Pone.0004569 1.13
High Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum toSulphadoxine/Pyrimethamine in Northern Tanzania andthe Emergence of dhps Resistance Mutation at Codon581
Samwel Gesase1, Roly D. Gosling2*, Ramadhan Hashim1, Rosalynn Ord2, Inbarani Naidoo2,3, Rashid
Madebe1, Jacklin F. Mosha4, Angel Joho1,4, Victor Mandia1, Hedwiga Mrema1, Ephraim Mapunda1,
Zacharia Savael1, Martha Lemnge1, Frank W. Mosha4, Brian Greenwood2, Cally Roper2, Daniel
1 National Institute for Medical Research, Tanga Centre, Tanga, Tanzania, 2 Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 3 Malaria Research Lead Programme, Medical Research Council, Durban, South Africa, 4 Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Moshi,
Background: Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) a widely used treatment for uncomplicated malaria and recommended forintermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, is being investigated for intermittent preventive treatment ofmalaria in infants (IPTi). High levels of drug resistance to SP have been reported from north-eastern Tanzania associated withmutations in parasite genes. This study compared the in vivo efficacy of SP in symptomatic 6–59 month children withuncomplicated malaria and in asymptomatic 2–10 month old infants.
Methodology and Principal Findings: An open label single arm (SP) standard 28 day in vivo WHO antimalarial efficacyprotocol was used in 6 to 59 months old symptomatic children and a modified protocol used in 2 to 10 months oldasymptomatic infants. Enrolment was stopped early (87 in the symptomatic and 25 in the asymptomatic studies) due to thehigh failure rate. Molecular markers were examined for recrudescence, re-infection and markers of drug resistance and areview of literature of studies looking for the 581G dhps mutation was carried out. In symptomatic children PCR-correctedearly treatment failure was 38.8% (95% CI 26.8–50.8) and total failures by day 28 were 82.2% (95% CI 72.5–92.0). There wasno significant difference in treatment failures between asymptomatic and symptomatic children. 96% of samples carriedparasites with mutations at codons 51, 59 and 108 in the dhfr gene and 63% carried a double mutation at codons 437 and540. 55% carried a third mutation with the addition of a mutation at codon 581 in the dhps gene. This triple: triple haplotypemaybe associated with earlier treatment failure.
Conclusion: In northern Tanzania SP is a failed drug for treatment and its utility for prophylaxis is doubtful. The study founda new combination of parasite mutations that maybe associated with increased and earlier failure.
Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00361114
Citation: Gesase S, Gosling RD, Hashim R, Ord R, Naidoo I, et al. (2009) High Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to Sulphadoxine/Pyrimethamine in NorthernTanzania and the Emergence of dhps Resistance Mutation at Codon 581. PLoS ONE 4(2): e4569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004569
Editor: Aric Gregson, University of California Los Angeles, United States of America
Received August 1, 2008; Accepted December 12, 2008; Published February 24, 2009
ß 2009 Gesase et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through a grant awarded to the IPTi Consortiums Drug Resistance Working Group.
Grant number:38773. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
[email protected]
Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi)[2].
SP has been used in North-eastern Tanzania since the early
Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is one of the most widely
nineteen nineties[3] and was adopted as the first line antimalarial
used antimalarials worldwide. It is used as first line treatment for
for uncomplicated malaria nationally in 2001[4]. Plasmodium
uncomplicated malaria alone or in combination with other
falciparum resistance to SP has been recorded in Muheza, north-
antimalarials, although it has been replaced with other antima-
eastern Tanzania since 1994[5,6] and 1995[7] and when SP was
larials in Southeast Asia and sub-Sahran Africa because of high
adopted as the first line drug the adequate clinical and
levels of resistance. SP is also recommended for use as Intermittent
parasitological response (ACPR) by day 14 had already fallen to
Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp)[1] in sub-
76% in Tanga region, Tanzania[8]. As part of an ongoing trial of
Saharan Africa and is currently being investigated for use as
IPTi using SP, mefloquine and chlorproguanil-dapsone in this
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
region, we evaluated the in vivo efficacy of SP in clearing parasites
(clinical efficacy) in order to understand the relationship between
Symptomatic study in children aged 6–59 months.
