2016 Flu Shot Schedule
We're happy to announce that we are running our flu shot clinics again this year. Vaccines are
thimerisol free (free of mercury preservatives). All immunizations are provided by the visiting
nurse services (VNS). This is a walk-in clinic, so no appointments are necessary. Flu mist will
not be available this year.
Important note on payment: Shots are $37. If you have Anthem insurance the VNS will submit
your insurance claim. If you have any other form of insurance, please understand we and the
VNS can not submit your claim and you will need to pay VNS at the time of service. VNS can
only accept payment by check or cash. Patients will be provided paperwork to submit to their
insurance carriers.
Thursday October 6th 6pm-8pm
Saturday October 8th 10am-1pm
Thursday October 13th 6pm-8pm
Saturday October 15th 10am-1pm
Thursday October 20th 6pm-8pm
Saturday October 22nd 10am-1pm
Thursday October 27th 6pm-8pm
Saturday October 29th 10am-1pm
Thursday November 3rd 6pm-8pm
Saturday November 5th 10am-1pm
Thursday November 10th 6pm-8pm
Saturday November 12th 10am-1pm
Thursday November 17th 6pm-8pm
Saturday November 19th 10am-1pm
Thursday December 1st 6pm-8pm
Saturday December 3rd 10am-1pm
Thursday December 8th 6pm-8pm
Saturday December 10th 10am-1pm
Thursday December 15th 6pm-8pm
Saturday December 17th 10am-1pm
32 Phrases To Stop Tantrums in 3 and 4-Year-Olds
Most parents can use more ideas to help big and little kids with their frustrations! The trick to
communicating successfully with three and four year-olds is to be clever, funny, clear, rested,
and to have a method to calming yourself down as fast as possible. Children this age are often
more aggressive and frustrated than they were as toddlers, so being aware of this and meeting
their challenging behaviour with strategies and patience are very helpful for all involved.
Car Seat Safety Tips Video
For Child Passenger Safety Week, pediatrician and certified car seat technician Benjamin D.
Hoffman, MD, FAAP, offers tips for parents on how to keep children safe in the car, including
information on when to transition from rear-facing to forward-facing seats, and from
forward-facing seats to booster seats and seat belts. Video here:
For more car seat installation tips and videos, visit
The Bedtime Pass Helps Parents And Kids Skip The Sleep Struggles
Dr. Hill may have mentioned this in the past. A great technique for better bedtimes. It's called
"the bedtime pass," and it works like this: Every night, parents give their child a five-by-seven
card that is the bedtime pass. They explain to their child that the pass is good for one excused
departure from the bedroom per night, whether that's to use the bathroom, get one more hug,
report a scary dream, whatever. After the pass is used, the child may not leave the bedroom
again, and the parents are not to answer if they call out. Learn more here:
Good Summary on Car Seats
This is not a brand endorsement. But it is a good summary of car seat recs. I would add:
-Backwards facing until age 2. Even when their legs are bent/touching the back seat
-Car seat as long as it fits.then booster
- Pay special attention to the quide as to when it's ok not to use a booster
- Back seat if 12 or under!
Need 3 across car seats?
As always fit and proper use is the most important safety feature. One of the most common car
seat questions I'm asked is, "Is there any way to get three car seats into one row in my
backseat?" People are often surprised to find out that the answer is, "Yes, you probably can!"
Three-across is like a puzzle. The smaller the car, the trickier the puzzle becomes. In some
cars, it may truly not be possible to safely seat three children in the back. In most cases,
though, it's just a matter of finding the right seats.
Another Approach to Raising Healthy Eaters
A recent book provides three tips to introducing children to foods that are good for them. The
book has a telling subtitle — "Three Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy
Eating." The author has used her training as a sociologist and parent educator to develop a
systematic approach to introducing children, even the pickiest among them, to foods that are
good for them. At the same time, the tactics she suggests allow children to respond to their
internal signals of hunger and fullness, rather than trying to "earn" dessert or please parents by
taking a few more bites or cleaning their plates after they say they are full. Though the author
calls her three critical habits "proportion, variety and moderation," they are really about
understanding and adapting to children's natural aversion to strangeness and how tastes
develop for foods initially disliked.
