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Under the Patronage of
H. H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
Chancellor of the UAE University
The College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University and Municipalities and Agriculture Department, Agricultural Sector First conference of the International Society of Camelids
Research and Development (ISOCARD)
In cooperation with
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD),
The Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV), Morocco
Al-Ain Rotana Hotel
Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
April 15 – 17, 2006
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Conference Committees
Organizing Committee
Dr. Salih Al-Shorepy, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Dr. Ibrahim Elshsistawi, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Dr. Ahmed Hussein, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Dr. Louis Laleye, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Dr. Elkhawadh Semsaa, Municipalities and Agriculture Department, Agricultural Section, Al-Ain, UAE Mr. Abdelwahed, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Mr. Adel Alawad, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Mr. Tarek Attia Ali, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Mr. Ali Masloup, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Mr. Hussein Ibrahim, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, UAE Mr. Mahfoudh Bintarash, Public & Cultural Relations Dept., UAEU Scientific Committee
Dr. Ghaleb Alhadrami, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates Dr. Bernard Faye, CIRAD-EMVT, France Dr. Mohamed Bengoumi, IAV Hassan II Morocco Dr. Ahmed Tibary, Washington State University, USA Dr. Ibrahim Wasfi, Camel Racing Laboratory, United Arab Emirates Dr. Tariq Mustafa, Municipalities and Agriculture Department, Agricultural Section, United Arab Emirates Dr. David Anderson, Ohio State University, USA Dr. Abdulslam Bakhsh, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
College of Food and Agriculture
United Arab Emirates University
The College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University is pleased to host the First Conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD) and to welcome you to Al Ain. The College has an important role in teaching and research on the importance of the camel in the 21st century. Every Department in the College is playing its role in advancing knowledge on the national and regional importance of the camel. For example, the nutritional requirements of the camel, especially the unique requirements of racing camels, are studied. College scientists have processed camel milk into a yogurt acceptable to consumers. The nutritional and health qualities of camel milk and meat are studied. Consumer awareness of edible products from the camel is quantified. Economic opportunities arising from the use of the camel in food and non- food products and activities are studied. In short, the College investigates issues related to the camel along its entire food chain, including its production, value-added opportunities, commercial, health, and consumer acceptability. The College is grateful to H.H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Chancellor, United Arab Emirates University for his support. Appreciation is extended to the hard working Organizing and Scientific Committees, and to the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and to IAV Hassan II, Morocco. A special thank you goes to the Municipality and Agriculture Department, Agriculture Sector, Al Ain for their sponsorship. The College of Food and Agriculture extends a warm welcome to you. P. Vincent Hegarty Dean, College of Food and Agriculture United Arab Emirates University

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
College of Food and Agriculture Mission
The College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University has an important mission. It is the only College in the country with teaching, research and community service programs in all aspects of the food chain ("From Farm to Plate"). The training of graduates in production agriculture, the processing of food, the distribution and marketing of food and in the safety, nutritive value and health issues of food is an important national need. The commercial success of the production and processing of food within the UAE and the ability of companies to purchase high quality food on international markets depends on well trained professionals. Investment and employment opportunities on farms and on off-farm businesses must be based on the latest information on all aspects on food. The College's research programs include work on soil quality, water management, the production of camels, dates, fruit and vegetables, poultry, dairy products, and other foods produced within the country. Research on the processing of these foods into high quality foods that are safe is of commercial importance. The most efficient and effective distribution and marketing of local and imported foods requires research on the latest market trends. Research on the nutritive value and health aspects of food are important in meeting consumer needs and maintaining a high standard of public health. Community service includes update conferences on all aspects of food. Experts from the University, the UAE and abroad provide the latest information. In summary, the College provides graduates with expertise in all aspects of food, research information on food and agriculture issues, and community service to the public and private sectors.

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006

Municipalities and Agriculture Department, Agriculture Sector
Farmers and agricultural workers have not been left to fend for themselves or work in isolation since the establishment of the Department of Agriculture in Al Ain in 1966. In fact, the Dept. developed methods using the latest scientific, technical and appropriate planning to manage developing agricultural programs for achieving the best national goals in the region, and offered all available support for that purpose. To achieve this objective the Dept. established agricultural research centers in Al Ain and Salamat with labs, in addition to technical sections to supervise planning implementation in cooperation with the public relations and information section, and agricultural extension stations. The Department had established agricultural marketing for protecting farmers from middlemen, wholesalers and price fluctuations. The Department is very keen to provide the required animal feed to promote livestock due to its importance. It always strives to guarantee veterinary services to promote animal health through remote and mobile veterinary clinics. In addition to a veterinary hospital, there is a lab consisting of several units for blood, parasites, biochemistry, anatomical analysis and microbiology for identifying the causes of and treating sickness using the best scientific standards. In order to encourage locals to develop livestock, particularly camels, which are considered a part of the country's heritage in addition to providing meat, instructions of late President Shiekh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan gave instructions to establish camel slaughterhouses, one in Al Khazna region and the other in Allabsa region in the Northern Emirates.

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
French Agricultural Research Centre for International
Development (CIRAD), France
French tropical agricultural research was born over a hundred years ago, and really took off once the importance for the national economy of expanding and promoting tropical and intertropical agriculture and agricultural products was acknowledged, some time during the second half of the 20th century. The founding of CIRAD was the culmination of this process. Like all living structures, CIRAD is constantly adapting to changes in the development aid and research sectors. In view of its mandate, it is thus fully committed to ensuring a global balance. Since its creation, CIRAD has been firmly embedded in the history of nine former tropical agricultural research institutes. • These institutes took over from even older research structures, and were generally non-profit-making. • They were brought together under an umbrella committee, the Comité de liaison des organismes de recherches agricoles spécialisés outre-mer, in 1958. • The creation of the Groupement d'étude et de recherche pour le développement de l'agronomie tropicale (GERDAT), an economic interests group, marked a turning point in their relations. • They were finally grouped together under the CIRAD umbrella in 1984 to form a public-sector industrial and commercial enterprise (EPIC) under the aegis of two French ministries: Research and Cooperation. Its current development is the fruit of ongoing debate and discussions with its partners, aimed at adapting cooperative operations to the realities of the modern world.

