August 2011
Supporting research to play a vital role in
planning for an ageing population across the
island of Ireland.
Our e-bulletin provides up-to-date information on
ageing research including seminars, funding
opportunities, latest research and innovation.
More detailed information is available on our
If you have a news story, event or publication
relating to ageing please send it to us at
Follow CARDI on:
CARDI Updates
Register now for Ageing Globally-Ageing Locally
Just 33 days left for early bird registration for CARDI‟s international conference, Ageing Globally-
Ageing Locally, taking place in Croke Park, Dublin, 2 &3 November, 2011. The event will feature
addresses by world authorities on ageing, including Sir Michael Marmot, Prof Anne Martin-Matthews
and Prof Alan Walker, and 200 presentations over two days. Representatives from over 40
universities and over 30 NGOs from 16 countries will participate in this conference which will
showcase the very latest in research on ageing and consider its consequences for societies
worldwide. Further information on registration and the conference programme can be found at
Five free conference places at The Demography of Ageing and Official Statistics available
CARDI is delighted to announce that it is offering five free places at The International Association
of Official Statistics bi-annual conference taking place in Belfast on 17-19 August 2011*. This
conference is a satellite of theand is being
organised locally by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), in association
with CARDI and Queen's University, Belfast. To avail of a free place please emailincluding StatConf in the subject line and your contact details by Monday 8th August.
*Travel and accommodation not included
For further details on the programme, please visi
CARDI Publications
Focus on international models of care
The latest edition of CARDI‟s "Focus on" series examines international models of care for older
people. It is available on th
The role of telecare in supporting carer's of older people
Global ageing update
The focus of the CARDI international conference on 2-3 November is on global ageing. With this in
mind, a new CARDI paper examines the theme of ageing from a global perspective. It looks at the
current evidence on global ageing as well as the areas of policy where challenges and opportunities
will arise, focusing on sharing common concerns and national policy and service solutions.
CARDI Online
For all the latest news and publications on ageing research, policy and practice please log
onto the CARDI websitor follow us on Twitter @CARDItweets
Interested in research on ageing? Why not join CARDI's network on LinkedIn?
Researchers can register to post details including research and interests, and to
post updates on their current research projects. Registered users will have their details added to the
CARDI Directory of Researchers.
Ageing Research Updates
Grasping for ways to prevent Alzheimer's
Is there a way to prevent Alzheimer‟s disease? At thein July, researchers suggested there might be, something that would give hope
to millions who worry that one day they may be struggling with dementia. A new study, by
researchers at the University of California, estimated how many cases might be attributable to
certain behaviours and conditions including: diabetes, smoking, obesity and depression. The
authors used a mathematical model to surmise that these behaviours and conditions, all of which
can be modified, are responsible for about half of the roughly 34 million cases worldwide. Read the
r more information about other resear
€7 billion boost for research and innovation: EU FP7
The Work Programme for 2012 with about €7 bil ion is the European Commission's biggest ever
funding package under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). Grants will
promote research to tackle the biggest societal challenges facing Europe and the world. One of the
areas of interest specified is healthy and active ageing. Universities, research organisations and
industry will be among more than 16.000 funding recipients. More information:
Dr. Yves Joanette announced as incoming Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Aging
Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), along with CIHR's Governing Council, recently announcedhis appointment is effective August 1, 2011. Dr. Joanette is currently a professor at Université de Montréal's Faculty of Medicine and was the Director of the Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM) between 1997 and 2009.
Report from FUTURAGE Stakeholder Workshop now available
The final report from the second Stakeholder Workshop, which took place on 18 May 2011 is now available for download fromThe Workshop attracted almost 70 research funders and policy makers and other key stakeholders to contribute to the development of the Road Map for ageing research. Attendees were presented with the draft major multi-disciplinary research themes and priorities and then asked to comment on themes, the ageing research priorities, and identify other actions to support a successful Road Map for ageing research in Europe.
Leading research organisations announce top-tier, open access journal for biomedical and
life sciences
Theheand thare
supporting a new, top-tier, open access journal for biomedical and life sciences research. The new
journal aims to attract and define the very best research publications from across these fields. All
research published in the journal will make highly significant contributions that will extend the
boundaries of scientific knowledge. View the video:
Ageing Policy Updates
New website launched to promote rights of older people: Global Alliance
A new website has been launched to promote the rights of older people and to push for a UN
convention on these rightsis a civil society
movement born out of the need to strengthen the rights and voice of older people globally. Steering
group members includandMore information:
Too Old to be Equal?
The ROI Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, recently published her report, "Too Old to be Equal? - An Investigation into the Illegal Refusal of Mobility Allowance to People over 66 Years of Age". The report follows her investigation of a complaint against the Department of Health. The Ombudsman found that: the Mobility Allowance Scheme discriminates on the ground of age as it includes an upper age limit, which is in breach of the Equal Status Act, 2000; the upper age limit in the Scheme has been illegal since the commencement of the Equal Status Act in 2000 and the actions of the Department do not suggest any urgency in seeking to bring the scheme into compliance with the Equal Status Act. This is despite having had the defects in the scheme brought to its attention by a number of bodies, including the Equality Authority. The Department has accepted the Ombudsman's
findings and recommendations which include completing a review of the Scheme within the next six
months. More information:
UK Minister launches new toolkit to improve dementia services
A new toolkit and templates aimed at improving commissioning dementia services have been launched by the UK's Care Serviceshe pack has been developed in consultation with a range of health and social care experts, including people with dementia and their carer‟s. This pack would assist local and health authority commissioners to shape their dementia services tailored to the needs of their local communities
Commission presents £1.7bn long-term care plan to UK government
Thepresented its findings to the UK government in its
report Fairer Care Funding, published on 4th July 2011. The independent commission, set up last
July and led by Andrew Dilnot, was asked to recommend a fair and sustainable funding system for
adult social care in England. Theore information:
Research and Policy Publications
OECD Pension Markets in Focus 2011
Having weathered the financial crisis, pension fund asset levels in most countries continued to show
strong growth throughout 2010, returning almost to pre-crisis levels, according toBoth economic and financial indicators showed signs of further recovery. However, the
outlook for future economic growth in developed economies remains uncertain and sluggish. More
European Report on Prevention of Elder Maltreatment (World Health Organization)
Maltreatment of older people is pervasive throughout the European Region according to thet is estimated that
more than 4 million elderly people experience maltreatment in any given year and 2,500 of them will
die each year as a result. This report presents an array of biological, social, cultural, economic and
environmental factors which increase the risk of being a victim (or perpetrator) of elder
maltreatment, and goes on to list the corrective / protective factors that could help prevent it. To
read the full report please
The Value of Knowing: Public Perceptions about Alzheimer's and testing
A recent survey commissioned byexamined public perception and awareness of
Alzheimer‟s disease and aimed to identify the views of the general public on the value of diagnosis.
The survey of 2,678 people was designed and analysed by the Harvard School of Public Health and
Alzheimer Europe. Countries surveyed were the USA, Germany, France, Spain and Poland. Full
details of the survey results are available on the AE website at:
Nursing home residents at increased risk of falling after med changes
Nursing home residents taking certain antidepressant medications are at an increased risk of falling
in the days following the start of a new prescription or a dose increase of their current drug,
according to a new study by the Institute fn affiliate of
Harvard Medical School. Published online in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, the
study found that nursing home residents have a fivefold increased risk of falling within two days of a
new prescription for or an increased dose of a non-SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
antidepressant such as bupropion or venlafaxine. The findings suggest that nursing home staff
should closely monitor these residents following a prescription change to prevent potential falls.
Read th
The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care homes
Therecently launched a new paper dealing with dementia and
sexuality. „The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care
homes‟, provides care home workers and managers with information and practical advice on this
complex, controversial and sensitive issue. The full paper is availabl
UCLA research offers new insights into older peoples' sleep
A new study of the brain's master circadian clock reveals that a key pattern of rhythmic neural activity begins to decline by middle age. The research may have implications for older people who have difficulty sleeping and adjusting to time changes
Perceptions of Older Workers: Positive and Negative (US)
As a growing number of older adults find themselves looking for work, it is important to understand
how older adults are viewed in the workplace. Despite the illegality of age discrimination in
employment, ideas about aging and about older adults persist in influencing how older workers are
perceived. A recent meta-analysis (Bal et al 2011) looks at the last few decades of research on the
perception of older workers, and suggests that the perceptions of older workers include both
positive and negative assumptions. More information:
For more research, policy and practice publications please visit:
Events and Seminars
Irish Gerontology Society Conference
The 59th annual Irish Gerontology Society Conference will take place in the Aviva Stadium on the 9th & 10th September 2011 with Trinity College Dublin as 'virtual hosts'. To attend the conference you must register online -
Building a Picture of Ageing in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Future Directions for
Ageing Well
The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) will
launch its first major report on the lives of people with intellectual disability aged 40 years and over
in Ireland as part the study's 2nd International Research Conference to be held in Trinity College
Dublin, 9th September, 2011. The report will draw on findings from in-depth interviews with over 700
people with intellectual disability from across Ireland, providing the first comprehensive picture of people's lives across a range of key areas including: health, social, psychological, economic and environmental circumstances. For registration and more details go t
Technology and Ageing
Theis hosting a Technology & Ageing Workshop with Laurie Orlov on 15 September.
Orlov is the founder of Aging in Place Technology Watch, a market research firm based in the U.S.
that provides thought leadership, analysis, and guidance about technologies and related services
that delight and empower older people, promoting the independence, autonomy and connectivity to
age-in-the-place of their choice. For more information on the workshop please visit:
UN Second Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing
The second meeting of the UN‟s Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing will take place 1 –
4 August in New York. This is a unique opportunity for UN member states to discuss how older
people‟s rights can be strengthened and for the voices of older people to be heard and listened to in
this important discourse.
Ageing and neurodegeneration
An international conference on "Ageing and neurodegeneration" in will take place in Bergisch
Gladbach in Germany on 1-4 September. The conference is co-organised by DZNE, the German
Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing. Further
details can be found a
Changing Images of Ageing – International Perspectives for a Future-Oriented Policy
The German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, will be hosting
an international conference entitled "Changing Images of Ageing – International Perspectives for a
Future-Oriented Policy on Senior Citizens and Generations" in Berlin on 12 December 2011. The
conference addresses decision makers in the field of politics, administration and civil society who
are active in the policy fields relating to senior citizens and generation issues, national and
international stakeholders who report on ageing issues and also other experts with an interest in the
field. More information:
For more events go to:
Funding, Awards, Tenders, Training Opportunities
Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke: Call for Applications for Scientific Research Grants
Northern Ireland Chest, Heart & Stroke (NICHS) is inviting proposals for funding of research grants
which will commence after 1 August 2012. Funding is available for research projects on stroke and
on respiratory illnesses to the total value of £175,000. Up to £175,000 is available for research in
this year‟s priority area of cardiac il ness. To download an application form, guidance notes and
other information, please visit our websior contact Caoimhe Devlin, Research
Assistant by emailor by phone: on (028) 9026 6714 / (028) 9032 0184.