the clinical efficacy and the protective efficacy of SP-IPTi
children between the ages 6 and 59 months who attended Hale
Traditionally, antimalarial drug efficacy is measured using the
Health Centre during July–August 2006 with a fever or history of
standard WHO 28 day in vivo protocol[9] in symptomatic, 6–
fever during the study period were screened for malaria using a
59 month old children. However, results obtained in this
rapid diagnostic test (RDT) (Paracheck, Orchid Biomedical
population may not be representative of the efficacy of a drug
Systems, Verna, India). Children with a positive RDT had a
when used for prevention. When used for prevention, antimalar-
thick blood smear read and those with a positive blood smear were
ials work both by preventing new blood stage infections, the
referred to the study clinician. Study inclusion criteria were: (1)
prophylactic effect, as well as by clearing parasites present in those
weight of $4.5 kgs, (2) not -enrolled in the IPTi trial, (3) absence
who are asymptomatic but infected with malaria[10]. Since
of severe malnutrition (weight-for-height ,3 standard deviations
asymptomatic subjects generally have a lower level of parasitaemia
from the norm), (4) slide-confirmed infection with P. falciparum only
than clinical cases[11] even failing antimalarials may be effective
with an initial parasite density of between 2,000 and 200,000
at clearing parasitaemia in asymptomatic subjects as these
asexual parasites per microliter, (5) absence of general danger signs
individuals are likely to have some degree of naturally acquired
(inability to drink or breastfeed; vomiting; recent history of
immunity. Therefore, we have studied the in vivo efficacy of SP in
convulsions; lethargy or unconsciousness; inability to sit or stand
both symptomatic 6–59 month old children and asymptomatic 2–
up) or other signs of severe and complicated falciparum malaria
10 month old children, the target group for IPTi.
according to WHO definitions, (6) measured axillary temperature
Parasite susceptibility to SP is influenced by mutations in two
$37.5uC, (7) ability to attend stipulated follow-up visits, (8)
genes. Resistance to pyrimethamine is determined by point
informed consent provided by parent/guardian; (9) absence of
mutations at codons 16, 50, 51, 59, 108 and 164 of the dhfr
history of hypersensitivity reactions to SP and (10) no prior
gene[12,13] and resistance to sulphadoxine by mutations at
antimalarial use in the preceding 2 weeks.
codons 436, 437, 540, 581 and 613 of the dhps gene[14,15]. In
Asymptomatic study in children aged between 2 and
Africa, the presence of three dhfr mutations (N51I, C59R, S108N)
Consent was obtained from caretakers of 2–
together with two dhps mutations (A437G, K540E) prior to
10 month old infants who attended the Maternal Child Health
treatment is a significant predictor of SP P. falciparum treatment
(MCH) clinic for immunization or weighing, for screening for P.
failure[16,17,18]. A mutation at codon 164 in the dhfr gene
falciparum infection. From those consented for screening, finger
became established in south east Asia twenty years ago and was
prick blood was obtained for the rapid diagnostic test, thick and
found to be associated with a high level SP resistance, as well as
thin blood smear preparation and filter paper samples for
resistance to chlorproguanil-dapsone[19] and artesunate-dapsone-
molecular studies. Children who had a positive blood slide were
proguanil[20]. 164 mutants have recently begun to emerge in
further assessed for their eligibility for inclusion into the study and
Africa although it is not yet clear that these mutations herald the
enrolled in the drug sensitivity study after obtaining an informed
consent. The eligibility criteria were the same as for the study of
vivo[21,22,23,24]. Because of the association of mutations in the
symptomatic children except that there was no history of fever in
dhfr and dhps genes with resistance to SP we studied, molecular
the last 48 hours, that measured axillary temperature should be
markers in symptomatic children and asymptomatic infants who
less than 37.5uC and that the presence of P. falciparum parasitaemiaat any density was acceptable.
had parasitological failures.
Sample size.
In order to detect a 15% difference in adequate
parasite clearance by day 28 between symptomatic 6–59 month
old children and asymptomatic 2–10 month old children with80% power at the 5% significance level using a ratio of 2
The protocol for this trial and supporting CONSORT checklist
symptomatic cases to 1 asymptomatic case, we estimated that 292
are available as supporting information; see Protocol S1 and
symptomatic children and 146 asymptomatic infants would be
Checklist S1.