Bedtime Stories for Young Brains
A little more than a year ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement
saying that all pediatric primary care should include literacy promotion, starting at birth. Reading
to your children is a great way to bond and help them develop. In fact, children whose parents
reported more reading at home and more books in the home showed significantly greater
activation of brain areas associated with multisensory integration, integrating sound and visual
stimulation. Reading picture books with young children may mean that they hear more words,
while at the same time, their brains practice creating the images associated with those words
— and with the more complex sentences and rhymes that make up even simple stories.
Interior Temperatures of Vehicles
The interior of vehicles used to transport children should be maintained at a temperature
comfortable to children. When the vehicle's interior temperature exceeds 82°F and providing
fresh air through open windows cannot reduce the temperature, the vehicle should be
air-conditioned. When the interior temperature drops below 65°F and when children are feeling
uncomfortably cold, the interior should be heated. To prevent hyperthermia, all vehicles should
be locked when not in use, head counts of children should be taken after transporting to prevent
a child from being left unintentionally in a vehicle, and children should never be intentionally left
in a vehicle unattended.
In addition to the standard's recommendation for head counts of children after transportation, it
would also be a good idea to keep attendance while transporting. Each child should be logged
by name. If a child is added during the transport and manages to hide in the vehicle, a simple
head count may not detect his absence. If staff only count heads at the beginning and end of
travel, they could easily forget about any children added during the transport. Some programs
keep a checklist; when a vehicle is emptied, the designated staff must go back through and
check the whole vehicle and then sign the checklist when that inspection is completed.
Insect Bites and Stings
It is important to distinguish typical, local reactions versus life-threatening symptoms when
dealing with insect bites and stings. In general, insect BITES (from mosquitoes, ticks, fleas,
chiggers, bed bugs) usually do not pose a serious problem; however, in some cases STINGS
(from bees, hornets, wasps) can be more concerning. Your child's reaction to a bite or sting
depends mainly on his/her sensitivity to the particular insect's venom. While most children have
only mild reactions, those who are allergic to certain insect venoms can have severe symptoms
that require emergency treatment.
Although insect bites may be irritating, the itchy, red bumps usually start to regress within 4-5
days and do not require treatment by a physician. You may try a cool compress and/or
calamine lotion to most parts of your child's body (avoiding the eye and genital areas). NOTE:
We do NOT recommend using lotions that have diphenhydramine in them, since the
anti-histamine applied to the skin is absorbed and may cause an over-dose of diphenhydramine.
If your child needs an anti-histamine to help with the itching, we recommend oral
diphenhydramine (to be taken by mouth). If your child is stung by a bee or a wasp, you should
remove the stinger and use a cool compress to sooth the area. The skin may be more swollen
by the second or third day after the bite or sting;however, there should not be any red streaks or
yellowish fluid near the bite or sting. If you find these signs, please call our office, as the site
maybe becoming infected.
Call for medical help immediately if your child has any of these others symptoms after being
- Sudden difficulty in breathing
- Weakness, collapse or unconsciousness
- Hives or entire body itching
- Extreme swelling near the eyes, lips or penis that makes it difficult for the child to see, eat,
Insect repellents prevent bites from biting insects but not from stinging insects. The American
Academy of Pediatricians recommends that repellents be used once daily for children OLDER
THAN 6 months. DEET is a chemical used in insect repellents with a wide range of
concentration (from 10-30%);therefore, it is important to read the label of any product you use.
Studies show that products with higher amounts of DEET protect people longer. For example,
products with 10% repel insects for 2 hours;whereas, a product with 24% DEET will protect for 5
hours. Studies also show that products with >30% DEET do NOT offer additional protection.