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
The Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary
Medicine (IAV)
The Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV) is the major Moroccan institution of higher education on Agriculture and Natural Resources. It has been created in 1966 and has been assigned three main missions: Education, Research and Contribution to Development (Outreach). IAV is in charge of agricultural higher education in five areas: agronomy, veterinary medicine, food science and technology, topography, and agricultural engineering. The curricula are composed of three cycles: first, second and third cycles (Msc. level) of two years each. About 2000 students are enrolled yearly in the various training programs; about 250 students at the MSc. level graduate annually. The scientific staff of IAV is composed of 335 faculty members with more than 200 full professors well recognized for their expertise and scientific knowledge. IAV has an important scientific infrastructure: 30 departments, about 60 laboratories and three experiment stations. Two campuses are operational: the major one is located in Rabat and provides training in the fields of agronomy, veterinary medicine, topography, food science and technology, and agricultural engineering; the second one, on the Agadir campus, is mainly oriented toward horticulture, Plant protection and landscape architecture. The institute plays a key role in research in the following areas: • Agriculture • Animal sciences • Horticulture • Food sciences and technology • Natural resources management • Veterinary medicine • Agribusiness • Water engineering • Rural construction • Agricultural machinery • Topography

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
The Grand Mills for Flour & Feed Company
The GRAND MLLS FOR FLOUR & FEED COMPANY is located inside the Zayed Port in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Since its establishment in 1978, the company has grown to be the largest flourmill and animal feed producer with 60 per cent of the market within the U.A.E. Grand Mills is equipped with the most modern flour and animal feed production machinery with continual upgrading of the plants to meet national and international standards. All production and control stages are computerized for efficiency and the manufacturing of the utmost quality products for The new state-of-the-art animal feed and premix plant began production in 2004 has allowed Grand Mills to enter into the vitamin and mineral pre mix, fish feed, and utilization of dates into animal feed throughout the U.A.E. and other Gulf States Our vision and mission is to be a leading producer of preferred quality flour products, animal feed, and pre mix products for customers throughout the Gulf area.

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Vetoquinol, a large laboratory with a human face and dedicated to animal health. At Vetoquinol, our passion sets us apart. Family-owned and independent firm funded in 1933, we are exclusively dedicated to animal health: research & development, manufacturing and trading of veterinary drugs in three key domains: anti-infective drugs, pain management and cardiology / nephrology. Laboratory ranking 14th worldwide, resolutely close to our customers since present in more than 80 countries, we are making 75% of our turnover outside France, thanks to products that are leaders in their markets, for the species that we know well: dogs and cats of course, but also bovine and ovine, camel. For veterinarians, for your animals, for you, we are constantly innovating to come closer to our dream: Contributing to develop durably the veterinary art, while respecting animals, man, and nature. To better know drugs from our range, seek advice from: Karim Pharmacy, (AL ATHEER VETERINARY DRUGS EST) AL AIN, U.A.E. First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Friday, April 14th, 2006
17:00 – 20:00
Participants are kindly requested to register at the conference
registration desk at the Rotana hotel.
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
07:30 – 09:30
Registration for late arrivals
10:00 – 10:30
Opening Ceremony
• Holy Quran. • Address by H. H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Chancellor of the UAE University. 10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:30
Session 1 – ISOCARD
13:30 – 15:30
Lunch Break
15:30 – 16:00
Keynote Speaker
16:00 – 18:30
Session 2 - Oral Session (Physiology)
Session 3 - Oral Session (Reproduction)

Session 4 – Poster Session

Sunday, April 16th, 2006
08:00 – 10:30
Session 5 - Oral Session (Diseases)
Session 6 - Oral Session (Medicine, Surgery and Diseases)
Session 7 – Poster Session

10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:30
Session 8 – Oral Session (Pharmacology)
Session 9 – Oral Session (Genetics, nutrition and

Session 10 – Poster Session
13:30 – 15:30
Lunch Break
15:30 – 18:00
Session 11 – Oral Session (Dairy)
Session 12 – Oral Session (Biology and Anatomy)

Monday, April 17th, 2006
6:00 – 12:00
Field Trip

First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Session 1: ISOCARD (Time: 11:00 – 13:30)
Chairperson: B. Faye
CIRAD - Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398, Montpellier cedex, France Room: Zakher A
11:00 – 13:30
Creation of ISOCARD
13:30 – 15:30
Lunch Break
Keynote Speaker: (15:30 – 16:00)
Chairperson: A. Wahab Al-Juboori
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher A
Abstract #
Keynote Speaker: Biotechnological opportunities for dromedary
Serge Muyldermans
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Molecular & Cellular Interactions,
VIB, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Session 2: Physiology – Oral Session (16:00 – 18:30)
Chairperson: A. Wahab Al-Juboori
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher A
Abstract #
Effect of drinking diluted seawater on the physiological performance of
camels and goats
Mostafa A. Ayoub
Suez Canal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal
Production, Ismailia, Egypt
[email protected]
Synovial fluid cell counts and total protein concentration in clinically
normal fetlock joints of young dromedarian camels
Z. Bani Ismail1
and R. Al-Rukibat2
Departments of 1Veterinary Clinical Sciences; 2Veterinary Pathology and
Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of
Science and Technology, Irbid 22110, Jordan
[email protected]
Camel caeruloplasmin: purification, characterization and its
relationship with serum copper concentrations
A. K. Essamadi1
M. Bengoumi2, and B. Faye3
1Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Neuroscience, Université Hassan 1er , F. S.
T. Settat, BP 577 Settat, Morocco
2Laboratoire de Biochimie Clinique, 1. A. V. Hassan Il, BP 6202 Rabat-
Instituts, Morocco.
3Programme Productions Animales, ClRAD-EMVT, Campus de Baillarguet,
34032 Montpellier, France.
[email protected]
Camel superoxide dismutase: partial purification, characterization and
its relationship with serum copper and zinc concentrations

