
FRiDAY EvEning, DEcEMbER 4, 2015
Torah Portion – Vayigash
Genesis 44:18 – 47:27
Haftarah – Ezekiel 37:15 – 28
Shabbat Goes Disco Services
Shabbat Services 2
7:30 p.m. Disco Dinner and Dancing
FRiDAY EvEning, DEcEMbER 25, 2015
SATuRDAY, DEcEMbER 5, 2015
From Strength to Strength 4
9:00 a.m. Torah Study
Clergy's Corner 5
10:30 a.m. Morning Minyan5:30 p.m. Bar Mitzvah of Ari Romano
SATuRDAY, DEcEMbER 26, 2015
President's Message 6
9:00 a.m. Torah Study
Torah Portion – Vayeishev
Executive Director's Msg 7
Genesis 37:1 – 40:23
Haftarah – Amos 2:6 – 3:8
Torah Portion – VayechiGenesis 47:28 – 50:26
Youth Engagement Religious
SunDAY, DEcEMbER 6, 2015
Haftarah – I Kings 2:1 – 2:12
1st Chanukah candle is lit in the evening
FRiDAY EvEning, DEcEMbER 11, 2015
30 Kislev 6 candles are lit in the evening
When You've
6:00 p.m. Pre-Neg
Programming 14-16
6:30 p.m. Star Wars Chanukah Glow Stick
Lost A Spouse
Socol Speaker Series/MJFF 16
Join us for our next support group meeting,
Campus Activities 17
SATuRDAY, DEcEMbER 12, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 • 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 3
Current of Life 18
(second floor of the administrative building)
B'nai Mitzvah of
Andres Laventman
If you've lost a spouse and would like to hear
and Daniel Muskat
how others cope during this challenging time,
Temple Beth Am invites you to be part of this
Adult B'nai Mitzvah 18
Torah Portion – Mikeitz
support group.
Gift of Membership 19
Genesis 41:1 – 44:17Haftarah – Zechariah 4:1 – 7
Share your experience and learn from others.
Whether you've recently lost your spouse or
Families w/Young Children 22
FRiDAY EvEning, DEcEMbER 18, 2015
you've been alone for years, we know your
input will be invaluable.
This group is facilitated by Temple Beth Am
Basketball Sponsors 24
congregant ,Jo Ann Lederman M.S. Ed. LMFT
SATuRDAY, DEcEMbER 19, 2015
9:00 a.m.
This group is free of charge and open to
everyone! RSVP to Lily Fredericks,
Havdalah for Healing 26
Bar Mitzvah of Bailey Goldstein
Membership Department at 305.668.5312
Bar Mitzvah of Aiden Heller
our advertisers for DECEMBEr
Star Wars Shabbat 29
Chef David Schwadron .33
Jerome Poliacoff, Ph. D.39
R. Gallagher, Relationship Counselor.35
Fran Miller, Estate Sales .39
Committee of 100 32/33
Susan Loves Israel, Travel .39
Howard Wolofsky, Realtor.36
Occasionally Yours, Stationery .39
Our Jewish Heritage 31
Bea Citron, Realtor .39
Miami Prep, LSAT/GMAT Tutor.39
In Loving Memory 30
Nancy Hersh, Truly Original .37
Ed Joffe, Keyes Realty.40
Claudia Storper, Photographer.38
Accessible Home Health Care .42
Fare to Remember Catering .38
Tracey Spiegelman, Realtor.42
Professional Directory 40
Rita Diaz, Estate Sales .38
Paper Pigeon Stationery .38
Lexus of Kendall .44
Chanukah Home Service
Kindling of the chanukah Lights
(On the first night use the shames, or helper candle, to light the first candle on the extreme right of the menorah.
Every night, one candle is added. The new light is kindled first, continuing from left to right.)
baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel chanukah.
Blessed are you Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who made us holy with your commandments and commanded
us to kindle the light of Chanukah.
baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam sheasa nisim la'avoteinu bayamim hahem bazman hazeh.
Blessed are you Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has performed miracles for our ancestors in those days
and at this season.
(This blessing is added on the first night only.)
baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam shehechiyanu, v'kiyimanu, v'higiaynu lazman hazeh.
Blessed are you Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach
1First night:On this, the Second night:On this, the Third night: On this, the Fourth night:On this, the
first night of Chanukah,
second night of Chanukah, we
third night of Chanukah,
fourth night of Chanukah, we
we rededicate our lives to
rededicate our lives to the value
we rededicate our lives to
rededicate our lives to the
the value of Religious
of Freedom. The Maccabees
the values of Courage and
values of Rebuilding and
Faith. Judaism is a God-
fought for freedom of religion
Hope. With courage the
Rededication. The Maccabees
centered religion, and the
and national independence. They
Maccabees spoke out and
taught us that it was impor-
celebration of Jewish life
taught us that all people have the
fought against injustice,
tant to care for and protect the
begins with faith in God.
right to believe as they choose
oppression and tyranny.
4holy Temple in Jerusalem. In
The Maccabees saw the
and to be different from the
Our hope is that when we
this holy space Jewish beliefs
hand of God in the miracle
larger culture in which they live.
speak up, our voice will
and values were kept alive for
of their small army defeat-
make a difference.
us to inherit.
ing the mighty, the
Table Discussion: What is some-
triumph of spirit over
thing that we often take for
Table Discussion: Share a
Table Discussion: In our lives
military power.
granted that we are able to do or
moment in which you take
today, one place we find holi-
believe because we live in a free
great pride for the courage
ness is in our sanctuary. What
Table Discussion: What
society? What groups of people
you displayed through
other places might be dedi-
wonders or miracles in life
that we hear about in the news
your words or deeds.
cated as holy space? What
surround us each day?
are still struggling to live in
must we do to transform an
freedom? Can we think of ways
ordinary space into a holy
Seventh night: On this,
the seventh night of
Chanukah, we rededicate
our lives to the values of
Eighth night: On this, the
Knowledge and Under-
eighth night of Chanukah, we
standing. Each year we
rededicate our lives to the
Sixth night: On this, the sixth
return to the story of
value of Thankfulness. As we
night of Chanukah, we rededicate
7Chanukah. We grow in recite the blessings over the
our lives to the value of Loyalty.
our knowledge of Torah,
Chanukah candles, we are
Fifth night: On this, the
Mattathias called out, "All who
Jewish history, the Hebrew
reminded that every holiday
fifth night of Chanukah,
are for God and Torah follow
language and the tradi-
is also about sharing the bless-
we rededicate our lives to
me." And with these words a
tions of our people. Each
ings of the Jewish people and
the value of Shalom. We
5 small band of Jews fled to the lesson provides us with its heritage with our families,
celebrate the struggles of
mountains to prepare for battle.
new insight into the mean-
friends and the Jewish com-
the Maccabees, but also
May their loyalty and selflessness
ing of Jewish survival.
munity around the world.
the peace that their victo-
be an inspiration to us today.
ries earned us.
Table Discussion: What
Table Discussion: If you could
Table Discussion: Share some-
do you think is the most
invite anyone, living or dead,
Table Discussion: What is
thing about a Jewish hero who
important thing to know
to join you this evening
your wish for peace?
you personally admire. For what
about Judaism? About
around your Chanukah table,
values is he or she remembered?
who would that be and why?

December 2015 • Page 4
From Strength to Strength
Rabbi Jeremy barras
[email protected]
This past month I had the opportunity to attend my first
never tap into best practices of congregations of similar
ever Union for Reform Judaism Biennial in Orlando. Every
makeup so easily and strategically. We could never cause real
other year the Union hosts a five day program featuring
change and reform in areas of social injustice or intolerance.
presentations from each wing of our movement, its scholars
But together, with
and clergy, its experts and thinkers. This year the convention
over a million other
was held in our home state and Temple Beth Am was
Reform Jews across
represented by a robust group of 26 clergy, staff and lay
North America, we
leaders. Together we learned, prayed, and bonded over our
do all these things
desire to discover new ways to make Temple Beth Am stronger
and we do them at
and more viable heading into the future.
the highest level. Itwas exhilarating to
I was fortunate to sit in on meetings of the Association of
be with 5000 Jews
Reform Zionists of America (ARZA), of which I am a national
from our movement
Temple Beth Am delegation at the
board member. In doing so, I learned about all the ways our
excited about where
URJ Biennial in Orlando.
movement is fighting for the rights of Reform Jews in the State
of Israel. I participated in sessions related to strengthening
the future. Those of us from Temple Beth Am who participated
Religious Schools, bolstering lay-clergy partnerships, engaging
were enthralled and rejuvenated, and we are excited to share
the unengaged, and many others. Each one of our participants
with you what we learned. And we are all excited to do it
returned with renewed energy and ready to implement the
again in Boston in December 2017!
lessons they learned at Biennial.
