrator My Documents Hydrology Projects 2014
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Table of Contents
Change History . 2
Document Approval . 3
Document Versioning. 3
Table of Contents . 4
Proposals for Tender . 6
Project Overview . 6
Overall Project Description . 7
Project Background . 7
Registration . 7
General Requirements. 7
Replacement of Automatic Weather Stations for the Fiji Meteorological Services . 7
Additional Information . 7
General Terms & Conditions . 8
Submission of Tenders. 8
Format of Tender Response . 9
Letter of Transmittal . 9
Executive Summary . 9
Omission of Response . 10
State of Compliance Declaration . 10
Non Compliance Clause List. 10
Late Tenders . 10
Unconditional Offers . 10
Amendment of RFT. 11
Termination of RFT . 11
10.0 Accuracy of Information . 11 11.0 Tenderers to Inform Themselves. 11 12.0 Questions about this RFT. 12 13.0 No Reliance by Tenderers on Representations . 12 14.0 Tenderer's Risk . 12 15.0 Other Statutory Rights . 13 16.0 No Legal Obligation . 13 17.0 Supporting Material. 13 18.0 Clarification and Variation of Tenders . 13 19.0 Ownership of Documents . 14 20.0 Selection of the Preferred Tender . 14 20.1 Preferred Tenderer Selection . 14 21.0 Security, Privacy and Confidentiality . 15 22.0 Probity . 16 22.1 Conduct of Tenderers . 16 22.2 Unlawful Inducements and Col usive Tendering . 16 22.3 Improper Assistance from Government of Fiji Staff . 17 22.4 Conflict of Interest . 17 22.5 Contact with Tenderers . 17
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
22.6 Freedom of Information . 17 22.7 Auditing Access. 17 22.8 Non-Exclusive Rights. 18 22.9 Tenderer Ability . 18 23.0 Payment Terms. 18 23.1 Costs . 18 23.2 Non-delivery of service(s) . 18 23.3 No Sub-Contractors . 19 23.4 Validity of the proposal . 19 23.5 Currency . 19 23.6 Time Schedule . 19 23.7 Procurement. 19 24.0 Corporate Capability. 19 24.1 Corporate Information . 19 24.2 Financial Information. 20 24.3 Qualifications and Capability . 20 24.4 Customer References . 20 24.5 Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales of Tenderer . 20
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Proposals for Tender
The fol owing are excerpts and addendums from the tender advertisement by the Fiji Government as it original y appeared in the local media and should be used as the basis to submit your proposals: *****************************************************************************************
"TENDER NO: CTN xx/2014 –
Supply of Water Level and Rainfall Station Equipment for the Fiji
Meteorological Services
Project Overview
1. The Fiji Government invites proposals from interested vendors to provide submissions for the fol owing:
1.1 Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment
2. Vendors responding to this tender must be of good repute and should be in a position to provide the
Government of Fiji with a quality transactional service. Company profiles along with proven sales record with this product should be reflected in the proposal.
3. Hard copies of al tender documents together with terms & conditions are available from the
undersigned at the fol owing address:
Director Fiji Procurement Office
Level 4 East Wing (Tenders Unit)
Ro Lalabalavu House
Govt Buildings Suva
Tenders that are late, emailed or faxed wil
not be considered.
The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Further clarifications and questions should be directed to
The Director, Fiji Meteorological Service or via Email :
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Overall Project Description
1.0 Project Background
The Fiji Meteorological Service (FMS) has the responsibility to provide hydrological services and flood forecasting to the people of Fiji. The Non-structural measures such as early warning systems and flood forecasting depends largely on the automated monitoring systems (automated water level and rainfal station equipment) to enable staff to carry out the flood monitoring for timely accurate data. When reviewing the current monitoring capability, not al major rivers in Fiji have automated monitoring systems, therefore FMS wil not possible to provide residents with early warning of potential inundation of built-up areas or other infrastructure on these rivers which does not have an automated monitoring systems. With automated monitoring systems is in place in these rivers and with timely accurate forecasts, lives and properties can be saved giving confidence to investors, farmers and the tourism industry. The new Water level and Rainfall Station Equipment is to be install in Nausori Bridge in the Rewa catchment, Navua Town Bridge in the Navua catchment, Semo River, Rakiraki River and Qawa River in Labasa as to provide for adequate flood warning as mandated by the Fiji Government. FMS requires four (4) sets of Water level and Rainfal equipment and four (4) sets of Water level to enable staff to carry out the flood monitoring for timely accurate data in those areas. The Water level and Rainfal station Equipment is to be instal at the fol owing sites:
• Nausori Town Bridge – Rewa Catchment • Navua Town Bridge – Navua Catchment • Qawa River – Labasa Catchment • Semo River – • Rakiraki River – Rakiraki Catchment
2.0 Registration
Interested parties must register their interest in responding to this tender at the Fiji Procurement Office (FPO) Head Office in Suva. Hard copies of the tender and FPO requirements documents wil be provided after payment of a $FJ 50.00 non-refundable registration fee.
After registering with the Fiji Procurement Office, prospective suppliers are requested to send an email towith the contact details of two (2) representatives. These contacts will be used to relay any correspondence relating to the tender including clarification meeting minutes and query responses. It will also allow Fiji Meteorological Services to provide updates on the documentation, progress of the RFT, and revision.
3.0 General Requirements
Supply of Water Level and Rainfall Station Equipment for the Fiji
Meteorological Services
3.1.1 Four (4) x Water level and Rainfal station equipment sets and four (4) water level
station equipment sets only. The proposed water level and rainfal equipment must meet the specification provided in Annexure 1.
Additional Information
This tender is an al -in-one inclusive tender.
This tender is open to local and international vendors.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Vendors must provide proof of previous water level and rainfal equipment supply,
authorized partner and/or retailer, reseller and/ or service center certificates,
support personnel qualification to use and maintain water level and rainfal
hardware and related equipment
Vendors, at their own cost, wil conduct al necessary site surveys, inventory and research on FMS water level and rainfal station set up if need be.
Clarification Meetings can be arranged by sending a request via email to:
All equipment should have one (1) and/or three (3) years onsite warranty – Parts
All equipment and accessories must be delivered to the Fiji Meteorological
Services premises in Nadi within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of the purchase order.
Fiji Meteorological personnel must be notified before any site survey is carried out
and wil accompany vendors.
Vendors MUST include warranty support plans, service level agreements,
installation charges.