Children were treated with SP
(FansidarH, Roche, France) by weight (1 tablet containing
The study was conducted in Hale Health Centre, Tanga
500 mg sulfadoxine and 25 mg pyrimethamine; K tablet for
Region, situated 32 km north of Muheza where SP resistance was
weights 4.5–10 kg, 1 tablet for 11–20 kg, 1K tablets for 21–
first observed in Tanzania. The district experiences perennial,
30 kg). The content and solubility of the SP tablets were confirmed
holoendemic malaria although, in recent years, transmission
by solubility testing and high performance liquid chromatography
appears to have declined substantially. The entomological
at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The
inoculation rate from the neighbouring district of Muheza was
study drugs achieved the expected concentrations of SP in solution
148 infectious bites per person per year in 2000[25]. The study site
when compared to controls (FansidarH, Roche, France) purchased
was chosen due to its proximity to the site of a clinical trial of IPTi
in the UK. SP was given under observation by study staff and
comparing SP, chlorproguanil-dapsone and mefloquine. The
children were observed for at least 1 hour after treatment. If a
study protocol was approved by the Ethics Review Committees
child vomited within 30 minutes of receiving the drug, the full
of the National Institute of Medical Research of Tanzania and the
dose was repeated. if a child vomited between 30 minutes and an
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and was
hour, half the dose was repeated. If a study child vomited the study
registered as a clinical trial with the National Institute of Health
medication twice, the study child was given rescue treatment and
(Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT00361114). The protocol includ-
excluded from the study. Rescue treatment for uncomplicated
ed an arm for chlorproguanil/dapsone in the 6–59 month study
malaria was artemether- lumefantrine (CoartemH, Novartis, Basel,
after the SP arm was completed, however it was not possible to
Swizterland) and for severe malaria was parenteral quinine.
procure the drug and recently the drug has been withdrawn from
Children in the symptomatic study were seen at
the clinic on days 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 after treatment and
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
home visits were made for those who failed to report. Parents were
was recorded for every probe at each locus. A sample was
encouraged to bring any child who became ill between specified
considered to have a single haplotype when only one sequence
visits to the clinic where they were evaluated and treated by a
variant was found at each locus. Where alternative sequences were
study clinician thoughout the study period. Malaria blood films
present in the same these were designated as a mixed genotype
and filter paper samples were obtained from children in the
infection. Where mixture was detected at one locus only we
symptomatic group at all active and passive follow-up time points.
inferred a mixture of 2 haplotypes which varied only by that
Blood samples were not collected on days 1, 2, 3, and 21 from the
asymptomatic infants if the infant remained well. However, blood
We tested for the presence of mutations in addition to those at
samples were collected at any time if the infant became
codon 436, 437, 540, 581, and 613 of dhps by direct sequencing.
PCR products were purified using ExoSAP-ITH (USB Corpora-
The primary end point, parasitological failure by
tion, Cleveland, Ohio, USA). Cycle sequencing was performed
day 28 was defined as (1) development of danger signs or severe
using Applied Biosystems BigDye V 3.1 and samples loaded on the
malaria, (2) parasitaemia on Day 2 that was higher than that on
ABI-3730 capillary system. Sequence reads were checked by eye
Day 0, (3) parasitaemia on Day 3 $25% of the count on Day 0, (4)
and edited using the Seqman (DNAstar Inc., Madison, WI, USA).
parasitaemia on or after Day 4. Failures were further divided into
The presence of SNPs was confirmed by reads through both
early treatment failures (within day 3 post treatment), late clinical
forward and reverse strands.
failures (recorded fever plus parasitaemia from day 4 to day 28
Recrudescent and new infections were differentiated first by
post treatment), and late parasitological failure (parasitaemia at
typing size and sequence of the highly polymorphic repeat region
day 14 or day 28 post treatment in the absence of fever). In the
of MSP2[28] and then by typing repeat length polymorphism at
symptomatic study children with parasitaemia on or after day 4
the PfPK2 microsatellite marker[29]. The size polymorphism of
were treated with rescue treatment if they became symptomatic or
PCR amplified FC27 and IC1 fragments of MSP2, was
until they reached day 28 when all parasitaemic children were
determined by agarose gel electrophoresis, stained with SYBRH
treated. In the asymptomatic study any child on or after day 4 with
Green 1 (InvitrogenTM Ltd, Paisley, UK) and scanned on a
parasitaemia was treated with rescue treatment.
