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Medical Care




Expansion of Cardiovascular Chief Nursing Officer Services at UPMC Passavant As many of you know, February is American Heart Month. This Cardiovascular services continue to expand at UPMC Passavant with presents an ideal opportunity to reflect on the heart and soul of the opening of a new tower in February 2010. A 16-bed cardiotho- nursing. What is the most essential or most vital part of our racic surgical intensive care unit will focus on caring for patients collective and individual nursing practice? Nurse theorists have spent undergoing complex open heart and thoracic procedures. This will their life's work conceptualizing and describing this question. Jean complement the existing 8-bed medical coronary care unit and will Watson's Theory of Human Caring describes caring as a "crucial bring the total number of ICU beds at UPMC Passavant to 40.
element of nursing." Nursing theorist Madeleine Leininger stresses that nursing should focus on "culturally congruent and capable" The new tower will house an additional 24-bed cardiothoracic characteristics of caring. There is an abundance of nursing literature surgical step-down unit. The existing 30-bed step down unit will focus and research that supports the thinking that the fundamental on medical and interventional cardiology patients.
element of nursing practice is the relationship we have with our patients. UPMC's relationship-based model of care focuses on the The growth of the cardiovascular program has brought new and heart of nursing by blending the caring concepts of nursing theorists.
exciting technology to UPMC Passavant including advanced catheter- Reflecting on the basics of nursing provides us direction on relating based coronary artery interventional procedures and electrophysiology to our patients. This connectedness with our patients is offered by studies including atrial fibrillation ablation procedures. Treatment touch; offering compassion, hope, or providing patient education for advanced heart failure and pulmonary hypertension continues to while at the bedside; or actively seeking cues from our patients as expand with both medical and surgical therapies.
we anticipate their needs or use our assessment expertise. Being emotionally present while implementing this nurturing method of A new monitoring system will provide the capability for flex telemetry relating to our patients and families allows us to feel a personal sense throughout the entire hospital. Patients will be monitored by trained of accomplishment and commitment. Though opinions may vary, one critical care technicians at a centralized heart station.
thing is for certain, we each need to be aware of our personal influence on our patients, families, and colleagues as we reveal the Nurses who have a particular interest in an area of cardiology will be heart of nursing. I would like to thank you for being the heart and soul dedicated to a specific area. The specialization of the nursing staff will of nursing at UPMC.
allow them to develop their skills and become experts in caring for a dedicated patient population. Ongoing educational opportunitiesincluding informal case study presentations, lectures series, and acardiovascular symposium are planned for the entire cardiologydivision. The goals of improved patient outcomes and patient and staffsatisfaction are essential to the vision of the cardiovascular program.
Holly Lorenz, RN, MSN
UPMC Chief Nursing Officer UPMC Nursing Vision
UPMC Nursing will create the best patient experience, nationally and internationally, through the selection, development, retention, and reward Total Compensation of the highest-performing nurses, while creating systems and programs that create consistency and excellence in patient care.
Cardiology Advancements UPMC Presbyterian at UPMC St. Margaret Recent accomplishments at UPMC St. Margaret have helpedcardiology patients locally and nationwide receive excellent patientcare. The Cardiology Department's Pacemaker Center has expanded UPMC Presbyterian is continually on the cutting edge of innovation its services in caring for patients with internal defibrillators (AICD).
in patient care and professional advancement. Currently, a few nursing Previously, the staff was following internal defibrillator patients with initiatives are being conducted in its cardiovascular units.
device interrogation in a traditional clinic setting. While this providedinformation regarding device activity and detection of arrhythmias Nurses in the CICU are providing care for patients with the that had occurred since the last time they were interrogated, there Impella® device which is already utilized in heart catherization labs.
was no alert notification of device actions or errors between clinic The Impella® is a percutaneoulsy inserted, catheter-based cardiac visits. If a patient received a shock from the device, they would have assist. The device is designed to provide short-term circulatory support to return to the Pacemaker Center or the Emergency Department in a variety of low cardiac output states, to reduce myocardial to determine if the shock was appropriate or not.
workload and oxygen consumption, and to increase cardiac outputand coronary end-organ perfusion. Impella® offers a potential benefit During the last year, the staff has been trained in remote monitoring to reduce the likelihood of escalating therapy, such as implantable of AICDs. The remote monitoring has improved patient care by devices or heart transplantation delivering rapid and efficient alert notifications and data review.
Patients have reported an increased sense of safety and satisfaction.
The nurses in the CICU are excited about this new innovative One patient who moved to California for a year but did not want to technology. So far they have taken care of two patients with the change physician or clinic was able to use the expanded service. He device and anticipate more in the future.
is able to be monitored and cared for across the country.
Unit 9D Heart/Lung Transplant Step-down Unit is focusing efforts Patient monitoring within the hospital provided the opportunity on discharge barriers. They are working on early authorizations for for the telemetry staff to design and implement an Off Monitor discharge medications. 9D and Falk Pharmacy are currently trialing Algorithm to enhance nursing autonomy while providing safe and a medication discharge call-ahead system to obtain patient's effective transportation of monitored patients to and from tests.
transplant medications prior to discharge. The process begins bySocial Work obtaining authorization. Then, the MD/NP/PA Using Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) as a springboard transcribes the medication orders three days before discharge. The for change, telemetry nurses sought a sanctioned and consistent primary nurse care coordinator faxes these to the pharmacy and calls methodology to autonomously determine patient need for transport the next day for verification of receipt. Prescriptions are divided into by a telemetry nurse or unlicensed assistive personnel. With support "forever drugs" (i.e. prednisone, FK) and "for now drugs" (i.e.
and advice from hospital administration and key physicians, nurses calcium, magnesium). This is improving process flow, patient successfully developed and implemented an Off Monitor Algorithm, education, pharmacist involvement, and earlier discharges.
providing safe and effective patient transport without incident.
The team recently had their best practice published in The American Journal of Nursing (AJN).
Collaborates in Studywith Johns Hopkins UPMC McKeesport in is the second year of a study in conjunctionwith Johns Hopkins University Hospital (JHU). The study is calledthe Atlantic CPORT (Cardiovascular patient outcomes researchteam) Trial for Elective Angioplasty. There are approximately 50hospitals involved on the East coast.
The goal of the study is to determine if there is a difference in patient outcomes of coronary intervention in hospitals that do nothave onsite open heart surgery programs.
Stroke Assessment Team All patients coming through the Cardiac Catheterization Lab atUPMC McKeesport will be evaluated for eligibility in the study. If UPMC Shadyside has been recognized as a Joint Commission they meet the criteria, they will be given the opportunity to join.
Certified Stroke Center since October 2006. This means it is able Involvement is voluntary and there is a commitment of follow-up to provide acute interventions to stroke patients 24 hours a day, seven from all patients for nine months.
days a week by a specialized neurology staff. These interventionsinclude administration of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator If a patient agrees to join the study, a diagnostic procedure will be (rtPA), intra-arterial rtPA, Merci Clot Retrieval, or stenting of performed. Once this is complete, a computer at JHU will perform the cerebral vessels for acute onset of arterial occlusion. These a randomization assignment. Three out of every four patients will interventions have a time limit for administration once stroke stay at UPMC McKeesport and one patient will be transferred to a symptoms have been noted and it is imperative care is streamlined hospital with onsite cardiac surgery.
and the stroke pathway is followed to improve patient outcomes.
At the end of the study, all of the patient outcomes will be compared In October 2009, UPMC Shadyside developed a team known as and a determination made as to whether or not percutaneous the Stroke Assessment Team (SAT). The SAT consists of one coronary intervention (PCI) should be allowed in hospitals without neuroscience intensive care nurse specialized in stroke care and one onsite cardiac surgery.
critical care medicine resident. The responsibilities of the teammembers are to evaluate suspicion of stroke for the inpatient With a goal of 18,000, more than 10,000 patients have already population at UPMC Shadyside and Hillman Cancer Center treatment consented to the study. The study is expected to continue until the areas. Prior to implementation of the SAT, the rapid response team end of 2010.
was responding to all suspected strokes. Often, the rapid responsenurse was not a certified stroke nurse.