A. K. Essamadi1 M. Bengoumi2, A. Bagrii1 and B. Faye3
1 Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Neuroscience, Université Hassan 1er , F. S.
T. Settat, BP 577 Settat, Morocco
2 Laboratoire de Biochimie Clinique, 1. A. V. Hassan Il, BP 6202 Rabat-
Instituts, Morocco.
Programme Productions Animales, ClRAD-EMVT, Campus de Baillarguet, 34032 Montpellier, France. [email protected] First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Abstract #
Normal cardiovascular dynamics in camels (Camelus dromedaries)
SK Sharma1
and Jit Singh12
1Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary &
Animal Sciences, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agril. University, Palampur (HP)
176062 – India
2 CCSHAU, Hisar (Haryana)-India
[email protected]
Seasonal variation on blood picture and histochemical study of blood
cells of the dromedary
Nawal. S. O1
; D. I. Osman1 M. Alhaj Ali 2
1Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of
Bahar El- Gahzal and University of Khartoum. Sudan
2 Private Department of His Highness the President and His Crown Prince.
Alain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Nutritional hyperparathyroidism in two dromedary camels; a case
Anita Varga
, Claire E Whitehead, David E Anderson and Fernando Silveira
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
[email protected]
Effect of some physical factors on serum levels of calcium, phosphorus
and magnesium in camels in Upper Egypt
, M. N., A. A. Mottelib, M. N. Ismail, and A. A. Mohammed
Faculty of Veterinary Med., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
[email protected]
Seasonal changes in some hemato-biochemical parameters in mature
one humped she-camels in the north-western coast of Egypt
M.T. Badawy1
, H. S. Gawish1, M. A. Khalifa1, F. D. El-Nouty2 and G. A.
1Animal and Poultry Production Department, Desert Research Center,
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.
2Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria
University, Egypt.
Diurnal and seasonal changes in some adaptive responses of the one
humped she-camels in the north-western coast of Egypt
F. D. El-Nouty1, G. A. Hassan1, M. A. Khalifa2, M. T. Badawy2 and H. S.

1Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria
University, Egypt.
2Animal and Poultry Production department, Desert Research Center,
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Effects of the physical exercise on water and electrolyte metabolism in
the dromedary camel
M. Bengoumi1, F. Riad2, F. Moutawakil1, M. J. Davicco3 & V. Coxam3
1Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, BP. 6202 Rabt-Instituts,
Rabat,- Morocco
2Faculté des Sciences Ben M'Sik, Université Hassan II-Mohammedia,
Casablanca Morocco
3INRA de Theix, 63122 St Genès Champanelles, France.
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Abstract #
Preliminary studies on electrophoretic separation of alkaline
phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in dromedary

J. Iqbal, N. K. Kamat, Abdul Wahab R. Al Juboori, Z. I. Chaudhary and
M. Iqbal
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary
Hospital Abu Dhabi P. O. Box 10829, United Arab Emirates
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Session 3: Reproduction – Oral Session (16:00 – 18:30)
Chairperson: A. Guerouli
Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) P. O. Box: 2440, Damascus, Syria Room: Zakher B
Abstract #
Progesterone levels and use of ultrasonography during pregnancy in
alpaca (Lama Pacos
Lacalandra G. M
., Bielli M., Guaricci A., Nicassio M., Gugliotta G.,
Aiudi G.
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Bari, Italy
[email protected]
MU, delta and kappa opioid receptors detected by immunofluorescence
on dromedary camel sperm cells
Albrizio1 M., Guaricci1 A. C., Hammadi2 M., Seddik2 M., Moslah2 M.,
Nicassio1 M., Zarrilli1 A., Khorchani2 T., Lacalandra1 G. M., Minoia1 P.
1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Bari, Italy
2Livestock & Wildlife laboratory, Arid Lands Institute, 4119 Medenine,
[email protected]
Investigation of the most appropriate time for insemination of female
camels (Camelus dromedarius
) after GnRH injection and comparison of
pregnancy rates after deep intra-uterine versus cervical insemination

J. A. Skidmore and M. Billah.
Camel Reproduction Centre, P.O. Box 11808, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
In vitro and in vivo developmental competence of dromedary (camelus
dromedarius) embryos produced in vitro using three systems of culture

1 Al Hejen Research Centre, P.O. BOX: 44857. Abu Dhabi, United Arab
2 Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.
3 Department of Veterinary Clinical Science & Center for Reproductive
Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States of America
[email protected]
The effect of maternal supplementation of vitamin D on transplacental
and transmammary transfer to neonatal llamas and alpacas
Claire E Whitehead
, David E Anderson and Jeffrey Lakritz
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
[email protected]
Premature/dysmature syndrome in crias: a restrospective study of 42
cases (1999-2005)

Christian Gerspach, David E Anderson, William JA Saville, Claire E
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Abstract #
Effects of hormonal treatments on the histology of the endometrium in
the dromedary female (Camelus dromedarius
1 Sghiri A
., 2 Tibary A., 3 Elhamidi M.
1 Département de Reproduction Animale, Obstétrique et IA.
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Rabat-Morocco
3 Histologie et Anatomie Pathologie. Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire
Hassan II, Rabat-Morocco
2 College of Veterinary Medecine, Pullman, WSU-United States of America
Preliminary development of sperm sexing technology in alpacas (Lama
K. M. Morton
, M. Ruckholdt, G. Evans and W. M. C. Maxwell,
Centre for Advanced Technologies in Animal Genetics and Reproduction
(ReproGen), Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney,
NSW, 2006, Australia
[email protected]
Fertility in endometritic dromedary camels after treatment with
stilbestrol under field conditions
Z. I. Qurieshi
, A. A. Al Jabouri, M. Iqbal, H. H. Abu Kar and S. A. Taleb.
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary
Hospital P.O. Box 10829. Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates
Use of ultrasound for follicle examination and early post partum
breeding in Camelus dromedarius