TYPHOON TrioH phosphoimager (GE Healthcare, Buckingham-
Review of the prevalence of the A581G mutation in
shire, UK). The gel image was analysed using ‘Imagequant
The literature search for reports of the A581G
softwareTM'(Molecular Dynamics, Foster City, CA, USA) and
mutation up to October 2007 was done using the National
fragment sizes were calibrated to known fragment sizes in
Library of Medicine search engines, Pubmed and Medline. The
HyperladderIV (BiolineTM, London, UK) which was run in
following terms were included in the search queries: dhfr, dhps,
duplicate on every gel. Pre- and post-treatment samples for each
sulphadoxine, sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine, Fansidar, Africa,
patient were compared according to sequence and size of the PCR
prevalence, malaria and resistance. To be included in the
amplified MSP2 fragments. Recrudescent infections were charac-
review, articles had to include analysis of codon 581 of the dhps
terized as having at least one identical allele present in both pre
gene in isolates collected from study sites in Africa.
and post treatment samples. Matching alleles were defined as those
Blood smears were stained with
for which the analysis software estimated the sizes to be within
20% Giemsa for 20 minutes and read by two independent
15 bp of each other. Samples where no alleles matched in the pre
microscopists for speciation, and quantification. Parasite density
and post treatment were classified as new infections. Pre-and post
was estimated by counting parasites against 200 White Blood Cells
treatment sample pairs which were classified as having a
(WBC). A blood smear was considered negative if no asexual forms
recrudescent infection according to MSP2 matches were then
were seen after observing 500 WBC. Discordant results (33%
compared at the Pfpk2 microsatellite locus. The Pfpk2 micro-
difference in quantification or positive/negative results) were read
sattelite repeat was pcr amplified using the protocol described in
by a third microscopist; agreement between any two micoscopists
Anderson et al[29] and fragments were run on an ABi 3730 DNA
and the average parasite density were deemed to be the correct
analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) with LIZ-500 size
finding. Parasite counts were adjusted assuming a standard WBC
standard and analyzed using Genemapper software (Applied
of 8000 per microlitre.
Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Any pairs of pre and post treatment
DNA was extracted from bloodspots dried on filter papers by
samples which matched at MSP2 but did not match at PfPK2
soaking overnight in 1 mL. of 0.5% saponin-1
6 phosphate
were re-classified as reinfections. If either pre or post sample failed
buffered saline (PBS). The segment was then washed twice in
to amplify, they were classified as undetermined.
1 ml of PBS and boiled for 8 min in 100 mL PCR quality water
Multiplicity of infection (MoI) was assessed by examining the
with 50 mL 20% chelex suspension (pH 9.5). dhfr and dhps were
numbers of alleles detected at MSP2 and pfPK2. Where the
PCR amplified and point mutations at codons 51, 59, 108 and 164
number of alleles at these two loci differed, the higher of the two
of the dhfr gene and codons 436, 437, 540, 581, and 613 of the dhps
values was used since this is the minimum number co-infecting
gene were genotyped using a dotblot methodology previously
genotypes which can explain the observed diversity.
described by Pearce et al[27]. The probed blots were visualised
Data were double entered into an
through alkaline phosphatase-catalysed breakdown of the flouro-
Access (Microsoft Corps, Seattle, USA) data base and analyzed
genic substrate (ECF) (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK) and
in STATA 9.0 (Stata Corps,Texas, USA). Crude and PCR-
the chemifluorescent signal scanned on a TYPHOON TrioH
corrected rates (excluding new infections and indeterminate PCR)
Phosphoimager (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK). The
were estimated. A survival analysis[30] was carried out by
stringency and specificity of the hybridisation process was
censoring children at the time of a PCR-corrected new infection
confirmed by inspection of a series of four controls of known
or undetermined treatment failure and loss to follow up.
single genotype variant sequence. All blots with non-specifically
Logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with
bound probes were stripped and re-probed. A sequence variant
treatment failures (cases) compared to non-failures (controls). The
was considered to be present in the PCR product when the
following variables identified a priori were included in the logistic
intensity of signal was higher than that of the background. The
regression model: age, parasite density, study population (asymp-
presence, absence, and relative abundance of hybridisation signal
tomatic or symptomatic) and molecular markers. In addition, any
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
factor that was significant at the 10% level in the crude analysis
temperature and parasite density but not in mean haemoglobin
was included in the model.
concentration (Table 1).
Further survival and regression analyses were carried out in
The therapeutic efficacy of SP by day 14 and 28 post treatment is
order to examine the relationship with time to failure and the
shown in Table 2. There was no statistically significant difference in
presence of the mutation 581G in the dhps gene.
failure rates corrected by PCR for new infections betweensymptomatic and asymptomatic groups by Day 14 (39% vs 53%;
p = 0.37) or Day 28 (82% vs 77%; p = 0.35). The survival analysis(Figure 2) shows there was no significant difference between PCR
Response of symptomatic children and asymptomatic
uncorrected results for the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups
infants to treatment with SP
in the time to treatment failure. When adjusted for the effect of age,
One hundred and fifty, 6–59 month-old febrile children were
sex and parasite density at enrolment, the risk of treatment failure
screened for malaria in July–August 2006 and 87 children who
was slightly higher in the symptomatic children compared to the
fulfilled the inclusion criteria were enrolled (see figure 1).