An alternative to DEET is a insect repellent called picaridin (available in concentrations from
HPV vaccine reducing infection rates in teen girls, study shows
Fox News reported June 19th 2013 that public officials appear to be gaining significant ground in
their battle against Human Papillomavirus, the most common sexually transmitted disease in the
Vaccine-type HPV infections among female teenagers (age14-19) decreased by 56% since the
vaccine was introduced in 2006, according The Journal of Infectious Medicine.
This represents significant progress in preventing an infection blamed for causing cancer in
27,000 Americans each year.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, two-thirds of girls, age 13-17, in
the US have not been vaccinated against HPV.
An estimated 79 million Americans, most in their late teens and early 20s, are infected with the
virus, according to the CDC. HPV causes 14 million new infections each year!!
While most people infected with the virus do not develop symptoms or health problems, some
types of HPV can cause genital warts in males and females which are unsightly and hard to
treat. Other strains of HPV cause cancer in both sexes.
The CDC estimates that HPV causes 19,000 cancers in U.S. women each year, with cervical
cancer being the most common.
Vaccinations are recommended for teenage men and women. According to CDC estimates, the
virus causes about 8,000 cancers each year among males, with throat cancer as the most
Actor, Michael Douglas, has freely come forward saying HPV was responsible for his bout of
throat cancer in 2010.
The CDC recommends routine HPV vaccination for both boys and girls ages 11 and 12, as well
as for older teens and young adults who have not previously received the vaccine (up to age 21
for males and 26 for females).
Early vaccination is necessary BEFORE sexual activity ever begins in order to develop a strong
immune response against HPV. According to public health officials, studies have found NO
evidence that vaccinating young people against HPV makes them more likely to engage in
sexual activity.
Any other questions should be addressed to your pediatrician.
Organic Foods and Children
In 2012, an American Academy of Pediatrics clinical report was published on the topic of
organic foods. It was entitled "Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and
Disadvantages". Earlier, there was a similar report in The Annals of Internal Medicine entitled
"Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?" These reports found
that organic and conventionally produced foods were nutritionally similar, but the internal
medicine report did not account for the special needs of the pediatric population, especially
related to the issue of pesticide residual in conventionally produced foods.
There are definitely higher levels of pesticide in conventional food as compared to organic, and
there are data which show there are adverse effects in children, pregnant women, and farm
laborers from these pesticide residues. While the pesticides in regular foods don't exceed
government maximums, these maximums are regulatory and not health based.
Some conventionally grown foods contain more pesticide residue than others---examples are
apples, celery, sweet bell peppers, grapes, and lettuce. There are other foods that are typically
lower in pesticide levels. More information can be found in the "Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in
Produce" at .
It is also recommended that organic poultry and pork be considered, as conventionally raised
animals are given antibiotics that increase the risk that their meat products will have
antibiotic-resistant bacteria on them. Risk from these bacteria can be reduced or eliminated by
cooking carefully.
Finally, many have asked us about the dangers of hormones in milk. There is concern that
bovine growth hormone, which is given to dairy cattle to increase milk production, may
adversely affect maturation in children, especially in females. However, this hormone is
biologically inactive in humans and therefore doesn't pose a risk. It should be noted that we
recommend that children drink only pasteurized milk and avoid raw milk.
The cost of organic foods is, unfortunately, significantly higher than conventionally produced
foods, but these costs have gradually been dropping. Generally, conventional foods are safe
and nutritious, but if one wishes to eat in a more "holistic" way, in may be reasonable to find
which foods have the highest pesticide residuals, and substitute organic foods, at least for
infants, children and adolescents.
Spring Allergy Season is Here
The spring allergy season is upon us! Sadly this brings on lots of coughing, congestion, runny
and itchy noses and watery and itchy eyes! There are many treatment options that can help
control your child's allergy symptoms.