Social research services: Northern Ireland
The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Northern Ireland has issued a call for
tenders for social research services. The general themes under which proposals will be considered
include the following: addressing gaps in research and information; establishing baselines; statistical
indicators; researching causes and dynamics; neighbourhood focus; identifying and addressing
social exclusion; researching community capacity; improving implementation; identifying best
practice; assessing policy impact. Projects may focus on one or more of these themes but in terms
of offering research grants the intention is to establish a broad programme of work that covers as
wide a range as possible. More information
Economic & Social Research Council: Centres and Large Grants Call
The has announced the first call for outline proposals for its Centres and Large Grant
Competition 2011-12. This competition is for experienced researchers requiring longer term or
extended support for research groups, inter-institutional research networks, linked-project
programmes, medium-to-large surveys, other infrastructure or methodological developments, or any
related larger scale projects. The Competition is for applications ranging from £2 million to £5
million. More information:
EU FP7 Funding Announcements
FP7: People Funding Call
This funding aims to improve the mobility of experienced researchers, especially encouraging
mobility between the public and private sectors, to strengthen the career prospects of researchers
and to integrate researchers into a research career after a mobility experience. The European Union
contribution will be 40 per cent of the fellowship costs for eligible researchers, with a maximum of
€10 mil ion to a single applicant entity for one call. More information:
FP7: Science in Society Funding Call
As part of the EU'sunding opportunities in the field ofaim to "stimulate, with a view to building an open, effective and democratic European
knowledge-based society, the harmonious integration of scientific and technological
endeavour, and associated research policies in the European social web, by encouraging
pan-European reflection and debate on science and technology and their relationship with the
whole spectrum of society and culture". One of the specific challenges this call wishes to address is
healthy and active ageing. Full call details are available at:
and Innovation 1
The aim is to encourage and support high-quality research with focus on improving the health and
wellbeing of older people. Grants are worth between £10,000 and £500,000 for a period of up to
three years for project grants and up to five years for programme grants. UK applicants only. More
Chronic pain in older adults: National Institute on Aging
Theinvites applications its leveraging existing data or longitudinal
studies to evaluate safety and effectiveness of pharmacological management of chronic pain in
older adults (R03) grants. This funding opportunity announcement solicits projects that aim to
leverage existing data or longitudinal studies in order to evaluate the safety and/or effectiveness of
pharmacological management for chronic pain in older adults. Applications may be submitted by
domestic or foreign for-profit and non-profit organisations and public or private institutions.
More information:
Please feel free to circulate the information within your organisation as appropriate. If you
do not wish to receive this E-bulletin emailand your details will be removed
from our mailing list.
CARDI Staff Team
CARDI Steering Group
If you want to explore how to be involved in
CARDI has been developed by leaders from
progressing ageing research or want to find
the ageing field across Ireland (North and
out more about our work please contact our
Our Steering Group Members are:
CARDI staff are:
Professor Davis Coakley
Co-Chair of CARDI
Professor Robert Stout
Co-Chair of CARDI
Owen Metcalfe
Institute of Public Health
Administrative and Finance Officer
Dr Denis O'Mahony
Cork University Hospital
Anne O'Reilly
Strategic Research Officer
Professor Eamon O'Shea
Irish Centre for Social Gerontology
Communications Officer – New Media
Robin Webster
Age Action Ireland
Dr Roger O'Sullivan
Policy Officer – Research Translation
Director of CARDI
This work has been made possible through funding by The Atlantic Philanthropies, augmented by grants from the
Department of Health and Children in Dublin and the Health & Social Care Research & Development Office, Public
Health Agency, Northern Ireland. CARDI is hosted by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland.
Rapid Dynamics of Polyomavirus Type BKin Renal Transplant Recipients Georg A. Funk,1,2 Ju¨rg Steiger,3 and Hans H. Hirsch2,4 1School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom; 2Transplantation Virology, Medical Microbiology,Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Basel, and 3Transplantation Immunology and Nephrology and 4Infectious Diseasesand Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospitals Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Hypothalamic Proopiomelanocortin Neurons Are Glucose Responsive and Express KATP ChannelsNurhadi IbrahimDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology Martha A. BoschDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology James L. SmartGeorge Fox University, [email protected] Jian QiuDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology Marcelo RubinsteinInstituto de Investigaciones en Ingenierıa Genetica y Biologia Molecular