asymptomatic infants but this was not statistically significant (odds
Recruitment to the study arm was stopped early when the study
ratio 1.2; 95% CI 0.55, 2.9; p = 0.6). Early Treatment Failures were
team observed an unacceptably high failure rate and 3 children
less common and Late Parasitological Failures were more common
progressed to severe disease within 3 days post treatment with SP,
in the asymptomatic group compared to symptomatic children
including one death due to severe malarial anaemia and
(table 2). There was no statistical difference between the prevalence
respiratory failure. No other adverse events were reported.
of new infections in either group (23% vs 11%, symptomatic and
Between October 2006 and June 2007, 926 asymptomatic 2–
asymptomatic groups respectively, p = 0.6).
10 month-old infants were screened for malaria and 25 infantswith parasitaemia were enrolled into the study arm. This study was
Molecular findings
also stopped early due to a high failure rate with one child
New infections were detected at all time periods in the study. In the
progressing to severe disease within 3 days post treatment. Apart
symptomatic group 4, 5 and 10 new infections were detected between
from this serious adverse event no other adverse events were
days 1–3, 4–14 and 15–28 respectively and in the asymptomatic
reported. The trial profiles are shown in figure 1. As expected, the
group 2 new infections were detected between days 4 and 14.
two study populations differed significantly in age, weight,
Molecular typing revealed a high rate of multiple clone infection both
Figure 1. Trial profiles. *Incomplete follow up on Day 14 (2 in symptomatic study, 1 asymptomatic study missed visit and were followed up at latertimes).
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the two study populations.
Symptomatic children (N = 87)
Asymptomatic infants (N = 25)
Mean age (months, SD)
Mean weight (Kg, SD)
Mean haemoglobin (g/dl, SD)
Mean temperature (uC, SD)
Temperate Range (uC)
Geometric mean density (asexual forms/mL)
pre and post treatment, with between 1–4 MSP2 alleles and 1–8
mutation. The 41 references which describe them are listed in
pfPK2 alleles found in individual infections. Figure 3 shows the
supplementary online material (References S1). In addition to this
multiplicity of infection (MoI) by showing the mean number of
list a map with embedded survey details and links to the original
parasite clones present at enrolment, on the day of failure and the
references is available online at www.drugresistancemaps.org.
mean number of clones in cases of recrudescence by week in the
The occurrence of the 581G mutation is comparatively rare in
study. Sixty-seven symptomatic treatment failures cases were
both Tanzania (figure 5) and in Africa as a whole (figure 6). Of
successfully analysed by both MSP2 and pfPK2. The mean number
4932 isolates tested in total, 96.5% carried the 581 A wild type
of clones at enrolment and day of failure is constant throughout the 4
genotype. Survey sites where 581G mutations were not found are
study weeks. At all times points there were multiple clones
identified in the maps as black circles whereas those in which
recrudescing (treatment failures) in individual subjects. The mean
581G was found are shown as red circles with the prevalence of
number of clones recrudescing was greatest in the first week of the
the mutation indicated.
study and declined over time but remained greater than 1 for the
In Tanzania, the 581G mutation was observed in just 3 of 16
whole period. There were 5 examples where patients were found to
previous surveys. Our study in Hale found 581G in 54% of isolates
have between 5–6 identical pfPK2 alleles plus 2–3 MSP2 alleles
(n = 84). In Ifakara[31] in 1997, 27.8% of isolates (n = 18) were
which matched on enrolment and day of failure, all occurred within
found to carry the mutant while Mlimba[32] and Mbeya[33] had
the first week of treatment.
low prevalence of 1.6% (n = 128) and 1.2% (n = 81) respectively.
The prevalence of mutations at each codon are shown in table 3
Surveys in Butimba (n = 57), Mlimba (n = 59), Kyela (n = 67),
for dhfr and table 4 for dhps in both groups and prevalence of
Masasi (n = 73), Mkuzi (n = 127), reported no 581G mutations [8],
haplotypes in table 5 for dhfr and dhps. There were no mutations
and similarly a survey in Muheza (n = 28) [34].
found at codon 164 in the dhfr gene but 54% of parasites in the
In Africa as a whole the A581G mutation has been observed in
symptomatic group carried the 581 G mutation in the dhps gene on
only 14 of a total of 106 surveys. The surveys that had observed
enrollment day. The ratio of 581 G mutation to 581 A wild type
A581G mutation span nine countries namely Ethiopia[35] 1.6%
increased from enrollment day to day of failure (0.78 and 0.93
(n = 124), Ghana[36] 0.8% (n = 126), Kenya[31] 6.1% (n = 33),
respectively) but this change was not statistically significant (p = 0,5).
Malawi[37] 3.4% (n = 89), Mali[31] 100% (n = 10) and 87%
Direct sequencing confirmed the presence of mutations at codons
(n = 8), Sudan [38]12.4% (n = 153), Tanzania (see above) and
436, 437, 540 and 581 and did not reveal any additional mutations.
Uganda[24,39,40] 11.5% (n = 122) and 45.8% (n = 72) 45%
In the symptomatic group 96% of parasites carried the triple dhfr
mutant haplotype (mutants at codons 51, 59 and 108) (Table 4)showing near saturation of this haplotype. As we would be unlikely to
demonstrate any further selection in dhfr haplotype we did not analyseday of failure samples for these mutations in the symptomatic study.
The results of this study demonstrate clearly that use of SP for
Parasites with the double mutations in the dhps gene at codon
the treatment of P falciparum malaria is dangerous in the area
positions 437 and 540 were found in 65% and triple mutations with
where our study was done. SP had no effect on the course of illness
the additional mutation at position 581 were found in 55% of samples
in four cases, three in the symptomatic group and one in the
collected at enrolment. Molecular data for the asymptomatic study
asymptomatic group, who developed severe disease within 3 days
were too few to analyze (6/25 samples amplified for the day of
of post treatment. The efficacy of SP resulted in similarly poor
enrolment) and were excluded from further analysis. From samples
parasitologic clearance in 2–10 month old asymptomatic infants
from the symptomatic study a significant trend for increased and
when compared with 6–59 month old symptomatic children. The
earlier failure was seen with those carrying the 581G mutation prior
WHO recommends changing first line treatment when day 28
to treatment (Figure 4). However, in a regression model, factors
failure rates exceed 10%[9]. In this study, early treatment failures
associated with failure in the symptomatic group were presence of
of symptomatic children were 38.8% and by day 28 a staggering
three mutations in the dhfr gene, age ,2 years and high parasite
82% required rescue treatment. Shortly after the study was
density (Table 6) and not the presence of the 581 G mutations. The
stopped artemether-lumefantrine (ALU) became the first-line
results of the model did not change when looking at treatment failure
treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Tanzania, although SP
on or before day 3 versus failure after day 3 or treatment failure on or
remains widely available through private drug stores and is
before day 14 versus failure after day 14 (data not shown).
frequently used.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine if SP was
Distribution of the dhps position 581 mutation in Africa
more efficacious in asymptomatic parasitaemic infants than in
We identified 107 surveys in 59 unique geographical localities in
symptomatic children even though the drug was failing as a
Africa, where P. falciparum isolates have been tested for the 581G
treatment for the latter group. This has been shown to be the case
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Figure 2. Cumulative proportion of treatment failures of Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine in symptomatic 6–59 month andasymptomatic 2–10 month old children with malaria.
for pregnant women in areas of moderate SP resistance where SP
difference in response to SP between symptomatic older children
may still be effective for treatment or prevention even though it
and asymptomatic infants contrasting with the major differences
fails when used for the treatment of symptomatic children[41,42].
observed in comparisons between asymptomatic pregnant women
Because the study had to be terminated prematurely on the
and symptomatic children. This difference may be due to the fact
grounds of the unexpectedly high failure rates in symptomatic
that infants in the second half of the first year of life, in contrast to
children and asymptomatic infants, it was underpowered to show a
pregnant women, have less naturally acquired immunity to
difference between the two study groups. Estimates of efficacy had
malaria. In pregnant women, but not infants, naturally acquired
confidence intervals of 10% and 20% in the symptomatic and
immunity may be sufficient to clear low density infections when
asymptomatic study groups respectively and the study was
parasites are exposed to an only partially effective drug. Evidence
powered to detect only a 30% or more difference between groups.
from high transmission sites suggests that maternal protective
Nevertheless, the findings suggest that there was no major
factors do protect infants against recrudescence[43,44], however,
Figure 3. Comparison of Multiplicity of Infection (MoI) at enrolment and at day of failure and the mean MoI in cases ofrecrudescence by week of failure. LEGEND: 67 symptomatic treatment failures cases were successfully analysed by both MSP2 and pfPK2 andwere sorted according to week of failure post treatment. White bars show the mean multiplicity of infection (MoI) at enrolment. Grey bars show theMoI on the day of treatment failure. Black bars show the mean number of matching alleles in the pre and post treatment sample of each patient(N = 49 after exclusion of those defined as new infections).
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Table 3. Prevalence of mutations in dhfr gene at day of enrolment and day of failure in all study children.
Enrolment day symptomatic cases
Day of failure symptomatic cases
Enrolment day asymptomatic cases
Day of failure asymptomatic cases
how these protective factors compare to maternal immunity itself
from 55% in 1999 [34] to the current situation of 18%. This
is not known. Although the study split children into symptomatic
change is likely to have been driven, at least in part, by the use of
and asymptomatic groups the difference between these groups
SP as first line treatment for malaria from 2001 to 2007. Now that
may only be that the asymptomatic children were at an earlier
first line treatment for malaria has changed to combination
stage of the disease. In children in a moderate transmission setting
therapy across most of sub- Saharan Africa, the selection pressure
in Uganda approximately 50% of asymptomatic parasitaemic
for resistance to SP will have been reduced. Nevertheless the rapid
children progressed to clinical disease within 30 days of detec-
increase in SP resistance is a concern and an alternative drug
tion[45]. This group of children, however, is relevant for this study
needs to be developed for all SP-based prevention programs.
as they represent the population who would be treated with IPTi.
The molecular work was limited by the number of clones in the
This study examined the treatment effect of SP and did not
samples and the sensitivity of the methods to detect masked clones.
address the ability for SP to prevent blood stage infection, i.e. the
In the symptomatic group 4 new infections were detected in the
prophylactic effect[10]. Whether SP has any efficacy in the study
first 3 days post-treatment. This is a highly unlikely result and is
area when used for IPTi (both treatment and prophylactic
probably due to masked clones resistant to SP becoming dominant
effects[10]) will be determined in an ongoing IPTi study that will
post treatment, a common criticism of PCR-correction. This
be reported in early 2009 (clintrial.gov identifier: NCT00158574).
problem was also likely to interfere with the interpretation of new
Within 8 years the level of SP resistance in the study area has
infections when comparing the symptomatic and asymptomatic
increased at an alarming rate. The day 28 ACPR has decreased
groups as the symptomatic group was more likely to have heavier
Table 4. Prevalence of mutations in dhps gene at day of enrolment and day of failure in all study children.
Enrolment day symptomatic cases
Day of failure symptomatic cases
Enrolment day asymptomatic cases
Day of failure asymptomatic cases
PLoS ONE www.plosone.org
February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
situations, studies of molecular markers of resistance play a key
Table 5. Prevalence of point mutation haplotypes in dhfr and
role in measuring patterns of resistance as there is strong evidence
dhps at day of enrolment in symptomatic and asymptomatic
that mutations in dhfr and dhps genes are associated with P.
falciparum resistance to SP. Previous reports from Africa havedemonstrated an association between moderate levels of resistance
Number of samples
to SP and triple mutation in the dhfr [16,17,18] and doublemutations in the dhps genes[18] and this association was found in
our study. In South East Asia the presence of high level resistance
to antifolates has been associated with the presence on an
additional mutation at position 164 on the dhfr gene[20]. In the
face of the very high level of SP resistance found in Hale weconsidered it possible that parasites carrying this mutation had
emerged in north-eastern Tanzania. However, this did not turn
out to be the case and no parasites carrying the 164 mutation were
Mixed infections (unable to determine haplotype)
found. Instead 55% of haplotypes, when they could be
Number of samples
ascertained, in addition to the 437 and 540 mutations had amutation at codon 581 in the parasite dhps gene and there was
some evidence that the presence of this mutation in parasites at the
start of treatment was associated earlier treatment failure.