If a stroke is suspected through a team approach by both the nurse and physician, the stroke pathway is initiated. The stroke pathwayensures patients receive a CT scan of the brain within 20 minutes.
This January, the 7th annual Updates in Common Cardiac Surgical The CT is interpreted by a neurologist. A specialized neurological Procedures seminar was held at Seven Springs Resort and Conference assessment is completed by both the neurointensive care nurse and Center in Champion. This event, sponsored by UPMC Mercy and physician, and implementation of the Ten Stroke Performance hosted by Ross DiMarco, MD, covered all aspects of cardiovascular Measures. The neurologist will make the determination if acute nursing care. It was organized by Pamela Lynn from Perfusion and interventions are needed. Patients receiving any interventions are Judy Miller from the CVICU at UPMC Mercy.
transferred to the neurointensive care unit to ensure they receivequality-driven, evidenced-based stroke care. The nurses ensure Speakers have covered a wide variety of topics over the years, from stroke performance measures are met and facilitate dialogue with endoscopic vein harvesting to the uses of platelet gel in post operative the physicians if necessary.
healing. The event tries to introduce subjects that are on the frontierof cardiac medicine. This year's topics included air transport of The critical care residents are educated at the beginning of their patients on ECMO and VAD support, new respiratory therapies for rotation to their role responsibilities of the SAT. These physicians post operative care, and health care reform.
change every four weeks therefore, the process is driven by UPMCShadyside's neurointensive care nurse, and they are the constant.
The relaxed learning atmosphere of this two-day, annual event has The nurses were trained prior to implementation of the SAT and helped attendance grow to 68 participants. The seminar is attended monthly meetings are held to address obstacles and continually by registered nurses, perfusionists, respiratory therapists, cath lab personnel, and physicians. UPMC Mercy has designated the eventas a continuing education activity worth 6.0 CEUs, as well as 6.0AMA PRA category I credits.
The SAT has been in place for three months. Data is collected toassess the decline in use of the rapid response team for stroke pa-tients as well as delivery of quality stroke care and compliance with Black History Month This nurse driven process has been very successful. The nurses andphysicians have collaborated wonderfully to meet the needs of the Mary Eliza Mahoney (1845-1926) is credited as America's first professionally acute stroke patient. The nurses appreciate having a specialized trained black nurse. She entered nursing school at the age of 33 at the New team available around the clock. UPMC Presbyterian and UPMC England Hospital for Women and Children in Roxbury, Mass. She started the nursing program with 42 other students and was one out of four students Shadyside are stroke certified facilities.
from her class that graduated. After graduation, Mahoney left the New England Hospital for Women and Children and started working as a private duty Parish Nurses Care for nurse. She traveled and provided medical assistance to patients in the New England area. Mahoney had a widespread reputation for giving exceptional the Body, Mind, and Spirit nursing care. She received requests from potential patients nationwide.
Mahoney is known for her contributions to professional nursing organizations.
In 1896, Mahoney became one of the original members of the predominately Parish nursing began as a local movement in Chicago in 1985 by white Nurses Associated Alumnae of the United States and Canada (later the Rev. Dr. Granger Westberg. A Lutheran minister and pioneer known as the American Nurses Association [ANA]). Mahoney recognized in holistic health care, Dr. Westberg and his colleagues established the need for nurses to work together to improve the status of blacks in the medical clinics in several churches. Doctors, nurses, and pastors profession. In 1908, she was cofounder of the National Association of worked as a team, caring for individuals in body, mind, and spirit.
Colored Graduate Nurses (NACGN). Mahoney gave the welcoming Nurses were instrumental in translating information between the address at the first convention of the NACGN and served as the association's patient, doctor, and pastor. When the clinics eventually closed due national chaplain. Later, the NACGN merged with the ANA, leaving a 20 to a lack of funding, parish nursing was born.
year void for having a nationally recognized black nursing organization, until the inception of the National Black Nurses Association in 1971.