For nasal symptoms and post nasal drip which can cause coughing, a non-sedating over the
counter medication may be your first choice. These medications include Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra
or any of their generic preparations. Usually these are given once or twice a day and also are
dose dependent on the age of the child. Always be sure to check the package insert for proper
dosing or consult your Pediatrician. Sedating antihistamines, including Benadryl, may make
your child tired and need to be given more often thus this is not a first line choice for seasonal
For itchy, watery eyes an eye antihistamine may help to control these symptoms. Zaditor is an
eye drop that can be used safely down to age 3 and can be given every 12 hours. Wearing
sunglasses can also protect the eyes from allergens blowing in the air. Other medications such
as Visine are not helpful for allergies as they only constrict the eye blood vessels and do not
provide any allergy treatment.
If these OTC medications do not improve the quality of the allergy symptoms then it may be
time to discuss further options of treatment with your doctor. These include nasal steroid sprays
which decrease the swelling of the nasal membranes and thus decrease mucous production.
There is also a prescription medication called Singulair that also treats allergies and asthma
Update on Ear Infection Treatments
Hoping to reduce unnecessary antibiotics use, the American Academy of Pediatrics on Monday
issued new guidelines for how doctors should diagnose and treat ear infections. Every year,
millions of parents take their children to the pediatrician for ear infections, and most of them end
up going home with antibiotics. In fact, ear infections are one of the most common reasons kids
see doctors and the leading reason kids get antibiotics.
"Parents, if their child is up all night screaming and tugging the ear, they want something to
make the child feel better," says Dr. Richard Rosenfeld of the State University of New York
Downstate Medical Center, who helped write the new guidelines. But about 70 percent of
children get better on their own within two or three days, and about 80 percent are better within
a week to 10 days, he says.
And he says there are some real downsides to using antibiotics when they're not necessary:
They can cause upset stomachs, allergic reactions and other problems. And they can contribute
to the development of superbugs — infections that are getting harder and harder to cure. "The
bacteria that do survive the antibiotic get tough, and next time you get an ear infection or any
other type of infection, they're harder to manage," Rosenfeld says.
The first thing the new guidelines say is: Make sure the child really has an ear infection.
"There are dozens of reasons an ear can hurt," Rosenfeld says. "In this guideline we say,
'Listen, if you're not sure of the diagnosis, don't even think about giving an antibiotic. Please,
don't even think about it.' " The only way to know for sure is to take a close look at the eardrum
and see if it is clearly bulging. "If it's pushed outward — looks like it wants to pop — that is a
very, very accurate sign of an ear infection," Rosenfeld says.
But even kids who really do have ear infections don't necessarily need antibiotics. The
guidelines say doctors have the option of just watching kids who don't have intense pain, a high
fever or other symptoms of a severe infection. "You don't have to freak out as a parent. [Ear
infections] tend to go away on their own quite often with just some pain medicine," Rosenfeld
But there are some kids who definitely should get antibiotics, such as those ages 6 months to 2
years who have infections in both ears or any child who has severe symptoms, such as severe
pain for several days and a fever of at least 102.2 degrees. Any child who has a ruptured
eardrum should also get antibiotics, according to the guidelines. "If you have a severe infection,
no point discussing it further. Those children are going to get antibiotics. And the reason is
they'll get the most benefit," Rosenfeld says.
Other experts praised the guidelines. But some worry they might make some doctors a little too
hesitant to use antibiotics. "When the diagnosis is correct, then antibiotic treatment is never
wrong," says Dr. Ellen Wald of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public
Health in Madison. "Kids tend to recover more often and they recover more quickly if they're
treated appropriately with antibiotics." That's especially important for working parents, Wald
"We live in a society where there is so much pressure for both parents to be working outside the
home and it's just complicated when our child is sick. Besides which, there's always parental
anxiety and concern when their child is sick," she says. Rosenfeld stresses that doctors are
free to figure out the best way to treat each child. In many cases, they can give parents a
"safety net" or "wait and see" prescription and say: "Hold on to this antibiotic. Give some pain
medicine the first day or two. And if they're not better after two days, then we do want you to let
us know and start the antibiotic," Rosenfeld says. "But if they are better, just throw it out and
they'll do fine."
