
Reviews in Gynaecological Practice xxx (2004) xxx–xxx
Cryopreservation of two pronuclear stage zygotes
Yasser OriefNikos Safaa
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shatby University hospital, Alexandria University, Egypt
Laboratory of Reproductive Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Demokritus University of Thrace, Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Lubick 23538, Germany
Received 18 June 2004; accepted 11 October 2004
The German embryo protection law (Embryonenschutzgesetz, ESchG) does not allow embryo selection, but only selection at the
pronuclear stage. Furthermore, only as many pronuclear stage zygotes are allowed to be selected as are planned to be transferred in the same
cycle. This means that after pre-selection of, for example, three pronucleated zygotes, these three must be transferred on the same or the
subsequent day. A second selection process is not allowed. Non-selected pronuclear stage zygotes are allowed to be cryopreserved for a
The same situation is present in other European countries such as Swizerland and Italy. it is illegal to cryopreserve an oocyte after fusion of
the pronuclei (PN). The idea of these laws was to avoid ethical problems related to cryopreservation of surplus embryos or wastage of
embryos, because these have, according to these laws, the status of individual persons.
The current situation initiates much interest in developing a refined method of cryopreserving human pronuclear zygotes. The following
article will discuss that issue in details.
2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Cryopreservation; Two pronuclear stage zygote.
Cryopreservation of human embryos has been introduced
into clinical IVF in order to preserve supernumerary
A well-established
embryo transfer (FET)
embryos for a later transfer. Human embryos at different
programme is essential in every assisted reproductive
developmental stages have been frozen with variable success
technology (ART) unit. Cryopreservation programs may
rates. The pronuclear stage appears to be the optimal stage
also increase the cumulative pregnancy rates of IVF and
for cryopreservation The unicellular form and lack of
spindle apparatus may account for its high post-thaw
Freezing and storing of surplus embryos also allows the
survival and implantation potential. Using this stage for
number of replaced embryos in both fresh and frozen
freezing, there are no ambiguities about whether embryos
embryo transfers to be reduced, thereby diminishing the risk
survive thawing because subsequent embryo cleavage
of multiple pregnancies In addition, if the woman has a
essentially proves cellular integrity. In addition, in some
risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome all
European countries, the freezing of cleaved stage embryos is
embryos can be cryopreserved . However, careful
illegal as in Germany, Switzerland and Italy, thus limiting
consideration of all clinical and embryological factors
the choice to freezing of either unfertilized oocytes or
influencing the outcome of FET is a prerequisite for a
pronuclear stage zygotes.
Several protocols of freezing have been formulated
depending on the embryo cellular stage, type of cryopro-
tectant and speed of cooling.
Conventional (slow) freezing of human pronuclear
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 451 500 2155; fax: +49 451 500 4904.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Al-Hassani).
zygotes has been the most widely used method of storage
1471-7697/$ – see front matter # 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Y. Orief et al. / Reviews in Gynaecological Practice xxx (2004) xxx–xxx
up until now with variable results Slow cooling
constituted 2/5 of the maximum score. Scoring was done at
procedures have the disadvantage in that they are time
16–18 h post ICSI according to (i) the position of the PN, (ii)
consuming and require accurately controlled expensive
the alignment of nucleoli at the junction of the two
freezing units, making them unsuitable for use where cost
pronuclei, and (iii) the appearance of the cytoplasm.
and time is a consideration. Different freezing protocols that
In Germany, however, this item cannot be included, since
are faster and cheaper and achieve higher survival and
only selection at the PN stage is allowed and supernumerary
development rates after freezing and thawing than do
PN zygotes must be cryopreserved at the PN stage or
conventional freezing procedures have been reported.
The rapid procedure for freezing human pronuclear
embryos such as that reported by Trounson et al. has
1.1.2. Freezing and thawing procedures
been reported by a few IVF groups with variable results
The supernumerary Zygotes of the collecting cycles are
cryopreserved 18 h after the IVF or ICSI procedure. Ham's
However, there have been several recent reports of the
F-10 (Biochrom Company, Berlin, Germany) supplemented
successful cryopreservation of human pronuclear zygotes by
with 20% human umbilical cord serum is used as freezing
direct plunging into liquid nitrogen (vitrification)
solution. The cryoprotectants 1,2-propanediol (PROH) and
This method is now an object of intensive investigation in a
sucrose are used at concentrations of 1.5 and 0.1 mol/L,
number of laboratories, taking into account that the protocol
respectively Pronuclear stage embryos are then
of vitrification includes two major benefits: the complete
equilibrated in two steps (first step: 1.5 mol/L PROH,
process can be completed in only minutes in contrast to a
second step: 1.5 mol/L PROH and 0.1 mol/L sucrose) at
long time for the conventional method, and this method does
room temperature, each for 10 min. A CTE-880 biological
not require specialist equipment, in contrast to conventional
freezer (Cryo Technik Company, Erlangen, Germany)
slow freezing techniques.
