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Installation and operating manual
Electronic energy calculator for heat meters
with 2 inputs/outputs
optionally with M-Bus, RS-232 and RS-485

All that counts.
General information With multidata you have acquired one of the most up-to-date, modern heat calculators cur- multidata is produced and tested in compliance rently available on the market.
with the new European measuring instruments Expressive symbols in the display and easy directive (MID). According to this directive, de- menu navigation make readout simple. It can be vices do no longer carry an initial verification operated with one single button. The setting of stamp, but rather the year of the device's decla- the data loggers (depending on the type of de- ration of conformity (recognizable on the front of vice) is being done via the software GMM.
the device, for example: M09). The MID controls The calculator is equipped with a long-life battery the use of heat meters up to the moment they made for operation during the initial verification are placed on the market resp. their first putting validity period (5 years) including a reserve of at into use. After this, the national regulations for least another year. With a second battery you will devices subject to legal verification apply within reach 11 years.
Technical data multidata
Temperature range Multifunctional LCD, 8-digit, floating Models with contact pulsers or active pulser Interface flow sensor (no Namur or Opto), passive max. 1Hz / active max. 100 Hz Temperature sensor connection PT500, optional PT100, PT1000 Max. cable length 2-wire 12,5 m (PT500), 2,5 m (PT100), 20 m (PT1000) Max. cable length 4-wire optical, optionally ZR-Bus (RS-485), M-Bus, RS-232, remote readout outputs Ambient temperature Battery 3.6 V Lithium, optionally mains power supply 230V/24V 6 years, optionally 11 years IP 54 / IP 65, acc. to DIN 40050 according to EN1434 Measuring cycle dynamic The duration of initial verification validity in Germany remains 5 years for heat meters. After this period has multidata fulfils the national and international expired, the measuring device may no longer be used requirements for interference resistance. To for billing in commercial use. The regulations resp. avoid malfunctions due to other interferences, validity period may vary in other countries of the EU.
do not install fluorescent lamps, switch cabinets Technical data flow sensor input
Flow sensor input
Electrical connection
Schematic diagram
1 Hz Version: fmax = 1 Hz, Pulse-duty factor 1:1 to 1:9 Input
capacitance: approx. 10 nF, Input resistance approx 850 kOhm 100 Hz Version: not allowed
1 Hz Version: fmax = 1 Hz, Pulse-duty factor 1:1 to 1:9 Input
VCC 2,5 … 3,6 capacitance: approx. 10 nF , Input resistance approx 850 kOhm pulse100 Hz V
ersion: fmax = 30 Hz, Pulse-duty factor 1:1, Input
Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6 V Ulow = 0 … 0,3 V capacitance: approx. 2,5 nF, Input resistance approx. 850 kOhm VCC 2,5 … 3,6 V Active f.ex. with VCC 2,5 … 3,6 V 1 Hz Version: fmax = 1 Hz, Pulse-duty factor 1:1 to 1:9
VCC 2,5 … 3,6 V VCC 2,5 … 3,6 V igh = 2,5 … 3,6 V Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6V, Ulow = 0 … 0,3 V, Input capacitance: Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6 V Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6 V approx. 10 nF, Input resistance approx 850 kOhm igh = 2,5 … 3,6 V 100 Hz Version: fmax = 100 Hz, Pulse-duty factor 1:1
Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6 V Uhigh = 2,5 … 3,6V, Ulow = 0 … 0,3 V, Input capacitance: approx. 2,5 nF, Input resistance approx. 850 kOhm Technical data additional inputs
Electrical connection
Schematic diagram
Pulse-duty factor 1:1 to 1:9 Input capacitance: approx. 15 nF, Input resistance approx 470 kOhm Pulse-duty factor 1:1 to 1:9 Input capacitance: approx. 15 nF, Input resistance approx 470 kOhm Connection data outputs
Typical connection* Output frequency 1 Hz (8 Hz dynamically switching, if output with 1 Hz is not possible) Switching times: 1 Hz: 400ms < tp < 600 ms (*) The connection of the external resistor could be 8 Hz: 50ms < tp < 80 ms necessary to ensure an integrated current limiter Connector pin assignment or electric devices such as motors or pumps in the immediate vicinity of the meter (minimum 2-wire measurement distance 1 m). Cables leaving the meter should not be laid parallel to live cables (230V, minimum distance 0.2 m).
4-wire measurement (optionally) Declaration of Conformity
ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG de- clares that this product with the number of the EC type-examination certificate DE-12-MI004- Flow sensor
PTB010 complies with the requirements of the Flow sensor pulse 10 EC directives 2014/32/EU (Measuring instru- ments directive) and 89/336/ EEC (electro-mag- netic compatibility). The relevant declaration of conformity can be found at Depending on the meter's tion board can differ.
