
A New Option for Exercise
by Cynthia Mascott
f a Curves International fitness
resistance of confined liquid, it pro-
club hasn't already opened in
vides an opposing force in both
your neighborhood, chances
directions, engaging a different set
Iare that one soon will. The
of muscles depending on whether
gym, designed especially for women
the user is pushing or pulling. How
(but also used by men in some loca-
much resistance the machine pro-
tions), is one of the fastest-growing
vides depends on how hard and
franchises in the United States, with
how fast the user pushes or pulls.
over 7,000 American locations and
For increased resistance (and a
more than 8,000 locations world-
harder workout), the user increases
the speed of the repetitions. This
Although each club is owned
enables each exerciser to work at a
independently, all locations follow
comfortable level without having to
essentially the same model. Most
adjust the machine.
Curves clubs are located in large,
One drawback to the Cur ves
one-room facilities in shopping
machines is that the seat heights
centers or business districts. The
are not adjustable, meaning the
facilities contain between 8 and 13
machines may be less comfortable
resistance exercise machines set up
for people who are not within the
in a circle so that all exercisers are
average size range. Shorter women,
facing toward the center. The gyms
however, may be able to modify the
typically don't have mirrors, a fea-
seat height with a cushion. Another
ture that appeals to many of the
potential disadvantage of the
core Curves clientele—generally
machines is that the hydraulic sys-
middle-aged women who are new
tem means that the exerciser does
to exercise and often intimidated
not perform the "negative" portion
by conventional health clubs.
of the resistance exercise. (The
The Cur ves machines are
"negative" portion is when the
designed for a woman's smaller
exerciser lowers the weight back to
frame and use hydraulic pressure,
its starting position in a controlled
or the pressure of confined liquid
manner. This part of the exercise
in a cylinder, rather than metal
helps to build muscle in a some-
weights to provide resistance.
what different way from the "posi-
Because the equipment uses the
tive" part of the movement.)
Copyright ® 2005 R.A. Rapaport Publishing, Inc. For subscription information, call (800) 234-0923 and mention code5CHI2 or visit Reprinted with permission from Diabetes Self-Management.

The setup
The following eight machines com-
pose the standard setup that isfound in all Curves locations:■ Biceps/Triceps: Works the mus-cles in the backs and the fronts ofthe upper arms■ Leg Extension/Leg Curl: Exer-cises the muscles on the fronts andthe backs of the thighs■
Shoulder Press/Lat Pull: Targets
muscles in the shoulders and theupper back■ Hip Abductor/Adductor: Focuseson the inner and outer thighs andthe hips■ Chest/Back: Exercises muscles ofthe chest and back■ Squat: Works the fronts of thethighs and the buttocks■ Abs/Back: Targets the musclesrunning vertically along the mid-line of the stomach and the back■ Leg Press: Strengthens muscles inthe fronts of the thighs and the but-tocks
In addition, certain locations
may have some or all of the follow-ing four machines:■ Dip Shrug: Focuses on the shoul-ders and the back■ Pec Dec: Works muscles in the
chest, shoulders, and back
Hip Abductor /Adductor
■ Oblique: Targets the sides of theabdomen■ Glute: Strengthens the fronts andbacks of the thighs and the buttocks■ Lateral Lift: Works muscles on thesides of the waist
Between ever y two exercise
machines is an "aerobic recovery sta-tion"—a small, cushioned platformon which members are encouragedto engage in an aerobic activity suchas dancing, doing jumping jacks, orjogging in place to keep their heartrate elevated while giving their mus-cles a rest. Some facilities have stor-age lockers and changing areas.
Many Curves locations also offersome form of nutrition counseling.
However, the clubs do not offer theamenities found in many traditionalgyms, such as showers, a sauna, orday care for children.

The workout
At their initial visit to the club,members are weighed and theirbody measurements and body fatpercentage are taken. They thenhave the option of repeating theprocess every month to chart theirprogress. A full health history isalso completed at the initial visitand put on file.
Before their first workout, mem-
bers are given instructions on howto use the hydraulic machines toensure that their form is correct;on visits thereafter, a fitness traineris available for assistance. The exact
breakdown of the routine variesslightly from location to location,but generally an exerciser entersthe circuit at any available machineand works out at a low intensity forabout three minutes while pro-gressing from machine to machineas guided by an audio recording.
Starting at a low intensity helps toincrease heart rate and body tem-perature so that there is less
chance of stress on the heart orinjur y to the joints or muscles.
After the initial warm-up, the exer-ciser increases the intensity of theworkout.
Each machine is used for
approximately 30 seconds, at whichpoint a recorded voice interruptsthe music and instructions aregiven to move to the next station.
The entire workout lasts for about30 minutes which, depending onthe number of machines at thefacility, usually takes exercisers
around the circuit two to threetimes. For the last three minutes ofthe workout, exercisers are advisedto slow down a bit to allow theirheart rate to return to normal; theythen wrap up the routine with threeminutes of stretching.
Every eight minutes throughout
the routine, members are instructedto check their pulse to ensure thatthey are working within their targetheart rate range. Although manyexercise professionals have movedaway from this idea, according to
the Curves philosophy, the goal
improving blood glucose control in
Cur ves Training Manual. All
for people in the general popula-
people with Type 2 diabetes.
Curves employees are required to
tion is to work out at 60% to 80% of
be certified in CPR (cardiopul-
their maximum heart rate. New
monary resuscitation) and first aid.
members are shown how to find
their pulse and target heart rate by
Hours and rates
There are a number of precautions
a Cur ves employee. Maximum
that people with diabetes should
Hours of operation vary from loca-
heart rate is generally determined
take to ensure a safe workout.
tion to location, but during week-
by subtracting one's age from 220.