working with an open freezing system and self-seeding
Prior to the successful vitrification of human pronuclear
was used for cryopreservation. Up to three 2PN zygotes are
zygotes, vitrification of fertilized animal oocytes was
transferred with medium to each ministraw (Cryo Technik
developed by an effective protocol for the vitrification of
Company). The ministraws are cooled slowly from room
mouse oocytes, which involved direct plunging into liquid
33 8C. They should be kept at
nitrogen Since then, several publications on the
30 min and then they are plunged directly into liquid
vitrification of animal oocytes at the pronuclear stage have
nitrogen for storage .
emerged, in which the ability of cells of transgenic mice
The thawing procedure begins with the direct transfer of
and rabbits to develop after cryopreservation was
ministraws to a 30 8C water bath, for 30 s. After this, the
evaluated. Subsequent protocols for the vitrification of
cryoprotectants are diluted in four steps, using different
human pronuclear zygotes were based on the data provided
solutions: first, with 1 mol/L PROH and 0.2 mol/L sucrose;
by these studies.
second, with 0.5 mol/L PROH and 0.2 mol/L sucrose; third,
with 0.2 mol/L sucrose; and finally with Ham's F-10
1.1. Slow freezing technique
medium alone. Each step should last 5 min
Pronuclear stage zygotes are then cultured in Ham's F-10
1.1.1. Preparation of oocytes
for 2–3 h and then inspected for survival under both a
Following oocyte retrieval, the cumulus and corona
stereomicroscope (magnification 50) and an inverted
radiata are removed mechanically under a stereomicroscope,
microscope (magnification 200–400).
after exposure to 0.5% hyalouronidase solution (Sigma
Company, Deisenhofen, Germany) for 30 s. IVF or ICSI are
1.2. Ultra-rapid freezing technique
performed as previously described by Al-Hasani et al.
Pronucleate zygotes must have an intact zona pellucida
The zygotes are again first exposed to a cryoprotectant,
and healthy cytoplasm with two distinct pronuclei clearly
equilibration prior to freezing is carried out as described in
visible. When pronuclei start to migrate before syngamy the
the slow freezing method. Zygotes are then drawn up into
mitochondreal system is highly vulnerable to temperature
plastic straws, also electron microgrids can be used as a
fluctuation leading to possible scattering of the chromo-
physical support, before they are plunged directly into liquid
somes. Ludwig et al. recently published a new scoring
nitrogen after 2–4 min.
system for zygotes at the PN stage. This score is based on the
For thawing, the straw is gently expulsed into a phosphate
fact that a faster developmental process after fertilization
buffered solution containing 20% fetal calf serum and
demonstrates a better quality of the zygotes and resulting
0.25 mol/L sucrose for 10 min at room temperature. The
embryos. Their score included not only the morphological
zygotes are then placed in culture and incubated for 2 to 4 h
appearance of the pronuclei, but also the further develop-
before transfer into the recipient uterus.
ment up to the PN membrane breakdown and first cleavage
As freezing solution EFS30 is often used consisting of
division. This last item (PN membrane breakdown and first
30% Ethylene Glycol, 18% Ficoll, 0.5 mol/L sucrose, 10%
cleavage division within 24–26 h UNCORRECTED PROOF
post oocyte retrieval)
fetal bovine serum with added modified Dullbecco's

Y. Orief et al. / Reviews in Gynaecological Practice xxx (2004) xxx–xxx
phosphate buffered saline, supplemented with sodium
reaching the homogenous nucleation temperature. On the
pyruvate (0.33 mmol/L), glucose (5.6 mmol/L), penicillin
other hand, the slow freezing method requires expensive
G (0.0375 g/L) and streptomycin(0.025 g/L).
equipment and is time consuming.
With the ultra-rapid freezing method the need for a
1.3. Vitrification
computer controlled freezing apparatus is avoided and the
time required for freezing and thawing is greatly reduced.
The physical definition of vitrification is the solidification
However, the extreme toxicity of the high concentration of
of a solution (water is rapidly cooled and formed into a
the cryoprotectant solution is the main disadvantage of this
glassy, vitrified state from the liquid phase) at low
method. Van den Abbel et al. compared a slow
temperature, not by ice crystallization but by extreme
controlled rate freezing procedure with a rapid cooling
elevation in viscosity during cooling This method
procedure using one-cell human embryo. They showed that
combines the use of concentrated solutions with rapid
slow controlled rate freezing is more efficient than rapid
cooling in order to avoid ice formation. The samples reach
low temperature in a glassy state which has the molecular
Vitrification can be an alternative to the conventional
structure of a viscous liquid and is not crystalline.
slow freezing protocol with advantages of the lack of the ice
Today, human pronuclear zygotes can be cryopreserved
crystal formation and ease of operation. The method also has
successfully by vitrification The efficacy of a
the advantage of taling only a few seconds to cool embryos.
rapid freezing method using the electron microscope copper
Furthermore, it does not require a controlled rate cooling
grid or the Flexipet denuding pipette (FDP) for human PN
apparatus. However, Uechi et al. by comparing the
embryos has already been reported
conventional slow controlled rate freezing and vitrifcation
With respect to survival, cleavage on Day 2, and
on two-cell mouse embryos, showed that the implantation
blastocyst formation, a high survival and cleavage rate of
rate of blastocysts developed in vitro from vitrified two-cell
multi-pronuclear zygotes was also documented. Liebermann
embryos was significantly lower than that from slow
and Tucker using 5.5 M EG, 1.0 M sucrose, and an
controlled rate frozen embryos (10.2% versus 22.1%).
FDP as a carrier for the vitrification, observed 90% of 2PN
Vitrification may, therefore, exert a more harmful effect than
survival after warming and 82% of 2PN cleavage on Day 2.
the slow controlled rate freezing in two-cell embryos. The
On Day 3 in the vitrified 2PN group, approximately 80% of
same could be also speculated for one-cell embryos.
embryos cleaved to become an embryo with four or more
To date, vitrification as a cryopreservation method has
blastomeres, and 30% of 2PN embryos eventually became
had very little practical impact on human-assisted reproduc-
tion. This may be due to the wide variety of different carriers
More recently, successful pregnancies after vitrification
and vessels that have been used for vitrification. Second,
of human zygotes have been reported . It is stated
many different vitrification solutions have been formulated,
that the pronuclear stage is well able to withstand the
which has not helped to focus efforts on perfecting a single
vitrification and warming conditions. Probably, this might
approach. On the other hand, the reports of successfully
be due to the processes during and after the fertilization,
completed pregnancies following vitrification at all pre-
such as the cortical reaction and subsequent zona hardening
implantation stages is encouraging for further research and
that may give the ooplasmic membrane more stability to
cope with the low temperature and osmotic changes.
Finally, the low toxicity of EG, together with the good
survival, cleavage, blastocyst formation, and pregnancy
3. Assessment of embryo survival
rates obtained after vitrification of pronuclear zygotes, may
satisfy the real need in countries where cryopreservation of
Since the only criteria to evaluate whether the zygotes
later-stage human embryos is not allowed by law or for
survived the freezing /thawing procedure is if they retain
ethical reasons.
their pre-freeze morphology (e.g. PNs existence, have no
obvious damage to the zona pellucida and oolemma, if
their cytoplasm is clear and re-expands to its original
2. Comparison of the different cryopreservation
volume after rehydration etc.), thus only if they cleaved in
culture after 16–24 h, they are appropriate for intrauterine
Because of the low water permeability and a low surface
to volume ratio of the two pronucleate zygotes, a slow
cooling rate may be advantageous. At slow cooling rates the
4. Preparation of transfer cycles
compositional changes in the intracellular solution can
follow those in the extracellular solution. Intracellular
The success of frozen embryo transfer requires synchro-
freezing is avoided because the water content of the zygote
nization of the endometrium to enable it to receive embryos
has approached the equilibrium
water content before
which have arisen from a different menstrual cycle. Transfer

Y. Orief et al. / Reviews in Gynaecological Practice xxx (2004) xxx–xxx
of frozen thawed embryos may take place in a natural cycle
concerns raise additional interest in the cryopreservation
or alternatively in a programmed cycle with comparable
outcome of embryos or oocytes.
pregnancy rates of 15–20%, respectively .
Nikolettos et al. in a retrospective study, compared
In a natural cycle the patients are monitored for the onset
the cryopreservation outcome of 2PN zygotes obtained by
of endogenous luteinizing hormone (LH) surge (day 14) and
cetrorelix and triptorelin depot. They reported 3.26%
the transfer of the embryo is performed on Day 17.
implantation rate for the cetrorelix group and 3.73% for
Alternatively, in programmed cycles, the endometrium is
the triptorelin group, as well as pregnancy rates of 8.33 and
exogenously stimulated with sequential estrogen and
10.25%, respectively. They concluded that there was no
progesterone following down-regulation of the hypophysis
negative effect of cetrorelix on viability, implantation
with a gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) to
potential or pregnancy outcome.
prevent premature luteinization after pituitary down-
Kol et al. analysed the outcome of freeze-thaw cycles
regulation the patient is given an estrogen preparation from
with oocytes obtained with the use of six different doses of
cycle day one onwards to mimic the proliferative phase.
ganirelix, in a multiple dose schedule. Even though there
Estrogen may be administered as an oral preparation, skin
was a negative effect of too high doses of ganirelix on
patches, vaginal preparation or as subcutaneous implants
implantation in the fresh cycle, there was a good pregnancy
This is followed by concomitant administration of
rate in subsequent freeze-thaw cycles. They concluded that
progesterone to imitate the luteal phase. Progesterone may
high dosages of ganirelix in the collecting cycles do not
be administered as i.m. progesterone in oil injections or as
adversely affect the potential of embryos to establish clinical
tablets given orally or vaginally.
pregnancy in freeze-thaw cycles.
Lassale et al. claimed that GnRH agonist therapy
In another retrospective study conducted by Byron et al.
adversely affects oocyte quality and freezing outcome, but
they evaluated the outcome of frozen-thaw cycles with
this could not be confirmed by others However,
oocytes obtained either during a multiple dose protocol of
recent studies showed that suppression with GnRH agonist
cetrorelix, or after the use of a gonadotrophin-releasing
for endometrial preparation is not necessary as pregnancy
hormone (GnRH) agonist. A total of 101 subfertile couples
and implantation rates are similar with or without GnRH a
were included. These couples had a total of 222 transfers of
down-regulation. Also, the procedure is simpler, less
frozen-thawed pronuclear zygotes after IVF/intracytoplas-
expensive and more convenient to the patient if performed
mic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment. According to the
without GnRH agonist
stimulation protocol during various cycles, four groups were
Embryo transfer of frozen thawed zygotes is performed
after a twenty-four hour period of culture at cleavage stage.
Up to three cleaving embryos are transferred, according to
1. cetrorelix/recombinant FSH (recFSH) (69 cycles);
the German Embryo Protection Law.
2. cetrorelix/human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) (10
Before transfer, attention should be paid to the degree of
fragmentation and the regularity of blastomeres, each
3. GnRH-agonist/recFSH (71 cycles); and
embryo being graded as 1, 2 or 3 (modified grading
4. GnRH-agonist/HMG (72 cycles).
according to Veeck, 1991) The grade of each embryo is
multiplied by the number of blastomeres, to produce a
The transfer cycles were mildly stimulated with trans-
quality score. The total score of all embryos transferred is
dermal estradiol. No statistically significant difference was
accepted as the cumulative embryo score (CES) It is
seen among the four groups regarding post-thaw survival
important to clarify that this is the scoring system we follow,
rate, cumulative embryo score, implantation rate and pre-
as there are various ways to score the cleaved embryos.
Clinical pregnancies are defined by the presence of
From all the previous studies, it could be concluded that
positive fetal heartbeats. In these cases, the administration of
frozen-thawed pronuclear zygotes obtained with the use of
progesterone is continued up to week 12 of gestation.
GnRH antagonists give satisfactory implantation and
pregnancy rates, similar to those obtained with a GnRH-
agonist. These results do not depend on the gonadotrophins
5. The effect of stimulation protocol
(HMG or recFSH) used in the collecting cycle.
It is known that ovarian stimulation protocols used in
collection cycles may possibly be involved in the success of
6. Is there a difference between in vitro fertilization
cryopreservation Furthermore, concerns have been
(IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)?
raised recently about the possible impact of GnRH-
antagonists on the quality of oocytes, embryo development
Only few studies investigated the effect of cryopreserva-
and implantation Although these questions are mainly
tion on human embryos with perforated zonae. Al-Hasani et
related to fresh cycles, the quality of oocytes may also affect
al. compared cryopreservation of pronuclear stage human
the outcome of freeze-thaw
cycles. Consequently, these
zygotes obtained either after classical in vitro fertilization or

Y. Orief et al. / Reviews in Gynaecological Practice xxx (2004) xxx–xxx
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CSIRO PUBLISHING Historical Records of Australian Science, 2013, 24, 242– Mollie Elizabeth Holman 1930–2010 Elspeth M. McLachlanA,C and G. David S. HirstB A Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia. B86 Caroline Street, South Yarra, Vic. 3141, Australia. CCorresponding author. Ema Mollie Holman was a biophysicist whose work on the autonomic nervous system and the innervation of smooth muscle was seminal in advancing knowledge of its behaviour at a cellular level. She was particularly known for her technical expertise in microelectrode recording of membrane potential from single smooth muscle cells, and the interpretation of their electrical activity, both spontaneous and in response to transmitters released from their autonomic nerves.
Prof. Francesco Castelli Clinica di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali Centro Interuniversitario Ricerca sulla Malaria (CIRM) Università di Brescia 2° U.O. di Malattie Infettive Azienda Ospedaliera Spedali Civili di Brescia WHO Collaborating Center for TB/HIV co-infection Malaria: nuove prospettive terapeutiche Conflicts of interest