Rabbi Jeremy barras
Some of the highlights included sharing Beth Am's expertise
with the rest of the movement. Our own Executive Director,
bob Hersh, was invited to lead a session on Synagogue
Budgets while our Campus Logistics Director, Shari Debowsky,
spoke on Strategies Dealing with Temple Dues Structures. In
addition our URJ celebrity board member Jodi Hessel chaired
a session on Best Practices of Audacious Hospitality. We were
represented further by Mark buchbinder, another URJ Board
Member, and our very own Pamela Lear who was installed as
a National Board Member of the Women of Reform Judaism.
During the course of the Biennial we were addressed by VicePresident Joe Biden, URJ President Rick Jacobs, AmbassadorDavid Saperstein and many others. Each brought to the convention a deep respect for the contributions of Reform Judaism through the years, and recognition of the work that lay before us both in terms of social justice and our commit-ment to further our commitment to our tradition and beliefs.
December 15 • 7:00 p.m.
As exciting as it was to see so many old friends and colleagues,
Adult Reading Room
and to hear so many great speakers, what struck me most washow powerful it is to be part of a movement. There are so
gMJF Family Mission to israel
many different facets to Reform Judaism and they are all vital.
with Rabbi Jeremy barras
Being a part of such a movement allows us to do real work inso many areas. For example, alone we would never be able to
It will be an informational evening detailing the
seriously advocate for the rights of liberal Jews in Israel. We
Federation/Temple Beth Am Mission.
could never host overnight summer camps that brought Reform
RSVP to Mindy Robbin, [email protected]
Jewish children together from all over our region. We could
or 786.364.9446.
november Pet Shabbat
cantor Rachelle nelson
chanukah Lights and the Light in our Lives
As we approach this Chanukah season, we are reminded of the significance of this Festival of Light.
Though Chanukah is not on the top ten list of mostimportant Jewish holidays, its emotional impact on usas a people is enormous.
The theme of "light" reaches far beyond the lightingof the menorah and the special prayers that we sing atthis holiday season. Chanukah was a miraculous military victory, but a tiny cruse of oil proved moreastonishing and enduring in the memory of the Jewish people. The Talmud says that it is importantto place the emphasis on the miracle of Chanukahrather than the military victory. Why? Wars comeand go and our memories of them fade with time, butwhat does not fade are the miracles of life. When thistiny flask of pure oil that could only last one daylasted eight days, it proved that there was a miraclethat happened there. That little flask of oil shed lighton the massive military campaign. "Not by the army,not by the power, but through My Spirit," says God.
(Zechariah 4:6).
We also think of light when we think of our congre-gation, its joys, its sorrows, its health and welfare, and its challenges. This brings up an important partof our Clergy work. Your well-being is extremely important to us. We want to be a part of your lives,your miracles and your struggles. Because of strictHIPPA laws, it is almost impossible to visit you, or ahospitalized family member, without someone in yourfamily contacting us first. Only when we receive acall or someone who loves you reaches out to us, arewe aware of the situation and are we able to respondto your needs. When we visit you, we bring with usour light of healing and love for you and your family.
compassionate visits by clergy
As we celebrate together this season of light, please
Please let us know when you or a family member is in the
spread your own gifts of joy and comfort to those
hospital, a nursing home, or with home-care or hospice.
around you. Make little miracles wherever you walk
We want to be there with you because we are here for you.
and bring the true essence of Chanukah into your life.
Rabbi Barras, Cantor Nelson, Rabbi Kempler and RabbiGreengrass are your Clergy.
Chanukah Sameach.
Due to hospital privacy policies we are unable to inquire
about congregants. Please call the clergy office to let usknow when we may visit you or a loved one.
cantor nelson, Leah and Rebecca
Mindy Robbin, [email protected] or 786.364.9446.
December 2015 • Page 6
I love the winter holidays–all of them. It all starts with
Thanksgiving. Since our oldest, Elisha, left for college, we
Before I conclude, a special thank you to Ken Dubow, Ed
made it a point to ensure we would all be together on
Schmidt, Josh Young, Adrienne Messing, Lisa goldstein and
Thanksgiving. Even though it costs a bloody fortune to
all the professional staff and volunteers who made our 4Play
get everyone home, it's just the best. A few of us start our
event so fabulous. Thank you to Rabbi barras who played
Thanksgiving morning at Tropical Park for the 5k/10k
tennis and golf with every attendee. Rabbi, you have a year to
Turkey Trot. If you have never done it, it's awesome. Its
learn how to play Mah Jongg and Bridge.
5,000 people, many dressed like turkeys or Indians, usuallyperfect weather, burning a few calories before the big
Finally, a big thank you to Adrian Dubow and Lily Serviansky
feast. Our feast is always at home. Maybe the best part of
for their leadership in making Rabbi Barras' installation
the weekend, is the morning of, when all six of us are in
weekend so awesome. It was a fantastic community event.
the kitchen cooking and preparing. We watch the Macy's
Thank you to you–the entire Temple Beth Am
Day parade, we watch the dog show, we play music, we
community–you really made it special for Rabbi Barras
dance, we sing, we laugh…we have a great time. I hope all
and his family.
of you use the holidays as an opportunity to spend somereal quality time with those that you love the most. We
I wish you all a happy and healthy 2016!
That's truly what the holidays are all about–family time. I look forward to spending Chanukah with my Temple
Beth Am family. I want to say Chanukah is early this yearbut I hear our rabbi emeritus in my head saying"Chanukah is right on time, as it is every year." Come joinus on Friday, December 11 for our Star Wars ChanukahGlow Stick Shabbat. Following services, we will have anice Chanukah celebration with latkes and soufganiyot.
May I also suggest to those with little kids who fret over givinggifts every night, that you consider bringing gifts and donating them to our annual JAFCO toy drive going onduring December. When our kids were small, we wouldalternate; they get gifts one night then give the next. Itworked for us.
It is hard to believe that it's December and 2015 is almostover. I think as Jews we are lucky. In September, we celebrate Rosh haShanah and observe Yom Kippur. Wetake the time for introspection and many of us make "newyear's resolutions." As we turn the page from 2015 to2016, this new year can provide us the opportunity for acheck up, to see how we are doing after those resolutionswere made 3 months ago. It may afford some of us the opportunity for a do-over and renew those resolutionsmade. For those who didn't make resolutions during thehigh holy days, it's never too late; you get another chance
big APPenings at Temple beth Am
Drum roll please…we are thrilled to announce that the Temple Beth Am App isnow available on both Apple and Android devices! You will now be able to getinformation with the simple "tap" of a button. Another feature included in thenew App is our password-protected "online membership directory." No more spiral bound books to schlep around, just up-to-date member information on the go. This online directory will also be available on our website
Here's what you'll be able to do with this new APP:
• Calendar: Event details and information• Contact Us: Lists all employee email address and phone numbers• Online Membership Directory: This includes members names, addresses
and phone numbers
• Live Streaming: Watch live or archived services and other
events from our Sanctuary or Chapel
• Prayers: Hebrew and English transliteration of the most common prayers• Torah Study: Listen to Torah Study sessions • D'vrei Torah: Watch archived sermons from our clergy• Services: Schedule of all Shabbat and holiday services• Schools: Day School and Religious School information• Donate: An easy way to make a donation • Welcome: A brief description of Temple Beth Am and its history• Memberhood: read about what's happening with our members
and their families
Getting information about what's happening on our very busy campus is nowvery simple to do with the App. While our Commentator and website will alwaysbe filled with up-to-date content, our App will enable you to get informationwhenever and wherever you are. The App is available in the iTunes App Store orthe Google Play Store. The Online Membership Directory will require a login andpasscode. Information on this will be coming to you shortly. A reminder that theonline directory may not be used for solicitations.
Temple Beth Am continues to offer spiritual, educational, and social opportuni-ties that can enrich your lives in so many ways. Our App will only enhance yourexperience on and off campus. I hope you are as excited about this new enhance-ment as we are.
See you on campus,
December 2015 • Page 8
Disco Shabbat & After Party
AnD JOin uS FOR An incREDibLE EvEning!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Shabbat Service
Dinner & Dance • Open bar
cost: $36 per person
Do you know what Jewish music and MLK have in common? Soul music!!!
Join us for Martin Luther King Shabbat where cantor nelson will set our liturgy
to the hottest Motown soul music ever written, joined by the Old Skool gang.
All musical arrangements in our Shabbat service
will be arranged by cantor Rachelle nelson.
The Old Skool gang will be partnering with cantor nelson during the service.
immediately following service there will be a full catered dinner, open bar,
and dancing with music from the Old Skool gang.
1 ½ hour performance featuring classics by
The Temptations, 4 Tops, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson, and many more.
RSVP to Lily Fredericks, Membership Department at 305-668-5312 or [email protected]
Register online at
For more information on any Membership Department activities, to join, volunteer or chat with Rita,
please contact her at 786.364.9434 or email her at [email protected].
December 2015 • Page 10
Tamara Donnenfeld
Director of Lifelong Learning
Jewish Summer camp:
The Perfect Summer Experience
Did you know that 70,000 kids attended
Jewish overnight camps in the summer of 2010?
The Long-Term Impact of Jewish Overnight
the culture of Judaism are entwined with basketball, arts and crafts and swimming–creating
chair: Dan Weinbach
Camp Study shows camp attendance makesadults 30% more likely to donate to a Jewish
a community of campers that are proud to be
Jewish. At camp, Jewish and Israeli culture is
vice chair: Pam Misrahi
charity, 37% more likely to light Shabbat candles, 45% more likely to attend synagogue
celebrated through song, food, art, and dance.
Secretary: Jackie Crabill
monthly or more; and 55% more likely to bevery emotionally attached to Israel.
The impact of Jewish camp is immediate—campersreturn home connected to a community and
Have you made your decision about what
friends that will last them a lifetime. And it doesn't
summer camp to send your child?
stop there. Children with pivotal Jewish camp
Raymond Budyszewick
experiences are more likely to become adults who
A summer at overnight camp is an
value their Jewish heritage, support Jewish causes,
opportunity to live as part of a community.
and take on leadership roles in their communities.
Campers and counselors live together forweeks, removed from outside influences,
There are a variety of traditional and specialty
forming bonds of friendship and loyalty that
overnight camps that accommodate special needs
will be, for most, unlike any they have experi-
and interests, and offer unique programming,
enced in the past. They grow together, learn
catering to each family's needs. I urge you to
about themselves, and acquire new skills of
consider sending your child to a Jewish sleepaway
Gianna Koolman-Singer
self-confidence and peer interdependence.
camp. No formal education can equal the Jewish
The bonding experience of camp not only
connection and friendship that these experiences
builds a long-lasting taste and yearning for
bring to your child.
community; it also creates habits of Jewish
practice. It makes Judaism an integral part
YERS wants your child to enjoy his/her summerJewishly. We have a limited fund to help subsidize
of life's most joyous moments in a safe andprecious community.
your child's Jewish journey. Please contact our
department for more information.
While there are many secular camps thatexcel in a specific field (drama, music, sports,
to name a few), Jewish camp weaves Jewish
values, culture, and traditions into the fabricof camp, helping campers to connect to their
Heidi Sokol Weinstein
own identity and the larger Jewish commu-
nity. Jewish values, connection to Israel, and
Laura WeinfeldJulie Zimmett
Wed., December 2 bAFTY 34 (3:15-3:45 p.m. in the café)
Sat., December 5 bAFTY Scavenger Hunt in Wynwood
Sun., December 6 Happy chanukah!
Thur., December 10 South Dade Teen Engagement
chanukah Party-bet breira (6:30-8:30 p.m.)
Fri., Dec. 11 bAFTY 34 Shul-in at TbAM
– Sat., Dec. 12 (after glow Stick Shabbat!)
Sat., December 12 confirmation class Havdalah
Sun., December 13 Madrichim Mitzvah Mall
(during Religious School!)
Fri., December 18
Mark your calendar, Mitzvah Day is February 7!
nFTY-STR Winter Kallah in Orlando, FL
December 2015 • Page 12
Dr. Deborah R. Starr
Head of Day School
[email protected]
Number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom
Parents and teachers are in a paradoxical position. On one hand,
and experience more choices grow into children who have less
they are the facilitators of the learning of their children, and
patience and poorer concentration. Jigsaw puzzles are out; video
work hard at finding interesting and meaningful things for their
games are in.
children to do. On the other hand, children need a chance to bebored. Did you just read that right? Children should be allowed
British researcher Teresa Belton became interested in daydream-
to be bored? The answer is unequivocally: yes. Boredom is a
ing while reading stories written by children. She agrees with
positive opportunity, instead of something to be gotten rid of.
scientists who found that daydreaming boosts creativity and
Children need to learn to reflect, explore, self-learn and self-
allows brains to create new associations and connections.
entertain. Without time to think and plan and examine their
Noting a correlation between tedious, unimaginative student's
lives, they become slaves instead of masters. They become
stories and the schedules of those student-writers, she
dependent on that outside person, pre-planned activity, and
concluded that lack of imagination was partly caused by a lack
scheduled stimulus. This is true for children as well as adults.
of "empty time" during which no activities were scheduled.
Jonathan Schooler, a University of California psychologist, also
It is actually healthy to even consider building some boredom
believes that daydreaming is valuable because it allows thoughts
into our children's daily routines to allow them to be more
creative and develop emotional intelligence and empathy.
Down time, which might be considered "boring," has been
According to Aha! Parenting, when children cannot find
squeezed out of many weekdays and fares even worse on week-
something to do, when they are "bored," it is usually because:
ends as busy children are being ferried from parties to sports
(a) they are used to screen entertainment and they are not
meets and from swimming to Brownies.
practiced at looking within for direction; (b) their time is alwaysso structured that they are not used to finding fun things to do
When children lament that they're bored, we, as parents and
with their "free time;" or (c) they need some parental, or teacher,
teachers, often jump in to try to solve the problem. Perhaps we
rush in too quickly; perhaps attempting to relieve our children'sboredom is not a good idea. Sounds strange, doesn't it? But chil-
Therefore, I encourage parents and teachers to not "jump to it"
dren often declare themselves to be bored after only a few min-
when the child or student says: I am bored. Boredom is
utes. Ironically, today's children have more toys to ward off
frequently and commonly experienced, suggesting that it plays
boredom than ever before. And these toys, with all their bells
a valuable role in human goal pursuit. I propose that boredom is
and whistles, are more sophisticated than toys available to
a discrete functional emotion, and serves to encourage people to
earlier generations. Is it possible that, contrary to what we
seek new goals and experiences. Let them be bored.
usually suspect, children are bored because they are actuallyover-stimulated rather than under-stimulated?
Tell Your Friends About Us. We Have Room to Grow (on somegrades).
Eminent neuroscientist, Susan Adele Greenfield, claims thatboredom is good for children because it encourages them to be creative and develops their imaginations. Nowadays, there
Dr. Deborah R. Starr
is a tendency that things have to come from the outside, thatparents and teachers should be stimulating children incessantlywith things to do; program, program, program. But, children develop a sense of identity from having to find their own thingsto do. Children need to develop their own "go-to activities;" reada book, write a story, tinker, explore, and observe. Interestingly,children who discover reading rarely seem bored.
Many children seem to find no rest for their minds anywhere,and many parents and teachers complain to me that their children and students have shorter attention spans. Some educators believe that children who receive more stimulation
cari Altman
Admissions Director
Open House Times for SchoolYear 2016/2017
nEW! Half or full day for age 15 months and up!
Early childhood Tours
9:00 a.m.
Thursday, December 3
Tuesday, January 26
Elementary School Tours
8:45 a.m.
Thursday, Jan. 7
come learn more about KinDERgARTEn at Temple beth Am Day School
Kindergarten 101 Open House
9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, December 16
Experience FiRST gRADE at Temple beth Am Day School
Taste of 1st grade Open House
8:30 a.m.
Thursday, December 17
Learn about our nurturing, playful approach to PRE-KinDERgARTEn
All About Pre-K
9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, December 15
Applications now open online at
RSVP online at If you are unable to aend on the above dates,
contact Cari Altman, Admissions Director, 305.665.6228, ext. 112,
or email [email protected] to schedule a personal tour at a time that is convenient for you.
December 2015 • Page 14
Lunch ‘n Learn
with Rabbi Jeremy barras
The Top Ten Rabbis of All Time
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Wednesdays, 8:00-9:30 p.m.
Chapel, Lewis Family Religious Life Complex
Lunch Room, Hessel Family Youth Complex
Feel free to bring your own lunch or preorder
Israeli Dancing every Wednesday night welcoming
optional lunch provided by Fare to Remember
beginning through advanced dancers.
Catering for $11.00 at
Coordinated by Dr. Diane Krieger
To RSVP see below.
Social Justice Speaker Series
Operative israeli Krav Maga (OiS)
Syrian Refugee crisis
for Men and Women
Philippe Glikman, Instructor
January 20, 2016
Certified by the Wingate Institute in
7:00 p.m.
Israel & OIS Krav Maga
chapel, Lewis Family Religious Life Complex
12 Mondays, January 4 – March 28
(no class February 15)
Learn about this growing humanitarian crisis,
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. • Social Hall
the response by the global Jewish community
and what you can do to help.
Registration Fee $240
Register online at
nour Samra will share her personal experiences
OIS Krav Maga is Israeli martial arts training for
as a Syrian refugee.
defense, survival and all aspects of personal safety.
Dr. Doured Daghistani, board member of the Syrian American
Students tone their bodies while learning how to
council of South Florida, will discuss our region's role in
manage stress and respond to dangerous situations.
helping Syria's humanitarian crisis.
More info available at
Dr. Henry green, university of Miami professor and
Philippe Glikman, a native of France, relocated to
international Director of Sephardi voices: Audio-visual
Miami after a successful
Histories of Jews from north Africa and the Middle East,
career heading the large
will share his expertise as a historian dedicated to recording
and extremely popular OIS
and preserving the testimonies and narratives of Jews displaced
Krav Maga School in Paris.
from the Middle East and north Africa.
His classes drew over 400men, women and children
Free and open to the community.
weekly. Experience unpar-alleled training with this
To RSvP see bottom of page.