Sumant Vyas
, Aminu Deen and M. S. Sahani
National Research Centre on Camel, P.B. No. 07, Bikaner- 334 001 India
[email protected]
Pregnancy wastage and incidence of gross reproductive abnormalities
in camels slaughtered at Kano abattoir, Nigeria
D. J. U. Kalla1
., S. T.Mbap1., I. S. R.Butswat1 and A. C. Kudi2
1Animal Production Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University
P.M.B. 0248 Bauchi, Postcode 740001. Nigeria.
2Faculty of Science, School of Biological Sciences University of Plymouth
.Drake Circus, Plymouth .Devon P L 4 8AA United Kingdom
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Session 4: Poster Session (16:00 – 18:30)
Chairperson: A. Hussein
Aridland Agriculture Department, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher C
Abstract #
Flow cytometry for the follow-up of trypanosoma spp. Infections
Antoine-Moussiaux N
1,2, Leroy M.2, Faisca P2, Desmecht D2
1Tropical Veterinary Institute, University of Liege, Belgium
2Dept of Animal Pathology, University of Liege, Belgium
[email protected]
A good milking camel udder
C. E. A. Albrecht
and Georg August
University, Göttingen, Germany
[email protected]
Zepp's operation in a camel
T. K. Gahlot
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and
Animal Science, Bikaner 334001 India
[email protected]
Ruminal impaction in camels: clinical and histopathological study
D. Suchitra Sena
, Gorakh Mal, M. S. Sahani
National Research Centre on Camel, P.B. No:07, Jorbeer, Bikaner-334001,
Rajasthan, India
[email protected]
Parathyroid hormone related peptide stimulates intestinal strontium
absorption in Camels.
M. EL Khasmi1
, F. Riad1, A. Safwate 1, M. Farh1, M.J. Davicco2, V. Coxam2 et
B. Faye3
1Equipe: Hormones et métabolisme, Université Hassan II-Mohammedia, Faculté
des Sciences Ben M'Sik, casablanca, Morocco
2 Inra Clermont-Theix, France
3 cirad-emvt,Montpellier, France
[email protected]
Postnatal hormonal profile of bone metabolism in Camels
M. EL Khasmi1
, F. Riad1, A. Safwate 1, M. Farh1, M.J. Davicco2, V. Coxam2 et
B. Faye3
1Equipe: Hormones et métabolisme, Université Hassan II-Mohammedia, Faculté
des Sciences Ben M'Sik, casablanca, Morocco
2 Inra Clermont-Theix, France
3 cirad-emvt,Montpellier, France
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Abstract #
Plasma 1,25 (OH) 2D concentrations at the lactating camels and the
influence of parathyroid hormone-related protein on mammary secretion of
F. Riad1
, M. El Khasmi1, M. Bengoumi2, A. Safwate1, M. Farh1, M.J.
Davicco3, V. Coxam3 and B. Faye4
1Université Hassan II-Mohammedia, Faculté des Sciences Ben M'Sik,
casablanca, Morocco
2IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco
3INRA Clermont-Theix, France
4CIRAD-EMVT, Montpellier, France
[email protected]
Magnetic resonance imaging and cross sectional anatomy of the
cranioencephalic structures of the newborn dromedary camel
Arencibia A 1, Rivero M A 1, Ramírez J A 1, Vázquez J M 2, López- Albors O2,
De Miguel A 1, Corbera J A 3, Gutierrez C 3
1 Veterinary Faculty, University of Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain).
2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Murcia,
[email protected]
Ear configuration as a tool for identification and age determination in camel
Manal Abdel-latif1,
Eman Ez-aldawla sharkawy1, Abdel moneim, M2
1Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Vet. Med., Assiut
University, Egypt
2Dept of Anatomy and Histology, Fac. of Vet. Med., Assiut University, Egypt
[email protected]
Paraphymosis due to prolapse of prepuce in a camel (Camelus dromedarius)
P. Bishnoi and T. K. Gahlot
Department of Surgery and Radiology College of Veterinary and Animal
Science Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, 334001 INDIA
[email protected]
Evaluation of trypanocidal activity of aristolochia bracteolata extract
against experimental trypanosoma evansi infection
Samia, H. A. Rahman1
; Khalid, H. S2 and Elmalik, K. H3
1Department of Biochemistry, Nutrition and Toxicology. Central Veterinary
Research Laboratory. P.O Box 8067 Alamarat. Khartoum Sudan.
2Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Khartoum.
3Department of Phytochemistry, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research
[email protected]
Gangrenous mastitis in a camel (Camelus dromedarius)
S. K. Jhirwal
, P. Bishnoi and T. K. Gahlot
Department of Surgery & Radiology, College of Veterinary & Animal science,
Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (INDIA) -334001
[email protected]
Hydrocortisone in race camels: a threshold
I. A. Wasfi
, Salma A Alhanaei, Asmaa M K Eltoum, Nasreen A Al Briki and S.
A. Wajid
Camel racing Laboratory, Forensic Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 253, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15th, 2006
Abstract #
Western immunoblotting as a mean of predicting drug clearance in camels
N. A. Al Katheeri
and I. A. Wasfi
Camel racing Laboratory, Forensic Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 253, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 5: Diseases – Oral Session (08:00 – 10:30)
Chairperson: J. Skidmore
Camel Reproduction Centre, P.O. Box 11808, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher A
Abstract #
Camel tuberculosis in the UAE – reoccurring after 20 years
J. Kinne1
, B. Johnson1, A.Ul-Haq2 and U. Wernery1
1Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 597, Dubai, UAE
2Dubai Camel Hospital, P.O .Box 9220, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Seroepidemiology of camel brucellosis in Jordan
Ahmad M. Al-Majali
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 3030,
Irbid 22110, Jordan
[email protected]
Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. pneumoniae as a cause of septicaemia in
camel calves up to three months of age in Northern Kenya
I.V. Gluecks1,5
, M.K. Younan2, R. Podschun.3, S. Bornstein4, W. Mueller5
1 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, Nairobi, Kenya
2 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany, Nairobi, Kenya
3 Department of Medical Microbiology and Virology, University of Kiel,
Kiel, Germany
4 Department of Parasitology (SWEPAR), National Veterinary Institute and
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
5 Institute of Animal and Environmental Hygiene, Freie Universität Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
In Vitro activity of some antimicrobial agents against bacterial
pathogens isolated from pneumonic lungs of the camel (Camelus
Y. Al-Tarazi
and H. Elsheikh
Department of Basic veterinary Medical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Jordan University of Science and technology, P.O. Box 3030,
Irbid 22110, Jordan. [email protected]
Progress in research on viral diseases of camels. isolation of group a
rota virus
Ali, Y.H1, Khalafalla A.I2, Gaffar M.E1, Peenze I.3, Steele A.D.3
Virology Department, Central Veterinary Research Laboratories, P.O. Box
8067, Khartoum, Sudan
Camel Research Centre, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Khartoum, Shambat, 13314 Khartoum North, Sudan
3MRC Diarrheal Pathogens Research Unit, MEDUNSA, Pretoria, South
[email protected]
Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract in dromedary camels
N. K. Kamat
, J. Iqbal and A. A.Yass Al-Juboori
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agricultur/Central Veterinary
Laboratory-Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Notes on the epidemiology and genetics of pyogenic streptococci in
East African camels (Camelus dromedarius
M. Younan
1, Ch. Laemmler2, R. Bishop3 and S. Bornstein4
1Vétérinaires sans Frontières Germany, P.O. Box 25653, 00603 Nairobi,
2Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Frankfurterstr. 107, 35392 Giessen,
3International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P. O. Box 30709, 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
4National Veterinary Institute, SE-75189 Uppsala, Sweden
[email protected]
Skin abscesses in the dromedary camel
M. Bengoumi, A. Ramiche & A. Bahaddou
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology & Biochemistry, I.A.V. Hassan
II, BP 6202 Rabat-Instituts, Rabat, Morocco
[email protected]
Prevalence of dromedary respiratory diseases in mauritania: results of
investigations at Nouakchott
Kane Y.1*
, Bada-Alambedji r1, Kadja M. C.1 Bezeid O.E.2, Akakpo J.A.1,
Kaboret Y.1
1: École Inter-États des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV) de
Dakar - B.P : 5077, Dakar-Fann (Sénégal)
2: Centre National d'Elevage et de Recherches Vétérinaires (CNERV)- B.P :
167, Nouakchott (Mauritanie)
[email protected] and [email protected]
Trypanosoma evansi infection in a murine model: new insights for
camel trypanosomiasis
Antoine-Moussiaux N1 2,
Desmecht D2
1Tropical Veterinary Institute, University of Liege, Belgium
2Dept of Animal Pathology, University of Liege, Belgium
[email protected]
Protection against Hyalomma dromedarii infestations in camel
vaccinated with
the B. microplus
Bm86-containing vaccine "Gavac™"
Sahibi H1
; Elwaer O2; and Rhalem A1
1 Département de Parasitologie et Maladies Parasitaires, Institut
Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, B.P. 6202, Rabat-Instituts, Morocco
2 Department of Parasitology, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Alfateh
P O Box 13662 Tripoli, Libya
[email protected]
Vaccination against ticks in camels using boophilus derived-vaccine
O. Elwaer1
, H. Sahibi2 and A. Rhalem2
1Faculty of veterinary medicine –alfateh university- Tripoli-Libya
2Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II,Rabat-Morocco
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Epidemiological studies (parasitological, serological and molecular
techniques) on Trypanosoma evansi
infections in camels (Camelus
) in Egypt
Ahmed Abd El-Rady
and Laila Salah Ahmed
Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut
University, Assiut, Egypt
[email protected]
Pathological studies on parasitic infestations of Arabian camels in