Dr. Westberg placed nurses in six congregations. Church members Mahoney ended her nursing career as director of an orphanage in Long Island, health improved as they discussed health concerns with the nurses N.Y. after remaining in this position for 10 years. In 1976, the ANA inducted before serious problems developed. According to Dr. Westberg, "It Mary Eliza Mahoney into the Nursing Hall of Fame.
gradually dawned on us that churches are actually the one organizationin our society to give leadership to the field of preventive medicine." Top 10 African American Parish nursing, also called faith community nursing, is recognizedby the American Nurses' Association as a specialty practice. It is rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions, beginning with the firstdeacons, deaconesses, and monastic orders who cared for the sick.
Parish nurses believe that a person's spiritual needs are as important Throughout history, African Americans have made great contributions as physical needs, especially when the individual is experiencing an to the world of innovation. Here are 10 examples: illness. The parish nurse's role includes that of health counselor,educator, referral agent, advocate, and physical, emotional, and spiritual 1. Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for
support person. Rather than providing traditional hands-on care, trains. Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup, the parish nurse connects church members to the health care and but none of the other cups worked as well as his. Customers started community resources they need. Today there are more than 12,000 asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the familiar expression parish nurses worldwide.
In 1991, Pittsburgh Mercy Health System established the region's 2. Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the
only parish nurse program: the Mercy Parish Nurse and Health light bulb, the carbon filament. Latimer worked in the laboratories Ministry Program. The program continues to serve all denomina- of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.
tions, providing nurses, clergy, and others with ongoing consulta-tion and resources.
3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking
machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900 percent. In 1992,
For more information about parish nursing, contact Dorothy the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.
Mayernik at 412-232-7997, [email protected] or
4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station
Reflections on a Magnet communication system. Woods left school at age 10 to work andsupport his family.
Appraiser Team Site Visit 5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut
butter and 400 plant products. Carver was born a slave and did not
UPMC Shadyside began the new year in style as they hosted their attend college until he was 30.
Magnet Site Visit. Three Magnet appraisers walked the halls ofUPMC Shadyside from January 4 to 7. The goal was to verify, 6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing
amplify, and clarify what was submitted in the UPMC Shadyside lotion. Walker grew up poor but she became the first female Magnet documents as the next step toward achieving Magnet designation. Sandy Rader, vice president of Patient Care and CNO 7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask and the first
reflects on the visit, "It was an invigorating week. The energy level traffic signal.
was palpable across the campus. We were so proud to showcase thework of our staff." 8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented electronic control devices for
guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker. He invented
The team of appraisers diligently scoured the campus to score each 28 different electronic devices.
of the 88 sources of evidence required to achieve Magnet designation.
Shelley Watters, program director, Professional Development and 9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery
Magnet program director, shares her thoughts on the site visit, "The that has helped many blind people to see. Dr. Bath has been nominated most amazing thing about the site visit was to see everything we to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
wrote about being demonstrated. How we practice and what we doevery day is what supports a Magnet environment." 10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous
watergun, the Super Soaker. Johnson's company recently debuted a
The old saying "what gets measured, gets changed" rings true once new Nerf toy gun.
benchmarked against hospitals on a national level. Nurses at alllevels of the organization were asked to speak about unit level plansto support the broader hospital goals and initiatives.
Highlights of the week were the open and community sessions. Theopen staff session on the third day of the visit brought many in Opportunity for Continuing attendance to tears as staff shared their thoughts. There were manystories shared about why staff worked at UPMC Shadyside and why Education Credits they felt Magnet designation was deserved.
The Pittsburgh Mercy Health System Parish Nurse and Health Ministry The community session on final day of the site visit was equally, if Program is sponsoring a basic preparation course for those interested not more, emotional for those who attended. Many were honored in becoming parish nurses or health ministers. The courses will run and privileged to sit in the auditorium while community members on May 21 and 22 and June 11 and 12 at Beulah Presbyterian Church in Churchill.
throughout the city talked of their special and unique relationshipswith the staff of UPMC Shadyside. Many UPMC colleagues Modules offered include prayer, self care; healing and wholeness; ethics, documenting practices, legal aspects, communication and collaboration; throughout the system also took time to come and speak with the family violence, and more. The cost is $395 per person. Limited scholarship appraisers about the work they have done with UPMC Shadyside funds are available. Class size is limited to 20 participants. The registration deadline for the summer session is May 17. Registered nurses who attend all of the four-day sessions can receive 30 continuing education credits.
Upon their departure, the appraisers commented that the nurses of For additional information about the courses, contact Dorothy Mayernik UPMC Shadyside well demonstrated the art and science of nursing.
at 412-232-7151 or [email protected].
The appraisers will submit their summary and recommendation tothe Magnet commission. The process will take several weeks withfinal determination expected in mid-March. Whether or notUPMC receives Magnet designation, the visit touched everyone andinstilled a sense of institutional pride.
Total Compensation is More Than Your Pay Advice Make note of these events in your schedule. Hope to see you there!
• March Grand Rounds
UPMC offers a great total compensation package in order to retain Meet Holly Lorenz, UPMC's new chief nursing officer, during the system and recruit the brightest minds in health care, customer service, and Nursing Grand Rounds on March 4 at noon. Ms. Lorenz will be presenting other professional fields. Aside from the pay that you receive for the UPMC's new clinical ladder "My Nursing Career" in the Bioscience hours worked, much more goes into your total compensation package.
Auditorium on the UPMC Presbyterian campus. She will speak about her vision for providing opportunities for you to create a lifetime career "Total compensation at UPMC includes a wide variety of benefits at UPMC. If you are unable to attend the session it will be available on uLearn after March 15. Visit the Nursing Infonet site for viewing that UPMC pays for partially or fully on behalf of staff members," says John Galley, vice president, HR Operations and Services.
"These benefits include paid time off and flexible work arrangements, • Save the Date
retirement programs, medical and dental insurance, short- and Nurses Week Celebration 2010 long-term disability insurance, life insurances, and tuition benefits April 28, 29 & 30, 2010 for staff and their families, among many others." Herberman Conference Center, UPMC Shadyside See your Total Compensation Online through My HUB
This year, the System Professional Practice Council will be holding a Scrub Drive in collaboration with Dress for Success Pittsburgh. The View your personalized Total Compensation Statement online via organization promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged My HUB. Just click on the Total Compensation Statement link on women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the the My HUB homepage to view the statement.
career development tools to help women thrive in work and life. For every set of scrubs you donate, you'll receive a free Chinese auction Each month, this statement is updated with information such as ticket. Start collecting your scrubs and nursing outfits today. All colors and sizes are appreciated.
your pay, the benefits that you have selected, and even tuitionbenefits that you have used in the past year. The total compensationpackage includes a variety of benefits designed to provide personalsecurity, convenience, and assistance to staff and their families, he 2010 Mary Ann Scully says. "UPMC works to ensure that we remain very competitive interms of the total compensation that we offer to both new and Excellence in Nursing long-time, loyal staff members. Our continued strength as a healthcare leader relies upon it." To see your Total Compensation Statement, visit My HUB today.
Mary Ann Scully, born in 1931, was an exceptional woman andtremendous nurse who devoted 35 years to cardiac units at UPMC I SPY: Recognizing Nursing Presbyterian. Mary Ann was very active in the American HeartAssociation (AHA). Upon her death in 2007, the AHA established Colleagues Across UPMC an award in her name to recognize others who are devoted tocardiac nursing.
*correction from previous issue — Susan Hoolahan, MSN, RN,
NEA-BC, and Jackie Stogoski, MSN, RN, of UPMC St. Margaret,
On January 19, 2010, a breakfast was held to honor the award presented a poster abstract at the 2009 SWPONL annual conference nominees and bestow the award to the 2009 inaugural recipient.
entitled A Community Hospital's Journey to Excellence that took first place. Congratulations to the UPMC nurses who were nominated: Heidi Boitnott, RN, MSN, of UPMC Northwest, completed her
Donna Coda
MSN in Education and Leadership from Carlow University.