The new guidelines also recommend ways parents can protect their kids from ear infections in
the first place, such as by breast-feeding and keeping kids away from cigarette smoke.
Concussions have become increasingly more concerning to parents and pediatricians over the
last several years. A concussion is any injury to the brain (typically caused by a blow or a jolt to
the head) that disrupts the normal brain function on a temporary or permanent basis. Young
athletes are particularly susceptible to the effects of a concussion because their brains are still
developing. Concussions most commonly occur in collision sports (football, hockey, rugby) but
also can happen in contact sports that don't require a helmet (soccer, basketball, wrestling,
lacrosse). Some concussions may even occur outside organized sports, when children are just
doing things that children do!
Symptoms of a concussion usually happen immediately after the event but may take hours to
days to show up. The child usually is NOT knocked out or unconscious. The most common
symptoms of a concussion are: headache, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or balance problems,
double or blurry vision, sensitivity to light or noise, feeling dazed, stunned, "foggy" or confused,
trouble concentrating or remembering, slow to answer questions, changes in mood, drowsiness,
and sleep problems. Physical and cognitive exertion (homework, playing video games, using a
computer or watching TV) may worsen symptoms. Symptoms usually resolve within 7-10 days,
but it may take weeks or months to fully recover.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following:
- Children or adolescents who sustain a concussion should always be evaluated by a
physician and receive medical clearance before returning to play.
- After a concussion, all athletes should be restricted from physical activity until there
are no symptoms at rest AND with exertion (both physical and cognitive).
- Neuropsychological testing may provide objective data to athletes and their families,
but testing is just one step in the complete management of a concussion.
- There is no evidence proving the safety or efficacy of any medication in the
treatment of a concussion.
- Retirement from contact sports should be considered for an athlete who has sustained
multiple concussions, or who has suffered post-concussive symptoms for more than three
All concussions should be taken seriously. Never ignore a heady injury, no matter how minor!
Jill Mazurek, M.D.
About The Flu
What is Flu?
Influenza, commonly shortened to "flu" is an extremely contagious respiratory illness caused by
influenza A or B viruses. Flu appears most frequently in the winter and spring months. It
attacks the body by spreading through the upper and/or lower respiratory tracts.
What is the difference between a cold and the flu?
Both are contagious viral infections of the lungs. Although the symptoms can be similar, flu is
MUCH worse. A cold may drag you down a bit, but the flu can prevent you from getting out of
Congestion, sore throat, and sneezing are common with colds. Both cold and flu bring
coughing, headache, and chest discomfort. With the flu, though, you are likely to run a high
fever for several days and have a headache, body aches, fatigue and weakness. Usually,
complications of colds are minor, but a severe case of the flu can lead to serious infections,
including pneumonia, or even death.
More than 100 types of cold viruses are known, and new strains of flu evolve every few years.
Since both diseases are viral, antibiotics CANNOT conquer cold or flu. REMEMBER:
What is the difference between stomach flu and Influenza?
"Stomach flu" is not due to influenza despite the word "flu". Stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, is an
inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines).With gastroenteritis, stomach
flu, you may have symptoms of abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
How is flu spread?
The flu virus is spread from person to person through respiratory secretions and seems to infect
large groups of people who are in close contact, such as daycare facilities, school classrooms,
college dormitories, offices and nursing homes.
Flu is spread when you inhale droplets in the air that contain the flu virus, make direct contact
with respiratory secretions through sharing drinks or utensils, or touching things contaminated
by a person infected with flu. In the latter case, the flu virus can infect you if you touch an
infected surface and then touch your eyes, mouth or nose. That's why frequent and thorough
hand washing is a key way to limit the spread of influenza. Flu symptoms start to develop from
1-4 days after infection with the virus.