Falah K. Al-Ani1, Ali M. Shotar2, Labeb Sharif3 and Abdelfattah Nour4
1Al-Adyat Center for Veterinary Services, P. O. Box 2970, Code 111 Muscat, Oman. 2Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicological and Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. 3Department of Animal Health, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. 4Department of Pathophysiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, United States of America [email protected] First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 6: Medicine, Surgery and Diseases – Oral Session (08:00 – 10:30)
Chairperson: I. A. Wasfi
Camel racing Laboratory, Forensic Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 253, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher B
Abstract #
Neurological diseases in llamas and alpacas: a retrospective study of 185
cases (1993-2003)
Claire E Whitehead Dav
id E Anderson and William JA Saville The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America [email protected] Vertebral osteoma in a dromedary camel: a case report.
Carbonell, D1., Orós J2, Gutierrez, C2.
1 Valencia Zoo, Patronato Valenciano de Ciencias Naturales, 46010,
Valencia, Spain.
2 Veterinary Faculty, Universidad de Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
[email protected]
Surgical intervention for infectious lymphadenitis in dromedary camels
Mazhar Iqbal Siddiqui and Mohammed Naif Ahmed
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary
Hospital Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Experimental studies on sarcoptes scabiei infections in dromedaries
(Camelus dromedaries)
S. Bornstein1, J. Kinne2, M. Younan3, U. Wernery2, K. Näslund1, J. Koskey4
1 Department of Parasitology (SWEPAR), National Veterinary Institute,
Uppsala, Sweden, 2 Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates, 4 Vétérinaire Sans Frontière Germany, Nairobi, Kenya, 3
Department of Animal Health, University of Egerton, Njoro, Kenya
[email protected]
Some biochemical aspects of trypanosomsis infection and treatment
with cymelarsan in camel "Camelus dromedaries"

O. A. Abdelsalam1, H. I. Seri2, O. F. Idris3, N. M. Elbagir4
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of
Bahr Elghazal, Sudan.
2Department of Clinical studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University
of Nyala, Sudan.
3University of Elneelain, Sudan.
4Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Khartoum, Sudan.
[email protected]
Laboratory tests of ruminant diseases in sacs, an oficial directive before
bringing animals to other countries or events - evaluation of the results
from 1994 -2006
I. Gunsser
Roemerstr. 23, 80801 Munich, Germany
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Prevalence and pathogenicity of Isospora orlovi in Kenyan camel calves
up to twelve weeks of age (2002 – 2003)
I. V. Gluecks1,4
, M. Younan2, S. Bornstein3, W. Mueller4
1 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, Nairobi Kenya, 2 Vétérinaires Sans
Frontières Germany, Nairobi Kenya, 3 Department of Parasitology
(SWEPAR), National Veterinary University of Agricultural Science,
Uppsala, Sweden, 4 Institute of Animal and Environmental Hygiene, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Lipids and lipoprotein metabolism in response to nematode parasitism
in dromedry camel (Camelus Dromedaris)