Connection 2-wire Connection 4-wire If water meters with a potential free reed contact At calculators with two pulse outputs typically the are connected to the inputs the connection can first output (I/O1) gives the energy and the sec- be made in any direction.
ond (I/O2) the volume information.
Take care of the polarity when connecting to a The pulse value is permanently set and corre- sponds to the last position of the associated dis-play value.
The connectors are given twice for the incoming and outgoing of the M-bus wire. Example:
Output 1 = energy output
Energy display = XXXXX.XX MWh
Last position = 0.01 MWh = 10 kWh
Output pulse = 10 KWh
The calculator can be ordered with two inputs op-tionally. The pulse value can be called up in the display (see the display overview, Level 1).
M-Bus (optional)
The optional M-Bus interface complies with the
norm EN 1434-3 and operates with 2400 baud
fixed. It can be set to 300/9600 baud if neces-sary.
The display resolution shall be selected such that the display can not run over within a period of one year.
General Information
The installation has to be done by qualified per- sonnel. Read the instructions carefully right up to ■ the display must readable at all times, the end before starting to mount the device.
■ to avoid malfunctions due to other interfe- rences do not install fluorescent lamps, switch The current laws and regulations have to be cabinets or electric devices such as motors or observed, especially EN 1434 part 1+6, (in Ger- pumps in the immediate vicinity of the meter many also AGFW directive FW202 and DIN 4713 (minimum distance 1 m), part 4 and the initial verification directive).
■ all welding must be finished, At devices with communication interfaces or ■ the ambient temperature must not exceed mains supply the general technical rules and the correspondent regulations have to be followed.
■ the type of temperature sensor must corres- pond with the calculator, While demounting flow sensors and temperature ■ the pulse value of the flow sensor must corres- sensors make sure no heating water escapes pond with the one from the calculator.
from the pipe – this can cause burns!
The calculator has 7 screwed cable glands for Close valves and release pressure before instal- wires with a diameter between 4,2 and 10 mm.
Keep unused glands closed.
Mind the connection order: temperature sensors first, flow sensor afterwards! multidata is delivered ready for operation. It does not need any settings or adjustings.
Any liability for misprints excluded. SAP120966_16041 ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG
Römerstadt 6
D-66121 Saarbrücken
Telephone +49 681 99 676-30Telefax +49 681 99 676-3100 E-Mail [email protected] Subject to modifications and errors excepted. Installation heat calculator
■ The sensor cables are marked with colors (red ZENNER recommends to mount the calculator = supply, blue = return).
on the wall. Do not mount the device at the pipe ■ Do not buckle, extend or shorten the wires! or attach it directly on the flow sensor.
■ Do only use paired sensors with the same se- rial number on it.
The mounting adapter at the backside of the cal- ■ At 2-wire systems the cable length of the tem- culator can be used for rail mounting or for wall perature sensor for supply and return should not exceed 2.5 m for PT100, 12.5 m for PT500 and 20.0 m for PT1000.
For wall mounting detach the adapter and turn it ■ At 4-wire systems the maximum cable length 180°, attach with at least two screws to the wall and clip the calculator on it.
■ Consider EN 1434-2 regarding the diameter of For rail mounting lift the adapter a little bit, place ■ Supply and return sensors must be inserted the calculator on the rail and push the adapter into the immersion sleeves completely.
back until it locks.
■ Installation points in the flow sensor can be used for symmetrical installation of the tem- perature sensors.
The mounting of the temperature sensors should ■ Seal temperature sensor after installation to be done symmetrical with direct immersion.
prevent unauthorized demounting (seals in- If immersion sleeves are used they have to be checked for conformity to MID and have to be ■ Do not wrap or install wires along hot pipes.
marked accordingly.
Attention! At the versions with temperature
The installation of immersion sleeves has to be sensor type TS-45-5 (see type plate at the
done according to DIN EN 1434-2. sensor cable) both sensors must be always
immersed directly in contact with the heat con-
ducting fluid. The installation in sensor pockets
is not allowed.
Calculators equipped with 4-wire measuring sys- Check the calculator for any error codes in the tem can be switched to 2-wire with the switch on display after installation (see table for error the top left side of the connection board.
codes). Most of the errors can be deleted by Switch to the left for 2-wire, switch position on the pressing the button. If the error appears perma- right for 4-wire measurement.
nently, it will be detected at the next measuring cycle and displayed again. Check weather the Connection flow sensor
volume information is updated and the displayed The total length of the wire between flow sensor temperatures correspond to the present ones and calculator should not exceed 10 m.
while the system is running (measuring cycle 2 With mechanical flow sensors the connection order is optional. Mind the polarity at electronic flow sensors.
When attaching the top cover on the housing pulses on the inputs can possibly be generated.