Vendors MUST provide a written report of all warranty details as part of their
3.2.12 Vendors must provide a proposed schedule for the staggered delivery of the
Water Level and Rainfal Equipment if warranted.
3.2.13 Vendors are encouraged to propose solutions they deem to be more advanced or
of a higher quality than the one sought in this RFT. These must however be presented separately as alternative(s) to the proposal for the requirements specified above.
4.0 General Terms & Conditions
Fol owing general terms and conditions wil apply.
Submission of Tenders
4.1.1 Sealed Proposals must be submitted to reach the box marked "Tenders" to Fiji
Procurement Office on Level 4, Ro Lalabalavu House, Victoria Parade, Suva Republic of the Fiji Islands before:
2:30pm, xx, February 2014.
All Tenders submitted must:
Be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package and clearly be marked as
IN CONFIDENCE – Tender No: CTN xx/2014 –
Supply of Water Level
and Rainfall Station Equipment for the Fiji Meteorological Services.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Government Tender Board
Government Buildings, Suva,
Republic of the Fiji Islands.
Consist of five (5) hard copies -
the original Tender document marked "Original" plus
four (4) additional copies of the Tender each
marked with an identifying copy number. The original version wil
prevail if there are any inconsistencies between the original and any
Clearly mark al copies of supporting materials with the RFT number, copy number and attach each to the relevant Tender documents copy.
Include ONLY one (1) electronic copy of the complete Tender on disk in current Word / Excel / PDF format. The electronic copy must be loaded on a DVD or CD.
The Tender response must be in English.
Should the Tenderer become aware of any discrepancy, error or omission in the Tender document submitted, and the Tenderer wishes to lodge a correction or provide additional information that material must be in writing and lodged prior to the Tender closing time.
5.0 Format of Tender Response
Letter of Transmittal
Each Tenderer MUST provide a formal letter of transmittal that should:
signed by an authorized representative of the organization and
must state
that the signing official is authorized to legally bind the organization;
include the names, titles, office addresses and office telephone numbers of the
persons authorized by the organization to conduct negotiations on the Project, including their expected roles in negotiations and in performance of any resulting Agreement; and
Provide a contact name, address, facsimile number and email address which the
Government agencies wil use in serving notices to the Tenderer
Tenders submitted without a signed letter of transmittal will be excluded from further
consideration after the initial tender responsiveness analysis.
Executive Summary
The Tender response should contain an executive summary providing an overview of the proposed solution and the total cost of the proposal.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Omission of Response
The Tender response must address each clause of this RFT specifically in order to submit a compliant Tender. The Tenderer must not omit a response to any request or requirement unless directed to do so in the RFT.
State of Compliance Declaration
Each Tenderer must indicate its State of Compliance or otherwise with each clause of this RFT. Responses are to be in the order in which the clauses appear and refer to the relevant clause number, Annex or Attachment. Non-committal terms such as "noted" must not be used. Responses are to be limited, wherever possible, to the fol owing expressions:
"Complies" means:
In the case of a clause which imposes a contractual condition, that the condition is agreed to;
in the case of a clause which specifies a characteristic or performance to be met by the services provided, that the Tender is to provide the requirement as specified;
In the case of a clause which is of an informative nature only, that the clause has been read, understood and is agreed; or
in the case of a clause where information has been requested, that the information has been provided in the required level of detail and in the required format;
"Does not comply" means that the contractual condition, characteristic or performance requirement of the clause cannot or wil not be met by the Tenderer; and
"Exceeds requirement" means the services offered exceed the specified requirements. Full details of the extent of the variation from the specified requirement are to be stated.
Non Compliance Clause List
Where a Tender does not comply with a particular clause, the extent of non-compliance is to be stated in the Statement of Compliance section of its proposal. The Tenderer is to provide separately a summary list of clauses in respect of which there is non-compliance.
6.0 Late Tenders
Any Tender lodged AFTER the closing time will be
deemed to be late and unacceptable.
7.0 Unconditional Offers
Tenderers are required to:
Make their best unconditional offers on submission of their Tender; and
Obtain any necessary government approvals, consents or authorizations to enable them to
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
execute the Agreement and any related documents on an unconditional basis.
8.0 Amendment of RFT
The Government of Fiji may, at their sole and absolute discretion, vary, add to, or amend the terms of this RFT, including the nature and/or scope of the leasing services required under this RFT; and any other subject matter to which this RFT relates.
9.0 Termination of RFT
The Government of Fiji may, at their sole and absolute discretion, suspend, terminate or abandon part or the whole of this RFT, at any time prior to the execution of a formal written agreement acceptable to the parties involved, by an authorized officer of Fiji Meteorological Services and by the Successful Tenderer/s, by giving written notice of such a decision to each of the registered Tenderers.
10.0 Accuracy of Information
The information contained in this RFT and the information upon which it was based has not been independently verified or audited.
The Government of Fiji, their officers, employees, advisers and agents make
no express or implied
representation or warranty that:
the information in this RFT, or any information provided to Tenderers during any other
phase of the tendering process, is or will be accurate, current or complete; or
Any estimate or forecast wil be achieved, or that any statement as to future matters wil
necessarily be correct.
If a Tenderer finds any error, discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency, omission or other error in this RFT or any other information given by the Fiji Government, the Tenderer must promptly notify Fiji Meteorological Services in writing.
Tender responses which contain alterations or erasures, or Tenders which are il egible at the time of lodgment, may, at the sole and absolute discretion of the government agencies, be excluded from further consideration.
11.0 Tenderers to Inform Themselves
Each Tenderer should:
Examine this RFT, and documents referred to in the RFT and any other information made
available by Fiji Meteorological Services to Tenderers;
Obtain any further information about the facts, risks and other circumstances relevant to its
Tender by making al lawful inquiries; and
Satisfy itself that it's Tender, and al information on which it's Tender is based, is true,
accurate and complete.
By submitting their Tenders, Tenderers wil be deemed to have:
examined the RFT and any other information made available in writing by the Government
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
of Fiji to Tenderers for the purpose of tendering;
examined al information relevant to the risks, contingencies, and other circumstances
having an effect on their Tender and which is obtainable by the making of reasonable inquiries; and
satisfied themselves as to the correctness and sufficiency of their Tenders and that their
prices cover the cost of complying with the RFT requirements and of al matters and things necessary for the due and proper performance and completion of the work described in the RFT.
12.0 Questions about this RFT
Questions pertinent to an understanding or clarification of this RFT must be in writing and addressed to:
The Director, Fiji Meteorological Services Korowai Road CAAFI/AFL Compound Phone: (679) 6724888 Fax: (679) 6720430, and / or Email
13.0 No Reliance by Tenderers on Representations
Tenderer must not rely on any oral or written representation, statement or arrangement, or any other conduct, as changing the conditions of this RFT, except for any change of which Fiji Meteorological Services notifies a Tenderer in writing and specifies is a change to the RFT.
The Government of Fiji, their officers, employees, advisers and agents:
Expressly disclaim any and al liability arising from information (including without limitation,
errors or omissions) contained in this RFT;
Accept no responsibility arising in any way from errors in, or omissions from, this RFT, or in
negligence (except so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded);
Accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person
or any other person placing any reliance on the contents of this RFT or other information provided by or on behalf of the government agencies; and
Assume no duty of disclosure or fiduciary duty to any interested party.
14.0 Tenderer's Risk
A Tenderer's participation in any stage of the Tender process is at the Tenderer's sole risk, cost and expense, in particular, all costs incurred by or on behalf of the Tenderers in relation to this RFT, including preparing and lodging the Tender and providing Fiji Meteorological Services with any further information are wholly the responsibility of the Tenderer.
The Government of Fiji accepts no responsibility, liability, or obligation whatsoever for costs incurred by or on behalf of any Tenderer in connection with any Tender or any participation in the Tender process.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
15.0 Other Statutory Rights
The Government of Fiji has no obligation:
To consider and/or accept the lowest priced Tender or any Tender regardless of its compliance or non-compliance with the RFT; or
As to the manner, timing or the basis of the consideration of a Tender.
The Government of Fiji may consider and/or accept any Tender regardless of its compliance or non-compliance with the RFT.
The government agencies reserve, at their sole and absolute discretion, the right to: (a)
Negotiate with one or more Tenderers;
Cal for new Tenders;
Alter, amend or vary the terms of the draft Agreement at any time including, without limitation, during negotiations; and/or
Enter into a number of separate Agreements with different Tenderers or other parties for the supply of individual services required under this RFT.
16.0 No Legal Obligation
No legal obligation or agreement whatsoever is intended to be or is created between the Government of Fiji and the Tenderers, or any one of them, by virtue of the Tender process (including but not limited to statements contained in this RFT) unless and until Agreement negotiations are completed and a formal written Agreement (or Agreements) acceptable to FIJI METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE is entered into and executed by an authorized officer of the FIJI METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE and the Successful Tenderer/s.
17.0 Supporting Material
Supporting material is material additional to the Tender which elaborates on or clarifies the Tender but does not alter it in any material respect. Supporting material which effectively alters the Tender in any material respect wil not be accepted. Supporting material which does not effectively alter the Tender in any material respect may be provided at the initiative of the Tenderer or at the request of Fiji Meteorological Services.
Supporting material must be dispatched on or before the closing date unless specifical y
requested by the Fiji Meteorological Services department subsequent to that date. The
Government of Fiji will disregard any unsolicited supporting material dispatched after this
date. Packages containing supporting material must be clearly labeled
Information – RFT No. CTN xx/2014: Supply of Water Level and Rainfall Station
Equipment for the Fiji Meteorological Services". The intention to submit information in
this manner must be clearly stated in the Tender.
18.0 Clarification and Variation of Tenders
Fiji Meteorological Services may, at their absolute discretion seek clarification or request further information from Tenderers after the closing date for the submission of Tenders, as part of the Tender process as specified in clause 20.1.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Each Tenderer must nominate a person to provide additional information or answer specific
questions that may arise during the selection process as required by Fiji Meteorological
Tenderers whose Tenders have been short listed may be required, to engage in formal
discussions with the Government of Fiji, facilitate site visits at their own cost or make
presentations to the Government of Fiji on their Tenders. In such an event the tender
owning agency wil make the necessary arrangements with Tenderers
19.0 Ownership of Documents
This RFT is the property of the Government of Fiji. The Tenderer wil return the RFT to the Fiji Meteorological Services department on request.
Copyright in this RFT is owned by the Government of Fiji. All rights are reserved. No part of this RFT may be reproduced or adapted in any form by any means without the written permission of the Government of Fiji.
Without affecting any intel ectual property rights which may exist in a Tender, al Tender documents become the property of the Government of Fiji on their submission and government agencies may copy or use them as it sees fit including for any purpose necessary or ancillary to the RFT process or the Agreement, its performance or administration.
All vendor submissions and related materials will become the property of the Fiji Government, in this case, Fiji Meteorological Services
20.0 Selection of the Preferred Tender
Preferred Tenderer Selection
20.1.1 Neither the lowest priced Tenders, nor any Tenders, wil necessarily be selected by
the Government of Fiji as the Preferred Tender/s.
20.1.2 The government tender committee may decide not to accept any Tender or reject
al Tenders at any time. The Government of Fiji reserves the right to cancel this RFT and pursue an alternative course of action at any time.
20.1.3 A Tenderer will not be deemed to have been selected as one of the Preferred
Tenderer/s unless and until notice in writing for and on behalf of the Government of Fiji of such selection is:
Handed to the Tenderer; or
Is sent by prepaid post to or is left at the address stated in the Tender for service of notices; or
Sent by facsimile to the number provided by the Tenderer, fol owed by an original by post.
20.1.4 Selection of Preferred Tenderer/s wil not represent acceptance of the Tender/s
and no binding relationship wil exist between the Preferred Tenderer/s and the Government of Fiji until a written agreement acceptable by al relevant
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
government agencies is executed on behalf of the Government of Fiji by an authorized officer of Fiji Meteorological Services and the Successful Tenderer/s.
Evaluation Criteria
The intention of the Fiji Government is to develop a sustainable, scalable, intel igent and cost effective IT infrastructure. Responses to this RFT wil be evaluated on the fol owing criteria:
Responsiveness, quality and clarity of proposal in conformance with ALL the terms
and conditions required by this RFT.
Cost and quality of product/s, and proposed implementation of services.
Delivery time(s).
Supplier experience in the local market.
Ability to provide local support as per warranty conditions
21.0 Security, Privacy and Confidentiality
A Tenderer, and its officers, employees, agents and advisers, must comply with any security clearance checks and procedures required by the Government of Fiji.
Each Tenderer must ensure that its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors or advisers involved in the Tender process do not either directly or indirectly record, divulge or communicate to any person any information concerning the affairs of the government agencies, including any information relating to this Tender process.
Tenderers and their officers, employees, agents, subcontractors and advisers must not take steps to obtain, or use, confidential information of Fiji Meteorological Services other than information which is publicly available or made available by Fiji Meteorological Services to Tenderers during the Tender process.
During the RFT process no employee, agent or representative of any Tenderer wil make available or discuss its Tender response with the press, any elected or appointed official or officer of the Government of Fiji or any employee, agent or representative of the Government unless specifical y authorized to do so in writing by the Director, Fiji Meteorological Services. If this provision is breached, the Director, Fiji Meteorological Services, may exclude that Tenderer from this Tender process.
By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer acknowledges and consents to the Government of Fiji (including the relevant Ministers) disclosing any information provided by the Tenderer, whether confidential or not, if:
21.5.1 That disclosure is required by law;
21.5.2 That disclosure is required to meet either Departments' or their Ministers'
reporting or accountability requirements, including, without limitation, the requirements of:
The Auditor General's Office or any other auditor;
Notification of state contracts in the Fiji Government Gazette;
The Fijian Parliament and its Committees;
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Fiji Meteorological Services Annual Reports;
The CEO Finance and National Planning
The Government of Fiji Ombudsman; and
21.5.3 the information is, or becomes, public knowledge, other than by breach of
confidentiality by the government agencies concerned or other unlawful means by either Department;
21.5.4 the disclosure is to the government agencies' consultants, advisers or agents and,
if the information is confidential, those persons are under an obligation of confidentiality; or
21.5.5 the disclosure:
Has been consented to by the Tenderer; or
is reasonably necessary to enable the Government of Fiji to exercise its rights or perform its obligations under this RFT or the Agreement.
22.0 Probity
Conduct of Tenderers
22.1.1 Conduct of Tenderers or any of their consortium members, may affect the
outcome of their Tender responses, including non-consideration of the Tender.
22.1.2 Tenderers warrant to the Government of Fiji that they (and their consortium
members) have not and wil not engage in any of the fol owing activities in relation to this RFT Process:
Lobbying of or discussions with any politician or political groups
during this RFT process;
Discussions with other relevant government bodies on this RF T
Attempts to contact or discuss the RFT process with officers, any
member or staff or contractor currently working in Fiji Meteorological Services or any agent of this Department;
Provision of gifts or future promise of gifts of any sort to the previously mentioned personnel;
Accepting or providing secret commissions;
Submitting an inflated Tender to the advantage of another Tenderer;
Entering into any improper commercial arrangement with any other party;
Seeking to influence any decisions of government agencies by an improper means; or otherwise acting in bad faith, fraudulently or improperly.
Unlawful Inducements and Collusive Tendering
Tenderer and its officers, employees, agents and advisers must not:
22.2.1 Offer unlawful inducements in connection with the Tender process; or
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
22.2.2 Engage in any col usive tendering, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar
conduct with any other Tenderer or any other person in relation to the preparation or lodgment of Tenders.
Improper Assistance from Government of Fiji Staff
Government policy is to exclude from further consideration Tenders which have been compiled with improper assistance of employees of the government agencies, ex- employees of the agencies, and/or contractors or ex-contractors of the government agencies or that have been compiled utilizing information unlawful y obtained from the Government agencies.
Conflict of Interest
22.4.1 The Tenderer must warrant that to the best of its knowledge at the date of
submitting its Tender no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise in relation to this Tender during the Tender selection period by itself, its officers, employees, agents or any subcontractors.
22.4.2 If during the course of the Tender selection process a conflict or risk of conflict, of
interest arises, the Tenderer undertakes to notify the Fiji Meteorological Services department immediately in writing of that conflict or risk of conflict.
Contact with Tenderers
During the Tender process, neither the Fiji Meteorological Services department nor their representatives are required to answer questions or otherwise discuss the contents of this RFT with potential Tenderers or their representatives, except in accordance with this RFT. Tenderers must not attempt to make any contact of that nature. Any unauthorized contact may disqualify the Tenderer from further consideration.
Freedom of Information
Tenderers should be aware that the Public Information Act gives to members of the public, rights of access to official documents of the Fiji Government and its agencies. The Act extends, as far as possible, the right of the Fijian community to access information in documentary form in the possession of the Fiji Government, limited only by considerations of the protection of essential public interest and of the private and business affairs of persons in respect of whom information is collected and held by departments and public authorities.
Auditing Access
The preferred Tenderer agrees to promptly give the Auditor General or other auditor appointed by Fiji Meteorological Services, the assistance they reasonably require in conducting any audits, including ful access at al reasonable times and on reasonable notice to al personnel, premises and documentation in relation to this RFT.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Non-Exclusive Rights
22.8.1 Nothing in this RFT or in any Agreement resulting from this RFT shall bind the
Government of Fiji to subscribe consulting services from the Successful Tenderer/s.
22.8.2 This RFT, and any Agreement resulting from this RFT, is not to be interpreted as
The Successful Tenderer/s have the right to be the sole provider of consulting services to the Fiji Meteorological Services department; or
Fiji Meteorological Services is prevented from seeking leasing services from other providers if there are opportunities for the Government of Fiji to achieve better value for money or better outcomes general y.
Tenderer Ability
By submitting the Tender, the Tenderer warrants that the Tenderer has the necessary skill, knowledge and experience to comply with this RFT.
23.0 Payment Terms
23.1.1 All costs and payment schedules to the Fiji Government should be clearly tabled in
the response and separating one-time and recurring costs.
23.1.2 Where cost estimates are provided, the basis of these estimates should be shown. 23.1.3 Where given cost components are subject to periodical change, the basis for
review, and increase/decrease should be shown in the Performance Bond.
23.1.4 All costs should be in Fiji Dol ars.
Non-delivery of service(s)
23.2.1 The Government of Fiji reserves the right to hold part or the whole of any payment
until such time that the product has been delivered to the quality, expectation and satisfaction of the Fiji Government.
23.2.2 The Government of Fiji has the right to withhold or deduct (as penalties) a
percentage of the payment for vendor non-performance. This is initial y set at 10% per calendar day but is open to negotiation. Non-performance may be classed as:
Failure to deliver on time
Failure to respond to queries within a reasonable amount of time
Failure to comply to standards of the Fiji Government
Introduction of unauthorized "new" clauses
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
No Sub-Contractors
The winning vendor/s cannot outsource the part of al of the work for this RFT to any sub- contractors unless specifical y stated in the engagement agreement and agreed to by the Government of Fiji.
Validity of the proposal
All proposals and prices shall remain valid for a period of at least ninety (90) calendar days from the closing date of the submission of the proposal. However, the responding organization is encouraged to state a longer period of validity for the proposal.
All currency in the proposal shal be quoted in any of the fol owing currencies; Fijian Dol ars, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, US Dollars, Euro Dol ars or Japanese Yen but Fijian Dol ars (FJD) is preferred. The VAT component should be clearly stated.
Time Schedule
Tenderers are to clearly outline in a MS-Project 2000 format, al proposed equipment and service delivery dates, times, resourcing and lag times.
23.7.1 Issue request for proposals
xx/01/14 23.7.2 Closing date for proposals
xx/02/14 23.7.3 Evaluation of proposals
xx/02/14 23.7.4 Submission of selection to Major Tender Board before
xx/02/14 23.7.5 Upon approval from Tender board, contract negotiation and order placement for
All the above mentioned dates, except for the tender closing date, are tentative and subject to change. The entire tender process from advertisement to engagement takes about three (3) months.
24.0 Corporate Capability
Corporate Information
Each Tenderer must provide the fol owing information:
24.1.1 Details of the corporate and ownership structure, including identification of any
holding company or companies and parent companies.
24.1.2 Profiles of the company and any parent entity. If the company is a subsidiary, the
Tenderer must provide ful details of the legal and financial relationship between the subsidiary and parent. The names of al directors and officers of the company.
24.1.3 A ful description of current operations of the company. 24.1.4 A copy of the company's Certificate of Incorporation. 24.1.5 Confirmation that the company has the capacity to bid for the Services and that
there is no restriction under any relevant law to prevent it from bidding.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Financial Information
Each Tenderer must provide the fol owing information: 24.2.1 Details of current financial standing as expressed in the Tenderers most recent
audited annual report (or tax return in the case of a smal business).
24.2.2 A summary of any court actions, charges, liens or encumbrances affecting the
company's assets or the ownership of the company.
24.2.3 A statement confirming the solvency of the company and each of the related
companies, principal shareholders and any partners.
24.2.4 Details, including the identity, of any third party funding or residual support or
other third party arrangements that are proposed or required by the Tenderer
24.2.5 Any other factors the Tenderer may wish to describe to support its
demonstration of financial capacity.
Qualifications and Capability
Each Tenderer must: 24.3.1 Demonstrate that it has the experience, skil s and resources to safely assume
providing consultancy services for the FIJI METEOROLOGICAL Services department;
24.3.2 Explain how they intend to deliver the required benefits and quality of service
throughout the duration of the contract is selected, and
24.3.3 Describe any experience it may have in providing similar services to similarly
structured organizations within the last four (4) years.
Customer References
24.4.1 Each Tenderer must provide references from two current or most recent
customers engaged/engaging in similar requirements. For each customer reference, the fol owing form must be completed.
24.4.2 The Government of Fiji, Fiji Meteorological Services or any of its representatives
may make enquiries of any referee at their sole and absolute discretion.
Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales of Tenderer
Where such information is publicly accessible, the Tenderer must indicate whether any mergers, acquisitions or sales are planned presently or during the year fol owing the submission of the Tender.
25.0 Performance Bond Terms and Conditions
Performance Bond terms and conditions for the supply and purchase of whole of government goods and services shall be reflected in the contract document as follows:
25.1 Eligibility
All bidders whether local or overseas, shall be required to pay a performance bond if their contract is valued at more than FJD50, 000.00 during the period of contract.
Maintenance Contracts
Companies shall be required to submit performance bond for maintenance contracts above FJD50, 000.00. If the contractor/company fails to perform its obligations under the contract, a report should be submitted to the accounts team of the procuring agency, by the project officers or clerk of works for reprisal of performance bond. The supplier shall be given a reminder and if the service is still not satisfactory a warning letter is issued. If there is still no progress, the contract shall be terminated and Report is to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for further action.
Rates of performance bonds
Performance bond rates are as follows: Overseas
For overseas contractor, they are required to pay 10% of the total project cost in Fijian Dollars.
25.2.1 5% of the contract value for supply/services contract worth
FJD50,000.00 to FJD80,000.00.(e.g. If the estimated cost of project is around FJD70,000 then the performance bond will be FJD70,0000 * 5% which is equal to FJD3,500.00).
25.2.2 10% of the contract value for supply/service contract exceeding FJD80,
000.00. to FJD150,000.00
25.2.3 For supply/services timed contract effective for a period of two (2)
years or more, the percentage and amount of performance bond is calculated according to the estimated contract value per year. However the performance bond submitted by the contractor shall cover the entire timed contract period. (For example a supply of A4 papers in whole of government contract is charged on the rates basis therefore in order to determine the 10% performance bond on the exact full amount, officers responsible at Fiji Procurement Office must gather historical data from the Supplier's report and also on the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) report for the correct figure).
25.2.4 10% of the contract value for works within a range of FJD80,000.00 to
FJD150,000.00 whereas any amount beyond that will be charged 15%.
25.2.5 If the contractor(s) do not agree to the percentage charge on
performance bond, negotiation shall be done by the procuring agencies in consultation with the Director Fiji Procurement Office and approval must be obtained from the Permanent Secretary of Finance on the approved negotiated rates.
Validity period of the performance bond
The validity periods of performance bond are as follows:
25.3.1 Works Procurement
Six (6) months after the completion of defects liability period whereby the contractor must repair any defects identified by the supervisory officer after a particular work was duly completed. All expenses to repair the defects shall be borne by the contractor and no additional cost charged to Government.
25.3.2 Supplies procurement
Valid only on the contracted period (e.g. the supplies of tyres to whole of government by selected tyres centers are valid only during the period for which they are contracted).
25.3.3 Service procurement
The Validity period will be the expiry of contract. (E.g. a hiring of the consultant)
Payments and Refunds
After seven (7) days of receiving the letter of notification, informing of the award. The contractor has to pay the full percentage of the performance bond. Failure to do so, may lead to the withdrawal of the award by the Government Tender Board (GTB). This bond is to be paid on cash basis in the form of a Bank draft or telegraphic transfer unless the performance bond is quite high and cannot be met by the contractor, further arrangements could be made with their banks to provide a stamped bank guarantee.
25.4.1 Within (3) days of receiving the performance bond, Contract Document
should be signed by both parties and thereafter work shall commence.
25.4.2 If the performance of the contractor is satisfactory, the agency shall
refund the full performance bond, however if the contract is not executed as required, for example in:
Works Procurement
Considering factors like Project not completed on time, late delivery of materials to the site, Loss of item/material in the project site etc.
Supplies Procurement
These are factors including when the approved supplier not accepting purchasing orders/indent, poor availability of stocks, late delivery time, 6 different items/brand being supplied rather than the one in the approval lists, items supplied are not working or in a good condition.
Service Procurement
This is where the consultancy firm hired has not met the requirements needed by the agency, in terms of timelines, project proposals, etc. As a result the agency is to be guided by the contract document pertaining to the percentage of the refunds. Agencies may use the following as the recommended percentage for the two critical aspects of performance management:
30% to the late delivery and
70% for the quality of product or workmanship as per assessment of the expertise.
Executing agencies must further breakdown and detail the terms and condition of the refund percentage in the contract documents.
Procuring agencies shall comply with these requirements as follows:
25.5.1 All performance bond money are to be deposited in their various Trust Fund Account, whereby if there is none available the agency can utilise the account called the Government Supplies Trust Account in the Fiji Procurement Office, provided that all information relating to the performance bond is well documented.
25.5.2 Fiji Procurement Office accounts section shall be responsible for monitoring the release of funds to procuring agencies as a means to control procuring items are delivered or projects are completed before payments are made. This should correspond with the compliance and Annual Procurement Plan check.
25.5.3 Approval to release or refund performance bond to the contractor(s) or supplier(s) shall be vested with Director Fiji Procurement Office
25.5.4 All copies of contracts signed between the contractor(s) or supplier(s) and a procuring agency with value above FJD50,000.00 shall be submitted to the Fiji Procurement Office.
Requirements of Bidders 25.6.1 The contract will have conditions that the contractor must satisfy on an
ongoing basis and which will affect the relationship with the procuring
agencies. The contract will outline the progress of the project, the cost and the
date of completion.
25.6.2 It may also contain penalties for delays or cost overruns.
25.6.3 There will be a description of the circumstances that signal a failure of
the project, which also describe the legal process that will take place if the
project fails.
Supply of Water Level and Rainfal Station Equipment for FMS
Annexure 1.
Automatic Water Level Station Specifications
The specifications detail the technical requirements for the supply, installation and commissioning of four (4) Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Stations and four (4) Water Level Stations only for the Fiji Meteorological Service. The Specific Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station type and measurement ranges are given below. The new Automatic Water Level Stations and Rainfall Stations are to be installed in Nausori Bridge, Navua Bridge, Qawa River, Semo River and Rakiraki River.
Any enquiry regarding this specification should be referred to:
Fiji Meteorological Services,
Private Mail Bag NAP0351,
Telephone: (679) 672 4888
Facsimile: (679) 672 0430
And/ or emailed to:
Al equipment, workmanship and Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station stations data shall conform to relevant World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. (WMO No.8).
The system shall be easily configured to produce the following:
Water Level in mm
Precipitation (rainfall) in mm
The new Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Stations are to be installed in Nausori Bridge, Navua Bridge, Qawa River, Semo River and Rakiraki River.
The Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Stations shall be compact, scalable, robust, low-power consumption that
provides reliable and continuous data. The system shal be such that it can use various communication options
including GPRS and BGAN satellite to transmit data to our server in Laucala Meteorological Office and Nadi Weather
Forecasting Center without the need of AC power and communication lines. The system shal be capable of
providing real time data on field during maintenance by technicians. The Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station
shall be economical in terms of overall costs throughout its life cycle and shal have windows user-friendly software
tools and allow for easy set up, field calibration and modifications. Tenderers shall state the brand name and model
or part numbers of individual components offered with their tender.
2012 FMS Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Stations
5.2. Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station Specifications
5.2.1 PumpPro
The PumpPro must be fully self contained hydrostatic pressure sensor designed to measure water and liquid levels
reliably and accurately. The PumpPro is a standalone instrument that does not require compressed gas bottles, regulators or ancillary pneumatic items. The preferred model is the PumpPro 6150 which is an advance Liquid Level Sensor and shall only be used to measure River Level and Flood warning systems. The preferred model, PumpPro 6150 gas-purge base water level sensor has currently been used in Nadi, Rewa, Navua, Sigatoka and Labasa Catchment.
• Measuring range: 5, 10, 20, 35, 70 meters freshwater, non standard ranges available. • Accuracy: combined linearity/hysteresis/temperature compensation error over 0 – 50 °C range; Sensor:
±0.05% of full scale, System: ±0.08% of full scale, with over pressure less than 300% or 150m water.
• Resolution : Analogue: 12 bit, Digital: 16 bit, Display: 0.1mm water (using metric units) • Temperature Range: Operating -20°C to +70°C, Storage -40°C to 85°C • Power Supply: 12 volts DC unregulated 6100, 9-14 Volts compressor, standby - <10mA, Active Pumping up
to 16A, Dwell <60mA, Read <300mA
• Type: Piezo resistive silicone pressure sensor vented to atmosphere (gauge type sensor) • Units: kPa, psi, feet, inches, meters, centimeters, flow and volume units based on above ranges • Response Time: Dependent on tube length and internal diameter. Typically 30 second so for tube length up
to 100 meters. Can be configured to continuous output.
• Output Options: Analogue – 4-20mA, 3 wire loop (up to 600 ohm load) and 0-1 Volt or 0 – 2.5 Volt, Digital -
-SDI-12 data, power from controller not required, - RS232C data, activated using DTR input, Simultaneous digital and analogue output
• Compressor: Precision piston, 120psi, maximum duty cycle 10% • Surge Protection: Inputs/Outputs protected against transients by a secondary protection circuit that can
absorb up to 1.5kW
• Display: 20 Character x 4 line LCD with backlight – suitable for sub zero temperatures • Airline Connection: % or 3/8 outside diameter quick-connect or swage type fitting. Tools required for swage
• Enclosure: 6100: IP67 rated machine delrin plastic; 6150: IP54 rated epoxy coated aluminium. • Weight: 5.5 kg including data and power cables
The rain gauge shall be lightweight and have a design for permanent applications.
It shall be mounted on a round plate
with a small extension for installation into a concrete pad. Al mountings and cables shal be included. Some Special
points of interest on the Rain Gauge: The rain gauge shall be a World standard 200mmm catch, accuracy not affected by
rainfall intensity, long term stable calibration, Leaf filter resists blocking, Optional internal data logger with no external
power requirement, dual output signal for data collection and transmission and easy to service with low maintenance
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
The preferred model is the TB3 Tipping Bucket rain gauge which is the recognize model as the world standard for measuring rainfall and precipitation in remote and unattended locations. The preferred model, TB3 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge has currently been used in Nadi, Rewa, Navua, Sigatoka and Labasa Catchment.
The rain gauge shall have the following specifications:
• Receiver: 200mm ± 0.3 diameter heavy duty cast aluminum, Powder coated. • Bucket capacity: 0.2 mm, 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm or 0.01 inch of rainfall • Sensitivity: one tip • Maximum Intensity: 700 mm/hr • Calibration accuracy:
Rain Gauge bucket capacity
0.1mm, 0.2mm, 0.01", 0.5mm &
250 – 500 mm/hr
• Accuracy: Humidity: 0 to 100% • Temperature: -20 to +70°C. • Contact System: dual reed switches potted in soft silicon rubber with varister protection
Max capacity: 24 volts (0.5 amp max) Resistance – Initial contact resistance 0.1 OHMS M.T.B.F – 10 8 to 10 9 Operations
• Syphon: 0.4mm (12ml) capacity of rainfall made from brass with a non-hydroscopic outer case. The Syphon can
be dismantled for routine cleaning and servicing.
• Bucket: Two types of bucket, synthetic ceramic coated brass bucket balanced to + 0.05 gms, and injection
moulded non-hydroscopic plastic ABS chrome plated UV stabilized balanced =0.05 gms.
• Insect covers: stainless steel mesh on al opening to prevent insects and ant entering gauge. • Base: Cast aluminum • Level: bulls eye level adhered to aluminum level • Height: 330mm, Weight: 3 kg • Mounting holes: three 10 mm diameter mounting holes with 117 mm p.c.d cast in feet attached to outside
diameter of base.
• Drain fittings: to attach 12 mm inside diameter tubing, to catch rainfall after passing through buckets. • Pivots: ground sapphire pivots with hard stainless steel shaft • Outside Enclosure: keyed to enable the release of the outer locked enclosure without the need for the removal
of the three securing screws.
• Packed Dimension: 5kg 0.03
Must be Internet enabled, compact case with simplified external wiring and up to 5 years battery life depending on
reporting schedule. Must have a built in logger with optional 8MB on-board non-volatile flash memory archive. Must
have an unlimited data storage and expandable via the starlogger interface. SDI-12 interface for connection to wide
range of low-power instruments, onboard digital and analogue interfaces for direct connection to sensors/instruments
and integrated status display and operating buttons.
It must designed to automate collection of data from remote environmental monitoring and utility metering via
GSM/GPRS cellular network or BGAN Satellite networks from any location within the network coverage area to Laucala
Meteorological Office and Nadi Weather Forecasting Center.
The preferred brand is 2011D Neon Remote Module – GPRS and 2002C Neon Remote Terminal – Satellite- which is a small unit in a compact case, which connects to sensors in the field, collects readings and transmits the collected
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
data to the Central Server through cel ular telephone network (GPRS) and BGAN satel ite communication. The
preferred model, 2011D Neon Remote Module and the 2002C Neon Remote Terminal has currently been used in
Nadi, Rewa, Navua, Sigatoka and Labasa Catchment.
The Unidata NRT Metering Module shall have the following specification (communication through GPRS):
Physical Specifications:
Material: Polycarbonate
350 grams [including battery pack]
Operating Temperature: -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. Not affected by humidity.
Antennae: Internal stub, optional extended whip antenna
Electric Specifications
3.6v 13Ah lithium (non-rechargeable)
Battery life: 5 years (based on daily schedule) External Power:
6V to 24V DC input available if required
Instrument Power: 4 x unregulated supply (5mA max) plus 2.5V ref (included) I/O:
4 x analog inputs- 12 bit resolution
1 x counter input – 16 bits 3KHz, 3-5 DC channel (included)
1 x counter input – 8 bit 300Hz, 3-5 DC channel (option)
1 x open col ector output, 250mA maximum
1 x HSIO (16 x 16 recorder bit bi-dimensional, synchronous data] channel
SDI-12V1.3 recorder (1200 baud smart instrument channel)
Modbus: Optional RS485 RTU Protocol, 19200 baud max, Functions 01,02,03,04,05/15,06/16
Integrated Logger Specifications
Storage memory: 30kB/15,000 readings – non-volatile flash memory
Optional storage memory: 8MB/4,000,000 readings – non-volatile flash memory
Time clock: Crystal regulated, -/- 10 seconds/month-automatically networks synchronized
Scan Rate: Programmable from 1 second to 5 minutes
Log Intervals: Programmable from 1 second to 24 hours
The Unidata NRT Metering Module shall have the following specification (communication through satellite):
Physical Specifications:
Material: Anodized Aluminum
850 grams [including battery pack]
Operating Temperature: -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. Not affected by humidity.
Antennae: External conical dielectric resonator 103mm D x 63mm H, 1 m cable
Electric Specifications
10.8v 14Ah lithium (non-rechargeable)
Battery life: 5 years (based on daily schedule) External Power:
continuous 3.6V nom (20mA max) plus 2.5 V ref (5mA ref)
Instrument Power: 4 x unregulated supply (5mA max) plus 2.5V ref (included) I/O:
2 x analog inputs- 12 bit resolution
1 x counter input – 16 bits 3KHz, 3-5 DC signal
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
1 x control Output
1 x open col ector output, 250mA maximum
1 x HSIO (16 x 16 recorder bit bi-dimensional, synchronous data] channel
SDI-12V1.3 recorder (1200 baud smart instrument channel)
Modbus: Optional RS485 RTU Protocol, 19200 baud max
Integrated Logger Specifications
Storage memory: 30kB/15,000 readings – non-volatile flash memory
Time clock: Crystal regulated, -/- 10 seconds/month-automatically networks synchronized
Scan Rate: Programmable from 1 second to 5 minutes
Log Intervals: Programmable from 1 second to 21 hours
Flossy server which is currently being used can manage data download from many loggers at the same time and the
preferred communication paths are GPRS, BGAN satellite and the Radar Water Level sensor. The preferred telemetry
system is the neon system which is one of the most advanced telemetry system in the world. The Neon Remote
Terminal (NRT) log data from sensor in the field then transmit the data to a central server through preferred
communication network such as GPRS, BGAN satellite and Radar Water Sensor.
The equipment (data logger etc) housing shall have room for expansion and made of robust material suitable for
corrosive environment.
The securing access to land large enough to install the monitoring station in a well meteorological exposed location, the
budget provided that enable to the instal ation of the station to be completed and for the constructing station security
fencing to minimize any potential damage to the station wil be the responsibility of the Fiji Meteorological Services.
The Automatic Water Level and Rainfall station are to be instal ed in remote areas where no commercial power exists.
DC power is the only option and therefore shall have an appropriate solar panel with solar charge controllers. Each
Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station shall include a battery of sufficient size to power all devices .The existing
system has a battery box with solar mounting array mounted on its side.
The installation of the Automatic Water Level and Rainfall Station shall be carried out in three (3) phases:
Phase 1: Site Selection -Investigate and select suitable monitoring locations and identify appropriate monitoring
equipment for the site and will assist by the FMS Hydro-staff. This phase will be very critical to the ultimate success of the monitoring network and shall require an experienced field person to inspect each site and potential activities. They shall finalize recommendation for equipment for each station and any location specific requirements. They shal evaluate communications options and paths for telemetry purposes and during this phase they shall prepare and installation plan for each station, specifying the equipment to be installed and they shall also detailing preparations that FMS-Hydro staff can complete to facilitate the process of each station. The investigation phase shall be expected to take approximately two weeks.
Phase 2: Equipment Assembly - Pre Assemble and test equipment and ship to Fiji. The Equipment shal be
provided with documentation that will include: - Calibration certificates for each sensor, Manuals for sensors
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
and for loggers and Guidance for installation (including local instructions as per phase 1). Each set of monitoring equipment shall also be supplied with Robust and secure stainless steel housings, Base plate mounting for rain gauge sensors, Solar panel, regulator, power distribution (fuse box) and Battery. There should be four (4) Automatic water levels and rainfall station and four (4) water levels only.
Phase 3: Equipment Instal ation and Commissioning - The installations in each catchment shall require one
week to instal and commission equipment but it depends on how many stations shal be required to provide adequate monitoring especially for calibrated flow stations. Each flow site shall require calibrating for the range of flows that may occur and shall take several weeks or months and shall require suitable flow gauging equipment. This task is critical and shall require experience hydrometric technicians and appropriate equipment at least for the initial calibration.
All equipment shall be new, calibrated and field tested and shall comply with WMO standards.
All relevant equipment drawings are to be delivered with the equipment. Al drawings shal be in colored and should
include complete Water Level and rainfall wiring diagrams that should include information such as cable size, fuse size,
cable colors, brand names, and model and catalogue numbers of every item in the hydrological network system. A
trouble shooting chart shall also be included.
Al equipment plus workmanship shal be covered under 12 months warranty from date of commissioning or 18 months
from Ex Works Date, whichever is more.
The supplier must guarantee that al equipment/sensors supplied shal be suitable for the fol owing conditions:
• Altitude: 0 – 100m above the sea level or better • Maximum ambient temperature: 45°C or better • Minimum ambient temperature: 5°C or better • Humidity: 0 – 100% • Corrosive environment (near the sea) • Maximum wind gusts of 350km/h (190 knots) or better
FMS will be available to assist with the installation. Installation works duration shall be one (1) week per catchment
depending on the number of stations on each catchment.
All equipment shall be delivered CIF to Fiji Meteorological Services HQ, Korowai Road, Nadi and expected delivery time
not exceeding two (2) months from date of receiving order.
Quoted price can be in any of the following currencies but Fijian Dollars is preferred;
• Fijian Dollar
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
• Australian Dollar • New Zealand Dollar • US Dollar • Euro Dollar • Japanese Yen
This shall be through letter of credit raised at any of the following banks in case of overseas payments;
• Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) • Westpac • Bank of Baroda • Bank South Pacific
The proposal schedule of payment of the project shall be as follows;
• 1st – Issuance of LPO or indent upon award of tender • 2nd – Payment of 50% of contract amount upon receiving the equipment • 3rd – Payment of 50% of contract amount upon installation and commissioning • 4th – return of performance bond upon completion of contract.
A complete documentation including the fol owing;
• Station commissioning details • Maintenance manual x 2 copies • Operations manual x 2 copies • Parts list catalogue x 2 copies • All software
to be provided with the consignment at no extra cost
Supply of Automatic Water Level and Rainfal Stations
2014 Automatic Water Level Station Tender-Annexure 1.pdf
Board of Nursing Approval – 5/10/00 Assistance with Medication Information for School Staff (For Field Trips Only) When assisting with medications, it is expected that assistance will be given in a manner which protects the student from harm. It is expected both from a legal and ethical standpoint that you will not knowingly participate in practices which are outside your legally permissible role or which may endanger the well being of the student. Medication is given to the right student, at the right time, in the right amount (dose), and by the right route (such as orally, topically, by inhalation). The following information is developed around these FIVE RIGHTS:
3D Cell Culture: A Review of Current Techniques Brad Larson, Senior Applications Scientist, Applications Department, BioTek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT Over the last decade, a central focus of drug discovery efforts has been the incorporation of in vitro testing models that better mimic in vivo conditions found within the target patient. An initial step saw a move away from biochemical assays using purified drug target, in favor of a cell-based approach which utilized over-expression of drug target in common host cell lines, such as CHO and HEK-293. The quest for greater physiological relevance proceeded to the use of primary cells, preferably human if supply was adequate, and the reliance on endogenous expression of drug target should detection technology be sensitive enough. A large percentage of these cell types, being naturally adherent, allowed simple culturing workflows that seeded cells in a coated microplate well, incubating the microplate to encourage the cells to attach in a two dimensional (2D) monolayer before performing the prescribed assay. While providing initial improvements over biochemical and immortalized cell lines, an abundance of evidence now supports the reality that culturing cells in this 2D manner is often problematic and is a relatively poor model for in vivo conditions and behaviors. Using a 2D model, attrition rates of drug candidates for cancer were approximately 95%1, stemming from in vitro drug efficacy values that did not translate to the clinic, as well as unforeseen toxicity issues. In 2011 alone, out of approximately 900 anti-cancer therapies in clinical trials or under Federal Drug Administration review2, only twelve achieved approval3; resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on pre-clinical and clinical trials. The reason for these shortfalls can be traced to using conventional 2D conditions, where extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, important for differentiation, proliferation and cellular functions in vivo, are lost4.