Mohamed A. M.1
, Ghada A. Abou El-Ella2, M. R. Abd Ellah1 and F. A.
1Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary medicine, Assiut University. Egypt 2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University. Egypt 3 Animal Health Research Institute, New Valley. Egypt [email protected] Characterisation of the husbandry practices and the main diseases of
camelus dromedarius in chad
Abdelsalam Doutoum1,2, Hassane Mahamat Hassane1
1Laboratoire de Recherches Vétérinaires et Zootechniques de Farcha BP 433 N'Djaména Tchad. 2Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques d'Abéché (IUSTA) Abéché Tchad [email protected] Influence of copper deficiency on certain serum biochemical values in
M. S. Chaurdhary
, Abdul Wahab R. Al Jaboori, and J. Iqbal
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary
Hospital Abu Dhabi
P. O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Tentative nervous diseases in camels (preliminary observations)
A. A. Bakhsh
, G. E. Mohammed, and B. A. Al-Hamdan
Department of clinical studies, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Resources, King Faisal University, Al-hasa 31982, Saudi Arabia.
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 7: Poster Session (08:00 – 10:30)
Chairperson: I. Belal
Aridland Agriculture Department, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher C
Abstract #
Pharmacokinetics of omeprazole in the dromedary camel
M. Bengoumi 1
, F. Van Gool2 and M. Alvinerie3
1Depart. of Pharmacology & Toxicology, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco
2Technical Services Merial International France
3Laboratory of Pharmacology, INRA, Toulouse, France
[email protected]
Investigations of wry-neck syndrome in camels (Camelus dromedarius)
Khalda E. Ahmed
: and H. Agab
Animal Resources Research Corporation, Khartoum Sudan
[email protected]
Effect of age, sex, breed, and physiological status on selenium (Se), copper (cu),
zinc (Zn) and enzymes indicators of muscular fatigue in dromedary (Camelus
R. Seboussi1
, G. Alhadrami1, B. Faye 2, T. Asfour3, A. Elkhouly3, T. Abdelkhalek3, J.
1College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University, P.O. Box16641,
Al-Ain- United Arab Emirates
2Cirad-emvt, TA 30/A, Campus international de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier
Cedex, France
3Alqatara Veterinary Laboratory- Al-Ain- United Arab Emirates
4Scientific Center for Racing Camel – Al-Ain- United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Isolation of granulocytes and mononuclear cells from the blood of camels
Javed Rashid
, A. Wahab Al-Juboori, and Y. Ali Mohamed.
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi, P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Evaluation of interdental wiring for mandibular fracture in dromedary camel
M. I. Siddiqui
and M. N. Ahmed
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Cesarian section in the dromedary camel
M. I. Siddiqui
and M. N. Ahmed
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Clinical management of hemorrhagic disease in racing camels
Naseer Ahmad
, Abdul Wahab R. Al Jaboori, J. Iqbal, and JiJi Kurian.
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Standardization of endoscopic techniques In camels
Naseer Ahmad
, S. K. Al Helaly, A. A.Yass. Al Jaboori., S. A. Taleb
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Pathogens of internal and external purulent lesions in dromedary camels
N. K Kamat,
J. Iqbal and A. A.Yass Al-Juboori
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agricultur/Central Veterinary Laboratory-Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Barium toxicity in freely grazing camels
Osheik A. Ali
, A. A.Yass Al-Juboori and A. Mumtaz
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
In vitro sensitivity based field trails in dromedary camels suffering from
Z. I. Qurieshi
, N. K. Kamat, A. A. Al Jabouri, M. N. Ahmed, and J. Kurian.
Animal Wealth Department/ Sector of Agriculture/Central Veterinary Hospital Abu
Dhabi P.O. Box 10829. United Arab Emirates
Future trends in milk protein modification to improve functional and biological
properties: application to camel milk proteins as nutraceutical ingredients
Louis Laleye
Department of Food Sciences, College of Food & Agriculture
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
White camels of Balochistan
Raziq A
. and M. Younas
Dept of Livestock Management, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
[email protected], [email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 8: Pharmacology and Immunology – Oral Session (11:00 – 13:00)
Chairperson: T. Gahlot
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner 334001 India Room: Zakher A
Abstract #
Tolerance study of Tiludronate in the racing dromedary camels
M. Bengoumi
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biochemistry
Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, BP. 6202 Instituts, Rabat-
[email protected]
Marbofloxacine pharmacokinetics in the plasma and milk of the
dromedary camel
M. Bengoumi1, Hidane, K. 2; R. Laraje3, A. Talmi3, M. Laurentie4 and A. El
1 Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biochemistry, Agronomic
and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, BP. 6202 Rabat-Instituts,10100 Rabat-
2 Provincial Director of Agriculture, Essaouira, Morocco.
3Laboratoire National de Contrôle des Médicaments Vétérinaires, Rue
Ikhlass, Cité Yakoub El Mansour, BP. 4509 Akkari – Rabat, Morocco.
3AFSSA Fougères, LERMVD, Unité pharmacocinétique-Pharmacodynamie,
BP. 90203, 35302 Fougères Cedex, France.
[email protected]
Quantification of hydrochlorothiazide in camel plasma by liquid
chromatography–negative electrospray ionization tandem mass
spectrometry: Application to pharmacokinetic studies
I.A. Wasfi
, S. A.Wajid, A. A. Abdel Hadi, M. Elghazali, Nasreen A Al
Briki, Asmaa M K Eltoum, B. A. Agha , Ishar M. Barezaig and F.
Camel racing Laboratory, Forensic Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 253, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Circadian variability on twenty clinical chemistry parameters,
hormones and body temperature in camels