External power supply
Check readings of the inputs and correct if ne- A small vertical line appears in the display when the optional external power supply is on service. In case of a failure of the external power sup- ply the devices switches automatically to battery Seal the device with the included seals to pre- supply. The battery lifetime can be checked in the vent unauthorized opening.
display (level 3). After having reached the date the battery has to be replaced if needed.
Repairs or overhaul are only allowed by the
manufacturer or companies authorized by the
Care instructions
Clean plastic surfaces with a damp cloth only.
Do not use any scouring or aggressive cleaning
agents! The device is maintenance-free during
the service life.
Status display / Error codes The symbols in the table below show the meter's operational status. The status messages only appear in the main display (energy)! The temporary display of the warning triangle can be caused by special operating states and does not always mean that the device is malfunctioning. However, should the symbol be displayed over a longer period of time you should contact the service company.
Check system / device for errors Data transmission Emergency operation External power supply Error codes show faults detected by multidata. If more than one error appears, the sum of the error codes is displayed: Error 1005 = error 1000 and error 5.
Short-circuit return sensor Check sensors, replace if needed Interruption return sensor Check sensors, replace if needed Short-circuit supply sensor Check sensors, replace if needed Interruption supply sensor Check sensors, replace if needed Battery empty or wrong temp. sensor Check device / sensor Temperatures out of measuring range Correction heating system Emergency operation Battery life time exceeded Initial verification expired Internal hardware error You can switch levels at any point in the menu.
Energy (main display) Sensor type and installation point Pulse value counter 1 SRD value counter 1 Basic configuration Monthly logger meter reading Maximum 24 previous month values Pulse value counter 2 SRD value counter 2 Energy consumption current month Date month heating energy Monthly value heating energy End of Battery lifetime Input 1 current monthly consumption Supply temperature Date month input 1 1. Monthly value input 1 Input 2 current monthly consumption Return temperature Date month input 2 2. Monthly value input 2 Temperature difference Maximum flow and power Maximum 10 previous month values Maximum flow, Average value per Date month maximum flow Average value per hour Serial number input 1 Reading residual energy hour since commissioning Instantaneous power Serial number input 2 Maximum power, Average value Date month maximum power Average value per hour since commissioning Software version (exemplary) Energy (main display) Energy (main display) Sensor type and installation point Sensor type and installation point Pulse value counter 1 Pulse value counter 1 SRD value counter 1 SRD value counter 1 Basic configuration Basic configuration Monthly logger meter reading Monthly logger meter reading Press the button briefly (S), Maximum 24 previous month values Maximum 24 previous month values Pulse value counter 2 Pulse value counter 2 SRD value counter 2 SRD value counter 2 to switch through the display from top to bottom.
Energy consumption current month Energy consumption current month Date month heating energy Date month heating energy Monthly value heating energy Monthly value heating energy End of Battery lifetime End of Battery lifetime When having reached the last menu item the device Input 1 current monthly consumption Supply temperature Input 1 current monthly consumption Supply temperature Date month input 1 Date month input 1 1. Monthly value input 1 1. Monthly value input 1 automatically jumps back to the menu item at the top Input 2 current monthly consumption Return temperature Input 2 current monthly consumption Return temperature Date month input 2 Date month input 2 2. Monthly value input 2 2. Monthly value input 2 Press the button for about 2 mperature difference seconds (L), wait for the door Maximum flow and power Maximum flow and power symbol to appear (upper Maximum 10 previous month values Maximum 10 previous month values right corner of the display) and then release the button.
Maximum flow, Average value per Date month maximum flow Date month maximum flow Average value per hour Average value per hour Serial number input 1 Serial number input 1 Reading residual energy Reading residual energy The menu is then updated hour since commissioning hour since commissioning resp. switches to the sub-menu.
Instantaneous power Instantaneous power Serial number input 2 Serial number input 2 Depending on your multidata Hold down the button (H) Maximum power, Average value Maximum power, Average value Date month maximum power Date month maximum power Average value per hour Average value per hour since commissioning since commissioning model its displays can differ in until the device switches to number and order from those another level or switches Software version (exemplary) Software version (exemplary) back from the sub-menu. Attention: This device contains a non-remova-
ble and non-rechargeable lithium battery. Do not dispose of the devices with domestic
Batteries contain substances, which could harm the environment and might endanger human In this way, you will help to protect natural re- health if not disposed of properly. sources and to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources.
To reduce the disposal quantity so as unavoid-able pollutants from electrical and electronic equipment in waste, old equipment should be reused prior or materials recycled or reused as another form. This is only possible if old equipment, which con- For any question, please contact tains batteries or other accessories are disposed.
Therefore please contact the department of your local authority which is responsible for waste disposal. Alternatively a waste disposal via ZENNER is possible.
Your local or municipal authority or the local waste disposal company can give you informa- The most up-to-date information about this prod- tion relating the collection points for your used uct and of our installation notice can be found at dtpwork design
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