Before beginning an exercise pro-
days, most facilities open between 6
There are a number of ways to cal-
gram, it is a good idea to get clear-
AM and 7 AM. At noon, there is
culate the target heart rate range,
ance from your doctor and possibly
generally a brief closure for lunch,
but the Curves formula suggests
your eye doctor, particularly if it has
with doors reopening around 2 PM
multiplying the maximum heart
been more than a year since your
or 3 PM until about 8 PM. Saturday
rate by 0.60 and 0.80 to find the
last eye exam or if you have been
hours are typically limited to the
60% to 80% range. For instance, if
diagnosed with or had laser surgery
morning, and only a small number
you are 60 years old, your approxi-
for diabetic retinopathy.
of locations are open on Sundays.
mate maximum heart rate would
It's also a good idea to check
There is a one-time initiation fee of
be 160 beats per minute. Your tar-
your blood glucose level before
$149, although there are often spe-
get heart rate would therefore be
each workout. If your blood glu-
cials available that can reduce this
between 96 (160 × 0.60) and 128
cose level is below 100 mg/dl, you
price. Monthly dues are generally
(160 × 0.80) beats per minute.
may need a snack before getting
between $29 and $59; costs var y
For people who are just begin-
started. Because of the possibility of
depending on the package you
ning an exercise program or those
choose and the facility you go to.
who have a medical condition such
monitor your blood glucose level
as diabetes, heart disease, or high
after your workout as well, espe-
Curves ahead
blood pressure, Cur ves suggests
cially if you take insulin, a sulfonyl-
working out at only 50% of maxi-
Any step toward more physical
urea such as glipizide (Glucotrol,
mum heart rate. A wall chart
activity is a step in the right direc-
Glucotrol XL), glyburide (DiaBeta,
posted in the club helps users easily
tion. Even integrating several short
Micronase, Glynase), or glimepiride
determine whether they are within
walks into your day can improve
(Amaryl), or the drugs repaglinide
their target range.
your health. But if you feel that a
(Prandin) or nateglinide (Starlix).
According to Cur ves founder
more structured program as well as
Be sure to wear a well-fitting,
Gary Heavin, a Curves workout is
the opportunity to exercise with
comfortable pair of shoes to your
an efficient combination of
others might help you stick to a
workout, and keep a source of car-
strength training, aerobics, and
regular exercise routine, you may
bohydrate, such as glucose tablets
stretching. He suggests members
want to give Cur ves a tr y. Many
or raisins, nearby in case you
visit the center three times a week
have found that the convenience,
and incorporate walking or stretch-
camaraderie, and feeling of well-
ing into their routine between visits
The staff
being gained from exercising at
to the club. Although research on
Curves keeps them coming back
the Curves workout plan is limited,
The owners and managers of
and sticking to a fitness program
Heavin's recommendations are
Curves franchises must complete a
for the first time in their lives. Look
generally in line with both the
40-hour training program at the
at the book Cur ves: Permanent
American College of Sports Medi-
Curves International Headquarters
Results Without Permanent Dieting, by
cine's recommendation of 2–3 days
in Waco, Texas. They are also
Gary Heavin and Carol Coleman,
per week of resistance training for
required to attend quarterly
for more information. To find the
people who are just starting out on
Advanced Camp training. Curves
Curves International nearest you,
an exercise plan and the Surgeon
additionally encourages them to
call (800) 848-1096 or log on to
General's recommendation to do
complete an 18-hour online col-
www. ■
at least 30 minutes of moderate
lege certification program in Fit-
exercise on most days of the week.
ness and Wellness through Thomas
And at least one study has shown a
Edison State College in New Jersey.
Cynthia Mascott is a freelance
circuit training program using a
The fitness technicians who work at
writer in Sherman Oaks, California.
combination of aerobic and resist-
Curves must complete a two-week
She has had Type 2 diabetes since
ance exercise to be effective at
training program as outlined in the
Requisitos de seguridad para trabajos en o en proximidad a redes de distribución y transporte Prefacio Este folleto muestra el compromiso de Scottish Power de proteger la salud y seguridad en el trabajo. De acuerdo con la ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de 1974, "será el deber de toda persona al mando, asegurar en la medida de lo posible, la salud, seguridad y bienestar en el trabajo de todos sus empleados".
PREVENTION DES COMPLICATIONS DE LA CORTICOTHERAPIE GENERALE DANS LES PEMPHIGUS DE L'ADULTE Catherine Prost Squarcioni Centre de Références Maladies Rares NET-DBAI-IDF Hôpital Saint Louis et hôpital Avicenne La cortisone, découverte en 1935, a transformé l'évolution de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires et auto-immunes (en particulier celle des pemphigus) qui étaient auparavant constamment mortelles. Depuis, la cortisone a été abandonnée au profit de nouvelles molécules encore plus efficaces et provoquant moins d'effets secondaires ; de nombreux progrès ont été faits pour prévenir ces derniers. Avant d'aborder précisément ce sujet, quelques remarques pour expliquer notre jargon médical et notre démarche thérapeutique dans les pemphigus. La corticothérapie générale s'utilisant de la même manière dans les différentes formes de pemphigus, en particulier dans les pemphigus vulgaires et les pemphigus superficiels, nous parlerons de pemphigus sans plus de précision. • On entend par corticothérapie générale (ou systémique) l'administration de corticoïdes par voie orale (par la bouche), intramusculaire ou intraveineuse (piqûres). En France, nous utilisons indifféremment :