N. A. Al Katheeri and I. A. Wasfi
Camel racing Laboratory, Forensic Science Laboratory, P. O. Box 253, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Evaluation of propofol as an anaesthetic in dromedary camel
Chander kala Sharma
, p. k. peshin, Raghvendra yadav, N. k. Sharma,
D. s. chouhan
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and
Animal Science, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner (Rajasthan)
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Efficacy of an herbal immunomodulator on immune status and growth
rate of neonatal camel calves
D. Suchitra Sena
National Research Centre on Camel, P.B. No: 07, Jorbeer, Bikaner-334001,
Rajasthan, India
[email protected]
Immunohistochemical cartography of different neuropeptides in the
hypothalamus of the camel (Camelus dromedarius
K. EL Allali1
,2, M. R. Achaaban1, M. Piro1, J.-G. Egginger3, C. Parmentier3,
P. Pevet2 and A. Calas3
1:Département d'Anatomie Comparée, Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaires
Hassan II, Rabat- Morocco
2:INCI (LC2 CNRS-Université L. Pasteur), Département de Neurobiologie
des Rythmes, UMR7518 CNRS/ULP, IFR37, Strasbourg, France
3:Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Signaux Intercellulaires, UMR CNRS
7101, Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, Paris, France
[email protected]
Comparative chemiluminescence response of polymorhonuclear
leukocytes from camel and sheep: a preliminary study
Eugene H. Johnson
, Rashid Al-Busaidy and Khalid Al-Habsi
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Agricultural and marine Sciences,
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, P.O. Box 34, Al-Khod 123,
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 9: Genetics, nutrition and Production – Oral Session (11:00 – 13:30)
Chairperson: S. Al Sharaby
Aridland Agriculture Department, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates Room: Zakher B
Abstract #
Molecular cytogenetic study in dromedary camel
Nabulsi. A. R
. and Khazanehdari. A. K
Molecular Biology and Genetics, Central Veterinary Research laboratory,
P.O. BOX 597 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
An overview of camelids chromosome morphology and karyotype
Khazanehdari Kamal
and Nabulsi Rana
Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory, CVRL, P.O. Box 597, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
MC1R in the camel (Camelus dromedarius)
Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Anas Sarwar Qureshi1, Monika
Reißmann2, Horst Jurgen Schwartz3
1 Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,
2 Institute of Animal Sciences, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany.
3 Department of Livestock Ecology, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin,
[email protected]
Monitoring the bacterial population changes in the rumen of the camel
associated with change in diet by real-time PCR
M. B. Ghali1, P.T. Scott2, G. A. Alhadrami3 and R. A. M. Al Jassim1
1School of Animal Studies, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD
4343, Australia; 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Legume
Research, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia;
3 United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Seasonal changes on the nutritive value of natural ranges and camel
performance under hyper- aridity conditions of Sinai, Egypt
H. M. El Shaer1
, H. M. Kandil, E. Y. Eid and H. S. Khamis
Desert Research Center, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt
[email protected]
Camel's performance response to dietary energy level under semi-arid
Safinaz M. Shawket1
, H.S. Ziwal2, M.H. Ahmed2, A.M. Nour3 and A.M.
Abd El-Wahed1
1Department of Animal and Poultry Nutrition-Desert Research Center,
Cairo, Egypt.
2Department of Animal and Fish Production, Faculty of Agriculture (Saba
Basha), Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
3Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria
University, Alexandria, Egypt.
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Dairy potential of Maghrabi camel in intensive oasis breeding system
Hammadi M., Khorchani1 T., Seddik1 M. M., El-Hatmi1 H., Sghaier2 M.,
Barmat1 A., Fatnassi1 B., Ben Belgacem1 A.
1Livestock and Wildlife Laboratory
2 Agriculture and Economic Rural society Laboratory
Arid Lands Institute, 4119- Médenine-Tunisia
[email protected]
Milk productivity of camel and potential production of dairy area of
Agadez in Niger
Chaibou Mahamadou
and Faye Bernard
[email protected]
Animal-assisted therapy with llamas and alpacas, technique and first
I. Gunsser
Roemerstr. 23, 80801 Munich, Germany
[email protected]
The camel as provider of micronutrients in the desert environment
Mutwakil M. Ahmed
Ministry of Environment and Water, Central Laboratories, Al-Ain, United
Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Evaluation of the range plants quality and palatability for camel
grazing in the United Arab Emirates
Mohamed Taher Mousa

Biology Department, Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University,
P.O. Box 17551, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 10: Poster Session (11:00 – 13:30)
Chairperson: A. Bakhsh
Department of clinical studies, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa 31982 , Saudi Arabia. Room: Zakher C
Abstract #
Sustainable camel production and improvement in Yemen- A review
Al-Aghbari Abdulwali M
and Mohammed Al-kuramh
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana'a University
Sana'a, Yemen
[email protected]
White camels of Balochistan
Raziq A
. and M. Younas
Department of Livestock Management, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040,
[email protected], [email protected]
Case report of camel caseous lymphadenitis in Iran
Hady Miranzadeh
, taghi, taghipour bazargani, behnaz, soltanian
Education center of jahad – E – Keshavarzi Isfahan – Iran
[email protected]
Comparative study on camel and bovine bones as bony shuttle pin splint for
femoral fractures in small animals

Haitham H. M. F1, Amel O. Bakhiet 2 and Hamza S. M. 2
Department of Surgery and Gynaecology, College of Veterinary Science, University of
Bahr El Ghazal, P.O. Box 10739 Khartoum, Sudan
2 Department of Clinical Studies, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan
[email protected]
Some trace-elements profile in the liver of camels, cattle, sheep and goats
Amel O Bakhiet1
, Mohammed A A1, Siham E S M1 and Samia M A El Badwi2
1 Department of Clinical Studies, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology, P.O Box 204 Khartoum-
North, Sudan
2 Department of Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faulty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan
[email protected]
Clinical hypothyroid goiter in dromedary (camelus dromedarius)
(case report)
Tariq M . Mohamed
, A. A. Al-khouli, T. A .Abbas and Al-khawad.S. El Badawy.
Department of Agricultureand Municipalities, Animal Health section, Veterinary
Laboratory., Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Camel meat acceptance in Bauchi, Nigeria: current situation and future prospects.
D. J. U. Kalla
., M. Abubakar., F. B. Oladotun., M. B. Ngele and D. S. Jibia.
Animal Production Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P. M. B.0248,
Bauchi State, Postcode740001, Nigeria.
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
The slaughter of the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) for meat in Kano,