Kristi Charlesworth, RN, BSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of
UPMC, received her BSN from Chatham University.
Lauren Saul
Bonnie Colaianne, MSN, RN, of UPMC St. Margaret, obtained
Leah Kelly, RN, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
a masters degree in nursing from the University of Pittsburgh and received her MSN from Waynesburg University.
presented the poster abstract "The effects of oral care on pre-operativethoracic surgery patients in the prevention of post operative pneumonia" Mary Kish, RNC, BSN, presented "Improvements of the Bedside
at the 2010 CNL Summit in San Diego, Calif.
Nurse's Evidence-based Knowledge and Support of Breastfeeding toMothers in a NICU" at the Greater Pittsburgh 21st Annual Nursing Faith (Himes) Colen, MSN, RN, CEN, of UPMC Shadyside,
wrote the tenth most accessed journal article from the Journal ofEmergency Nursing, "Oncologic Emergencies: Superior Vena Cava Melissa Kolin, DNP, RN, of UPMC Horizon completed Waynesburg
Syndrome, Tumor Lysis Syndrome, and Spinal Cord Compression." University's doctorate in nursing practice (DNP) program.
Mary Jane Daugherty, RN, MSN, of UPMC Northwest, completed
Darlene Lovasik, RN, and Sue Costello, of UPMC Presbyterian
her MSN in Education and Leadership from Carlow University.
organized the Transplant Symposium.
Susan DiNucci, BSN, RN, CIC, of UPMC St. Margaret, presented
Sandy McDonald, RN, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of
"Keys to a Successful CAUTI Prevention Program: Improving UPMC, received her MSN from Waynesburg University.
Patient Outcomes by Reducing Infection Rates" as a national audiowebinar produced by AHC Media.
Maribeth McLaughlin, RN, BSN, MPH, of Magee-Womens
Hospital of UPMC, was elected to a three-year term on the AHA
Lisa Donahue, DrNP, RN, of UPMC Shadyside, wrote "A Pod
Maternal and Child Health Council.
Design for Nursing Assignments" for the American Journal of Nursingand presented a webinar to a hospital in San Jose, Calif.
Nicolette Mininni, RN, MEd, CCRN; Timothy Herzer, RN,
BSN, CCRN; Michelle Marino, RN, BSN; and Wendy Kohler,
Pamela Donovan, RN, MSN, of UPMC St. Margaret, presented
RN, of UPMC Shadyside, authored "Why continuous pulse a poster abstract entitled Using an Electronic Health Record (EHR) to oximetry is a must in critical care" for American Nurse Today.
address findings of a Post Resuscitation Committee (PRC) in a CommunityHospital at the 2010 ANA 4th Annual NDNQI Data Use Conference Nicolette Minnini, RN, MEd, CCRN; Michelle Marino, RN, BSN;
in New Orleans.
Wendy Kohler, RN, and Mary Jo Stephan, RN, of UPMC Shadyside,
authored "Pulse oximetry: An essential tool for the busy med-surg
Linda Dudas, RN, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
nurse" for American Nurse Today.
received her MSN from the University of Pittsburgh.
Lynn Nelson, RN, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
Cindy Frosztega, RN, BSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
received her MSN from Carlow University.
was promoted to Emergency Department unit director.
Michele Ondeck, RN, MEd, LCCE, FACCE and Judith Focareta,
Tracy Gaggiani-Savochka, PACU, RN, of UPMC St. Margaret,
RN, MEd, LCCE, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, obtained her MSN in and was promoted to PACU team leader.
authored "Environmental Hazards Education for ChildbirthEducators," Journal of Perinatal Education.
Beth Gaw, RN, MSN, of UPMC Northwest, completed her MSN
in Education and Leadership from Carlow University.
Vivian Petticord, RNC, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of
UPMC, presented the poster "Implementation of Bedside Hand-Off
Betsy George, RN, PhD, of UPMC Presbyterian, received the
in a Labor and Delivery Unit" at the 2010 Clinical Nurse Leader 2010 AACN Circle of Excellence Award.
Summit. She also received her MSN from the University of Pittsburgh.
Lisa Grandizio, RN, BSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
Jill Radtke, RN, BSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
received her BSN from California University of Pennsylvania.
presented "Nurse's Experience in Participating in the SPEACS Study(Study of Patient-Nurse Effectiveness with Assisted Communication Janet Griffiths, RN, MS, of UPMC St. Margaret, completed
Strategies)" at the Greater Pittsburgh 21st Annual Nursing Research Chatham University's masters in science of nursing (MSN) program CREATING NEW REALITIES FOR NURSING FEBRUARY 2010
Karen Shreffler, RN, MSN, of UPMC Northwest, completed her
Continuous Learning MSN in Education and Leadership from Carlow University.
Judith Tinelli, RN, MSN, ONC, of UPMC St. Margaret, obtained
American Heart Association
a masters degree in Clinical Nurse Leadership from the University of Pittsburgh. She also presented "Emotional Comfort: PatientHealing is both Physical and Emotional —— The ‘I Am' Pilot 4A Association of Pittsburgh Black Nurses
Rehab UPMC SMH" at the 2010 CNL Summit in San Diego, Improving communication among nurses, patients, and physicians
The American Journal of Nursing, 109 (11), 21 – 25 Amy Uhler, RN, BSN, MBA, of UPMC Northwest, completed her
Chapman, K., 2009 MBA from Clarion University.
Building bridges: a partnership between professional nursing and the
Kim Veltre, RN, MSN, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,
Centers for Disease Control and prevention to reduce the burden of
obtained her MSN and was promoted to unit director Perianesthesia heart disease and stroke
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 29(5 Suppl 1), 122-7 Dunbar, S., Mensah, G., & Labarthe, D., 2005 Denise Verosky, MSN, MS, RN, CMSRN, of UPMC Shadyside,
International Parish Nurse Resource Center
authored "Let Your Expert Voice be Heard in Product Selection" for the November/December 2009 issue of Medsurg Matters.
The Essential Parish Nurse: ABCs for Congregational Health Ministry
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC received the
Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
American Nurses Association award for Nursing Excellence in a Patterson, D., 2003 psychiatric hospital at the 2010 NDNQI conference in New Orleans.
Pittsburgh Mercy Health System
National Black Nurses Association
Editorial Advisory Board Editor and Chief Nursing Officer
Holly Lorenz, RN, MSN Christine Stanesic Angela Szegedy, RN, BSN Dawndra Jones, RN, MSN Renee Thompson, RN, MSN UPMC St. Margaret cardiology staff Shelley Watters, DNP Lorraine Brock, RN, MSN Jeannine DiNella, RN, MSN Cathy Witsberger, MSN, RN, BC Betsy George, RN, PhD Maggie Lattanzio, MSN, RN, CCRN Anthony Latagliata Have a story idea?
Dorothy Mayernik, RN, MSN Contact Dawndra Jones at 412-647-1584 or Bethanne McCabe, MSN, RN, CNRN Sandy Rader RN, BSN, MSA UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. Policy prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex,age, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. Further, UPMC will continue to support and promote equal employmentopportunity, human dignity, and racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. This policy applies to admissions, employment, and access to and treatment in UPMCprograms and activities. This commitment is made by UPMC in accordance with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations. CREATING NEW REALITIES FOR NURSING FEBRUARY 2010



n°338 – Janvier 2011 Robert Haïat de FMC Zoom s Les lésions obstructives microvasculaires ÉDITEURCARDIOLOGUE PRESSE 13 rue Niepce – 75014 Paris Tél. : – Fax : : [email protected] web : des grandes études 2010

Examen : BEP Date de l'épreuve : Spécialité/option : Carrières sanitaires et sociales Repère de l'épreuve : EP2 Épreuve : Sciences et technologie (En majuscules, suivi s'il y a lieu du nom d'épouse) Prénoms : N° du candidat (le numéro est celui qui figure sur la convocation ou la