For more information on any Program Department activities,
please contact Janice Baisman at 786.364.9445 or email her at [email protected].
Join us in the Adult Reading Room
Afternoon israeli Movie club
at 10 a.m.
for these Sunday Salon programs
Thursday, Decmber 17, 2:00 p.m.
Adult Reading Room
A Place in Heaven
December 6 – Once again, the Jewish Genealogy
Society of Greater Miami brings us a special
This is the story of a highly
guest, Filmmaker Walter Schlomann, who will
decorated retired general,
guide us with Creating a Family Video Biography.
who, in a moment of arro-
Schlomann will share his expertise on recording
gance in his youth, sold his
family history/stories, covering topics such as research and
place in heaven to an army
preparation, conducting the interview, incorporating photographs,
cook for a plate of a spicy
documents, and home movies as well as basic lighting, sound,
omelet. Some forty years
and camera techniques used to create a video that is not only
later, the officer is on his
informative, but entertaining.
death bed in the hospital and his son is in a race against time–to find that
December 13 – Author Michael Alter presents his
cook's assistant who, forty
latest book of scholarly investigation–a compelling,
years earlier, bought his
informative, and thought provoking text–
father's place in heaven.
The Resurrection: A Critical Inquiry. This in-depthwork examines 120 contradictions and 217
Directed by Yossi Madmony.
speculations. Topics include cutting edge research inastronomy, geophysics, criminology and the rules of
RSVP to Etta Gold (below)
evidence, the social sciences and cognitive psychology.
Alter hopes that his book will stimulate further analysis and discussion on this critical topic.
Adult Reading Room Library events are coordinated by Etta Gold, Congregational Librarian, [email protected].
Java and Haftarah
with Rabbi greengrass
Play an instrument or sing?
Join in the formation of something casual, fun and rewarding.
8:45 a.m-10:00 a.m. • Meeting Room 3
WHO: All instrumentalists and vocalists
Join Rabbi Rachel Greengrass for a casual
(minimum two years' experience – ages 14 and up)
study session to learn about the weekly Haftarah portion and the stories from the
WHEn: Wednesdays, 7–9 p.m.
books of Prophets and Writings.
WHERE: Youth Lounge, Hessel Family Youth complex
Coffee and conversation—both will surely
WHAT: Our vision is to build a rock band where we
all contribute our musical talent, collaborate, and produce
Everyone is welcome. No prior knowledge required.
some great music together. So, come out and let's jam!
Questions? Contact Janice Baisman, see bottom of page 14.
cOnTAcT: Fred Kettler 305-785-8101
[email protected]
December 2015 • Page 16
The Howard and Sharon Gurman Socol
Family Foundation Endowment
In Memory of Our Parents
is proud to present
Malcolm I. Hoenlein
Executive Vice Chairman and CEO, Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Tuesday, December 8th
Sanctuary, Lewis Family Religious Life Complex
Dessert Reception to follow
Mr. Hoenlein will discuss BDS (Boycott, Divestment
and Sanctions Movement), Anti-Semitism Around the
World and The Delegitimization of the State of Israel.
Free and open to the community
RSVP Online at
or Mindy Robbin, 786.364.9446, [email protected]
Sunday, January 17 at 1:00 p.m.
Monday, January 18 at 7:30 p.m.
PETER THE THIRD, North American Premiere, Hebrew with English
THE WANDERING MUSE, Florida Premiere, Spanish, Yiddish, German,
subtitles. A warm and soulful comedy about the trials of love and
Bantu with English subtitles. Explore the ever-changing music of the
friendship in a small Tel Aviv community.
Jewish diaspora in a borderless world of harmonies. Musician BasyaSchechter will be in attendance and will perform after the film. Spon-
Sunday, January 17 at 3:00 p.m.
sored by Joan Schaeffer & Roberta Mandel.
HILL START, Florida Premiere, Hebrew with English subtitles.
Israeli comedic-genius Shlomo Bar-Aba (Academy Award nominee for
Saturday, January 23 at 8:00 p.m.
Footnote) leads a star-studded cast in this outrageous Israeli dramedy as
ENCIRCLEMENTS, Florida Premiere, Hebrew with English subtitles
the head of a family about to implode.
In this beautiful, heartfelt film, a religious faux pas awakens age-oldtensions in a tight-knit Mizrahi neighborhood in Israel. Starring Lior
Sunday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m.
Ashkenazi (Academy Award nominee for Footnote) and Assi Levy
ROCK IN THE RED ZONE, Florida Premiere, Hebrew and English with
(Aviva, My Love). Sponsored by Evelyn & Dr. Shmuel Katz.
English subtitles. Filmmaker Laura Bialis stumbles into a world shenever imagined as she presents a tale of music and romance on the
Monday, January 25 at 7:30 p.m.
frontlines of a never-ending war. Director Laura Bialis and musician
APPLES FROM THE DESERT, Miami Premiere, Hebrew with English
Avi Vaknin will be in attendance.
subtitles. The rebellious teenage daughter of Orthodox Jewish parentsjourneys into the secular world in this timeless and moving tale that
Sunday, January 17 at 7:30 p.m.
poignantly explores themes of love and reconciliation. Winner Best
FIRE BIRDS, Florida Premiere, Hebrew with English subtitles.
Film at Haifa Film Festival.
An electrifying murder mystery about con men and cops will intrigueand keep you guessing until the very end. Nominated for four IsraeliOphir Awards.
Tickets are available for purchase at
or by calling 1-888-585-3456.
Campus Activities
Campus Activities Director
beth Am basketball Spring League
Registration opens
Monday, December 14 at 7:00 a.m.
Registration is online only at
For more information, please call the
bridge information line at 786.264.6613
or visit our website at
You dream up the perfect event–
we have the perfect space!
emed parties (sports, cooking, movies)
or meetings, we have the space you need.
Choose from our state-of-the-art
gymnasium, teaching kitchen,
auditorium, social hall, chapel, field,
and outdoor basketball court.
We'll connect you with the people
you need to make your event a success.
Contact Michelle Cohen, 786.364.9432
or [email protected]
December 2015 • Page 18
Exciting Adult bar/bat
Mazel TOV to
Susan and Paul Fletcher on the birth of a granddaughter
Wanna' feel like a "kid" again?
Margot Ryan barrie
Sarah and Allan Serviansky on the birth of Jacob Alexander
Did you "miss" becoming a Bar/
Serviansky. Mazal Tov to grandparents Lily and David Serviansky,
Bat Mitzvah when you were 13?
aunts and uncles guillermo and Maggie Retchkiman, Eduardo and
Martine Stern, Rudy and Tania Stern and Marissa and brian canida
Did your Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience not include reading
ben and Samira Kaskel on the birth of James, and to grandmother
from the Torah? Would you like a refresher?
Dr. Lani Kaskel
Jack and Mindy Finkelman on the birth of grandson Jack Robert
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then come
and to great grandmother Louise Stubins
be a part of our upcoming Adult B'nai Mitzvah class!
Dr. Peter and bea citron on the engagement of daughter, Jenna,
to bryan Pinchuk
Rabbis Jeremy barras, Rachel greengrass, Judith Kempler
and cantor Rachelle nelson will be teaching these classes
weekly beginning January 2016. The course will be 1-1/2
yearlong journey as we explore Hebrew, Torah study,
Jewish history, theology, rituals and life cycles.
The Current of Life
You will have the joy of experiencing this special occasionwith other fellow adult "kids" as we culminate with a
We mourn the passing of
beautiful and uplifting service in May 2017.
Martin Herbert Shane, husband of Elaine Shane, father of
Please contact Mindy Robbin at 786.364.9446 or
Susan Linder, brother-in-law of betty Suchman
[email protected] for more information or to register.
Elaine Heller, grandmother of Amy Shapiro
Robyn Lazear, sister of John Leighton
Ann ginsburg, wife of Murray ginsburg
Jason Rose, father of Jan Lewis
Robert Weinstein, husband of Janet Weinstein
Eternal light is the soul of man
Jonathan & ilene Aronson
Adam carlin & chanin Hott-carlin, caadon and grayor
Andrea Dziuba
*Jason Elbinger
Hayley Kornfield
Michael Kowi & Tricia Pasdach and Kayden
Robert Rauchman
Jeffrey Rich & candi Fox-Rich, Eli and Jaedon
Michal & Yanir Shmaryou, Roni and Hila
Lew & Louise Temares
Dean & Jennifer Warhaft and Pierce
*Returning members to Temple Beth Am
List reflects new members as of October 28, 2015.
Give The TemPle BeTh Am
"Gift of MeMbership"
A couple of months ago, Jews around miami gathered to celebrate the New Year. This sea-
son of renewal reminds us, now and always, about our profound connection with the past
and about our hopes for the future. i am writing today to thank you for your support this
increasing our membership will help increase our revenue, which will further enhance
our programming. Therefore, i am requesting that you please reach out to your family,
friends, co-workers and neighbors to tell them about us; there are so many wonderful
happenings here at Temple Beth Am. if nothing else, this holiday season reminds us of
those that need to be invited to be a part of our community.
We would like you all to find an unaffiliated family that would appreciate being a Temple member. Chanukah season is here and
what better gift for you to give them? A full membership to Temple Beth Am, valid now through June 2016. The cost of this "gift
of membership" is $118, all inclusive. Please order your personalized gift certificates with each recipient's name written in callig-
raphy. The certificate will have your name at the bottom, as well as Rabbi Barras' signature. We will place it in a gift box,
wrapped in beautiful holiday ribbon with a special gift card just from you.
if you know of a family or families who would like to be part of our Beth Am family, please reach out to them, or better yet, i
could call them! let's renew our emphasis on creating an inclusive community by widening the circle and seeking out those that
do not have a synagogue to call home. Please take a moment to look to those in your life who could find a place at Beth Am.
And, as always, know that your temple wishes you the best, surrounded by those you love!
Rita Diaz membership Director
The Howard & Sharon Gurman Socol Family Foundation Endownment
In Memory of Our Parents presents.
Ambassador Dennis Ross
Author of "Doomed to Succeed" and "The Missing Peace"
Thursday, January 7, 2016, 7:30–9:00 pm
Dessert Reception and Book Signing to follow
Since 2011, Ambassador Dennis Ross has been counselor and
William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Previously, he spent two years as Special Assistant to President Obama and served as
National Security Council Senior Director for the Central Region, and a year as
Special Advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The first 175 persons who RSVP will receive a complimentary copy of "Doomed to Succeed." (one per family please)
Free and open to the community.
RSVP: Mindy Robbin, [email protected], 786.364.9446
December 2015 • Page 22
The nights are getting longer and darker and so
Activity night:
we welcome–The Festival of Lights!
Choose an evening for a family outing of bowling, skating,biking, or visiting a museum. Plan ahead to choose and
I love Chanukah, and anything that my kids love that's Jewish is
reserve tickets for a cultural event, concert, play or sporting
A-Okay in my book. Yet, eight days of trying to keep the holiday
event to attend as a family or group of friends.
rolling can be very daunting. So, here are eight ideas for the eightnights of Chanukah:
grandparents night:
Give the presents that come in the mail. Get on the phone
chanukah Shabbat:
or Skype and have children spend "time" with grandparents
This is the easiest as we are having the ultimate Shabbat Chanukah
and cousins scattered around the country. If your family
celebration: Star Wars Chanukah Glow Stick Shabbat! Allow your
lives close by, consider a festive family party.
kids (both your children and your inner child) to dress up and getready for the serious business of praying with all the classic
book night and/or Movie night:
characters. We will have food both before and after services, drinks Go to the library or bookstore. Each person selects a book.
(served in Han Solo cups), and phenomenal Star Wars paraphernalia For young children, spend the evening reading the book out
thanks to the generosity of our members Dr. Daniel and cindy
loud and telling Chanukah stories. For older children, cozy
up together and read for the evening. If it's movies you decide on, rent a family video, make some popcorn or ice
game night:
cream sundaes and sit down for "Chanukah at the Movies"
Each family member chooses his/her favorite game to play with the night.
family. My favorite is charades. (It works best for pre-readers whenyou have pictures that they can look at and then act out.)
Mitzvah night (ner Shel Tzedakah):
During the weeks prior to Chanukah, collect all requests for
Music night:
money which regularly arrive in your mailbox. On Mitzvah
Each family member chooses two favorite songs to teach or sing.
Night count the money in your tzedakah boxes. Decide as a
Any musical instrument may be used (don't forget the pots and
family how it might be distributed among the many requests
pans), or each person can select a favorite song to play on the CD
that you have received. If you don't have a tzedakah box,
player. Then spend the evening singing, playing dreidel and eating
spend this night making one. If your children are older,
latkes. Get up and dance!
spend the evening participating in a mitzvah project. Yourkids are also receiving many gifts! Encourage them to do-
nate some of their old toys to others who have less.
Invite friends over whose children are your children's friends. Plana fun activity. Children can each make and eat Chanukah cookies of I hope you enjoy this Chanukah and that it is full of light fortheir design. Cover tables and have an Art Night.
you and your family!
Rabbi Rachel greengrass
December 2015 • Page 24
With Special anks
to our beth Am basketball Sponsors for the 2015-2016 Year!
Presenting Jersey Sponsor
Tent Sponsor
Tent Sponsor
Court's 1 on 1 Sports Central Magnetic Imaging South, North EWM Realty Fare To Remember
FemCare Ferraro Law Firm MASTEC Miami Women Care Papa John's Pizza Preemo
Roasters' n Toasters Rothenberg & Ross Sean Simon, M.D. Specialty Car Services
South Miami Pediatric Dental Sunshine Communication Services
If you are interested in sponsoring the Beth Am Basketball Spring 2016 league please contact
Michelle cohen, [email protected] or 786.364.9432
December 2015 • Page 26
AM sical Service of
We are all on a path to healing.
Join others from our community
as we seek to deepen our prayer
life and strengthen our divine
connection. This musical service will
be led by Rabbi Judith Kempler
and Cantorial Soloist Karen Pincus.
Havdalah Service from 5:00–6:00 pm
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Lewis Family Religious Life Complex
board vice President:
Rock n' Run Raises More than $55,000 for cancer Research
Lisa Heller Green
The 3rd annual Rock N' Run–which took place at Beth Am on October 4 – raised more than $55,000
for breast and ovarian cancer research, awareness and assistance. Rock N' Run drew more than 500
participants for a cardio dance class or a 5K run/walk.
The University of Miami's Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center was both a beneficiary and the
Rabbi Rachel Greengrass
presenting sponsor of the event. Event organizer Amy Hollub said, "Rock N' Run, an incredible day of
health, strength and spirit, was created to unite our community in the fight against breast and ovarian
cancer and raise awareness to enhance prevention and early detection."
Suzanne CallejaJacqueline Crabill
Proceeds from Rock N' Run benefit the following organizations: CancerLink, the Sandy B. Muller Breast
Cancer Foundation, the Women's Breast Health Initiative, the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Facing
Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, and Sharsheret.
Gary EisenbergTeri GoldenMyriam GradStacey JonesDan LevineJeff MarcusShelley PayneMelissa PeerlessRachel Robbins-TuretskyJackie RoseRosemarie Roth
Seeking YOuR input: Tikkun Olam Shabbat
Beth Am will be hosting a Tikkun Olam Shabbat on Friday, February 5. As part of this exciting
evening, we will be showcasing some of the many non-profits who are making a difference in Miami.
Do you have a group to recommend? Is there a cause that is close to your heart? If so, please email the
organization's name and contact information to Janice baisman at [email protected]. She will
compile a list for follow-up. Thank you very much!
Soles4Souls Shoe collection
Save the Date for
These upcoming Events
Temple Beth Am Day School students and tem-ple members have provided more than 500
Social Justice Speaker Series:
pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls, a global non-
The Syrian Refugee crisis
profit that is fighting poverty through the col-
Wednesday, January 20 • 7:00 p.m.
lection and distribution of shoes and clothing.
Tikkun Olam Shabbat
Soles4Souls offers both short- and long-term
Friday, February 5 • 6:00 p.m.
solutions, distributing shoes through disaster
There will be a social justice
relief efforts, and supporting entrepreneurs in
speaker on the bimah, and local
creating microenterprises that utilize discarded
non-profits will be showcasing
textile items. For more information, please visit
their work after services. Please
stop by to learn how you can sup-
port and get involved with these
change-makers in our community.
to Gavin Sperber,
Blood Donor Honor Roll
who is spearhead-
Mitzvah Day 2016
Thank you to everyone who donated
ing the shoe col-
Sunday, February 7 • 9:30 a.m.
blood during and after the Rock N'
Stay tuned for details about this
Run on October 4!
great congregational day of action!
Mitzvah Project.
December 2015 • Page 28
Mazel Tov B'nai Mitzvah
Ari Romano
December 5, 2015
Ari is a 7th grade student at Palmetto Middle School. He is a compassionate and caring person, a
wonderful son and brother, and a great friend. Ari's family is very proud of him and look forward to
celebrate his Bar Mitzvah.
Andres Laventman
December 12, 2015
Andres was born in Mexico City, graduated from Howard Drive Elementary and currently attends
Palmetto Middle School. He is a funny, mature young adult who loves his little sister gabriela, karate,
and basketball. He is a former world champion of Odyssey of the mind and can't wait to be called "Judge."
Daniel Muskat
December 12, 2015
Daniel is a 7th grade student at Ammons Middle School, an International Baccalaureate Magnet School,
and an Honors graduate of William Lehman Elementary School. Daniel enjoys tennis, video games, and
spending time with his friends and family. His parents, Phillip and Rina, and his younger brother, Elliot,
are very proud of him and look forward to celebrating his Bar Mitzvah.
bailey goldstein
December 19, 2015
bailey is a 7th grader at Gulliver Academy and is the second of four children. He is passionate
about playing and composing music on the piano and saxophone, and competing in soccer and tennis.
His parents, Tatiana and Michael, along with his sister, Falyn, and two brothers, Jesse and casey, can't
wait to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah!
Aiden Heller
December 19, 2015
Aiden is an 8th grade student at Palmetto Middle School. He enjoys sports and is an avid gamer. He is
also passionate about crossfit, and healthy eating. His parents Dean and Lilach, brother Jake, and sister
Kayla, are very excited to see him become a Bar Mitzvah.
December 2015 • Page 30
Week ending
Jacob Abraham Butler*
December 4, 2015
Seymour Barry Cohen*
Dr. Norman Corin*
Rebecca Altshuler
Yudie (Eleanor) Becker*
Paula Anne Fishman*
Robert Bernstein*
Sarah Frances Bogage*
Ronnie Goldberger
Dr. Joseph Gorodetzer
Harold Gordon Furman*
Estelle Goldberger*
Malvin Weiss Harris*
o Magda E. Fabry* Ruth Hirschfield Sarah Hochman* Lillian Grossman
Martin Finkelstein*
Benjamin Jacobstein
Eleanore B. Kandel*
Joel H. Jankowitz*
Greta Carmen Kaplan*
Elizabeth O. Judelson*
Robert Grossberger*
Irving "Izzy" Kaplan*
Paulyne F. Kantor*
Susan Schatzman Hara
Morris (Morey) Henkin
Helen Lehr Littauer
Rose Katzen Aster
Milton (Zeke) Lenga
Miriam Levinson Kwatcher
Paul H. Krulewitch*
Beatrice R. Lowenthal*
Linda Rae Mallinger
M Robert G. Levine Isadore Marks* Mark A. Light* Jerry Moss
Stuart Allen Markus
David N. Oppenheim
Jeanette Miranda*
William Miranda Sr.*
Rose Turner Rosenblatt*
g Martha S. Myers* Abraham Pett* Birdie Olinick
Stanley C. Myers*
Sidney J. Rudolph
Rebeka Retchkiman
Ferdinand H. Rosenthal*
Rosencwajg Szaniecka
Alexander Standiford
Morton D. Stubins*
Isadore B. Sacks*
Mercy Suarez Schimmel
vin Edna Ruth Schiffrin Eugene Schneiderman Adeline Rosenthal Sherman* Wendy Weinshall
Catherine Werner*
Marilyn Schwadron
Minnie W. Seidman*
Dr. Melvin Schwartz*
Lilly Jacob Zelmanovic*
*Individuals with a plaque in
the Sanctuary.
Samuel Wasserman*
Bertram J. Thorpe*
Scott N. Woolman*
Milton I. Ziegler*
Jack B. Weintraub*
In Week ending
Week ending
December 11, 2015
December 18, 2015
Week ending
Dr. Morton M. Axler*
December 25, 2015
William Altshuler
Victor Bluestein*
by Dr. Lenore c. Kipper, RJE, Judaic Studies Director, Emerita
Prominent American Jewish Personalities
The Leaders in business, banking and Philanthropy
ter of Solomon Loeb. When Senator Nelson Aldrich headed a commis-
Last month I introduced you to Joseph Seligman and Nathan Straus.
sion to establish legislation to control bank manipulations and stock
This month you will meet some of the prominent leaders who influ-
speculators, he asked Warburg to assist him. After investigation,
enced both Jewish and American culture with their acts of tzedakah
Warburg reported on the weakness of over 20,000 banks that operated
and tikkun olam.
without any supervision. Warburg advocated for a central bank likethe ones he knew in England and France. In 1913 the Federal Reserve
Jacob Henry Schiff, 1847-1920
Act was passed. In recognition of his efforts and influence, President
Jacob Schiff came to the United States from Frankfort, Germany,
Woodrow Wilson named him a member of the Federal Reserve Board
in 1865 when he was 17. His first employment was as a clerk in a
in 1914. After he left the Board in 1926, he was very active in support-
brokerage house. He then opened his own firm, and at 28, he was
ing many cultural institutions and social welfare causes. When he died
invited to join the international banking firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The
The Nation Magazine wrote: "No one in a similar influential position
post-Civil War period was a time of expansion and industrialization.
excelled him in his feeling of responsibility to the public. A patron of
By the time he was 38, he became head of the firm and established his
the arts…a leader among American Jews, it can truthfully be said of
vision for the future. He backed the building of the national railroad
him that he set for his people an unsurpassable example of public
systems which was a major factor in opening up the West to settle-
ment, commerce and agriculture.
Felix Warburg, 1871-1937
Schiff was deeply concerned about the welfare of the Russian Jews
Another Warburg who came to the U.S., he married the daughter of
under the Czar, especially at the time of the pogroms in the early
Jacob Schiff in 1895. He also worked in banking and finance, but his
1900s. By 1911, under President Taft, he headed a Congressional effort
efforts in supporting causes like the Henry St. Settlement, the Chil-
to have a treaty between the U.S. and Russia stopped because of
dren's Court, and the New York Board of Education, became his
Russia's discrimination against Jews holding American passports.
mission. In addition, he served as treasurer of the Joint Distribution
His success in the financial world gave him the power and influence
Committee, and for many years he was the president of the 92nd St.
to become one of the most active philanthropists for Jewish and
YMHA. When the Jewish Welfare Board was founded in 1917, he was
American causes to assist the wave of new immigrants. Some of these
on the advisory committee. He became the first president of the
included the YMCA programs, the Red Cross, Harvard University,
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies. The list is very long of his
Jewish Theological Seminary, YMHA, the Jewish Welfare Board, the
support for Jewish and American institutions. After he died in 1937,
Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew Union College and the American
his wife gave their six-story mansion to the Jewish Theological
Jewish Committee Organization. All of these still exist today. He was
Seminary for the establishment of the Jewish Museum. When you visit
very active in the area of healthcare and social work for the immi-
NYC next time, make a stop at the Jewish Museum on Fifth Avenue.
grants. The funding and founding of the Henry St. Settlement House,under the leadership of Lilian Wald, was especially important to him.
Julius Rosenwald, 1862-1932
One of the innovative ideas he had was the Galveston, Texas project.
Originally from Springfield, IL., he left home at 17 to become a clothing
Many immigrants were coming from Eastern Europe around 1907.
salesman. In 1885 he settled in Chicago, and one of his accounts was
There was so much overcrowding and poverty on the Lower East Side
Sears Roebuck Co. which had a mail order house. In a decade he
of N.Y., he organized the program that would bring Jews to the Galve-
bought out the founders of Sears. He is known especially in Chicago
ston Port in order to disperse the immigrants into the interior of the
for the many organizations and institutions he supported; Jane
middle and western states. Rabbi Henry Cohen, who had served the
Addams Hull House, the University of Chicago, the Rosenwald
Galveston Jewish Community for 18 years, was the prominent person
Museum , now called Museum of Science and Industry, and Temple
who would assist the immigrants and find towns for them to live in.
Sinai on the South side of Chicago. One of his projects was with
The plan worked for a while, but circumstances in the country were
Booker T. Washington to establish 5,357 schools, homes, libraries,
changing. Restrictive Federal immigration laws, American economic
health clinics and YMCAs in 883 black communities in 15 southern
insecurity, the difficulty of the long voyage, and the outbreak of World
states. The Rosenwald Fund was established in 1917 and was
War 1 all contributed to the end of the plan. Nevertheless, 10,000
completely liquidated in 25 years. He has been described as the man
immigrants entered through Galveston, and they formed the core of
who did more for the black communities than anyone since Lincoln.
the Jewish communities throughout the southwestern states.
The New York Public Library received a generous gift from Schiff topurchase Semitic literature, and the Library of Congress received
30,000 books to establish the Hebraic section. Schiff died in 1920 at age73. He left a remarkable record of generosity and civic leadership.
Paul Warburg, 1868-1932
Paul Warburg was born in Hamburg, Germany and went to work in
the family banking House. After spending several years in the finan-
cial centers of England and France, he came to the U.S. and joined the
Kuhn, Loeb Co. as a partner in the firm. He was married to the daugh-
December 2015 • Page 32
j ommit ee of 100
Joseph bolton & Alison Miller
*Hugh & Eliza culverhouse
Jim & gale bramnick
bill & Dilia grossman
Richard & colleen Fain
barry & Jacqueline brant
Louis & Patty gurkin
Jon & Tina Kislak
Mauricio & Margaret brener
Harvey gurland, Jr. & carolina gurland
Dan Lewis
Michael & Janet brown
*Jason & Laura Haim
*Jan Lewis
David & Melissa buckner
*barry Halpern
Leslie Miller Saiontz
*Adam carlin & chanin Hott-carlin
& Sheila Auerbach-Halpern
Keith & Diane chasin
Jay & Sandy Halpern
Tony ciminero
bernie & Deborah Harris
Circle of Blessing
& Joanne bauling-ciminero
Dolly Harris
Mark & nedra Oren
*Peter & bea citron
Mark & Helen Hauser
Aaron & Dorothy Podhurst
gary & carol cohen
Dean & Lilach Heller
gary & barbara cohen
Michael & nanci Hellinger
Rabbis Honor Circle
*Peter & Allison cohen
greg & Jennifer Herskowitz
Alan & Jayusia bernstein
William & bobbie cohen
Rick Schurr & christy Hertz Schurr
beth and David Ertel
Jack & cookie cohn
Frank & Jodi Hessel
*Timur colak & Susana callau
bob Hill & Jennifer Ferriss-Hill
*Joseph & Anita Hoffman
Sol & Susan colsky
Dave & Hedy Hirsch
Dick & Susan Lampen
Paul & Jolie cummings
Ken & Hillary Hoffman
*Jeff & Kathy cutler
Richard & ilisa Hoffman
*Steve Saiontz & Paola Lieto
Jose Da costa gomez
Harry & Amy Hollub
David & Lily Serviansky
& Annelies Hoffmann Da costa gomez
*Daniel & Toni Holtz
*Paul Damski
Michael & iris Hyman
Presidents Honor Circle
bob & Judith Davidoff
chuck & Roberta Jacoby
Scott & Michele baena
*David & Debra Deutch
*Joseph & Shelley Jacoby
gary & barbara Davis
Harold & nanci Deutsch
Michael & Julie Jacobs
Ron & charlene Esserman
victor & Susana Deutsch
Lawrence & Suzanne Fishman
*William & Joanie Ditkowsky
John Janette & Joely Kaufman-Janette
Larry & Sheila Forman
Marny Dixon
Leonard & Debby Kalman
James & Patty gassenheimer
Ken & Adrian Dubow
James & Margarite Kaplan
Stuart & Dianne gottlieb
Michael Duchowny & Leslie Mccormick
Larry Kahn, iii & Susan Kahn
Roy & Lori Fabry
ira & Randye Karmin
Ron & Karen Kammer
*victor & Eileen Faradji
Arnaud & Rebecca Karsenti
barry & Judi Katzen
Dan & Julianne Farkas
Ezra & Tati Katz
Michael & valerie Katz
Fred & carly Fein
bernita King
Howard & Linda Landy
Robert & Donna Feldman
Steven & Tammy Klein
*Ted & Elaine Feldman
gary & Leo Kluger
victor & Lisa Mendelson
charlie & Lauren Fernandez
Dan & Laura Koffsky
Stuart & Mycki Ratzan
Jonathan & nadine Fialkow
Ronald & Marilyn Kohn
*Miguel Jose & clarissa Rosenfeld
*Daniel & cindy Fields
bruce Kohrman & Diane Krieger
Joel & Randy Schenkman
Steven & nadine Foldes
Murray & ilene Kossman
Richard & Jackie Siegel
Daniel & nicole Foodman
*gary & Michelle Kramer
Howard & Sharon Socol
barry & Debra Frank
Roman Krislav
David & Linda Frankel
& cristina Jimenez Krislav
Martin & Julie Franklin
Frank & Helene Kronberg
irwin & Helene Adler
Joan getz
Daniel & Fern Lampert
brett & Lauren Amron
Mark & belinda gilbert
Elliot & barbara Lang
Evelyn K. Axler
Arthur & Stephanie gilbert
Ted & barbara Latham
Ryan & Rachel bailine
brett & Pamela Lear
Scott & Debbie barkow
bobby & nancy gilbert
Jeremy & Mindy Leathe
David & Karen baron
Harris goldberg & Lisa Esserman
Marc & Judith Lederhandler
george & Monique befeler
Terry & Diane goldberg
*Todd & Suzanne Legon
Robert & Ana behar
*Evan & Stephanie goldman
John Leighton & Amy beth carmel
Edward beiner
nathan & Elizabeth Leight
& Daniela Zanzuri-beiner
Adam & cheryl goldstein
Dan Levine & Lauren bronfman
Rodney & Linda benjamin
*Michael & Tatiana goldstein
Eric Levin & Jen Levin
Jill berman
Larry & Susan golinsky
Melvin & Joan Levinson
bob & Francyn berrin
Jorge gomez & Ann Kaufman
*Adam & nancy Levy
Alex & Lynn binstock
Ken gorin
David & barbara Lipman
clinton & Elizabeth biondo
bob & nancy green
David & cindi Lubarsky
Jordan & Judith bittel
Scott & Amy greenwald
Mara Mades
Edward & iliana blumberg
bruce greer & Evelyn Langlieb greer
Ray & Susan Malca
Renee gross
Jeffrey & Rebecca Mandler
Jeff & niki Marcus
Ron & Jessica Rodman
Steven & Staci Solomon
Jay & Lisa Massirman
Alan & Debra Rosenthal
William & Jean Soman
Jim & carol Mattei
David & becky Rosenbaum
Lindsay Spalding-Steven
Jason Mazer & Jodi Hirschfield Mazer
Jeff & Lillian Rosenberg
& Julie Spalding-Steven
Steve Medwin & Jennifer Medwin
Kenny & Fran Rosen
Robert & Deborah Sperber
Michael & Susan Meister
bob & Susan Rosenthal
Larry & Tracey Spiegelman
Steve & Adrienne Messing
Eduardo & Martine Stern
Marc & Marian Milgram
Jon & Jamie Rubenstein
*Rudy & Tania Stern
Howard & Lisa Millhauser
Richard & cessy Rubinson
David & Sheri Stone
Spencer & Maria Morgan
Steven & cindy Rudin
Robert & Michele Stone
*Adam & Jessica Moskowitz
Jorge & Stacey Ruiz
Alexander & Lily Moskovitz
*Stephen & cayla Rutchik
Laura neves
Robert & Emily Ruwitch
John & Jo Sumberg
James & Deborah nolan
Daniel Sachar & Kate Lampen-Sachar
Monica and Myron Tanenbaum
Jeffrey & Susan nullman
Peter & Wendy Salomon
*Michael Tein & Laurie Stein
Steven Olszewski & Robin Amster
*Derek Sanders & Michele Saverin
Harley & Sherry Tropin
Robbie & Alisa Oppenheim
Scott & Michelle Sarason
Elion vinocur & Rebecca Shull vinocur
Kevin & Stacey Packman
*Adam & Lauren Schwartz
Howard & Suzanne Wallach
Harry & Lisa Payton
Howard & Jill Schwartz
Michael & Julie Weiser
isaac & Mariana Pesin
Steven & Laurel Schwartz
Mitch & Alicia Widom
Michael & Lois Pfeffer
*gene & Karen Willner
gabriel & Evelyn Politzer
Harlan & Randy Selesnick
Michael & betty Wohl
Richard & Jan Pollack
Alan & Karen Serure
carlos & Meredith Wolf
Rich & Amy Pollack
*Adam & Anna Shaffer
Louis Wolfson iii & Ellen Wolfson
Miguel & Lezlie Poyastro
*Ethan & Amy Shapiro
Howard & Pam Wolofsky
David & Sheila Quint
Jay & Susan Shapiro
Jerrold & Jo-Ann Young
candy Fien Rabkin
John & Donna Shepard
Adam Yunis
David & Susan Racher
Howard & Stacey Shoer
Robert & Karen Zinn
*William & Karen Siegel
Danny & Elise van der Reis
Marlene Silverman & gerald backman
Terry & Marcia Reisman
Sean Simon & Perri Young
Renewals as of November 6, 2015
Jack & Jill Reiter
Adam & Lila Smith
*new to this level
guillermo & Maggie Retchkiman
Julio & Judy Snitcovsky
*David Roberts & Jill gross-Roberts
brad & Lauren Sokol
Tuesdays with Manny
Opera Studio of
Manny Perez
December 15
January 19, 2016
At 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Join us for an evening of lush music and artistry.
Refreshments to follow.
$10 donation at the door.
December 2015 • Page 34
Phyllis Grossman in memory of Martin Shane, with
Gail LeBoss in loving memory of Gary LeBoss
love and deepest sympathy
Marlene and Joel Kaplan in loving memory of
Gayle and Steven Handshu in memory of Joel Handshu
Bruce Hirsch in memory of Rose Hirsch
Judith Shapiro in loving memory of Arthur Kane
Paul and Lois Lester in memory of Natalie S. Gross
Betty Suchman in loving memory of Philip Coe
Barbara C. Levin in loving memory of Ira Fenster
Betty Suchman in loving memory of Edith Suchman
Fred Rawicz Myra and Jack Wolf in memory of Martin Shane
Richard Yulman in memory of Jason Rose
Da Costa Gomez-Hoffmann Family in memory of
Federico G. Hoffman
Shari Kaplan, in appreciation of Barbara & Ed Sirkin
Rosemarie Roth in memory of Annette Phillips
s mother of Mindy Robbin
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Weissman in honor of Howard SocolKen and Judith Rosenthal in memory of Kurt Rosenthal
In memory of our papa, Martin Gallant with love
from Jane, Mack and Sunny
Adrian and Ken Dubow in honor of Tina and Jon
Brian Gallant in loving memory of his parents
Kislak on their 30th Anniversary
Tracy Gallant Brody in honor of Jane Massman on her
Adrian and Ken Dubow in memory of Ann Ginsburg
Tracy Gallant Brody in loving memory of her parents
Eileen and Barry Rothberg in memory of Martin Shane,
Michael Alter with a deep appreciaton for Etta–just
beloved father, husband and grandfather
Dalia Ashkenazi in appreciation of Etta Gold
John and Betty Berson in appreciation of Etta Gold
Joan A. Marn in loving memory of my mother,
Bobbie and Bill Cohen in loving memory of Ethel Cohen
Bobbie and Bill Cohen in loving memory of Harold
Dianne and Ed Schmidt and family in memory of
Iris Schuham Cutler and family in loving memory of
Esther Kramer in memory of Martin Shane
David Schuham, loving father and grandfather
Karen and Alan Pincus in memory of Martin Shane
Lenard and Susan Gorman in loving memory of
Jill and Jack Reiter in memory of Esther Rojkis
Diane and Ed Schmidt & family in memory of
Bud and Dori Klippen in honor of Etta Gold
ive Th Martin Shane
Bernice Sandler in loving memory of Jerome Anapol,
Tamara Donnenfeld in memory of Esther Rojkis
Tamara Donnenfeld in memory of Ana Nacach
Bernice Sandler in memory of Martin ShaneThe Shmalo Family in memory of Edward Belin
Linda and Bob Spiegelman in memory of Murph
Ed and Margie Rosen in memory of Marty Shane
Bernkrant, brother of Al Bernkrant
Betty and Sandy Susman in memory of Esther
Rita and Bernie Swichkow in loving memory of Marty
Shane, such a dear friend
e G Bert and Susan Trager in memory of Joe Traeger Rita and Bernie Swichkow in memory of Walter Strauss,
father of Leslee Emmett
Wayne and Judy Barlin in memory of Seymour
W and Rosalind Barlin
Janet and Michael Brown in loving memory of
Alan and Jayusia Bernstein in memory of Jason Rose
Jayusia and Alan Bernstein in memory of Edith Lewis
Edward Cutler in loving memory of Rachel Cutler
Juliette Glasser in memory of her beloved sister,
Dilia and Bill Grossman in honor of the birth of Jack
Arlette Akouka Fischer
Robert, grandson to Jack and Mindy Finkelman
The Klein Family in loving memory of Fayth Krieger
Dilia and Bill Grossman in honor of the birth of Jacob
Helene Lanster in loving memory of Sarah Ressler
Alexander Serviansky, Mazel Tov to grandparents
Jan and Richard Pollack in loving memory of Belle
Dilia and Bill Grossman in memory of Martin Shane
Robert Rauchman in loving memory of Louis Rauchman
Dilia and Bill Grossman in honor of the birth of James
Ellen Widom in memory of Dorothy Silverstein
Mazel Tov to Ben and Samira Kaskel
Barbara Cohen and Murray Ginsburg in honor of Ellie and Hal
The Amron Family in loving memory of Herman Amron
Aibel's anniversary
The Amron Family in loving memory of Irma Davidson
Jordan Franklin in appreciation
Sheldon and Florence Anderson in memory of Jason Rose
Nicole and Jonathan Friedland in honor of Gabe's Bar Mitzvah
Edward Cutler in loving memory of Claire Cutler
Dick Golden in memory of mother's Yahrzeit
Ellen and Lane Genet in loving memory of Saul Genet
Diane Star Heller in appreciation of the beautiful Kever Avot
Molle Grad in loving memory of Ed Grad
Judith Jacobs in loving memory of Elaine Levine Sherman
Tina and Jon Kislak in memory of Jason Rose
Albert and Sandi Kramer in memory of Benjamin Kramer
Susan Lampen and family in loving memory of
Dan Levine and Lauren Bronfman in appreciation of Raymond's
Marc and Judith Lederhandler in memory of Milton Weiss
Eric and Amy Roth in honor of Rich Siegel's 50th birthday
Philip Leitman in loving memory of Fern Leitman
Michelle and Scott Sarason in memory of Jane Levin
Donna Bess Singer in loving memory of Minnie Bess
Ed and Barbara Sirkin in appreciationEd & Barbara Sirkin in memory of Belle FrostEd and Barbara Sirkin in memory of Ann FrostRachel Turetsky in memory of Martin Shane
Gail LeBoss in loving memory of Gary LeBoss
Jill and Jack Reiter in memory of Ester Rojkis
Rosemarie Roth in memory of her father, Alex A. StrausMichael Tein and Laurie Stein in appreciation for officiating at
Paulina Tein's Bat Mitzvah
Judy Wolfsohn in loving memory of Phil Brodatz
Julie Beauchamp in appreciation for officiating at Lara and Scott's
L. Melvin Katz and Emily Jo Katz in appreciation of Hazel C. Katz
Jodi Orshan in memory of Martin ShaneRosemarie Roth in memory of Annette Phillips, mother of
Rachel Turetsky in appreciation of Dr. Bruce Kohrman
From 2,000 - 4,900 SF
Bernita King, Russell King and Tamara King Stark in memory of
our beloved Shep, who continues to inspire us in everything we do
Marc and Judith Lederhandler in Honor of Tina and
Marjorie and Edward Rosen in Appreciation for a beautiful
9035 SW 72 Street, Miami, FL 33173
Kol Nidrei Service
Property Features:
Harold E. Simon Charitable Foundation
t Two Suites- 2,000 SF and 4,900 SFt Nicely maintained building exterior/landscaping
t Upscale common areas and lobby finishes
Sheila and Larry Forman in loving memory of Joseph Stricoff
t Secure building with on-site cameras
Sandy and Jay Halpern in honor of the birth of Emma Hoffman
t Ample parking available
Sandy and Jay Halpern in honor of the birth of Ezra Malca
Location Features:
Sandy and Jay Halpern in honor of Robert Green's 60th birthdaySandy and Jay Halpern in memory of Bob Weinstein
t 1.8 miles from Baptist Hospital
Judy Spero King in loving memory of Joseph King
t 3 miles from South Miami Hospitalt
Sheila and Stephen Stieglitz in memory of June Hessel
Easy access to SR 874, SR 878, and SR 826
Jose and Loretta Susi in memory of Bob Weinstein
Lic. Real Estate Broker
December 2015 • Page 36
commentator (uSPS: 0052-060) is Published Monthly
Except July by Temple beth Am, 5950 north Kendall
Dr., Pinecrest, FL 33156-2068.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Miami, Florida.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
AnD RicHARD YuLMAn cAMPuS, 5950 n. KEnDALL
DRivE, PinEcREST, FL 33156-2068.
volume 25 number 5.
Senior Rabbi: Jeremy Barras
Rabbi: Rachel G. Greengrass, MARE, RJE
Rabbi: Judith Kempler
chazan: Cantor Rachelle F. Nelson, D.M.
Founding Rabbi Emeritus: Herbert Baumgard, D.H.L., D.D.
Rabbi Emeritus: Terry A. Bookman, D.D.
President: William Grossman
Executive Director: Robert Hersh
Membership Director: Rita Diaz
Finance Director: John Wenzel
campus Logistics Director: Shari Debowsky
campus Activities Director: Michelle Cohen
Security Director: Sharone Levi
Head of Day School: Deborah R. Starr, Ed. D.
Director of Lifelong Learning: Tamara Donnenfeld, MARE, RJE
Hebrew/Judaic Studies Director: Rabbi Marc Kasten, M. Ed., RJE
Admissions Director, Day School: Cari Altman, M.S. Ed.
Elementary School Director: Susana Novak, M.S. Ed.
Youth Engagement Director: Jacki Altman
Administrative Office: 305.667.6667
Early childhood Program/Day School Office: 305.665.6228
Early childhood Program/Day School Fax: 305.668.6340
Religious School Office: 305.667.6667 ext. 119
Religious School Fax: 305.666.2536
Administration Fax: 305.662.8619
clergy Office Fax: 305.667.1390
email: [email protected]
AFFILIATED WITH THE:Union for Reform Judaism
Mission Statement
Temple Beth Am embraces Jewish lifethrough lifelong learning, spiritualgrowth and community engagement.
December 2015 • Page 38
10600 SW 61 Avenue, Pinecrest
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December 2015 • Page 40
professional Directory 2015/2016
AccOunTAnT - JKO Professional Services, LLc
Janet Kredi-Oberstein
Susan Steinhart, MA, ccc
certified Public Accountant • Attorney at Law
9719 S. Dixie Hwy, Pinecrest, FL 33156
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Phone: 305.753.2107 Fax: 305.675.9268 Email:
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Resolve issues, manage behaviors, reduce stress, improve self-esteem.
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PEDiATRicS - Danielle Katz Squires, M.D.
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December 2015 • Page 42
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Undergraduate Research Symposium The Auburn Montgomery School of Sciences Table of Contents Schedule of Events . 5 Poster Session I . 6 Oral Session I . 7 Poster Session II. 8 Abstracts . 9-28 Phagocytic Activity in Bufo marinus . 10 Antibiogram of Coliform Bacteria Isolated from River Water . 11 Anuran Immunology and the Effect of Corticosterone on Basophil Proliferation . 12