Who is at greatest risk for flu complications?
While anyone can get flu, infants, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses are at highest
risk for complications from the flu. Despite advances in flu prevention and treatment, the CDC
estimates that deaths related to influenza range from 3,000 to 49,000 each year.
- Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol or other brands) to relieve fever, headache, and muscle
- Cough medicines may not be helpful and should not be used under the age of 6 years.
- Antiviral treatments- These can be used to treat and prevent influenza. When used as a
treatment the medicine does NOT eliminate flu symptoms, although is may reduce severity and
duration of symptoms by about 1 day. Not every person with influenza needs an antiviral and
this should be discussed with your doctor. Also, in order to achieve benefit, antiviral medication
must be given in the first 48 hours of treatment. Some antiviral medications cause vomiting and
diarrhea as a side effect.
- Antibiotics- Antibiotics are NOT helpful for treating viral illnesses such as influenza or the
common cold. Antibiotics should ONLY be used if there is a bacterial complication of the flu
such as bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis or a bacterial ear infection.
Remember, we at Meridian Pediatrics are here to help you manage through any illness your
child may encounter. Call us to make an appointment if you have concerns.
Technology Use and Children
Although technology affords opportunities for young children to develop early computer skills,
the independent use of this technology may be harmful in excess. There are concerns that too
much technology use may replace valuable time spent in outdoor play and socialization that the
traditional playground has offered. This can directly lead to obesity as the child eats during
"screen time" and lacks exercise.
Negative effects of television viewing include increased aggressive behavior and greater
acceptance of violence as well as trivializing sexual activity. Television viewing can also blur
the distinction between fantasy and reality. Increased screen time also results in less time
spent in healthier activities, including unstructured play. Results of numerous studies have also
suggested that television has significant effects on child behavior, however, poverty, ethnicity,
parental education and parental health habilts have also been found to play a role in a child's
Parents should be made aware of the recommendations to limit screen time to 2 hours per day
or less for all children. Absolutely, under no circumstance should a child have a televion in their
room. Research has shown that children who have televisions in their room have increased
rates of obesity, sleep disturbance and lower academic performance.
The best thing of all is that the recommendation of less than 2 hours of total screen time per day
still allows for sharing of family-oriented activities thus building stronger family relationships!
The Use of Honey as a Cough Suppressant
Some years ago, the FDA issued a warning against the use of many OTC cough suppressants.
Adverse side effects include excessive sedation, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, and high blood
pressure. Even worse, most of the products had limited or no effectiveness. What is a parent to
do when faced with another sleepless night for both child and parent?
The World Health Organization has previously recommended the use of honey as an effective
treatment for nocturnal cough. In order to test the validity of this recommendation, a recent
study involving more than 6,000 children from ages one through six was conducted. The study
did indeed confirm the value of honey as a cough suppressant in the age group represented
(honey should not be given to children less than one year because of the risk of botulism).
The authors suggest that honey may work for different reasons---it is very high in anti-oxidants,
it has certain anti-microbial effects, and its sweetness may suppress areas of the central
nervous system associated with coughing.
The type of honey used seems not to be important, and the amount should be between one and
two teaspoons. It is given within one-half hour of bedtime. Your friendly dentist may ask that
your child rinse his or her mouth after swallowing the honey.
Happy Flu Season
Our doctors recommend the annual trivalent seasonal influenza immunization for all individuals,
including all children and adolescents, aged older than 6 months during the 2012-2013
influenza season. Now is the time, through January or later.
