Aug-sep 2005
August - September 2005
Good Practices of the "Good Practice Study"!
- Dhruv Mankad1
documents studied for setting this example are thestudy report and the compendium produced. Some of
Good Practices and their Cost Effectiveness, related
the statements are albeit based on self-interview!
to Reproductive and Child Health Programme (RCH1) were studied in March 20041 . Such good practices
Background of the Study
were drawn not only from the RCH 1 programme, but
RCH 1, mainly a project directed to achieve Family
also from relevant programme(s) funded by
Planning ‘targets' was getting over in 2005. In order
Government of India or Development Partners. Good
to design a Reproductive and Child Health Programme
practices from other countries were also studied and
2005–2010 (RCH 2), the Department of Family Welfare,
if relevant, included in the Report.
Ministry of Health, GoI, initiated a series of studies.
Study teams were appointed to conduct the relevant
Some of the recommendations of the study are:
studies. The topics included like Gender Equity, Health
Financing, Public Private Partnership, etc. Good
Strengthening of basic health services and public
Practices Study was a part of this process.
health services management
• Decentralised planning with the involvement
The Study Team took into account a number of
lessons learned in RCH 1, with particular regard to:
• Community involvement in planning and reviewing
(i) management and institutional problems; (ii)
performance of the health system
difficulties related to weak strategies and
• Regulation of quality of public private partnership
implementation systems; (iii) poor service quality; (iv)
• Flexible, local setting based IEC practices
inadequate service coverage; (v) poor coordination;and (vi) absence of an approach sufficiently tailored
Now, the report and a compendium of case studies
to the varying capacities of individual states.
are available in electronic form.2
The study objectives were to:
This article shares the background, approach and theresults of the study. At the end, the analysis of the
• inform the final stages of the design process of
Good Practice study as a ‘Good Practice' is presented.
It represents an example of how a Good Practice wasanalysed and included in the compendium. The
• assist in ensuring the high quality of the National
and State Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs)through encouraging an evidence-based ap-
2The study team constituted of Dr Christine Thayer, an expertin public health service management, Harish Ramanan, an
• enable RCH 2 implementation activities to benefit
expert in cost analysis and self.
from lessons learnt.
3Self-run CDs with documents in PDF form. Please contactauthor.
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Approach and Methodology
critical factor in combating maternal mortality.
Reducing maternal mortality in turn saves many
The Study Team were concerned to build into their
children's lives. This requires the availability of a 24-
work the key features of the proposed RCH 2
hour service in properly equipped premises with
approach, particularly: (i) keeping in mind the
adequate supplies of blood, instruments and
programme approach; (ii) working in the context of
medicines. Particular emphasis should therefore be
integrated vision of family planning, maternal
placed on securing 24-hour staffing of Primary Health
health and new-born/ child health
as a part of Primary
Centres (PHCs). They should be resident and mobile
Health Care (iii) working within a
Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) in health sub-
sector approach including the private sector; (v)
centres. Other key issues are transport availability and
focusing on a
results-based approach.
blood supplies.
The study was NOT an audit of practice/ programme/
b) Public Health Management Systems
intervention, of the cost or of the System. The studyprovided only a summary or initial list of good
There is general need to strengthen public health
practices on the high-priority focus areas that were
management systems. The decentralisation of drug
identified. The study team has not evaluated, reviewed
procurement and supply, monitoring of health facilities
or tested any system software in the conduct of the
performance and of auditing maternal and infant
study nor prepared any system documentation.
deaths are some of the particularly useful measuresthat should be introduced.
The Study Team adopted the following definitions:
Good practice - where there is substantial
It is clear that the type of decentralised planning
evidence showing that a given practice has had a
process, which works well at district level, requires
positive impact and/ or has successfully met its
strong community participation in implementation and
programme objectives and that it is replicable and
preferably external technical support, for example from
transferable to other settings.
an NGO. At the present time there are several
Promising practice – where a programme/ prac-
interesting models in place, which require indepth
tice seems to be working well but evidence of
success, replicability or sustainability is lacking.
d) Intersectoral Convergence
The Study Team decided on a list of criteria foranalysing good/ promising practices. These were:
It is easier to develop convergence around work on
(i) evidence-based; (ii) replicable; (iii) sustainable;
specific goals and common activities involving, for
(iv) practical; (v) innovative; and (vi) should work
example, joint training or shared performance
well within the existing system including accepted
indicators. Examples of this type of shared goal would
by the community.
be family life skills education, averting maternal deaths
The Study Team developed a Compendium of
and childhood immunisation.
documented case histories that aims to present and
e) Community Involvement in Planning and
promote creative, successful and sustainable solutions
for use within RCH programmes, interventions andservices.
In a situation where demand for RCH services tendsto be low and where women are uncertain of the
The report reflects a collective and not necessarily
services on offer and of their rights, community
consensual opinion of the Study Team. However,
mobilisation has been shown to be both effective and
efforts were made to document the advantages and
highly cost-effective. Women who have been trained
disadvantages of ALL selected practices as available
in RCH issues are often very powerful advocates of
in the documents studied.
women's and children's health rights. Careful
Analysis of Good Practices
consideration should be given to include a communitymobilisation component in RCH 2.
The Study Team gave an overview of the analyticalwork that it carried out in each of the high-priority
f) Partnership with the Private Sector
focus areas listed above.
The social marketing regulatory mechanism urgently
a) Strengthening Basic Services
needs updating. It could be done in such a way so asto ensure mainstreaming in relation to the public
International research shows clearly that skilled
health system, thus introducing a range of products
professional help during delivery is probably the most
and services, which go beyond fertility regulation. In
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
the field of private health care, once again, updating
cal, managerial, social and economic factors con-
of existing out-of-date and ineffectual legislative
ducted at block and district level could be used as a
instruments is critical for protection of the public as
tool to improve the quality of services and co-ordina-
also to guarantee good quality services.
tion between various departments. Andhra Pradeshand Karnataka have started this process with promis-
g) Information, Education and Communication
The importance of decentralised, flexible, designed
(4) Monitoring of institutional activity at primary
programmes adapted to the local setting and with clear
health care level
behavioural change messages emerged clearly fromthe work of the Study Team.
RCH is one of the services a PHC is supposed toprovide. Improvement in its performance and infra-
h) Mainstreaming the "Systems" Aspect of Good
structure only would generate the level of confidence
Practices in RCH Work
in the community to access the available services.
The Study Team recommended to continue the work
Without such an improvement, a single programme like
on "good practices" and to mainstream it as a tool
RCH cannot be expected to perform better.
for the promotion of managerial effectiveness and
(5) Ensuring a modified community needs assess-
service quality. The dissemination system could
include a web-based information tool, and sponsorssuch as private sector software and hardware firms
Community-based planning and monitoring can be a
could also be envisaged.
continuous process if PRA methods are used to as-sess the community needs.
Good practices should be disseminated to theprofessionals, paramedics and community level health
(6) Ensuring block and district level intersectoral
workers through traditional systems like newsletters,
coordination for ICDS
bulletins, journals and through the available
Implementation of Certain Key Good Practices
ICDS is the hub for a set of services to the infants
within RCH 2
and children. Malnutrition and Communicable Dis-eases like ARI, measles, diarrhoea are interrelated
The Study Team identified five areas of good practice
causes of deaths particularly in EAGs (Empowered
which offer clear health benefits, which are cost
Action Groups) and similar blocks in non EAG states.
effective and sustainable, and which they believe
Intersectoral Co-ordination between Anganwadi,
should be integrated within the core implementation
TBA, ANM at the block level in MP, Orissa, Bihar,
plans of the state PIPs within the framework of RCH
Jharkhand, etc., had promising impact on child deaths.
2. These activities include:
Indepth Analysis of Certain Promising Practices
(1) Implementation of the Tamil Nadu drug procure-
a) The Study Team identified six areas of strategic
importance that would particularly benefit from
This mechanism has worked under the existing sys-
detailed follow-up in order to identify clearly good
tem in Tamil Nadu, fairly successfully therefore there
practices from amongst the various "promising
is no reason why it cannot function elsewhere.
practices" which they have studied. These include:• regulation (social marketing/ franchising and
(2) Improving blood supplies in first referral units
registration of private hospitals and nursinghomes);
Lack of blood supply and absence of specialist is the
• transport for obstetric emergencies;
biggest hurdle of making referral units function to
• use of community volunteers in RCH;
provide emergency obstetric care. Availability and
• decentralized planning models;
storage of blood can save life of a mother even if she
• strengthening of intersectoral co-ordination at dis-
has to be referred further. Such an experiment in
Rajasthan has shown promises. It should be replicable
• implementation of an integrated package of mea-
elsewhere so that maternal deaths could be averted.
sures designed to activate PHCs.
(3) Audit of maternal and infant deaths
b) In the context of these in-depth studies, it will be
It is not the number of maternal or child deaths which
important to focus, wherever feasible, on comparative
show the systemic causes of deaths, whether they
cost analyses of different models of good or promising
were avoidable or not. Analysing the causes in clini-
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Disbanding the CGHS:
An e-forum Exchange
-Original Message -
much the capacity to pay for their own healthcare and
From: Deva
should buy their own health insurance. Govt.
employees get free healthcare in public hospitals
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:30 PM
whereas the poor using public hospitals have to
Subject: [mfriendcircle] Disbanding the CGHS
pay user fees. This is certainly not equity. Let thegovernment budget be devoted for the large
One more move to channel government money into
unorganised sector families and use these funds to
private sector (see report below).
support a universal health insurance initiative.
TIMES OF INDIA - March 28/03/05
From: Prayas
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 3:29 PM
Plan panel wants to wind up ailing CGHS
Closure of CGHS is fine because it caters to only Central
NEW DELHI: Seeing a little possibility of revival of the
Govt. employees and nobody else could seek services
ailing and corruption-ridden Central Government HealthScheme (CGHS), the Planning Commission is suggesting
from CGHS dispensaries. However, its
that it be disbanded.
replacement by private sector is a matter of alarmbecause by it the Govt. is trying to convey the
In its mid-term appraisal (MTA) of the 10th five- year
message that Govt. run health services are not good.
plan, the Commission is all set to recommend a generalhealth insurance scheme for Central government
Other important issue is of that Govt. may begin to
employees so that they don't need to queue up at their
spend more moneythrough new system than now by
local dispensaries only to return empty-handed as oftencrucial medicines are out of stock.
CGHS as it intends to buy insurances to allits employees and that too of kind in which every single
Under the general health insurance, the employees would
ailment is covered. Premium of such an insurance per
have a choice of government and private hospitals to go
person or family could be very high. So privatisation
to. Instead of funding the CGHS, the government would
of CGHS should be challenged.
have to pay the employees' premium.
The suggestion made in the MTA will, however, only be
formalised after it gets the approval of the full Planning
From: Amitrajit Saha
Commission and the National Development Council. Butwith stories of corruption and inefficiency in the CGHS
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:28 PM
galore, plan panel officials are hopeful they will get thesupport for this idea.
My experience - many years ago - as a CGHS dispensarymedical officer is mixed: on the one hand we saw retired
From: Ravi
Principal Secretaries and other Central Govt. bigwigs
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 2:23 PM
who took holidays in US, use the CGHS to get themhigh-end prescription drugs like foreign-manufactured
The way the CGHS functions today it is best that it is
L-dopa and long-acting insulins (this was in 1989-91).
wound up. The CGHS is a tremendous drain on the
On the other end were the rank and file Central Govt.
public exchequer and its present modalities of
staff who could access costly treatments because they
functioning are heavily subsidising private sector
had the CGHS cover (someone I know could afford
giants like Apollo and Escorts hospitals - govt.
continuous high-end treatment for his SSPE-affected
employees use these hospitals instead of AIIMS,
son because of CGHS.) Why not bar Class-II and
Safdarjang, etc., for various expensive surgeries and
upward Govt. employees from CGHS benefits but keep
medical treatments and are reimbursed for this
them for the lower-end staff? But the service MUST be
expenditure at market rates. The private hospitals, which
re-vamped and made corruption-free.
are otherwise running at 50% of their capacity, getassured clientele from the public sector to fill up vacant
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:57 PM
Further I have no sympathy for the government
CGHS has also lot of corruption. Beneficiaries take
employees who draw fat salaries and have very
prescription that contain all irrational and newer
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
preparations from market-for that they get
reimbursement. What they do is instead of takingmedicines they will take shampoos, toothpaste, creams
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:10 AM
and what not. Apart from that it is good realisation for
I am in entire agreement with Ravi on this.
Govt. that their ivory towers are simply not working.
But sad part is instead of improving it Govt. just wants
to wash its hand off. And now Govt. will pay largeamount to Private Practitioners.
From: Deva
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 6:46 AM
Dear Ravi, Dhruv and Shyam,
From: Dhruv Mankad
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:00 AM
You are right when you say that the CGHS isinequitable. That it caters more to the wealthier sections
It is also a way of subsidising trust hospitals or to put
of Indian society. You are right when you say that the
it bluntly helping trust hospital to run like a private
CGHS is corrupt. It is riddled with corruption and has
hospitals. The rates of cataract operation in a trust
been the topic of investigation by CBI many a time.
hospital in Mumbai to CGHS members are almost twice
You are right when you say that it does not meet the
the ‘market rates' in other cities. They are also given
needs of the average man. But is this a good enough
reimbursible but very expensive medicines.
reason to disband it?
However (the) issue is different. It is: Is CGHS like a
Because if that were the case, you would have to
mini-public health service providing adequate care to
disband the entire government health services, for they
the majority of CG employees? Is the provision
are also inequitable, corrupt and do not meet the needs
adequate for that purpose? Is it financially and
of the common man. Instead of disbanding it, the
technically regulated? Answers seem to be NO! It is
Planning Commission should think of some radical
difficult to relate CGHS as a service taking care of highly
ways of revamping it. And I think that here the main
paid CG employees' families only. In fact it covers
issue is one of governance. When the users (read the
services to pensioners also.
IAS and DHS staff) are also on the Board of Governors,
The budget for 2005-06 for CGHS is Rs 221 crores, i.e.,
naturally there is going to be a conflict of interest. It is
approx. Rs 121 per capita. (of CG employee
in their interest to maximise the benefits. This is the
families). This is not much different from any budget
reason why everything is permitted and also not just
forstate like Maharashtra. If pensioner and his
in the government but also in the private sector.
family were also included it would reduce to almost
Because when the IAS officer has an AMI, he needs to
go to Escorts. And this is also the reason why thecontributions have always been kept minimal and
About 95% of Regular Central Government Employees
subsidised. No IAS officer wants to pay a large
are Non-Gazetted as per Census 2001. Only 3.7% of
contribution out of his pocket. What the Planning
total employees are in the scale of Rs 10000 and
Commission should do is segregate the governance
above, 56% below Rs 4500 with 18% below 3049! If it is
from management. Allow an independent organisation
true that CGHS is really serving the higher salaried
to manage the CGHS. And give them a fixed budget.
employees - the cream 2 %, then the
And then you will see the difference.
others are neglected like the ‘Common Man' of India.
Bringing CGHS in health system reforms may be a good
And finally - a last word. If you introduce private Health
beginning. It is one more example of lack of financial
insurance among the CGHS members - I presume that
discipline and regulating health services:
the government will end up paying for it. In which case,
it is not encouraging private or public domain only
the government will end up paying about Rs 3000 to
which matters.
4000 per person as premium as against the current
The solution is regulating the health services for central
expenditure of Rs 121. Would that not increase the
government employees dispersed in the country - 51%
in Class ‘C' or unclassified cities with almost no CGHS
based health services. Replacing it with a properlynegotiated group insurance covering with premium paid
From: Dhruv Mankad
as per salary scale may be one more solution. It may
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 8:17 PM
provide some relief to this 51% mostly serving in lowerscales as well as the pensioners leaving at similar
The debate is getting very interesting - the real role of
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
schemes for some not-so-organised sector, Janarogyaschemes. At some point in time they should be
You have rightly raised very important risk factors of
integrated scrapping the different approaches, rules
how a group insurance should NOT be governed with
for a standard NSS. A blueprint for such an NSS should
conflict of interest and the second issue of
be in place even before disbanding CGHS or launching
entering private insurance.
First, I agree with you that CGHS should be converted
Finally, GIC is anyway considering the Mediclaim as a
and run an autonomous board.
social sector scheme. As a corp. it may consider it as aprofit center. But there is adequate buffer from other
Secondly, I agree with you that there is a risk of private
non life insurance schemes (major share from shipping
insurance sector and the GoI may have to pay a very
and other industry). It is also still overwhelmingly large
high amount then the budget. The average
state run corporation as compared to any private
gross premium collected by mediclaim in 2003-04 is Rs
insurance company in India. So with such a
1290 per person covered.
large bulk of users, a moderate premium can benegotiated by the GoI with GIC for a set of uniformly
If the GoI were serious about it, it would increase no. of
available health services to all CG employees and
persons covered to any insurance company's kitty by
their families. Albeit, it would be more than Rs 121 per
The problem would premium
capita. This is what I mean by an LPI by the GoI.
settlement ratio, an operational issue. However, thesocial insurance operational initiative is overdue. Could
we not consider this inequity as a
Large Project Initiative (LPI) by the GoI!!
From: Ritu Priya
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 1:36 PM
Is it not possible to combine both the roles of the state,
From: Ravi
as employer with its responsibility to provide health
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 8:59 PM
services to employees and as provider of services toall citizens universally?
The basic issue to be decided here seems to be—Dowe see the state as a'provider of services', or do we
I have also mentioned in my email that we need to look
envisage it as merely the ‘financier as payer of
at universal health insurance where there is equity in
premiums', with the private sector for provisioning? I
what state provides and if someone needs more
understand that neither are ideal or feasible solutions
insurance then they can buy it from the public sector
and mixed solutions will have to be balanced optimally.
or private sector insurance companies. The state as an
As Dhruv has said, a most significant MFC debate
employer and the state as a provider of health services
is occurring, about this balancing act at policy level.
to the people should not discriminate between the twogroups and hence all state run insurance/social security
Given our iniquitous conditions will the better
schemes should be integrated into a national social
privileged not elbow out the weaker in a universal
security scheme which provides basic cover to all,
insurance system? How are the poor going to negotiate
whether employed or unemployed, equitably.
it to get the benefits, when corruption is rife and fundsinsufficient for all? If they cannot get their due in
dealings with the health services howwill they do so with the insurance system? Even the
From: Dhruv Mankad
middle class face major hurdles the way the insurance
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 8:54 AM
systems are run. Social insurance forcollectives and organised groups linked to provision
A model can be tested with equity for a set of public
of services and a wider debate on ‘quality of services'
domain - here it could be the CG employees spread all
to set norms of practice in public and private sectors
over India, while there may be inequity as
seem to be multiple lines of action that together can
compared with others to start with.
create a less iniquitous situation.
In fact, universal health insurance schemes elsewhere
One way of deriving the balance can be of using the
have gone through the process of coalescing of
CGHS as a pressure for improving quality of public
schemes for different groups. We already have ESIS,
sector services. The concern about public health
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
expenditures going disproportionately to the CGHS
the urban areas with non-communicable diseases. And
beneficiaries can be dealt with by denying them any
a wide spectrum between these two extremes.
financing for going to private services, a
There are so many questions that need to be answered.
difficult step no doubt. The Planning Commission's
And given the number of risk pools in our country, to
taking strong steps for reforming the health sector are
expect us to go in for universal health insurance in one
to be welcomed, but, as Narendra has said,
step would probably be an utopian dream. On the other
the direction indicated by the disbanding of CGHS is
hand, if we at least cover each risk pool step by step
that of giving up on the public services rather than
e.g. the central government employees, the state
undertaking strong measures to strengthen
government employees, the factory workers, the officer
them. We had dealt with options for strengthening the
workers, the private sector workers, the plantation
health service system universally in an article in the
workers, the mine workers, the organised informal sector
EPW last year, and in that light written
(e.g. cooperative members, SHG members etc), then
about the CGHS as well (EPW, XXXIX (27), July 3,
the chances of increasing the insurance cover is more
2004, p 2971-74). In my view, such difficult but strong
measures are what should be attempted.
From: Prayas
From: Deva
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 7:13 PM
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 10:21 AM
I have two concerns regarding this interesting
1. I do not understand if there is really a dearth of
Universal health insurance - the magic bullet to solve
resources in this country both of human beings and of
all evils in our health system!
finance. If 5846 kms of four and sixlane world class roads in the cost range of Rs 4 to 7
I have some basic questions:
crores for each km. could be built in this country in
1) One requires a lot of money to provide universal
record time of two years, then why can not
health insurance - where is this going to come from?
health care be ensured. Building of golden quadrangle
The govt has been making promises to increase
network of road construction is strong evidence that
its spending from 1 to 2% (which by itself is not
things could happen in this country of best standard
enough), but inspite of "commitment" has not done
and in record time with no stories of big corruption.
so. Moreover this increase has to be at the level
The issue is that it took very long time for the powered
of the state governments (who are the single biggest
to be in this country to realise this fact that
spenders on health).
building good roads is an investment for ultimate
However as all of us know, this is a pipe dream as most
savings on petrol/diesel, people dying of accidents
of the state govts are bankrupt and are actually reducing
and this need to be done urgently. So if there is
their expenditure on health.
this realisation that what this country is paying in termsof keeping people in poor health then resources will be
2) Aside from money, as Ritu mentioned, how is this
absolutely no problem. The need is to spend more in
going to be organised? Would people have to
defense of people's health instead of defense of
contribute? If yes, how is this contribution going to
territorial boundaries through piling of more & more
be collected? If no, what is the difference from the
lethal weapons. But this thing has to be driven home.
current system of "free" health services?
2. The other concern is with regard to rationalisation of
3) Who are the providers? The existing government
care, which can bring huge savings in health care and
health services or private health services also?
with good health. Use of rational andessential therapeutics coupled with standard
4) And finally given the diversity of our country, do
parameters of health care can substantially reduce our
you think that one design will satisfy everybody? On
cost of health care. I feel this could happen by doing
the one hand, we have the poor in the
determined reforms within the existing framework as is
rural areas that are burdened with communicable
done in the case of roads.
diseases? And on the other hand we have the rich in
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
RaviFrom: Ravi
need something like Rs 60,000 crores for UHI. I went to
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:45 PM
a recent meeting of the National MacroeconomicsCommission and only for rational drugs for a handful
I don't think UHI is a magic bullet. It is a reality, which
of conditions their estimate is Rs 54,000 cr.
we should move towards and by UHI I don't mean thateveryone has to contribute. Latin and central American
Frankly I do not see any other way than UHI and it has
countries have strived towards this by having
to be some mix of private and public sector — given
contributory social security for the organised sector,
the total lack of will to deal with private practitioners.
which we also have in India - all the groups you have
In fact, UHI may be the stick/carrot to get all the medical
mentioned at the end of your note below have some
profession to behave as you are likely to have strict
form of social security, including health cover (this
norms for treatment and prescriptions.
population is about 15% of India's population), andfor the rest of the population the contribution comes
Of course Indian ingenuity will find ways to make
from their Ministry of Health. The delivery mechanisms
money in this like other schemes.
are a mix of state provision and contracting privateproviders. What many Latin and Central American
countries and now a number of Asian countries havedone is at least assure universal primary healthcare toits entire population in some form or teh other. No one
From: Deva
is saying that this will happen overnight. It is indeed a
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 2:14 PM
process and we have to work towards that. I havewritten about this in a paper published by the ICFAI
Journal of Healthcare Law and also an article onfinancing a universal healthcare system for the last
If you say that UHI is a step-by-step process and that
MFC Annual meet. Let me tell you it is realizable and
we need to keep this as our ultimate goal, then yes,
not a pipe dream. Of course we have to generate political
UHI is a desirable endpoint. Which is why I
will. And this is happening slowly - JSA is one effort
am not in favour of disbanding the CGHS, because it
and we need to keep the pressure on.
would be a move away from UHI. Instead let us tryand improve it.
And of course I am still skeptical about the money for
From: Ravi
health care. We have been trying for so many years,
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:04 AM
but have not seen any change at all. The argumentshave not changed at all - why so much on defence?
Narendra, I completely agree. We do not have scarcity
Why so much on highways etc. The point is that the
of resources but the problem is unplanned and wasteful
health ministry is a weak one and has little leverage in
use of resources, including in the health sector, both
the overall scheme of things. So I am cynical about
private and public
getting more funds for health care. Given the pastscenario. So rather than watch many more children
and mothers die while waiting for the government to
implement a better health care programme, let us
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:21 AM
I remember Ravi Duggal saying in the mfc meet that we
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
SHGs and RH Services
Involving Self-Help Groups in Reproductive Health:
A Case Study from Alwar, Rajasthan
visits or health education sessions are conducted.
Women have immense and deep-seated capability for
Sources of care include the public, private allopathic
self-empowerment and action to improve their situa-
and informal sectors. The last is most often the first
tion in families and communities, be it their economic,
choice, but quite frequently ends in referral to a
literary or health status. Certain catalytic actions are
private allopathic doctor or to the public sector. Major
needed to trigger or stimulate this capacity. A two-
deterrents to overall care seeking and in the public
year intervention (2002-04) in Alwar district of
sector were lack of information on sources of care for
Rajasthan aimed at strengthening women's under-
particular conditions, little understanding of levels of
standing of key safe motherhood and reproductive
care provided at each facility, perception that
health (RH) issues including gender consciousness
provider's attitudes could be more friendly, and a
and building a rights perspective regarding RH ser-
lack of clarity on payments they made, whether for-
vice access and quality. This case study describes
mally or informally.
the process of raising RH consciousness, supportingand facilitating linkages with the system, through the
instrument of increased confidence and knowledgeamong women and a discussion of the women's ex-
This intervention took place in the Mewat area in
periences with the health system.
collaboration with an NGO, Ibtada, whose primaryobjective is to form and strengthen women's self-
help groups (SHG) for micro-credit. The SHGs aremainly composed of Meo Muslim women and women
Alwar district, located in North Eastern Rajasthan,
from scheduled castes, who are from low income
comprises the Rath, Mewat and tribal area. In com-
households, largely dependent on wage labor, with
parison to the Rath area, the latter two areas have
heavy work load and whose access to reproductive
poorer socio-economic and health indicators. Over-
health related information and services is extremely
all health indicators2 for the district are low, although
limited. Sixteen Mahila Sabha Health Leaders were
in terms of ranking, Alwar ranks ninth in the overall
nominated by seven Mahila Sabhas, (with about 31
HDI for the state. Women's status in Alwar is sum-
SHGs and a member ship of over 500 women) and
marized in its sex ratio (887 women for 1000 men).
were the first level of contact with about groups and
Birth Registration is 22% and infant mortality is about
the community.
100. Complete immunization is 33.2%, only one inthree deliveries is attended by a trained attendant
The year-long training3 , using participatory and ex-
(including trained Traditional Birth Attendants), and
periential learning methodologies, focused on
unmet need for family planning is about 21%. Preg-
women's knowledge and experience base, but related
nancy and delivery related morbidity is about 57%
it to the provision of scientific and factual informa-
and among women only one-fifth sought treatment
tion. In addition to building the knowledge base, an
for a any symptom related to the reproductive tract.
equally important aspect of the training was theemphasis
on source of services, quality of care that
Public health infrastructure is fairly good, with al-
the community has a right to obtain, and the cost
most all villages having easy access (all weather road
of services. Exposure visits to the Government
about 5-8 km distant from a Community Health Cen-
Zenana (Women's) and Children's hospital were also
ter (CHC). Primary Health Centers (PHC) have medical
undertaken as part of the training.
officers visiting on a sporadic basis and only in themorning (when most women and men are out in the
Impact: After the training phase, the Mahila Sabha
fields). Village level functionaries visit the villages,
Health leaders (MSHL) were supported to dissemi-
but only a few roadside houses. No house-to-house
nate key messages to SHG and general community.
In addition they also helped in referral to healthworkers and facilities. Both sets of actions did begin
1 Email: <[email protected]>2
to result in an increase in number of women to ac-
All indicators in this section are taken from the RCH HH survey, 2000.
cess services (primarily for reproductive tract infec-
Reproductive health issues including: menstruation and menstrual
disorders, antenatal care, safe delivery, planning for emergency obstetric
tions, family planning methods, and antenatal care)
services, postpartum care, abortion, post abortion care, family planning,
through the Mahila Sabha Health Leaders. Other
RTI/STI management, infertility, and menopause.
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
women of the SHG groups began taking on a lead-
rights from banks, or from the district administration
ership role as well, and were able to perform the same
the treatment they receive in the health system
function as the MSHL.
heightens their vulnerability and adversely affectstheir self-esteem and dignity. Any setback that they
receive jolts their self-confidence even when in acollective. We also observed that a section of the
The MSHL were enthusiastic early in the second
providers rejected their demands and ridiculed their
year, as a result of their increased knowledge and
knowledge/information, making the women feel hu-
confidence and what they perceived to be linkages
miliated and less willing to risk an encounter with the
with the health system. Early in the second year, a
system, driving them to the private sector.
district level workshop was organized to increasecollaboration with the public sector system, and also
No ANMs participated in the group meetings. In
to inform providers of the intervention admits poten-
one area where the ANM happened to be visiting
tial of increasing use by the community. Providers
when a Mahila Sabha meeting was in progress, she
from sub centers, Primary Health Care Centers, and
ridiculed the MSHL and began to conduct the ses-
the Community Health Center located in the project
sion using English terms and discussing all aspects
intervention areas, participated in the meeting. The
of maternal health instead of focusing on the issue
Mahila Sabha Health Leaders presented their experi-
being discussed.
ences with the training, with transmission of themessages in the groups, and experiences with care
Initially there were increasing reports of women con-
seeking. They highlighted both the positive and
fronting providers in the system at various levels.
negative experiences, acknowledging that they were
They ranged from asking ANM why they do not
still in the learning phase. It was decided that there
conduct house visits, to asking medical officers to
would be closer linkages and collaboration between
document non-availability of medicines and the ratio-
SHG members and the ANMs. Quarterly review
nale for referral to another center. However these
meetings would be organized at the district level to
became fewer since the MSHL felt that the resistance
assess the effectiveness of the collaboration as
was high and it was not worth their while to engage
measured by client satisfaction as well increase in
in this fashion.
During the training phase, there was substantial dis-
As the intervention progressed and women began to
cussion on government schemes available for women.
use their newly acquired knowledge on quality of
The National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS) was
care and service availability, their demands on the
discussed in detail and several of the MSHL began
system began to increase. This provoked consider-
to identify the beneficiaries and support them in
able resistance and hostility from the medical officers
getting the funds due to them. They encountered
and para medical officers. What appeared to be most
stiff resistance at every stage, from obtaining the
threatening was the ability of the Mahila Sabha Health
form at the level of the panchayat secretary, indiffer-
leaders to articulate their needs and their heightened
ence from the lady Sarpanch, non co-operation from
awareness of their rights within the health system.
the ANM in certifying the birth. The women submit-ted a petition to the Collector and the ANM was
To us, this was rewarding validation that the women
suspended pending enquiry. When the enquiry was
were indeed beginning to understand their rights and
conducted the MSHL of the village were called in for
are experimenting with placing demands on them.
questioning by the examining panel and were treated
From the women's perspective however, the negative
as if they were liars and troublemakers. Needless to
experiences resulted in an increasing tone of frustra-
say the ANM was reinstated. None of the women
tion that the system was un- responsive to their
received the NMBS funds, since it is now due t be
ailments. Disinterest, rudeness, frequent referrals to
replaced by the Janani Surakhsa Yojana.
the private sector, non-legitimate demands for moneyfrom the public sector system were common. Re-
Some of the women continue to remain engaged, but
ports of refusal of treatment in PHC, CHC, and the
overall there is a perceptible lack of interest in using
Zenana hospital were common. In fact the MSHL
the SHG as a forum to activate the public sector. The
were wary of escorting women to the District women's
private sector appears for them a far better option.
hospital because of the reported non-availability of
Credit is available because of their membership in the
drugs and the rude treatment. This diminished their
SHGs, and the treatment they receive is more hu-
credibility with the SHG and general community
mane. In fact, Ibtada is currently designing an up-
scaled version of the intervention (covering over 200
One of our findings was that even though the mem-
SHGs), but their provider preference is a panel of
bers of the Sabhas and groups were able to demand
private allopathic doctors in the town.
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Women's Narratives from Kashmir-3
Nazar, a 22-year-old girl is the second child in a family
I was very ashamed of the changes that took place
of five. Her father is a teacher in a government school
within my body. Why do our bodies have to change?
yet she was not able to pursue her education after high
Why can we also not be like boys, the change does
school. This narrative is a reflection of her thoughts of
not cause any difference in them. They continue living
her life as she was growing up in the days of militancy.
life as always.
Nazar justifies the restriction of movement on the factthat it was ultimately the women who had to save her
Things are not so bad for girls in the cities or outside
honour and the best way to do this was to restrict
Kashmir. Girls are free there. Every time I go out I feel
oneself to the house. She was aware that if something
so good. I want to move out of here. Women are free.
happened people instead of being sympathetic would
There is no one to stop them from wearing what they
blame the woman; she must have done something to
want to and living the way they want to. Here we are
attract attention, why only her and not someone else…
"Tell me was it the woman's fault? No but we had to
I remember the time I was in junior school. There were
bear the brunt of it all. What could I do in front of
no restrictions then. The situation became bad when I
reasons like this? I am ultimately the honour of my
reached middle school. That is when militancy in Kash-
parents am I not? I used to cry all the time and curse
mir started. It was like overnight things changed for
God for making me a girl…Times were bad, bad things
worse. Cover your head, wear proper clothes come
were happening to girls…Girls were abducted, raped
home on time, don't stay out too late, don't leave the
everything we had never dreamt of was happening. In
house alone, burqa etc. It was horrible. I used to feel so
a scenario like this who would allow girls out of the
trapped. All the admiration that I had for the militants
house lest alone to college… No one could have
faded away. As long as they were not interfering in our
thought that a schoolteacher would not permit his
daily lives the movement had our support but once our
daughter to study. But that is exactly what happened
lives were affected in this manner we started praying
to me. It is strange how the troubles in the state affect
daily lives.
I was totally against the burqa. Why should we have
…Till the age of fifteen I was a free bird, allowed to do
to wear it? It's not a part of our culture. I do not ever
whatever I liked. I could go wherever I wanted to, sit
remember any of the women in my family or for that
however I wanted to and wear whatever clothes I
matter in the village wearing one. I never used to wear
wanted to. In-fact there was no difference in my and
it. My family and friends used to question and advice
my younger brother's clothes both of us used to wear
me to wear. But I never did.
Were you not scared? To
the khan dress. I was a tomboy. But life changed so
be honest I was, especially when we heard cases of
drastically with my monthlies that I curse god for mak-
girls being shot and acid being thrown on girls in towns.
ing me a girl. All my friends had already had their month-
It was scary but then I did not want to bow down. I was
lies and I would always ask them when mine would
aware that people were talking behind my back and
start. I did not know that my life would change. My
anything could happen to me. Thankfully it did not
mother made me wear suits with chunni; people came
last long. I was very happy when women openly de-
to know about it. They started calling me a big girl,
fied the dictate. You cannot imagine how suffocating it
started treating me differently. I was no longer allowed
is to be in one.
out alone. Earlier I was sent to buy groceries now I was
These restrictions made me feel small. I started feeling
not allowed to do this. I was stopped from doing ev-
ashamed of myself and ashamed of the fact that I was
erything. I used to feel very ashamed and confused.
a girl. The army used to chase girls…for what? Girls
This shame and confusion soon turned into anger. Why
were not allowed to step out alone, to go out alone in
should things change like this? I was the same girl why
the field why? I feel free today. I am out in the field
was I being treated differently, what had happened to
working and helping other women. When I visit Srinagar
I can move out without bothering with my chunni. In
I hate the five days of my monthlies. Normally I like to
Srinagar I do not bother (laughs). Outside Delhi I am
have a leisurely bath, but on those five days my bath
not even bothered if there is no chunni. (Softly) I wear
does not last more than 2 minutes. On the sixth day I
jeans when I go to Delhi. How I wish we could also live
cleanse myself thoroughly. I feel very dirty those five
like the girls there. They do not care, I love them, and
days. Why do only we have to have this? God is so
the freedom they have; what I would not give to be like
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Background Note for the Annual Meet, 2006
Quality and Costs of Health Care:
Social Regulation in the Context of Universal Access
-Ritu Priya1
The state of healthcare services is a matter of serious
The framework for assessment of quality has to be able
concern in most parts of the world. For most of the
to address issues related to individual institutions at
low and middle-income sections in the low and middle-
primary, secondary and tertiary levels; to take a systemic
income countries, ie. the majority of humankind, the
view with which includes consideration of the
issues are primarily of access to whatever are perceived
interlinkages between institutions; and to assess quality
as good quality basic services. For the better off across
of specific public health programmes. It should be
the globe, the issues are more of escalating costs and
applicable to both public and private sector health care
over-medicalisation. Inappropriate models of development
and organisation of services as well as alienation ofhealth care providers from the laypeople have been
The criteria and standards set for defining quality of carehave to be carefully chosen, and those in use have to
widely identified as reasons for the present state of the
be examined for their implications. The huge diversity
health services. Therefore quality of health services has
of epidemiological, social and health care context within
to be examined from a public health perspective,
which the health care services function means that criteria
including but not relying upon clinical criteria alone for
and standards may not be applicable universally. Quality
the assessment.
criteria for single health service institutions, health servicesystems and specific health programmes will differ in
However, even the public health perspective needs to
some ways and be similar in others. The nature and load
be delineated further. Public Health, as a field of enquiry
of health problems to be handled, the level of
and action, has two faces. One is the democratic face
development of the health service system in the country/
with the potential of its acting as a lever for improving
state/district, and the socio-econmic profile of the users
quality of life of the poor and other marginalised sections
will need to be taken into account. Therefore principles
of society. It has, historically, focused on the necessity
need to be enunciated for assessing quality and for
of fulfillment of basic needs of all, including health care.
implementing quality control mechanisms that can then
The second is the anti-democratic face of public health
be applied in various contexts.
with its potential for coercion in the name of ‘publicgood'. Instances abound over the past century– from
The measures envisaged to ensure improvement in the
eugenics to medical research to disease control strategies–
quality of health care are going to significantly influencethe setting of standards and steps to achieve them.
that violate rights of individuals and marginalised social
Administrative controls, professional peer controls,
groups. The definition of quality of care can also be
community controls, setting of standard protocols,
done in ways that, directly or indirectly, contribute to
accreditation mechanisms to inform users, health insurance
the practice of one or the other perspective.
systems that set standard protocols,
Currently, there is emphasis on healthcare and disease
control programmes of the public sector from severalquarters - the World Bank, the Pharmaceutical and
Medical Equipment Industry and Medical InsuranceCompanies included. Increasing privatisation of health
What principles can be used to guide assessment of
care has led to recognition of ‘market failure' due to the
quality of services? Efficacy and safety are essential
low purchasing capacity of the majority across the
attributes of any health care intervention, forming the‘outcome' indicators. Cost, regularity and sustainability
world. Thereby public services provide the answer from
of services determine adherence to instructions. Clearly
both points of view; of the users who need affordable/
resource constraints alone cannot dictate the assessment
free health care, and of the sellers of health products
since this can mean acceptance of low levels of
who need an assured market. While this may seem a
effectiveness or safety. If some measures are proven safe
win-win situation, what is most likely to get
and effective for important public health problems, then
compromised is the rationality of health care. Panic
the resources must be found for them. On the other
scenarios and ‘social marketing' build the demand for
hand, state-of-the art technology cannot, by itself, be the
programmes so that public funds are siphoned into
standard of quality either since, for the above criteria,
unnecessary programmes and measures.
the implications of its use can be different in diverse
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Increasing expenditure on irrational medical care, and
whether the motivation is primarily to provide the best
increasing hazards to health from unnecessary medication
services or to get the best ratings in accreditation
and medical procedures are being documented, and are
systems; whether it is profit-oriented, professionalism-
widely known. The extent of malpractice rampant in both
oriented or service-oriented. Such ‘process' indicators are
the public and private health services in India is also
important criteria, just as much as are the outcome
often justified in the name of ‘quality' as judged by
‘patient demand' and ‘user perceptions'. These includeboth ‘process' and ‘outcome' indicators. Rational drug
Also required is the definition of the role of the patient
use has been widely discussed and its principles were
in deciding the line of treatment. Is it an issue in
delineated in the 1970s and 80s. While these need to
assessing the quality of services? Does the patient's
be re-examined, the use of diagnostics and other
right to say ‘no' to the medically recommended state-
dimensions of medical management require added
of-the-art measures absolve the service provider of the
attention. How to decide what is an epidemiologically
responsibility or does it mean actively developing the
rational and socially appropriate protocol is the question
best line of management in keeping with the patient's
to be answered.
world view? If standardized protocols are viewed as thesolution to some issues of quality of medical care, how
Further, the rationality of public health programmes too
will such issues be addressed?
has been questioned. For instance the pulse poliocampaign has been shown to be epidemiologically
Questions to be Explored
questionable in its claims, creating a threat of massive
Some questions to be examined on the theme would
paralytic outbreaks in future and the possibility of
individual cases of vaccine virus poliomyelitis personswho may otherwise have remained healthy. Similarly,
1) What are the intrinsic components of health care that
the programme for Control of Iodine Deficiency
are important in deciding the quality of services?
Disorders, with a universal ban on non-iodised salt, is
2) What criteria should be used to assess these
also contended to be both irrational and hazardous. Both
interventions also ignore the basic environmental causesof the problem.
Clinical criteria, eg., of efficacy and safety
Public health criteria beyond the clinical, eg., of
accessibility under different conditions
Cost of technology and facilities required for its use;
Health care services are not only about technologies and
both clinical or public health analysis will require this
good management. The Alma-Ata Declaration on PrimaryHealth Care stated the desirable health care to be that
3) Whose conditions and perspectives should be given
which is available, accessible, affordable and acceptable
primacy in answering these questions?
to the community, given their specific social, economicand cultural context. Lack of access of large sections of
The clinical professional
the urban poor, rural and tribal populations to basic
The patients from the well-off sections
health care is a glaring issue, and health sector reforms
The patients from the poor sections
have worsened the situation, in the name of improving
The cost-benefit analysis of the health financier
‘efficiency' and quality of health services.
The public sector providers
The private sector providers.
It would be good to discuss these issues in the contextof the reality of the health services in India.
The nature of provider-user interaction is known todetermine the outcome as well as the perception of
The background papers could be wide ranging:
quality by patients. Rude behaviour, poor communicationand negligence by the providers are well-documented ills
Overview papers raising issues or setting out
of the health services in both the public and private
principles for health care quality assessment
sectors. Infrastructure planning also reflects the attitude
Issues of quality in clinical management through case
of the service planners and administrators; whether it is
studies of specific health problems
user-friendly or not, whether it gives importance to
Issues of quality in health care delivery systems
facilities such as water and toilets, catering and space
Issues of quality in disease control programmes
for attendants to stay etc. The adequacy of manpower,
Criteria of quality for choice of technology in health
its optimal distribution and work assignment influence
the functioning of providers. The nature of working
Case studies of quality of health institutions, health
relationships between providers directly influences the
service systems and disease control programmes.
quality of services. Quality is affected by the work
Costing of health care and comparison of optional
culture; whether it is one of cooperation or competition;
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Blistering Indictment of Pharmaceutical Companies
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How they
technology transfer. Senator Bayh, a democrat, and
deceive us and what to do about it. Marcia Angell.
Senator Dole, a republican, together sponsored a law
305 pp. Random House, 2004. $ 24.95.
to speed the translation of tax supported basicresearch into new products, the law is known as the
Marcia Angell, a well-known authority in the field of
Bayh-Dole Act. Angell writes, "This enabled
American health policy and medical ethics is also an
universities and small businesses to patent
outspoken critic of the U.S. health care system. The
discoveries emanating from research sponsored by
scathing attack of ‘Big Pharma', the collective name
the National Institutes of Health (NIH)." The NIH is
for the largest multinational drug corporations, in the
funded by the taxes collected from American citizens
The Truth About Drug Companies comes not
and others paying taxes in the U.S including several
from a ‘crazy left wing radical' but from a buttoned-
million invisible "illegal residents." Similar legislation
down member of the medical establishment. She
was also introduced to permit the NIH to directly
served as an editor-in-chief of the internationally
transfer NIH discoveries to industry by entering into
reputed the
New England Journal of Medicine for
The U.S. Congress represented by the two ruling
Angell painstakingly puts together a lot of data to
class parties, the Republican and the Democratic
show the unholy nexus of big business, in this case,
parties, has enacted several laws that have benefited
the pharmaceutical industry, the U.S. government,
the pharmaceutical companies. Monopoly rights
the medical establishment and the publicly funded
granting effective patent life of brand-name drugs
research institutions. In the introductory chapter itself
increased from about 8 years in 1980 to about 14
she refers to the criminal nature of drug companies
years in 2000. Without actually referring to the
placing profits over people. Under the tongue in
underpinnings of capitalism she comments, "…Big
cheek heading ‘Your Money or Your Life' we find out
Pharma will do anything to protect exclusive marketing
that Americans spend "a staggering 200 billion dollars
rights….in the face of all its rhetoric about the free
a year on prescription drugs." In all 45 million
market." The well-researched but recurring themes in
Americans do not have health insurance and a
her book are represented by the following sentences
significant proportion of those who do, lack a
on the the pharmaceutical industry. "Instead of being
prescription plan to pay for their medicines. Angell
an engine of innovation, it is a vast marketing machine.
describes patients trading off drugs against home
Instead of being a free market success story, it lives
heating or food. She adds, "the people hurting the
off government funded research and monopoly
most are senior citizens who need more prescription
drugs than younger people."
The prescription drug sales in the U.S. in 2002 were
The two most informative chapters in the book are
$200 billion and worldwide $400 billion. In 2002, the
"Just How Innovative Is This Industry" and "Me-
combined profits for the 10 biggest drug companies
Too" Drugs. Angell states that the few innovative
in the Fortune 500 were more than the profits of 490
drugs that come to market nearly always stem from
big corporations put together. The focus of Angell's
publicly supported research sponsored by the NIH
book is mainly on how the drug companies operate
and mainly done at medical schools and teaching
in the U.S. The election of Ronald Reagan as President
hospitals. One of the most lucrative cancer drugs,
of the U.S. in 1980 led to a striking increase in
paclitaxel, sold under the brand name Taxol was
‘corporate welfare' and assaults on the poor and
initially derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree
working people in the U.S. The U.S. Congress began
in the 1960. The National Cancer Institute (NCI),
to enact a series of laws which would lead to
again, a publicly funded institute, conducted orsupported the research on the drug for nearly 30
years at a cost of $183 million dollars of tax payers'
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
money. In 1991, Bristol-Myers Squibb signed a
the same year, spent on an average 35% of their
cooperative research and development agreement with
revenues on ‘marketing and administration'.
the NCI giving the company exclusive access to
Marketing also "masquerades" as education for
government funded research. In 1992, after the drug
was approved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), the U.S. drug regulatory agency, Bristol-Myers
Her concluding chapter "How to Save the
Squibb, a well known pharmaceutical giant was given
Pharmaceutical Industry" is, in my opinion,
5 years of exclusive marketing rights. The worldwide
disappointing but not altogether unexpected. She
use of Taxol generated between $1 and $2 billion a
proposes reforms like comparing new drugs with old
year for Bristol-Myers Squibb. Similar stories can be
ones, strengthening the FDA by repealing the Drug
found with several other innovative drugs like Epogen
User Free Act, which authorizes drug companies to
– to treat anemia in chronic renal failure – imatinib
pay for every drug reviewed. In addition she would
mesylate (trade name, Gleevec) – to treat a kind of
like an institute to oversee clinical drug testing that
blood cancer – where the public pays initially for
would not be sponsored by the drug companies
development of the drug and then as consumers
themselves. All of these are certainly useful short
pays exorbitant prices for the drug.
term measures. While advocating a curb on monopolymarketing rights she is not critical of the very basis
Angell in a stinging criticism and ridicule of the
of giving patents to private hands. The wealth of
pharmaceutical industry refers to their main business
information that the pharmaceutical companies use
as churning out "Me-Too" drugs that are versions of
to make profitable drugs comes from decades, nay,
drugs already in the market. Out of the 415 new
even centuries of knowledge passed on from
drugs approved by the FDA from 1998 through 2002
generation to generation and publicly funded medical
only 14% were truly innovative. While there is a
breakthroughs that Angell herself has so convincingly
shortage of vaccines, anesthetics and drugs used in
demonstrated. Ultimately, science as an institution is
cardiac resuscitation, the market is flooded with
influenced by the political and economic structure of
several different statins - a class of drugs to lower
the society. It would be too much to expect the book
cholesterol. Another striking example of "Me-Too"
to critique the underlying capitalist American state
drugs is the plethora of antidepressants in the market,
which allows Big Pharma to reap profits at the expense
one not that different from the other.
of its people. All in all
The Truth About DrugCompanies is a well-researched and lucid expose of
The book exposes the inadequacy of clinical trials
the pharmaceutical industry but clearly the reforms
that are required to show the efficacy and safety of
that are proposed at the end will not ‘fix' the system.
drugs. Trials for new drugs are conducted with
placebos and not with older drugs, which are now
Drug Pricing - What Does R&D Have to Do with it?
generic, substantially cheaper, and have been foundto be efficacious. Most of the 42 clinical trials of
.Big pharma would like us to believe that prices of their top
antidepressants such as Flouxetine (Prozac) lasted
selling drugs have to be high to cover their costs, including
for just 6 weeks and, on average, placebos were 80
the costs of all the drugs that never make it to market. Theimplication is that drug companies are just eking out a living
percent as effective as the drugs. Clinical trials instead
– something we know is a long way from the truth.
of being run with impartiality are conducted largely
Furthermore, without any information about how they spend
by the drug companies and, not surprisingly, are
their R&D dollars, it is impossible to evaluate the extent to
biased. Angell gives a few instances of "out and out
which profitable drugs subsidize ones that never make it.
suppression of negative results."
Nor is it possible to decide whether the R&D is worth it. Ifpatients must pay thousands of dollars a year for a vital
In a damning indictment of the alliance between the
drug, doesn't the public have a right to know what the markupis and where the money goes? We know that much of it goes
pharmaceutical industry, researchers and doctors she
to profits and marketing, but we also need to know what
talks about the "Lures, Bribes and Kickbacks". In
companies spend on which drugs and for what purposes.
2001, the industry had 88,000 sales representatives
An industry so beholden to taxpayers for research, patent
go to doctors' offices with free samples, personal
protection, and tax breaks – in short, for taking most of the
gifts and company products. The biggest companies,
risks out of the business – ought to do more than just report
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
total R&D expenditures. It should open the black box.
it more rapid attention. This is called a "priority review."Which is for drugs likely to represent a "significant
Despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, this is not a high-risk
improvement compared to marketed products, in the
industry in any normal sense of the term. In fact, drug
treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of disease." The agency
companies are not willing to take any chances at all. As one
lists these drugs with the abbreviation "P". All other drugs
indication, the law mentioned earlier that provides tax credits
receive a standard – or "S" – review. A "standard review"
equal to 50 percent of the cost of testing orphan drugs extends
drug, in the FDA's words, "appears to have therapeutic
the credits to other drugs if "there is no reasonable expectation
qualities similar to those of one or more already marketed
that the cost of developing and making available in the United
States a drug for disease or condition will be recovered fromsales in the United States of such drug". In other words, if
New molecular entities are not necessarily classified as
you can't make a profit, the government will help you out.
priority review drugs. Even brand-new molecules may not
This is an industry well protected against losses. Risky
be any better than an older drug for the same condition. And
businesses have variable returns, but the pharmaceutical
likewise, priority review drugs are not necessarily new
industry has been, year after year, the most profitable in the
molecular entities. It is possible for an old drug to be modified
United States. As Alan Sager, co-director of the Health
in such a way that it offers a definite treatment advantage
Reform Program at Boson University, put it, "If you went
over the earlier form. But as a general rule, a drug that can be
to Las Vegas with $1000 and routinely came back with $1400,
called innovative in any usual meaning of the word is both a
could your family accuse you of gambling?" What these
new molecular entity and a priority review drug. In other
companies are, in fact, claiming is an entitlement not only to
words, the drug is a new molecule that will probably be a
recoup anything they wish to spend on R&D but to make an
significant improvement ove4r drugs already on the market.
exorbitant profit margin as well.
(The industry often uses the word innovative to mean just anew molecular entity, but that leaves aside the all-important
The truth is that there is no particular reason to think that
question of whether the drug offers any clinical advantages
R&D costs, no matter what they are, have anything to do
over old drugs).
with drug pricing. The irrepressibly candid Mr. Gilmartin,President and CEO of Merck, seemed to acknowledge that.
So let us look at the yield over the five years 1998 through
Referring to the $802 million per drug estimate, he remarked,
2002 – the most recent five years for which I have complete
"The price of medicines is not determined by their research
data on both the numbers and the properties of the drugs.
costs. Instead, it is determined by their value in preventing
Altogether, 415 new drugs were approved – an average of 83
and treating disease. Whether Merck spends $500 million or
per year. Of those, 133 (32 percent) were new molecular
$ 1 billion developing a medicine, it is the doctor, the patient,
entities. The others were variations of old drugs. And of
and those paying for our medicines who will determine its
those 133, only 58 were priority review drugs. That averages
true value." That sounds to me like an admission that the
out to no more than 12 innovative drugs per year, or 14
industry will charge whatever the traffic will bear, and it has
percent of the total. Not only is the yield very low, but over
little to do with R&D costs. And that is about right.
those five years, it got worse. In both 2001 and 2002, only
Unfortunately, contrary to Mr. Gilmartin, it does not have
7 innovative drugs (that is, new molecular entities with
much to do with medical value either, as I will show.
priority review) were approved each year, as compared with9 in 2000, 19 in 1999 and 16 in 1998. And that is it – the
The Output of Innovative Drugs
five-year grand total of innovative drugs from this mightyindustry.
. Even a glance at the industry's output shows that miraclesare few and far between. The evidence is on the U.S. Food
Now, just to get a sense of what kinds of drugs are being
and Drug Administration (FDA) website <
produced and which companies are producing them, let us
cder/rdmt/pstable.htm>. As I explained in Chapter 2, before
look closely at the fourteen innovative drugs for those last
a drug can be marketed, a company must file a new drug
two years. Were they miracles from big pharma, as suggested
application with the FDA. The FDA then classifies the drug
by Mr. Holmer? At the time, there were some thirty-five
in two ways. First, it looks at the compound itself, what the
members of PhRMA, consisting of the world's major
agency calls the "chemical type." Is it a molecule that is
pharmaceutical companies and a few of the larger
already on the market in some form? Or is it brand new –
biotechnology companies. Of the seven innovative drugs
what the FDA calls a "new molecular entity (NME)"? If it
approved in 2001, five came from companies that were
is a new molecule, then it is classified as a number 1 drug.
PHRMA members – two from the Swiss company Novartis
Otherwise, it is classified as a chemical derivative, or new
and one each from the American companies Merck, Allergan
formulation or combination of an old drug. Or it might just
and Gilead Sciences (a biotechnology company). The
be an old drug with a new manufacturer.
Novartis drugs were the orphan drug Gleevec, for a rare form
The second way the drug is classified in according to whether
of leukemia (I will come back to this drug in a bit), and
it is likely to offer any benefit above drugs already in the
Zometa, an injection to treat a complication of widespread
market to treat the same condition. If so, then the FDA gives
cancer. The Merck drug was Cancidas, an injection to treat a
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
rate fungus infection when other treatments have failed; the
interferon, the drug that Gleevec replaced as the recommended
Allergan drug was Lumigan, an ophthalmic solution for
treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia. In other words, the
glaucoma not responsive to other treatment; and the Gilead
price was what the market would bear. In response to the
drug was Viread, a drug similar to AZT to treat HIV/AIDS.
outcry over the staggering price to treat this lethal disease,Novartis announced a discounting policy for patients of
Of the seven innovative drugs approved in 2002, only three
limited means. But according to a 2003 article in the New
came from members of PhRMA: Zelnorm, a Novartis drug
York Times, the plan had not worked very well so far,
for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation; Eloxatin, an
particularly n poor countries, where only a handful of patients
injection made by the French company Sanofi-Synthelabo,
have received the drug free. At a meeting I attended,
to treat (although rarely, if ever, to cure) widespread colon
someone in the audience complained to Vasella that a friend
cancer when other treatments have failed; and Hepsera, a
with chronic myeloid leukemia had had difficulty obtaining
treatment for hepatitis B made by Gilead Sciences. Nothing
the discount for which he was said to be qualified. Somehow,
from any major American drug company.
I was not surprised.
That output hardly seems to warrant Mr. Holmer's high-
Perhaps the most extreme example of this sort of price gouging
flown rhetoric. To be sure, we do occasionally get important
is the story of Cerezyme, a synthetic enzyme made by the
new drugs. Gleevec, for example, may mean the difference
biotechnology company Genzyme. This drug treats a rare
between life and death for people with a certain type of
abnormality, called Gaucher's disease, which affects only
leukemia. Bu in recent years truly innovative drugs like that
about 5000 people worldwide. The research and early
have come along very frequently. Most of the drugs
development was done entirely by NIH funded scientists,
mentioned here, even though innovative, were last-ditch
two of whom later left their university to start the company
treatments – rarely cures – to be used when older drugs had
and exploit their work. (The major contributor to the early
not worked. And given the trend, we have to ask whether
effort, Roscoe Brady, who discovered the cause of Gaucher's
the $ 30 plus billion big pharma ostensibly puts into its
disease, remained at the NIH.) Genzyme charges patients
R&D is well spent. We also have to conclude that, if high
on the order of $200,000 to $ 300,000 a year's supply.
prices and profits in excess of any other industry are indeed
According to the author and reporter Merrill Goozner, at
a stimulus for innovation, drug companies have not kept
least one patient is not grateful to the company. "This is
their part of the bargain.
government-developed technology," said the boy's father.
"This is not Genzyme working late at night to help sick
people. The NIH did it. But as soon as the governmenttransferred that intellectual property to the company, they
.Given the contributions of taxpayers to big pharma's
lost all control over the pricing."
products, you might think the drug companies would give usa break in pricing. But you would be wrong. Let us look at
A more recent example is the story of Roche's new HIV/
the pricing of Taxol and Gleevec.
AIDS drug, Fuzeon. Approved by the FDA in 2003, thisdrug is an important advance in AIDS treatment. According
When it came on the market, Taxol sold for $10,000 to $20,000
to a detailed story by the Wall Street Journal reporter Vanessa
for a year's treatment – reportedly a twenty fold markup
Fuhrmans, Fuzeon was discovered at Duke University,
over manufacturing costs. Bristol-Myers Suibb, you will
developed by a local biotechnology company, and only then
remember, put next to nothing into the initial R&D, although
acquired by Roche. Despite its minimal contribution to early
it has since sponsored clinical trials aimed at expanding the
research and development, Roche charges $20,000 a year for
uses of the drug. In a blazing act of hubris, the company
the drug – three times the price of most AIDS drugs. About
fought tooth and nail to extend its exclusive rights on Taxol
a fifth of AIDS drugs are purchased by the federal state
beyond the original five-year term, and managed to win
AIDS Drug Assistance Programs. These programs simply
another three years by suing the generic manufacturers who
cannot afford to buy Fuzeon for all the patients who need it,
wanted to enter the market. As of 2003, the company had
so they are restricting access to it, setting up waiting lists, or
paid royalties to the NIH of only $35 million on its $9 billion
tightening income eligibility criteria. In thirteen states, the
in sales of Taxol (the agreement was 0.5 percent in royalties).
program has simply stopped providing Fuzeon to new
Going in the other direction, the government paid Bristol-
patients. Although Roche is reported to have a patient
Myers Squibb hundreds of millions of dollars for Taxol
assistance program, the company declined to tell
The Wall
through the Medicare program.
Street Journal how many people are in it, and it refuses toprovide assistance in states where the drug assistance program
Novartis priced Gleevec at about $27,000 for a year's supply.
restricts access to Fuzeon. We are used to hearing about
In a recent book, Daniel Vasella, the chairman and CEO of
patients with AIDS in the Third World going without
Novartis, acknowledged that the drug is already profitable. I
lifesaving treatment, but now it may be happening in the
would think so, given that its development was so rapid and
United States. High prices have real, sometimes deadly,
that it qualified for the orphan drug tax credit. He also
acknowledged that the price was based partly on the price of
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
The 10 Worst Corporations of 2004
-Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman1
When the
Multinational Monitor judges gather to pick the 10 worst corporations of the year, one of theirinstructions is: name no companies that appeared on the previous year's list (barring extraordinary circum-stances).
For the 2004 list, that means no Bayer (even though in 2004 the company pushed for import of geneticallymodified rice into the European Union, polluted water in a South African town with the carcinogen hexavalentchromium, and was hit with evidence that its pain medication Aleve (naproxen) increases the risk of heart attack,among other egregious acts), no Boeing (despite new evidence that the tanker plane scandal costing U.S.
taxpayers tens of billions of dollars is even worse than it appeared), no Clear Channel (even though the radiobehemoth in 2004 stooped to new lows with a "Breast Christmas Ever" contest that promised to pay for breastimplants for a dozen contest "winners"), and no Halliburton (embroiled in a whole new set of contracting fraudand bribery charges in 2004). But at least the no-repeat rule helps limit the field a bit.
And there remained plenty of worthy candidates. Of the remaining pool of price gougers, polluters, union-busters, dictator-coddlers, fraudsters, poisoners, deceivers and general miscreants, we chose the following -presented in alphabetical order - as the 10 Worst Corporations of 2004 [full text available]:
Abbott Laboratories: Abbott makes the list for raising the price of Norvir, an important AIDS drug, developed
with a major infusion of U.S. government funds, by 400 percent. The price increase doesn't apply if
Norvir is purchased in conjunction with another Abbott drug, giving Abbott an unfair advantage over competi-
tors and tilting consumers to use the Abbott products on the basis of price.
AIG: The world's largest insurer, American International Group Inc. (AIG) was charged in October with aiding
and abetting PNC Financial Services in a fraudulent transaction to transfer $750 million in mostly
troubled loans and venture capital investments from subsidiaries off of its books. AIG agreed to pay $126 million
to resolve the charges, but it got off light, entering into a "deferred prosecution agreement" -
meaning the charges against the company will be dropped in 12 months time if it abides by the terms of the
Coca-Cola: Workers at the Coke bottling plant in Colombia have been terrorized for years by right-wing paramili-
tary forces. A fact-finding mission headed by a New York City Council member found, among other abuses,
"there have been a total of 179 major human rights violations of Coca-Cola's workers, including nine murders.