M.Abubakar.,D. J. U. Kalla., and B. H. Tofa
Animal Production Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P. M. B 0248,
Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria Postcode 740001
[email protected]
Isospora orlovi a common pathogen in scouring young camel calves (Camelus
dromedarius) in Northern Kenya (2002 -2004)
S. Bornstein1
, I.V. Gluecks2,3,4, M. Younan2,3,5, P. Thebo1, and J. G. Mattsson1.
1Department of Parasitology (SWEPAR), National Veterinary Institute and Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
2Kenya Camel Association, Kenya.
3Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, Nairobi, Kenya.
4Institute of Animal and Environmental Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Freie
Universitaet Berlin, Germany.
5Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany, Nairobi, Kenya.
[email protected]
The serologic survey of camel brucellosis in Qum province, Iran
M. Rabbani Khorasgani
, S. Bokaie, S. A. Moallemzadeh, T. Zahraei – Salehi,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Tehran University,
Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
Studies on the effect of nutrition (body condition) on reproduction in Arabian
Sheick E. A. Abdul Rahim
and Mohammed Yahya Al-Saiady
Nutrition & Research for Animal Production, Arabian Agricultural Services Company,
ARASCO, Al-Akariyah Shopping Center, Suite No. 625, P. O. Box 53845, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Pharmacoclinical studies of cymelarsan in Sudanese camels (Camelus
Fairouz Mohammed1
, Youssif Osman Saad Ali Mohammed2 Tigani Hassan3
1Ministry of animal resource Khartoum-Sudan
2University of Sudan-Fac. Vet. Med & Anim. Prod, Sudan
3University of Khartoum Fac. Vet. Med. Dep. Med. Phar, & Toxi.
[email protected]
Strategy of adaptation to the drought by the camel farmers in a protected area: the
national park the bench of arguin (NPBA)
Aminata. Correra
National museum of Natural History of Paris, 57 R. Cuvier CP 41 75231 Paris, France
[email protected]
Haemato-biochemical changes in camels infested with mange during winter and
summer season
Gorakh Mal
, D. Suchitra Sena, Aminu Deen and M. S. Sahani
NRC on Camel, PB No. 07, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 334001, India
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 11: Milk and Meat – Oral Session (15:30 – 18:00)
Chairperson: M. Ayoub
Suez Canal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Room: Zakher A
Abstract #
The comparative fatty acid composition of milk in bactrian camel,
dromedary, mare, cow and goat
B. Faye1
, G. Konuspayeva2, M. Narmuratova3, G. Loiseau4
1. CIRAD-EMVT, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398, Montpellier
cedex, France
2. Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, 050078, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3. Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, 050078, Almaty, Kazakhstan
4. CIRAD-AMIS, Avenue du Val de Montferrand, 34398, Montpellier
cedex, France
[email protected]
Composition and heat stability of Moroccan camel milk and fresh
cheese making
A. Kouniba1
, M. Berrada4, M. Zahar2 and M. Bengoumi3
1Département de Génie des Procédés et de Technologie Alimentaire,
2Département des Sciences Alimentaires et Nutritionnelles, 3Département de
pharmacie et de toxicologie Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II,
B.P. 6202 - Instituts, 10 101 Rabat, Morocco
4Direction de l'Enseignement, de la Recherche et du Développement,
Avenue Mohamed Belarbi Alaoui, B.P. 6598. Rabat - Instituts Morocco
[email protected]
Quality and sensory characteristics of camel milk and chocolate
flavored camel milk
Isameldin Bashir Hashim
Department of Food Sciences, College of Food and Agriculture, UAE.
Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Fresh soft white cheese (Domiati-type) manufactured from camel's milk
using ultrafiltration technique
Mohamed A. Mehaia
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, College of Agriculture
and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Buriedah P. O. Box 1482,
Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Lactoferrin and immunoglobulin content in camel milk from bactrian,
dromedary and hybrids in Kazakhstan
Konuspayeva G
., Loiseau G., Levieux D., Faye B.
1CIRAD-EMVT, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398, Montpellier
cedex, France
2Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, 050078, Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Therapeutic utility of camel milk as nutritional supplement against
multiple drug resistant (mdr) patients
Gorakh Mal
, D. Suchitra Sena, V.K. Jain and M.S. Sahani
National Research Centre on Camel, PB No. 07, Bikaner, Rajasthan- 334001
[email protected]
Production, handling, preservation and utilization of camel (Camelus
) milk in eastern Ethiopia
Eyassu Seifu
Department of Animal Sciences, Alemaya University, P.O. Box 287,
Alemaya Campus, Ethiopia
[email protected]
Production and marketing of camel milk in the South of Morocco:
socioeconomic evolution
Hidane K.1
, Faye B.2 & Bengoumi M.3
1 Provincial Director of Agriculture, Essaouira, Morocco.
2 CIRAD-EMVT, Montpellier, France.
3 Department of Pharmacy, Toxicology and Biochemistry, IAV Hassan II,
Rabat, Morocco.
[email protected]
Meat quality and composition of Longissimus thoracis from arabian
camel (Camelus dromedaries
) and Omani beef: a comparative study
Isam T. Kadim and Osman Mahgoub
Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, College of Agricultural and
Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University P.O Box 34, Al-Khod 123,
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
[email protected]
Antibiotic residues in camel products (meat and milk) and bacterial
Aziza M. M. Amer
Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, P.O. BOX.12211, Giza, Egypt
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Session 12: Biology, Anatomy and Misc. – Oral Session (15:30 – 18:00)
Chairperson: M. Bengoumi
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco Room: Zakher B
Abstract #
Early embryonic development of the camel kidney
Abdel Momeim M

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
[email protected]
Angiographic anatomy of kidney in dromedary camel (Camelus
Shashi Vikram Singh
and Vipasha Singh
SMP Veterinary Hospital and Trauma Centre, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Pin-
226 021, India
[email protected]
Radiography and ultrasonography of the metacarpal region and the
digital extremities in the camel
R. Azrib
, A. Attoug and A. Bouhrara
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II Rabat, Morocco
[email protected]
Macroscopic anatomy of the nervous system of the camel (Camelus
Mohammed Ouassat

Département d'Anatomie Comparée. Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire
Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco
[email protected]
Internet-based learning environment and a virtual microscope for
enhancing teaching and learning about camel's functional anatomy
Abdelfattah Nour1 & Falah Al-Ani2
1Department of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine,
Purdue University, USA
2Al-Adyat Center for Veterinary Services, PO. Box 2970, Code 111
Muscat, Oman
[email protected]
Introducing camels (Camelus bactrianus) in Sweden: problems relating
to stocking rate and parasite infestation
Bengt Erlingsson
Ormoga Pl 6663, 387 96 Kopingsvik, Sweden
[email protected]
Socioeconomic profile of camel in Kuhloo district of Balochistan
Abdul Raziq
and M Younas
Department of Livestock Management University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Abstract #
Camels (Camelus dromedarius) under pastoral systems in North
Kordofan, Sudan Seasonal and Parity effects on milk composition
Sallam A. Bakheit

Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental studies, University of
Kordofan, El Obeid, Sudan
[email protected]
Characterization of the camel production system: a case study in the
GAO region of Mali
Ouologuem Bara
, Moussa Mohomodou and D. Coulibaly Mamadou
Institut d'Economie Rurale, Bamako, Mali
[email protected]
Some hair characteristics of one-humped camels in relation to textile
Helal, A
, Guirgis, R. A., El-Ganaieny, M. M. and Talat, E. E.
Desert Research center, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt
[email protected]
The camel research and development network: achievements and
perspectives for international cooperation.
A. Guerouli
Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD)
P. O. Box: 2440, Damascus, Syria
[email protected]
First conference of the International Society of Camelids Research and Development (ISOCARD)
April 15 – 17, 2006

Monday, April 17th, 2006
6:00 – 12:00
Field Trip



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