The CDC, (check out their website , it is a great source of information) considers
the following people at high risk for developing flu-related complication. If you know of anyone
in these groups consider adding to their protection by immunizing yourself and your whole
- Children aged 6months-4 years
- People 50 years and older
- People with chronic diseases
- People who are immunosuppressed
- Women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season
- Health-care workers
- Residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities
- American Indians/Alaska Natives
Some children aged 6 months to 8 years require 2 doses of influenza vaccine, such as those
who are being vaccinated for the first time. The child who has received 2 or more doses of
seasonal influenza vaccine since July1, 2010 requires only 1 dose. However some children
who received influenza vaccine previously will need 2 doses during this flu season (those who
received only 1 dose previously and those with unknown vaccination history.
Our goal is to provide vaccination for our patients scheduled for wellness appointments. For the
convenience of our families we will also be able to vaccinate accompanying siblings at that
wellness appointment. Since we recommend all family members be vaccinated as well, we
would like to offer the Visiting Nurse Service clinics at our office, after hours. Please see our
website for times. The Visiting Nurse Service is completely separate from us. They require
payment in full, their rates are published on our website. They are able to supply you with the
forms you need to file your insurance to get reimbursed.
There exist other sites to get vaccinated. The Marion County Health Department is a fantastic
resource, see for details. Pharmacies and medical clinics have some
restrictions and stipulations, so please call ahead if you would like to use them.
Please remember that we are trying to cover as many people as we can during the busiest time
of our office. Because our staff needs to concentrate on their regular duties as well as many
more ill children whose needs may be unpredictable, we are not able to administer flu vaccine
during ill visits, during a scheduled extra shot time, or as an accompanying sibling to one who is
ill. Our office will not write a prescription for outside agencies that require one.
We are happy to introduce our new business office voicemail number: 317-844-4340. This line
is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls will be returned between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday-Friday, eastern standard time.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Whether you are an educator, student, family or individual who cares about students, PACER
offers the tools you need to address bullying in your school, recreational program or community
organization. During National Bullying Prevention Month—
and throughout the year—the
community is encouraged to use these creative resources to engage, educate and inspire
others to join the movement. PACER also offers one to one assistance by phone and email to
students, parents and professionals to address bullying related situations. For more information,
click the below links:
Parents and Professionals:
Middle and High school students:
Elementary school students:
Our office promises to complete forms for your child that requires a physician's signature. We
also can give you up to date shot records. All we need is your commitment to follow our
wellness appointment guidelines highlighted in our book.
For older children, an annual physical will be sufficient.
We are able to complete forms with short notice. Please call us before you head off to a med
check or group physical for form completion-we may be able to save you a needless trip.
We are open for business; phones and computers are now working! please give us a call. We
apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
September 1st 2011
FDA update 4/7/2011 "The FDA is warning the public that the use of benzocaine, the main
ingredient in the over-the-counter gels and liquids applied to the gums or mouth to reduce pain,
is associated with a rare, but serious condition. The condition is called methemoglobinemia and
results in the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream being greatly reduced.
Benzocaine gels and liquids are sold as a OTC under different brand names such as
Hurricaine, Orajel, Baby Orajel, Orabase
and store brands. These products are used to relieve pain from a variety of conditions such as
teething, canker sore and irritation of the mouth and gums."
We typically recommend the following for pain relief from teething: Tylenol, frozen mini bagels,
frozen teething rings, a frozen washcloth tip, teething toys.
Dr. Cory Martinson
August 24th 2011
I just wanted to update our families and patients with some interesting news and research from
my recent Pediatrics journal and American Academy of Pediatrics magazine.
Parents of Teens: Hookah smoking is becoming popular amongst teenagers and Hookah
bars and restaurants are popping up everywhere. I think I just saw one in Broadripple. Here are
a couple of myths to review with your teenagers and young adult children.
"Myth: Smoking tobacco through a hookah is safer than smoking cigarettes. Fact: Hookah
smoking sessions, usually lasting 20-60 minutes, generate 10 liters or more of smoke, which is
far greater than cigarettes.
