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PLUSEPA®"Super Critically" Different from Other Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements for Depression and ADHD* BEST TASTE FISH OIL
* This sTaTemenT has noT been evaluaTed by The Food and drug adminisTraTion. This producT is noT inTended To diagnose, TreaT, cure or prevenT any disease.

95% concentration Omega-3 supplement. Two capsules of PLUSEPA® contain 1000 mg EPA, with zero DHA. Each capsule has been
supplemented with 11 mg of natural tocopherol extract to prevent the Omega-3 fat y acid from becoming rancid. Gastro resistant capsule.
Directions for use:
2 capsules per day
PLUSEPA® 60 capsules – 1 month supply PLUSEPA® SUPPortS
yoUr EmotionAL bALAncE
A recent double blind, randomized trial shows that pure ethyl-EPA
(PlusEPA®, made by Minami Nutrition) is as effective as fluoxetine
in the treatment of depression, and when used in combination
show even bet er outcomes.
Over an eight-week period, 60 outpatients with a diagnosis of major
depressive disorder were randomly al ocated to receive a daily dose
of either 1000 mg ethyl-EPA or 20 mg fluoxetine, or a combination of
PlusEPA and fluoxetine, and were assessed every two weeks.
Using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), the study showed that fluoxetine and pure ethyl-EPA appeared to be equally effective in control ing depressive symptoms, based Number of participants: on a 50% or more decrease in HDRS 2 capsules provenremedy 2 capsules scores, while the ethyl-EPA+fluoxetine Duration of the test: 8 weeks + proven remedy combination showed even better results.
Percentage of participants who, according to the supervisors, Jazayeri, Shima; Tehrani-Doost, Mehdi; Keshavarz, Seyed A. felt at least twice as good1 et al. (2008). Comparison of therapeutic effects of omega-3 fat y acid eicosapentaenoic acid and fluoxetine, separately and in combination, in major depressive disorder, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42:3, 192 – 198.
* This sTaTemenT has noT been evaluaTed by The Food and drug adminisTraTion. This producT is noT inTended To diagnose, TreaT, cure or prevenT any disease.

95% concentration Omega-3 supplement. One capsule of PLUSEPA® contains 500 mg EPA, with zero DHA. Each capsule has been
supplemented with 11 mg of natural tocopherol extract to prevent the Omega-3 fat y acid from becoming rancid. Gastro resistant capsule.
Directions for use:
1 capsules per day
PLUSEPA® 30 capsules – 1 month supply imProvEd concEntrAtion And LESS
oPPoSitionAL bEhAvior in chiLdrEn*
A recent test was carried out under professional supervision
involving 82 children between the ages of 7 and 12.
40 children consumed 1 capsule of PLUSEPA® each day and 42
other children were given a placebo over a 15 week period.
Parents, teachers, health workers and the subjects did not know
what they were taking.
After 15 weeks the teachers produced an objective evaluation of
the impact of the test on pupils and support it provided:
The study showed that according to the teachers, their students were less oppositional (i.e. less rebel ious) and had improved concentration when they were taking one capsule a Number of participants: Boys that were in need of day of PLUSEPA®.
some support for their Duration of the test: 15 weeks Gustafsson PA, Birberg-Thornberg U, Duchén K, Strandvik B, Karlsson T. "HPEPA-01" - Placebo control ed, randomised, double-blind, multicentre study of PLUSEPA® (a PUFA, Polyunsaturated Fat y Acids, supplement) as treatment for ADHD (combined type) with co-morbidity in Swedish children ages 7-12. Abstract and presentation, presented at ISSFAL, 2008 (
* This sTaTemenT has noT been evaluaTed by The Food and drug adminisTraTion. This producT is noT inTended To diagnose, TreaT, cure or prevenT any disease.

WHY BUY PLUSEPA® ? When it comes to nutritional supplements, many people find that key ingredients for good health are omega-3 fats from fish oil. These compounds have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease by reducing triglycerides and inflammation, managing healthy cholesterol, as well as treating ADHD in kids and depression in adults. However, before you rush out to buy omega-3 supplements, it's important to remember that not all omega-3 supplements are created equal.
For example, Minami Nutrition's supplements have the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids that is commercially available, so people only have to take one capsule per day to receive the benefits. Moreover if the fact that its products are the most pure on the market with undetectable levels of heavy metals is not enough, then the ability for the consumer to prove this, batch by batch, on our website has made fans even out of the most skeptical people. The supplements even tackle the age-old problem of "fishy" aftertaste by having unprecedented low levels of oxidization and high stability.
Additionally, while every fish oil supplement in the U.S. is manufactured using molecular distillation, Minami Nutrition oils are produced by "supercritical" CO distillation extraction process. The procedure uses 400 percent lower temperatures with no oxygen exposure, which maintains Omega-3 integrity so they can provide their full health benefit. In addition, this method ensures that there are no saturated fats—a far cry from 99 percent of fish oils sold in the U.S. that have unacceptable high levels of saturated fats which impede your body's ability to use Omega-3's. Minami Nutrition Omega supplements have received awards from as the highest concentrated Omega-3 product as well as internationally for the being the "best tasting" fish oil.

WE HAvEN't goNE gREEN, WE StARtED tHAt WAY The company's "green" attitude is shown by the fact that it doesn't obtain fish from over-fished waters—instead reeling them in from sustainable oceans close to Antarctica. The oils are not processed using by harsh chemicals like hexane that could be hazard- ous to the environment. And by using smaller fish, such as mackerel and sardines, as well as our unique process the level of possible contaminants is significantly lowered. These and other reasons have resulted in receipt of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) status, a very stringent European Species is relatively abundant, and fishing/farming methods cause little damage to habitat and other wildlife. Species has a combination of problems such as overfishing, high bycatch, and poor management, or farming methods have serious environmental impacts. Minami Nutrition receives positive support from the leading figures in Omega-3 fatty acid and nutrition research by providing incredible quality and efficacious fish oil supplements.
Super critical difference: all oils are processed
at 400% less heat than molecularly distilled brands, with no oxygen exposure or use of harsh solvents like hexane. this maintains the integrity of omega-3 fats.
highest concentration: the highest concentrated as
95% omega-3 fatty acids on the market mean you only need to take 1 gel cap, not 4 to 10 gel caps per day or need to bother with the use of liquid cod liver oils.
Unprecedented Purity: our omega-3's exceed
strict international standards for heavy metals, PCB's, pesticides, dioxins. See for proof.
Formulation: optimal EPA:DHA ratios, no saturated
fat used as filler, encapsulated as gastro resistant capsule for optimal absorption.
taste: No fishy after-taste, no added fruit flavors.
Small Environmental Footprint: only fish oil to
receive EMAS status, a very stringent European BEST TASTE FISH OIL
Manufacturered by Minami Nutrition nv-sa 2650 Edegem, Belgium. Made in EU Nutrition questions or comments? Call Minami Nutrition Belgium +32 3 458 79 54 or UK +44 20 32 86 94 75 or US +1 347 414 95 10 or mail: [email protected] Distributed for the USA by Minami Nutrition inc, USA



Vol. 4/1, pp. 13–27 in Plant Ecology, © Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2001 Evolution and Ectomycorrhizas:their role in forest ecosystemsunder the impact of acidifying pollutants WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, 8903 Birmensdorf,Switzerland; e-mail: [email protected] The physiologically active lateral rootlets of all main trees in temperate forests arecolonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi, forming so-called ectomycorrhizas. These symbi-otic organs are the sites of exchange of nutrients, mainly P and N, provided from thefungal partner, and C from the host. Emerging from the ectomycorrhizas, fungal hy-phae exploit the soil for the mobilisation and absorption of water and nutrient ele-ments. By doing so, they connect the tree roots intimately with the soil and provideanchorage. The deposition of acidifying pollutants into forest ecosystems is a poten-tial threat to the health and vitality of forest trees because it leads to the acidificationand eutrophication of forest soils. Pollutants are also a threat to the functioning of ec-tomycorrhizas. Increased N concentrations in the soil lead to enhanced fungal N up-take and storage, and to enhanced N transfer to the host plants, and therefore tohigher plant biomass of above ground parts. In consequence, there is a decrease of Callocation to the plant roots. This in turn leads to reduced ectomycorrhization, and toreduced production of external mycelia and fruiting bodies. Soil acidification leads toenhanced availability of Al, heavy metals, and radionuclides in the soil, all of whichcan be toxic to plants and fungi. Reduced growth of roots and hyphae are amongstthe first symptoms. In ectomycorrhizas, the hyphae of the fungal tissues contain vac-uolar polyphosphates which have the ability to bind Al, heavy metals, radionuclidesand N. These electronegative polymers of phosphates represent an effective storageand detoxifying mechanism which otherwise is lacking in roots. Therefore, ecto-mycorrhizas have the potential to increase the tolerance of trees to acidifying pollu-tants and to the increased availability in the soil of toxic elements.

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