Family members of union activists have been abducted and tortured." Coke says it opposes the
anti-union violence and in any case that it hasn't had control of the bottling plant (though it does now, after
purchasing the Colombian bottling company). Coke's former general counsel, and the former
assistant U.S. attorney general, Deval Patrick, resigned in 2004, reportedly in part because Coke refused to
support an independent investigation into the Colombia allegations.
Dow Chemical: The world's largest plastic maker, Dow purchased Union Carbide in 1999. At midnight on Decem-
ber 2, 1984, 27 tons of lethal gases leaked from Union Carbide's pesticide factory in Bhopal, India,
immediately killing an estimated 8,000 people and poisoning thousands of others. Today in Bhopal, at least
150,000 people, including children born to parents who survived the disaster, are suffering from
exposure-related health effects such as cancer, neurological damage, chaotic menstrual cycles and mental illness.
Dow refuses to take any responsibility. In a statement, the company says, "Although Dow never
owned nor operated the plant, we - along with the rest of industry - have learned from this tragic event, and we
have tried to do all we can to assure that similar incidents never happen again."
GlaxoSmithKline: Following revelations and regulatory action in the UK in 2003 and 2004, the story of the
severe side effects from Glaxo's Paxil (as well as other drugs in the same family) - notably that they are addictive
Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime Reporter
, <>.
Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor
, <>, and
counsel for Essential Inventions, a nonprofit involved in the pricing dispute discussed in the Abbott profile. Mokhiber and
Weissman are co-authors of On the Rampage: Corporate Predators and the Destruction of Democracy
(Monroe, Maine: Common
Courage Press).
(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
and lead to increased suicidality in youth - finally broke in the United States in 2004. In June, New York AttorneyGeneral Eliot Spitzer filed suit against Glaxo, charging the giant drug maker with suppressing evidence of Paxil'sharm to children, and misleading physicians. Glaxo denied the charges, but agreed to a new system wherebyit would make public results all of its clinical trials. In October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration orderedGlaxo and makers of drugs in Paxil's class to include a "black box" warning - the agency's strongest- with their pills.
Hardee's: The fast-food maker is bragging about how unhealthy is its latest culinary invention, the Monster
hickburger: "First there were burgers. Then there were Thickburgers. Now Hardee's is introducing the
mother of all burgers - the Monster Thickburger. Weighing in at two-thirds of a pound, this 100 percent Angus
beef burger is a monument to decadence." The Monster Thickburger is a 1,420-calorie sandwich.
Eating one Thickburger is like eating two Big Macs or five McDonald's hamburgers. Add 600 calories worth of
Hardee's fries and you get more than the 2,000 calories that many people should eat in a whole day,
according to Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which calls the Thickburger "food
Merck: Dr. David Graham, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug safety official, calls it "maybe the single
greatest drug-safety catastrophe in the history of this country." Testifying before a Senate committee in Novem-
ber, Dr. David Graham put the number in the United States who had suffered heart attacks or stroke as result of
taking the arthritis drug Vioxx in the range of 88,000 to 139,000. As many as 40 percent of these people, or about
35,000-55,000, died as a result, Graham said. The unacceptable cardiovascular risks of Vioxx were evident as early
as 2000 — a full four years before the drug was finally withdrawn from the market by its manufacturer, Merck,
according to a study released by
The Lancet, the British medical journal. Merck says it disclosed all relevant
evidence on Vioxx safety as soon as it acquired it, and pulled the drug as soon as it saw conclusive evidence of
the drug's dangers.
McWane: McWane Inc. is a large, privately held Alabama-based sewer and water pipe manufacturer. In a devas
ating series, the
New York Times revealed the company's egregious safety record, and the utter failure of
regulatory agencies to control the company's workplace violence. Nine McWane employees have lost their lives
n workplace accidents since 1995 - and three of the deaths were the result of deliberate company violations of
safety standards. More than 4,600 injuries were recorded among the company's 5,000 employees. According to
Times, McWane pulled the wool over the eyes of investigators by stalling them at the factory gates, and then
hiding defective equipment. Accident sites were altered before investigators could inspect them, in violation of
federal rules. When government enforcement officials did find serious violations, the Times reported, "the
punishment meted out by the federal government was so minimal that McWane could treat it as simply a cost of
doing business." Riggs Bank: An explosive report from the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga-
tions of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, issued in July, revealed that the Washington, D.C.-based Riggs
Bank illegally operated bank accounts for former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and routinely ignored
evidence of corrupt practices in managing more than 60 accounts for the government of Equatorial Guinea.
Although these and other activities seem to violate U.S. banking rules, the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC) did not take enforcement action against the bank after it learned of these matters in
2002. That presumably was not unrelated to the fact that the OCC examiner at Riggs soon thereafter went to work
for Riggs. In May 2004, the bank paid $25 million in fines in connection with money-laundering
violations related to the Equatorial Guinea and Saudi Arabian governments, and it is the subject of ongoing
federal criminal investigations.
Wal-Mart: While Wal-Mart is presently on a bit of a public relations defensive, the company remains the
colossus of U.S. - and increasingly global - retailing. It registers more than a quarter trillion dollars in sales. Its
revenues account for 2 percent of U.S. Gross Domestic Product. For two years running,
Fortune has named Wal-
Mart the most admired company in America. It is arguably the defining company of the
present era. A key component - arguably the key component - of the company's business model is
undercompensating employees and externalizing costs on to society. A February 2004 report issued by
Representative George Miller, D-California, tabulated some of those costs. The report estimated that one 200-
person Wal-Mart store may result in a cost to federal taxpayers of $420,750 per year - about
$2,103 per employee. These public costs include free and reduced lunches for just 50 qualifying Wal-Mart
families, Section 8 housing assistance, federal tax credits and deductions for low-income families, and federal
contributions to health insurance programs for low-income children.
mfc bulletin/Aug-Sep 2005
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics
Ethical challenges in health care: global
context, Indian reality
November 25, 26 and 27, 2005
YMCA International, Mumbai Central, Mumbai,
The Medico Friend Circle bulletin is the officialpublication of the MFC. Both the organisation and
the Bulletin
are funded solely through membership/subscription fees and individual donations.
• Ethical challenges in HIV/AIDS
Cheques/money orders/DDs payable at Pune, to
• Ethics of life and death in the era of hi-tech
be sent in favour of Medico Friend Circle, addressed
to Manisha Gupte, 11 Archana Apartments, 163
• Ethical responsibilities in violence, conflict and
Solapur Road, Hadapsar, Pune - 411028. (Please
add Rs. 15/- for outstation cheques). email:
• Ethics and equity in clinical trials and other
While the conference is planned to cover these
sub-themes, submissions will be accepted on
Ritu Priya, 1312, Poorvanchal, JNU Campus,
other subjects as well.
New Delhi -110 067. Email: <
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Last date for submission of abstracts: June 30,
Conference details, application forms and updates
Next Annual Mfc Meet
Next annual meeting theme will be on "Social regula-
tion of Costs and Quality of Care in the Context ofUniversal Access to Health Care". The suggested
For questions and clarifications e-mail:
dates for the annual meet are January 21-22 or Jan
27-28, 2006 and likely venue in Kerala.
Good Practices of the "Good Practice Study"!
Disbanding the CGHS
Involving Self-Help Groups in Reproductive Health
Women's Narratives from Kashmir-3
- Zamrooda Khandey
Quality and Costs of Health Care
Blistering Indictment of Pharmaceutical Companies
- Padma Balasubramanian
The 10 Worst Corporations of 2004
- Russell Mokhiber and Weissman
Editorial Committee: Anant Bhan, Neha Madhiwalla, Dhruv Mankad, Amita Pitre, C. Sathyamala, Veena Shatrugna,
Chinu Srinivasan.
Editorial Office: c/o, LOCOST, 1st Floor, Premananda Sahitya Bhavan, Dandia Bazar, Vadodara 390 001
[email protected]. Ph: 0265 234 0223/233 3438.
Edited & Published by: S.Srinivasan for Medico Friend Circle,
11 Archana Apartments, 163 Solapur Road, Hadapsar, Pune 411 028.
Views and opinions expressed in the bulletin are those of the authors and not necessarily of the MFC. Manuscripts may besent by email or by post to the Editor at the Editorial Office address.
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For BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS, THIRTEENTH EDITION Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, David A. Stahl, David P. Clark Chapter 26 Microbial Growth Lectures by John ZamoraMiddle Tennessee State University © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Microbial Growth Control • Sterilization – The killing or removal of all viable organisms
I Title Page Monitoring and Evaluation of Watersheds in the Middle East Region b. Submitting Institution: Inventory and Monitoring Institute, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service c. ID Number: M20-022 d. Investigators: Professor U. N. SAFRIEL*, Director of the Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Sede Boqer Campus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 84990 Phone 972-7-6596700 e-mail