Myth: The water used in Hookah is an effective filter against carcinogens. Fact: False, there
may actually be higher levels of carcinogens in Hookah smoke." AAP news August 2011
Hookah smoking is a tobacco product and like all tobacco products, hookah use can lead to
various cancers, as well as heart and lung disease.
CDC update: US measles cases at highest level since 1996. Measles continues to be on the
rise in the U.S. this year, due mostly to unvaccinated US travelers to countries where measles is
common. This increase underscores the ongoing risk of measles importation to the US and the
need for high measles vaccine coverage. Be sure to let us know if you are traveling to an area
outside of the US that is measles endemic. A great resource for families traveling outside of the
US is Also remember that we recently had an outbreak in northern Indiana. We
are not immune here in Indiana (no pun intended :)).
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Update: All infants' and children's liquid acetaminophen products
soon will be sold in a single, uniform concentration to help reduce dosing errors. If you still have
infants tylenol or acetaminophen at home be SURE to note the concentration. Infant drops are
80/0.8 ml of medicine and children's suspension is 160 mg/5 ml. The dosing is DIFFERENT for
the infants' and children's suspensions. If you have any questions our handbook has a dosing
chart on page 9.
Dr. Cory Martinson
Welcome to Meridian Pediatrics. This is Dr. Cory Martinson. My hope is to
blog regularly on various topics related to your child's health. This my first
blog attempt as a test. Quick reminder the AAP now recommends sunscreen
use for children UNDER 6 months of age. Be sure to protect your baby. The
greatest risk of melanoma is a sunburn in the first 10 years of life. Have a

safe and fun summer! Dr. Cory Martinson (This is a test :))
What is a Medical Home?
A medical home is an approach to providing comprehensive primary care that facilitates
partnership between patients, physicians, and families. A family-centered medical home is no
building, house, hospital, or home healthcare service, but rather an approach to providing
comprehensive primary care.
In a family-centered medical home the pediatric care team works in partnership with a child and
a child's family to assure that all of the medical and non-medical needs of the patient are met.
Through this partnership the pediatric care team can help the family/patient access, coordinate,
and understand specialty care, educational services, out-of-home care, family support, and
other public and private community services that are important for the overall health of the child
The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that every child deserves a medical home, where
care is accessible, continuous, comprehensive, patient- and family-centered, coordinated,
compassionate, and culturally effective. Over the past year the AAP has been at the forefront of
numerous initiatives to promote the adoption and spread of the patient- and family-centered
medical home. For more information, please visit
Jorge Zepeda Patterson, economista y «No era el primer hombre que moría en bra- sociólogo, hizo maestría en la Flacso (Facultad zos de Milena, pero sí el primero que lo hacía VALIDA COMO PRUEBA DE COLOR Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales) y estu- por causas naturales. Aquellos a los que había EXCEPTO TINTAS DIRECTAS, STAMPINGS, ETC. dios de doctorado en Ciencia Política en la
ACTA PARITARIA Nº 2 --- En la Ciudad de Luján, en la sede de la Universidad Nacional de Luján, a los veinticinco días del mes de febrero del año dos mil once, siendo las doce treinta horas, se reúne la Comisión Paritaria Nivel Particular del sector No Docente, con la presencia de los señores Gabriel CASCALLARES, y Sergio CERCOS en representación de la parte empleadora y los señores Daniel VILLA, Juan RAMOS y Karina LOPEZ en representación de la parte trabajadora a fin de tratar los siguientes temas: 1.- Asignación definitiva categoría personal No Docente: Antonio CARABALLO. 2.- Ingreso personal No Docente - Dirección de Bienestar Universitario- Departamento de Deportes para prestar servicios en la Delegación Universitaria San Fernando. TRI-LUJ: 3244/2010. 3.- Acta Dictamen Selección de Aspirantes para cubrir un cargo de Bibliotecario en el Centro Regional Campana. 4.- Solicitudes de incorporación de personal: