"clevinger, the corporal, and colonel korn agreed that it was neither possible nor necessary to educate people who never questioned anything
"For the moment let us note that getting the better of words in writing is commonly a very hard struggle."–H.G. Widdowson
Spring 2012
ENG 101- Section 428
Office Hours: W 2-5
Percival Hall 314A
Writing for Others
This class intends to help you strengthen your composition skills for academic, professional, and personal purposes. The course will have three main focuses: 1) language's role in constructing the world, 2) audience awareness, and 3) classical rhetoric. These are some of the most important things for writers to be aware of, and while most good writers internalize these components of composition we will consciously analyze, discuss, and use them to achieve our four official Course Goals: 1) Know the Context, 2) Think Critically, 3) Learn Processes for Writing, Revision, and Reflection, and 4) Know the Rules. These goals are explained in
WiP pages xvi-xvii, and we will discuss them extensively in class.
Required Texts and Materials: 1.
Work in Progress. 5th Custom ed. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2012. Print.
Easy Writer. 4th Custom ed. Boston; Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Print.
3. One Pocket Folder and One Notebook (1 Subject Spiral Notebook recommended)4. USB/Jump Drive, 1 GB or larger recommended
Informal Writing
Projects:Multi-Angle Personal Narrative (MAP Narrative)Featured Article (FA)Midterm Portfolio and ReflectionText Analysis Project (TA)Stakeholder Research Project Blog (SRP)Revision, Final Portfolio, and Reflection
All projects and most informal writings will be turned in digitally on eCampus. Under the
Assignments section of our eCampus page will be spaces for each assignment. You will compose
in a word processor and upload files to eCampus—we will discuss how to do this in class. All
files should be saved as a
.doc file; these are the standard files which almost all word processing
software can open, and so they should be your standard file types for all academic work.
Assignments must be uploaded by the beginning of the class they are due.
Participation:Discussion based classes provide the best experience for students and thinkers. Therefore
this course should consist largely of discussions and workshops. Active participation counts for a
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." –Mark Twain
percentage of your grade. Nobody wants me to talk the whole class; it will be boring for you, tedious for me, and won't allow you to share your points of view about our subjects.
Absences or Tardiness:
Daily attendance is expected. Students are allowed to miss up to two classes per semester
without penalty. A third and fourth absence will result in the loss of one letter grade each, and a
fifth absence will result in a failing grade for this class. If you are absent it is your responsibility
to contact me either in advance (such as for religious holidays or University sponsored events) or
as soon as possible to make up any missed work.
Not attending or not signing up for a mandatory conference counts as an absence from class.
Late Work:eCampus will record whether your work is on time. If an assignment is uploaded after the due time (i.e., the beginning of class) it will receive only half credit.
You only have three days after the original due date to turn in late work, after that you get no credit for the assignment.
Electronic Devices:
Please silence or turn off all cell phones, pagers, PDAs, iPods, MP3 players, etc.
No texting in
class. We will use the computers in the lab (Percival 315); please use them appropriately. Also
there is no food or drink in the computer lab.
I will always reply saying that I've received an e-mail, so if you don't hear back from me by the
next afternoon I didn't receive your message and it's your responsibility to resend it.
Office Hours:Office hours are meant to help you out. I have three office hours per week, but we can sometimes schedule appointments outside that time. I can help with brainstorming, starting an assignment, answering questions about a text, my feedback on your work, or any other questions you have for me. My office hours are Wednesdays from 2-5 in Colson Hall G07 (Downtown Campus).
The Writing Center:
The WVU Writing Center is a helpful free resource for students. The tutors at the Writing Center
provide valuable advice for anyone struggling with an assignment or who just wants a
second opinion. You can contact the Writing Center by calling (304) 293-5788 to schedule an
appointment, or going to Colson Hall G02. I
highly recommend you make use of this service.
Academic Integrity, Intellectual Property Theft:
Intellectual property theft, generally known as plagiarism, is unacceptable. Any idea,
paraphrase, or text taken from a source
must be properly cited. If you are not sure if something
needs to be cited,
cite it. Information about WVU's Academic Integrity policy can be found at:
Any student
caught plagiarizing will incur disciplinary action in accordance with University policy.
Please Note:West Virginia University is committed to social justice, and I share that commitment. We will maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. Our university does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, disability,
veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color, or national origin. Any suggestions as to how to further such a positive and open environment in this class will be appreciated and given serious consideration.
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise me and make appropriate arrangements with the Office of Disability Services, (304) 293-6700.
Course Schedule-MAP Narrative
T 10 Jan: First day of class; ice breaker; introduce the course; introduction to eCampus
HW: Read Academic Integrity Policy and sign Plagiarism Contract on
WiP page xxv
R 12 Jan: Introduce MAP Narrative, introduction to linguistics and audience awareness; writing diagnostic
HW: Read "Wittgenstein: Language Games," "Literary Genre Translations," and "If Famous Writers had Written
Twilight" on eCampus, post reading responseDue: Writing diagnostic (in class) and plagiarism contract
F 13 Jan:
Last day to register/add classes
T 17 Jan: Discuss readings and role of language choice in creating meaning; brainstorm topics for the MAP Narrative
HW: Write MAP Narrative Proposal; read "South African Birthday Traditions," "Laotian Birthday Traditions," "Wai Po's Chinese Birthday," and "My Royal English Birthday" on eCampus, post reading response
R 19 Jan: Discuss readings; discuss writing in genres
Due: MAP Narrative ProposalHW: Read "Lust," "Krystle Hernandez's First Date," and "Missy Livesay's First Date" on eCampus, post reading response
M 23 Jan:
Group Conferences in Lounge across from Percival 314A
T 24 Jan:
Percival 315 Discuss readings; reflecting in writing
HW: Draft of the MAP Narrative
W 25 Jan:
Group Conferences in Lounge across from Percival 314A
R 26 Jan: Two peer review activities; assign MAP Narrative Cover Letter
Due: Draft of the MAP NarrativeHW: MAP Narrative Final-for-Now Draft; MAP Narrative Cover Letter
T 31 Jan:
Percival 315 Introduce revision strategy; introduce Feature Article; find potential FA events
Due: MAP Narrative Final-for-Now Draft; MAP Narrative Cover LetterHW: Read "A Timeless Tradition" on eCampus and "2,4,6,8. .Zumba!" in
WiP, post reading response
R 2 Feb: Analysis of FA Examples; consider genre and audience
HW: FA Pitch; read "Excerpts from Aristotle's
Rhetoric," "An Introduction to Rhetorical Appeals" and "On Capital Hill, Rand's ‘Atlas' Can't Be Shrugged Off" on eCampus and post reading response
M 6 Feb:
Individual Conferences in Colson Hall G07
T 7 Feb:
Percival 315 Discussion of classical rhetoric in composition and argument; structures of Feature Articles; examining how we use quotations and evidence in a rhetorically effective way; citing interview using MLA format
Due: FA PitchHW: Read "Rover Finds ‘Bulletproof' Evidence of Water on Early Mars" on eCampus and post reading response
W 8 Feb:
Individual Conferences in Colson Hall G07
R 9 Feb: Reading Like a Writer Activity on eCampus page 21 about "Rover Finds ‘Bulletproof' Evidence" and "On Capital Hill"; find rhetorical elements in the readings
HW: Interview Transcript and Write-up of Event; with a group find a feature article
T 14 Feb:
Percival 315 Group work analyzing feature articles
Due: Interview Transcript and Write-up of Event; group articleHW: Draft of FA
R 16 Feb: Two peer review activities; assign FA Cover Letter
Due: Draft of FAHW: Feature Article Final-for-Now Draft and FA Cover Letter
T 21 Feb:
Percival 315 Introduce revision strategy; discuss Midterm Portfolio Cover Letter
Due: Feature Article Final-for-Now Draft; FA Cover LetterHW: Midterm Portfolio Cover Letter
R 23 Feb: Introduce Text Analysis; introduction to visual rhetoric
Due: Midterm Portfolio Cover LetterHW: Read "Feminist and Psychoanalytic Analysis of Axe Commercial," "5 Old-Timey Prejudices That Still Show Up in Every Movie," and "Nerds and Male Privilege" on eCampus and post reading response
T 28 Feb:
Percival 315 Biases in "Kay Jewelers Storm," "Jared's Le Vian Chocolate Diamonds Ad," and "Zales Jewelry Love Rocks"
HW: TA Proposal; read "Introduction to Karl Marx, Module on Fetishism" and post reading response
R 1 Mar: Commodity fetishism "2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Manifesto Commercial," "Ram ‘Power Wagon' Commercial," and "Nissan Quest Commercial – Moms Have Changed"; structures and organizations for the TA Project
Due: TA ProposalHW: TA Outline; read "Language That Builds Common Ground" pages 145-147 in
Easy Writer and post reading response
M 5 Mar:
Individual Conferences in Colson Hall G07
T 6 Mar:
Percival 315 Rhetorical elements in "Yaz TV Commercial," "Aleve Commercial," and "Zoloft Commercial"; citing commercials and sources using MLA Format; Aristotelian Syllogism and the Toulmin Model of Argument
W 6 Mar:
Individual Conferences in Colson Hall G07
R 8 Mar: Appeals to audience in "Budweiser – Wild West," "Another Brilliant Guinness Ad," and "Coor's Light Beer ‘Wingman'"
T 13 Mar:
Percival 315 Two peer review activities; assign TA Cover Letter
Due: TA DraftHW: Text Analysis Final-for-Now Draft; TA Cover Letter
Stakeholder Research Project
R 15 Mar:
Class cancelled
Due: Text Analysis Final-for-Now Draft; TA Cover Letter
F 16 Mar:
Last day to drop a class
T 20 Mar:
Percival 315 Intro to digital composition and privacy issues; founding a blog; considering stakeholders; brainstorming SRP topics
HW: SRP Topic and Three Stakeholders; found a blog
R 22 Mar: Finding and evaluating scholarly sources; review MLA format; annotated bib
Due: SRP Topic and Three Stakeholders; found a blogHW: Annotated Bibliography of (at least) five sources; read "Visiting Grandmother" on eCampus and "The Shortage of Nurses" in
WiP and post reading response
T 27 Mar:
No class, Spring recess
R 29 Mar:
No class, Spring recess
T 3 Apr:
Percival 315 Summarizing topics and stakeholders in "Visiting Grandmother" and "The Shortage of Nurses"; differences between digital and traditional composition; potential digital SRP structures
Due: Annotated bib of (at least) five sourcesHW: One-Two SRP Posts
W 4 Apr:
Group Conferences in Lounge across from Percival 314A
R 5 Apr: Establishing continuity across multiple posts; peer review of annotated bibs
Due: One-Two SRP PostsHW: Three SRP Posts
T 10 Apr:
Percival 315 Examine digital composition elements and rhetorical techniques in several "Founderstein" posts; activity using evidence, summary, interpretation, and analysis
HW: Three SRP Posts
R 12 Apr: Examine multimedia composition elements and visual/non-visual rhetoric in "Education Matters"
Due: Three SRP PostsHW: SRP Draft
T 17 Apr:
Percival 315 Two peer review activities; assign SRP Cover Letter
Due: SRP DraftHW: Stakeholder Research Project Final-for-Now Draft; SRP Cover Letter; clean copy of MAP Narrative and TA
Revision and Final Portfolio
R 19 Apr: MAP Narrative and TA revision activities; grammar activity
Due: Stakeholder Research Project Final-for-Now Draft; SRP Cover Letter; clean copy of MAP Narrative and TAHW: Clean copy of SRP and FA
T 24 Apr:
Percival 315 SRP and FA revision activities; grammar activity
Due: Clean copy of SRP
Final Revisions of all Four Papers; Final Portfolio Cover Letter
R 26 Apr:
Last day to withdraw;
Final Revisions of all Four Papers; Final Portfolio Cover Letter
F 4 May:
Your Final Comments will be posted to eCampus
Source: http://www.clc.wvu.edu/r/download/119762
The Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions and the Pharmaceuticals Industry: Are Sales Representatives Entitled to Overtime?Steven I. Locke Follow this and additional works at: Part of the nd the Recommended CitationSteven I. Locke (2009) "The Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions and the Pharmaceuticals Industry: Are Sales RepresentativesEntitled to Overtime?," Barry Law Review: Vol. 13: Iss. 1, Article 1.Available at:
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