Single (436A or C only = AAKA or CAKA)
Biological plausibility of this is backed by the findings that the
Single (437G only = SGKA)
581G single mutant offers resistance in vitro and that similar
Single (540E only = SAEA)
mutations in bacteria produce resistance to sulfa drugs[14]. Thedhps triple is recognized in South America, where it is associated
Single (581G only = SAKG)
with SP treatment failure[46]. Parasites carrying the 581G
Double (437G+540E only = SGEA)
mutation are widely distributed in Tanzania (figure 5) and
Triple (437G+540E+581G = SGEG)
elsewhere in Africa (figure 6). The evidence of prevalence of this
Mixed infections (unable to determine haplotype)
mutation is patchy with few studies looking at this locus and those
that have show considerable differences in prevalence between
includes mixed infections when haplotypes could be ascertained (9 for dhfrand 31 for dhps).
countries. It is likely that the large drug pressure caused when SP
was the first line drug for uncomplicated malaria that has driventhe rise in frequency of first the dhps double and now the more
parasite densities and more clones. Thus, in the symptomatic
resistant dhps triple mutation. This early failure may prove to be
group a higher proportion of recrudescences would be wrongly
pertinent in the case of IPTp. ter Kuile and colleagues[41] found
called new infections. The number of clones detected in samples
that SP IPTp had reasonable protective efficacy against low birth-
was high and in many cases these represented multiple clones
weight even in areas where the day 14 treatment failure rate of SP
recrudescing reflecting the high transmission and high prevalence
in symptomatic children was as high as 35%. However, they
of resistance genotypes circulating in the study area.
observed that the duration of prophylaxis of SP had reduced from
Further in vivo efficacy studies of SP are unjustifiable in areas
4 to 2 weeks. In areas where the 581 mutation is present in
where the level of SP resistance is known to be high. In such
conjunction with the triple dhfr and double dhps mutants, it is
Figure 4. Cumulative proportions of treatment failure of Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine in symptomatic 6–59 month old childrenwith malaria parasites carrying or not-carrying the A581G mutation in the dhps gene at enrolment. Unadjusted effect dhps genemutation at 581, p-value = 0.012.
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Table 6. Association between mutations and treatment failure.
11.0 (1.8–66.9)
dhps A581G mutation
0.04 (0.002–0.9)
Parasite density (Asexual forms/ul)
Adjusted odds ratio: logistic regression model including age, parasite density and mutations of DHFR and DHPS. Asymptomatic cases not included in model due to toofew cases with complete molecular results (6/25).
Figure 5. Distribution of 581G mutation in Tanzania.
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Figure 6. Distribution of 581G mutation in Africa.
possible that the duration of prophylaxis given by SP will be
Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004569.s002 (0.06 MB
further reduced and this may affect the protective efficacy of SP
preventative strategies. Further work is needed to determine the
These are the 2 study protocols which were
geographical spread of this mutant and if the presence of this
approved by the IRBs
mutation in combination with the dhfr triple and dhps double
Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004569.s003 (0.01 MB ZIP)
confers increased and earlier failure of cases treated with SP.
Supporting Information
The authors wish to thank the study participants, Dr Kabula and the staff
References collected by systematic review to
of Hale Health Centre for their dedication and support, the study team for
produce maps of the prevalence of the 581 dhps Mutation in
their hard work and the other on-going studies in the area (RT,SS,
ENRECA, AMANET and IPTi) for their assistance in supporting clinical
Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004569.s001 (0.04 MB
care. Korogwe District Council, National Institute for Medical Research,
National Malaria Control Program and the IPTi Consortium for theirsupport and feedback; Martin Grobusch, Rob Newman, Andrea Egan,
CONSORT Checklist
Sam Mardel, Dongmei Liu, Suzanne Welsh, Lydia Kusaga, Lorenz von
PLoS ONE www.plosone.org
February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
dhps 581 G Mutation
Seidlein and Ilona Carneiro for their comments and support. Lastly the
Author Contributions
DSMB chaired by Bill Watkins for support and guidance.
Conceived and designed the experiments: RDG BG CR DC. Performedthe experiments: SG RDG RH RO IN RM JM AJ VM HM EM ZXS CR.
Analyzed the data: SG RDG RH RO IN RM JM CR DC. Contributedreagents/materials/analysis tools: RDG. Wrote the paper: SG RDG RHRO IN RM JM AJ VM HM EM ZXS MML FM BG CR DC.
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February 2009 Volume 4 Issue 2 e4569
Source: http://www.inasp.info/uploads/filer_public/2013/04/03/handout_2.pdf
Baroreflex Activation for the Treatment of Heart Failure Hani N. Sabbah, Ph.D., FACC, FCCP, FAHA Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan Short Title: Baroreflex Activation in HF Word Count: 3,482 Address for Correspondence Hani N. Sabbah, PhD Director, Cardiovascular Research
CURRENT DRUG THERAPY EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will prescribe antidepressant drugs more confidently on the basis CREDIT of the characteristics of the patient and the various drugs ELIZABETH SHULTZ, DO DONALD A. MALONE, JR., MD Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Cleveland Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner